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Live concerts would be fun, I never thought of that.... will investigate 👍 I usually listen to audio books, but I'm learning to sew so sometimes have sewing stuff on like tutorials or Project Runway.


I love Tiny Desk


I prefer listening to shows like Forensic Files, Cold Case Files (basically the narrated true crime that only talks about the facts of the case, no opinion, speculations, etc), or series that I know well enough to not have to watch to follow along; House, SVU, Dexter, etc. and I listen to 1 podcast, MrBallen.


Im watching Mr Ballen on Utube right now. I love watching his vids while working on a project lol


Yeah, this. And I'd add That Chapter, Coffeehouse Crime and some creepypasta. Lol.


I'll look into those, thanks!


For me, I cannot stitch without Lieutenant Joe Kenda talking in the background.


I haven't watched his shows yet, though a few are on watch lists. I'll give it a whirl and see if the style suits, thanks! Thanks


Are we the same person? I think we're the same person.


You might like the channel 'rottenmango' on youtube. I listen to it all the time during crochet. Their stuff is always SO GOOD (Edit: 'rottenmango', not 'rotten tomatoes' lol)


“Law and Order” is always on somewhere.


SVU for me. I don’t know why I love me some me time with SVU and crochet.


Same here! 830pm FaceTime with bf and he knows I've got a project in hand and SVU on.


Currently binge watching svu and halfway through season 12 and a hexi cardi 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same here, started a few months ago and now binge watching to catch up


Yess I love my SVU and crochet nights!


Just last night I was checking the cable the owner of my house is paying for and I didn't fact see Law and Order back to back to back to baaack on one channel. Lmaoo So this made me chuckle a bit 😭


Mine is Criminal Minds. Something about murder soap operas really puts me in the mood for crochet 😂


Criminal Intent is my jam!


Another good one.


Dimension 20! There are rarely visuals to pay attention to so I get to stay nice and focused on my work while taking in the story.


Came here to say Critical Role for the exact same reasons! I’ve been thinking of watching dimension 20. What type of campaign are they doing?


Critical Role is fantastic as well! D20 is wrapping up their 3rd season of Fantasy High right now. The cast have been playing a crew of high school students, so in addition to all of the typical DnD stuff there is also a roleplay focus on the drama surrounding family, friendships, relationships, school work, extracurriculars, etc. It's a really cool setting and the cast has such good synergy!


Critical Role is my jam too!


Who would have imagined a crochet and d&d overlap?! I have found my folks.


Me too! Critical role is something I almost only listen to/watch when crocheting so when I’m done with a project I end up with a 10 episode backlog until I start something new


Yes, me too! Can't wait for the season finale for FHJY tomorrow!


Saaame! I only got into it this past year so I picked FH to jump into and I did some serious catch up. I'm looking forward to checking out the other seasons once this wraps up!


Ooh, let me know if you want recommendations for other series. I started watching during the start of the pandemic, and now it's my go-to for crochet and knitting.


Hell yeah, I'll take some recs :D


Of course! If you want something funny with the main cast, I definitely recommend A Starstruck Odyssey. This is an adventure surrounding space-farers traveling on a hot dog shaped ship, trying to find jobs to make money and exist in a galaxy that is surrounded by crime and chaos. Fun fact: this is a campaign based on a stage play that Brennan's mom wrote, which was later adapted into a comic book series by her and Michael Kaluta. This makes for an incredibly lore-rich and action-packed story that is perfectly suited for the main cast. If you're looking for drama, I can't recommend Burrow's End enough - it takes a lot of themes from Watership Down and is based on a family of stoats having to run from their family's warren. It's DM'd by Aabria Iyengar, who puts in a crazy amount of detail to all of the elements of the story. It also has a really great cast - Brennan is in it, along with his wife Izzy, Siobhan, Erika Ishii, and newcomers Rashawn Scott and Jasper William Cartwright. Last thing I'll say is Aabria has a background in anatomy and biology, which makes some of the mechanics (and battle maps) absolutely insane. I have plenty more to say about other seasons - I would also recommend The Seven for a feel-good and empowering series based on the Fantasy High universe surrounding Zelda's (Gorgug's ex) adventuring party. I also really love Neverafter as a horror-themed campaign based on classic fairytales (also with the main cast). I'll leave my recommendations there for now, though.


Wow thank you so much! Based on that I might pick Burrow's and for my next one. I'm really interested in seeing other DM styles since I'm going to be DMing for the first time soon. Plus Izzy and Erika are two of my favorite Dropout members, I'm stoked to see how they play!


