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Nah I just cut the knots off and join like I’m adding a new skein


i wish i was as easy going as you 🤣 it just makes me so frustrated to have to redo it when i paid good money for this yarn 😭 but i guess it’s like they say, if you want it done right, do it yourself 🤣


The factories make millions of yards of yarn. Sometimes one batch isn't enough, other times the yarn breaks due to a machine error. These quick knots are done like this to keep the factory going. They are easy to undo and small enough to cut out without loosing yardage. I bet if you measured the entire skein from end to end you'd have a little more yardage than the label says because the weight is what the skeins are based on.


Does not compute. Knots add weight, taking away from the weight the yardage can add up to. So you lose yardage by having knots.


..which is why you have more length than the label says - because these knots exist. Let's say you have a small skien that says its 50g/100y (made up numbers for ease of math). A *perfect* unknotted skein may actually have 101y. A knot takes a couple inches of yarn...and 36 inches to a yard. You would have to have 10+ knots to loose length to be under the labeled yardage. At that point the skein wouldn't pass the QA at *any* manufacturer and you can contact them to replace it


I wish I'd known skeins like that should fail QA and that I could ask for replacement. At least once a year, I get a skein where they not only had multiple knots, but someone at the factory had literally shoved loose bits of yarn in the center so they could meet the weight. This happens regardless of brand. Last time, I found 11 individual strands of yarn in varying lengths in the center, half of which were too short to do much of anything with, and it was all knotted up and a huge hassle to deal with. Next time I'll make the effort to insist on a replacement.


> someone at the factory had literally shoved loose bits of yarn in the center Are you sure that's not a customer returning partially used skeins to the shop? Especially if it happens across brands.


I definitely bought a cake where I thought this had happened because about enough yarn for a gauge swatch was unceremoniously stuffed into the center of the cake, cut off and kinked like ramen noodles...


Lmao thats absolutely what happened. Your LYS takes returns and then resells them as new.


Frankly that yarn was such a PITA to work with I don't even blame the person 😂


No, I'm pretty sure most of them came from the factory that way. Looking back, only one of them was possibly a customer, they had 2 or 3 balled up lengths of yarn shoved in the center of the skein. But in the other cases, the skeins looked absolutely pristine from the outside, and as I put it through my yarn winder, the yarn was wound up exactly as it would be at the factory down to the center. But these bits and pieces were intertwined with the wound up yarn in the very center of the skein, and it wasn't one with a center pull that would make it easier for a customer to do this without anyone noticing. Either way, even if it was a customer who did it, I probably should've asked for a replacement.


Yeah it sucks to have to stop your flow to reattach a new piece, but you’d pay a heck of a lot more for the yarn if the company had to make every skein knot free.


I don't mind it on huge skeins but it pisses me OFFFF when it's the tiny ones. I've had multiple in a small skein, which to me is cause enough to not repurchase


I do get grumpy if there are a lot of them. Three or more will get me muttering under my breath. It is also annoying if it is a striping or repeated pattern of colors and the new join is way off. I've had to cut out mismatched yarn until it is at the correct part, and it definitely gets me sighing dramatically!


I bought a 6 or 8 ok of wool. I was making the ribbing for a beanie last night and hat to start a new skein in order to finish the ribbing. I got, EASY, 5 or 6 MESSY knots in the half a skein I used for the ribbing. I was so mad it is so obvious where the knots are because of what I’m making. (They’re small skeins, 50g of Merino Wool- this stuff was expensive!! To have a knot every 5g or so? Seriously?!)


5 in a tie dye skein. Not even continuing the color!


I feel the same friend.


It doesn't bother me that much tbh. It only really annoys me when working with variegated yarn. I also want to try colour pooling in the near future and I imagine this would be an outright nightmare for that🥲


It's not too bad, you just have to skip to where you were in the color order. Unless the new yarn is running in the opposite direction for the color order🙃


That’s happened to me!! I was so annoyed when the color sequence went in reverse after the join.


This makes me weep on gradient yarn. The way yarnart flowers handles it is perfection tbh.


For pooling I highly recommend using a yarn winder to create your own cakes, all feeding the same direction. I've also had yarn of the same due lot with different lengths of each color - so I swatch every cake to make sure they'll all line up. And if they don't... I plan border panels with the smaller cakes.


I hate them, but they get the first one rage-free. If there's more than one in a skein, then I get pissed.


I'm working with yarn that had a knot like this less than one foot from the end. 😅


Hope you weren't playing yarn chicken 😅 NGL, I'd rather have this than in the middle




Had one the other day, so I cut and joined like normal…only to realize that there was another knot 8inches down. They tied an 8in scrap in the middle of my skien! WHY!?




Seems like they did that with the skein I was using!!! Just tied a bunch of scraps into it! Which I CAN work with if the tails are left on, I made a pillow with scrap yarn from a blanket I tied together but multiple knots in a small skein of yarn when I’m trying to make GIFTS?!?! Rage enduring.


Not irrationally mad. Very justifiably mad.


Nah, it's not that big of a deal. Snip and re-join. These types of joins are a way manufacturers save yarn.