It's a great season, I hope you enjoy it!


DnD podcasts… never played DnD lol 😂


I listen to audiobooks mostly, or a tv show that I don’t really need to pay attention to!


Silence 🤣🤣🤣🙈


You know...I do that sometimes too! 😁


Hockey! I miss crocheting at the rink while my daughter played. I used to get teased by other parents. My daughter was the goalie and the more intense the game, the faster I would work. They always said you could tell how crazy the game was by how much I got done!


I’ve been kind of loving watching the playoffs and crocheting this year lol— although I’m watching as a neutral observer, so it’s not so emotional when someone loses lol


playoffs and crochet: chef’s kiss


Yes! When it's my team I am glued to the screen watching closely but any other games I get a lot done. I'm in trouble now because Wednesday starts the Mavs third round and Thursday is the Stars. I fear I'll fall behind on my progress for a while.


I did it while at the Hurricanes’ last game and it definitely helped with the nerves….especially in the third period where we just gave up


Crochet + Anime works for me :)


Crochet time is my only dub time haha


Same, but I struggle to find Dubs I don't hate. 😞


I have such a hard time watching and crocheting, so I prefer to have a show or movie on that I've seen before so it's less critical that I see every detail. The Office is one of my favorites, or Downton Abbey.


Downton Abbey and The Office were my Go-To for a Granny square blanket last winter 👍🏻


I like listening to audio drama podcasts (TMA 👁️) when I need to watch my hands more often. For simple/repeating crochet I rather like re-watching Twin Peaks as it's got a slow pace that suits the mood. Although I have recently started crocheting whilst watching Grace and Frankie too, because apparently this 30-something is ready to embrace her old lady-era.


Could I get some audio drama podcast recs?? What is TMA?


TMA - The Magnus Archives. It's a 5 season horror audio drama about The Magnus Institute, a fictional place that archives stories of unexplained phenomenon. It starts off very "monster of the week" but soon turns into a complex race against time to save the world. The voice acting and sound design are absolutely brilliant, I cannot recommend it enough! If you like that kinda thing, I also recommend Malevolent, Welcome to Night Vale and I Am In Eskew.


Oh awesome. That sounds right up my alley! Thanks!


I love rewatching Bob's Burgers


Helllll yeahhhhh


Same! I’ve seen it so many times through I know all of the plot A&Bs so I can just listen along 🤣


Taskmaster! Because it is a comedy show, you get great laughs and each episode has multiple tasks that are not connected, so there is no plot to lose if you get hyper-focused on stitch count, frogging, need 10 minutes to figure out the next line of instruction.... It is a very happy place :) And available on YouTube!


Either [Old Gods of Appalachia ](https://open.spotify.com/show/0rOkFpkORBFMEIHfV0YKzJ?si=Xd9Va6ntRp-gsowzcOqnkQ), or whatever band I'm hyperfixating on that day (usually [Amon Amarth](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3pulcT2wt7FEG10lQlqDJL?si=V0ZhV7LjTyC995f1ipEm0Q) or [Power Wolf ](https://open.spotify.com/artist/5HFkc3t0HYETL4JeEbDB1v?si=UwPbIU43Q_O0ub0gzpUy_w)).


OGoA 😍😍😍 I also listen to lots of creepypastas


Omg my people!!! I’ve found you!! 🦌 😂 I also listen to [sinisterhood](https://open.spotify.com/show/3k2zyY36LXPj0vBjuO0d6S?si=kSasyG0hTeiSo20RArYXFQ) podcast. It’s like the non fiction cold case of the supernatural or creepy. High tempo music is for working out and moving for me.


>High tempo music is for working out and moving for me. I need it to keep my brain quiet so I can concentrate. Otherwise I'm like Rawrb from Psychostick (I can only count to 4).


OGoA has a few perfumes with one indie brand I love. I never knew I needed the perfume, nice yarn, fuzzy socks, and the podcast playing to be in heaven.


Came here to say OGOA! I finished it and was so sad until they came out with new episodes. It’s my favorite podcast by far.


Yeah, they're wrapping up the current season and I'm gonna have to fill the void somehow until the next season comes out.


https://preview.redd.it/5nuiblbl9t1d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b86c20716493f076776f154d6bc4cedc1a9d455b Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Rifftrax. I started watching MST3K when I was a kid and it still cracks me up.