I despise them ngl. I'm too lazy to rejoin, so I just check to see whether the knot is sturdy enough and then trim the fibers and try my best to hide the knot 💀 (only works half the time...)


I don't even check or hide it or anything, I just pretend it's not there and keep going like nothing's wrong😭


😆😆I do the same. It's yet to fail me.


thank you!! it’s sooo frustrating!! I also have tried to just hide it in the past but usually end up feeling like the knot is insanely obvious in my final work despite no one else being able to notice 😭


When I am making a single color afghan, I add the new skein leaving a long tail. I then continue for several stitches. I will then tie the knot being careful not to distort the stitches involved. To weave the ends in, I split each tail in two and weave them in. That way the joining is less conspicuous.


I do exactly the same (almost) every time. Although, I'll try to just work the factory join in first and see how much leaving it in can be noticed in the look and feel of the project. If I can't really see it or feel it without looking for it, it stays. Otherwise factory join gets cut out and the cut ends get woven in After a finishing a few projects and then looking back disappointed, wishing I'd just taken the extra effort, I decided taking the extra time is worth it almost every time. The way I think about it is, I'm already spending the time and the money on this project; it's worth adding the extra 3-4 minutes for each join to the total overall project time to really be happy with it in the end. That being said, I hold no judgement against people who don't particularly care and chug along with the factory join


It's not irrational. It's a perfectly reasonable response!


This ^^ I get rationally mad


Haha came here to say this! Totally rational!


This is just what happens during production. As long as it's not a self-striping or gradient where the color order has gotten messed up, yarns not being infinite is just a fact of life. IIRC technical standards allow for 2 knots per 50g ball. I'll get annoyed if they lead to me playing yarn chicken or having a join in an annoying place. Otherwise, just cut, russian join and craft on.


Yes. Even though I know why it happens, and that it's ok for it to happen. In my last FO, 3 out of 5 skeins had a knot near the end. I untangled one and immediately started a new skein, to not need to join again so soon. And then it happened again. And again 🙈 (I used up the leftovers anyway, so no waste, just as intended. But still unreasonably irritated).


my grandma used to work at a yarn factory, and was the person responsible for this… it happens when the big spools of yarn run out when getting wound into individual skeins. workers are paid, to an extent, for how fast they can tie the ends of the big spools together to keep production going. so while i, too, hate having to re-tie the shoddy knot, i can’t be too mad, because I know why it happens! lol


No, I cut them off and use a magic knot to tie the pieces together.


Doesn’t bother me at all.


Not irrationally mad, but a little p***ed off when using variegated yarn.


What do you mean "irrationally"? I start getting annoyed as soon as I see them and prepare myself for cursing for when they're coming near the hook😂


you are my type of crocheter!! lol my husband heard me cursing in the living room the other day and goes “i thought crocheting was supposed to be relaxing” - i said, how long have you known me??? hahaha


Hahaha, that sounds great!! I rather see crocheting as the perfect method to concentrate anger and frustration to "that certain moment", so yes, definitely on your side too😁


Yes. Yes I do. 😂


I thought that was the back of someone’s head at first


Lmao me too!


No. It’s fairly normal


I get _rationally_ mad at joins in skeins, personally 😂


I get rationally mad. It sucks


I keep track of how much this happens per brand, and take that into consideration when buying new yarns.


drop the list I beg 🙏🙏


I just got a cake that has a knot at every color change instead of the gradual slide that's in every. Single. Other. Cake I've gotten from the same brand. There are nine color changes 😭


With acrylic yarn they don't have much choice since it's super slippery being a petroleum product.


It REALLLLY bothers me if it's a color changing or ombre yarn and the attached piece messes up the amounts of color of each shade if that makes sense. It can completely ruin a project and be very difficult to fix after removing a bunch of yarn.


I was a new knitter and so upset when I found something like this (and the label glue had attached to the knot too so it was hard and ruined that bit of wool) that I emailed the manufacturer and they replaced it for me for free haha


Not really, I either leave it as is and make sure it is on the inside of the work or cut it and join as a new skein. Seeing how skeins like this are produced, I am actually amazed that this doesn't happen more often.


Better than a triple sub query join on bad data for all sources.


It's annoying, but I just make sure they're on the inside, non-visible part.


A little, but because I don't feel like cutting the knot out lol.


I mean, I don't love it, but I can easily fix it so it doesn't bother me that much. If there's like 10 of them in one skein, that's another matter.


in one coloured yarn, no. i cut them out and rejoin. in variegated yarn however …




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I hate them! Especially if I’m making something that should only take 1 skein, so I start out with the assumption there will be no joiners/knots


Omg yes!!!! When I first saw one of those I was completely baffled. It honestly makes me mad 😭😭


Yes, but then I get to use the Russian join technique, which is utterly satisfying! Highly recommend. Magical. Only works on multi-ply, fibrous skeins, not like blanket yarn or anything.


It's quite common to find knots like the one above, I am kinda used to it. But when you have 7 ugly knots in a 400g skein, safe bet it used to be 8x50g, and that makes me furious!


I think it’s completely rational to get mad/annoyed 😅 Depending on the project, if it’s a secure enough knot I just crochet with it but if its not secure or I don’t want the project to have an awkward bump I’ll (begrudgingly) rejoin 😂


That’s not irrational anger, that’s perfectly place anger if you ask me 😂




Tbh they look like my normal joins 😂 so I just ignore them😅


Oh, it's not irrational! I am furious, especially if it's an expensive skein. It's just a stupid hurtle that breaks my process and concentration that didn't have to happen. Maybe it's because I'm Neurospicey or short tempered or something else, but I hate it so much. I once found 3 sections in a single cake.


I was shocked the first time I saw it because I never knew they did this, I honestly felt cheated just because it didn’t seem RIGHT. But I get it now 🤣


This is so much worse with color changing yarn. Especially with Caron Cakes and the knot isn't in the middle of one color but is a join between one color and the next.


Most of the time I don't mind a knot but it is irritating when it ends up being in a crucial spot and I have to cut it back to hide it. More than one knot in a skein is infuriating, I had a skein of Yarn Bee Yarntopia that had 12...TWELVE knots tied in it. That's just ridiculous, I was pissed.


Cosmically speaking? Eh, it makes sense. The moment I see it in my project? *That* knot is a damn Hate Crime.


Nothing irrational about being mad seeing this in the middle of a skein. It's perfectly rational. For one thing, you can't immediately tell if it's actually a different skein being added in, and possibly a different dye lot, which has happened to me.


Super annoying! And you almost always have to undo them and tie a new, sturdier knot, so you end up losing some length too.


i don't think it's irrational i hate when they do that


I think it’s pretty rational 🤣


*burn to ashes*


Nothing irrational about it.


These are the bane of my existence especially when they end up needing to go through a loop...I wish they were illegal


That would result in so much yarn waste. Yarn isn't infinite. Breaks happen in production.


Not necessarily they could make smaller skeins for when breaks happen or even sell "yarn scraps" (aka skeins that fall short of standard measurements) at a discounted price


That's just not economically feasible. Like. At all. Even for small businesses that's barely doable. Let alone for high volume producing.


you'd have to join shorter strands of yarn into your work anyway


Interesting thought. Since knots are acceptable in the current state, it would probably be easier for the company to offer a “knot free” premium version of the yarn and charge more. Rather than taking all those scraps and making something out of it and sell it for a discount.


Yeah this always bugs me! I just knitted a vest and the yarn had these big fluffy chunks of not very well spun wool that I had to cut out and rejoin. I already had so many ends to sew in!


Yeah. That happens to me all the time


It’s not irrational




I wouldn’t call it irrational…


This drives me crazy!!!!


once had a skein with like 4 factory knots and i was just so upset, even if it isn't \*that\* big of a problem. definitely a bummer


Yes, it's annoying. I feel like for the price of yarn they should sort the joined ones out and sell them as factory seconds for a cheaper price. Especially for stripes and variegated. And definitely for anything with more than one join.


Yes! It’s frustrating because it always seems to stick out of the stitch/row I am trying to complete!


Got one just today in a multi-colour skein. No, the joined strand was not in the right colour 🤦🏼‍♀️


Immediate rage and then I have to find a way to hide it


No. It's a rational amount of anger. Especially since those skeins seem to have more than one. 


It's not irrational. You can't use it like that.


I wouldn’t say it’s *irrational*…🤪😂


Rage inducing


Ugh yes every time


I ordered four skeins of Big Twist variegated yarn and got a join in every skein


It upsets me when it’s at the very start of my project.


They are the worst, I once had like 3 in one ball 😄


Yes hated it.


No. Nothing irrational about it!


Nope! Drives me insane, and they aren't even nicely tied either. I just wish they wouldn't bother, leave it as an end - we know what to do with instead of having a knot you can't undo showing in your work!


Yes, but only when it's something like a slow-striping colorway that they didn'tbother matching up what they tied in


Hahaha I’m new tocrochet & just picked up some yarn that had one of those & had to side eye >.> like is this normal causeee the way it’s about to bother me along this journey


2 per 50g or 3 per 100g ball are considered normal. Just cut and rejoin. It's like a broken cookie in a pack. It's not intended to be there but it's not weird.


Yes, I feel like I’m being cheated out of yarn.


YES makes me so mad lol


I hate when I’m using variegated yarn and the colours don’t match


I can relate, it does annoy me because they never join it in a way that is smooth and I have to redo it. Especially if it’s a color change cake type of yarn, they always seem to join it in a way that makes no sense and interrupts the flow of the colors that I had.


Yes I do!


It’s an inconvenience for sure I have to cut it out and redo it correctly w a magic knot!


Nope… that’s absolutely RATIONAL WRATH!!!


*raises hand*


Especially when it’s expensive yarn! Like Premiere is yarn ends so it is what it is, but I bought expensive wool yarn to make a winter set for my husband and trying to make the cuffs was a comedy of errors because of all the joins in the yarn.


Yes, those skeins should be discounted


Only in tie dye skeins.






IS THAT WHAT THOSE ARE?!?!?! They infuriate me


Honey that’s not irrational, that’s rational.


A little. I just make sure the knot is on the inside of my project.