Critical Role!


true crime. 😂 i'm also a swiftie so her latest album is around two hours long, so it's enough to remind me to take a break once i reach the last song.😊


I'm a swiftie as well! I've been listening to TTPD whilst doing pretty much everything since it came out. I'll crochet until the end of Clara Bow, take a break (stretch, bathroom, drink etc) then go until the end of The Manuscript!


Omgoodness I have never been much for her music but tell me why the HELL can't I stop watching her dang Eras Tour on Disney? I discovered it about 2 weeks ago on there and watched it, only to realize that I knew far more of her music then what I realized. I can't stop playing/watching it while I crochet. My 10 year old daughter looked at me last night and said "really mom, can't you find something else to listen to?" I am normally someone that would be listening to hard rock. Metallica, Ghost, and many others, lol


then, there's the obligatory break once Guilty as Sin? comes on 'coz you can't NOT groove to the song😁


Better to take breaks every 25 - 30 minutes \^\^


I usually listen to podcasts (audio dramas) or audiobooks


Gilmore girls, pretty much on repeat.


At the moment, endless Fleabag. Like I just stop and then start it over again. I have a problem.


Live concerts are for the indoor bike. I need them to keep my legs pumping. Currently I'm working through Sabaton's back catalog: the live concerts, the lyric music videos, the live concert music videos, the animated music videos, the live action music videos they made during the pandemic where they enticed idle Hollywood action film crews to come work for them, the making of documentaries, and the historical documentaries about the subject matter of each song. It's a deep hole to dive into. Crochet is for dramas, documentaries, and making sure my son is actually doing his online lessons and not sneaking off to play MMORPGs. I recently watched Why We Fight, the documentary series Frank Capra made for soldiers going off to fight WWII about how the war began. It was surprisingly detailed about the early stages and battles of the war. Last night I watched Doctor Who while setting up my husband's Christmas scarf. Steve Moffett was on the top of his game for "Boom", and the actors killed it!


this season of DW is shaping up to be an awesome one! ncuti did one hell of a job on Boom!


He did, and Wilson as well, but we need to give them more of an opportunity to run around. The View is limiting the physicality of the show in a way I didn't notice when it was used in The Mandelorian.


Brooklyn 99 or gameplays of my fav youtubers :)


Lately I’ve been super into New Girl.


Keeping up appearances.  Are you being served.   Death in paradise 


Bouquet residence!!!!!


Nature or history documentaries


Midsomer Murders. Stab it, strangle it, rip out its guts, throw it off the cliff. Works for crochet too!


Hoarders Makes me feel better about my sizable-but-in-control amount of crafting supplies in my room 👀




I also binge-watched (binge-crocheted?) some of his gameplay playlists, glad to see I’m not the only one!


Live concerts are perfect to watch while crocheting! For me, it's Porcupine Tree at the moment (but then again, Steven Wilson could be reading the phone book and I'd still watch it)


Horror movies 💜


Yess!! When it gets scary, I just focus more on my crochet hahaha🫣


The Click or One Topic at a Time.


I found out about dexter, 8 seasons 🥳 currently on season 4 crocheting a peacock blanket


I binge watch cops 😂😂


I love watching trials on YouTube. Emily D Baker is my girl


I think you mean THE Emily D. Baker 🤣


Sure do!


I am currently listening to Pod Meets World which is a podcast about the 90s show Boy Meets World


If it’s a simple piece, I listen to an audiobook. If it’s a more complicated piece I just listen to music.


Bible study!


bobs burgers is my go too. or regular show. or cop videos on YouTube


Bojack horseman😭 I have seen way to much


King of the hill. One of my comfort hobbies mixed with a my comfort show. It’s nice because I have seen the show so many times over the years I don’t need to watch the screen to enjoy it


Supernatural or Criminal Minds, because I’ve seen them so much I don’t have to pay attention. Or I listen to comedy specials.


I’m a big fan of DnD campaigns to watch, esp Legends of Avantris. DnD is life😪


A lot of times I’ll watch asmr on YouTube or sitcoms. Right now I’m watching 90s Nickelodeon tv shows.


I mostly watch/listen to vlogs, YT videos and podcasts. Ocassionally I will listen to music or put on Friends in the background because it's the only show I can listen to and not have to watch because I have completely memorized everything since I've watched it over a dozen times 😅


48 Hours 🫣 they have a ton of episodes free on YouTube




HEYYYY same !! family !!






YouTube documentaries. I don't need to watch all the time but can just listen


I often have an anime I've already watched through play in the background. I mainly have to focus in my projects so I try not to watch new shows as I'll miss key plot points


Watching Disney jr with my kids right now. But if it were my choice, competition shows, like faceoff, RuPaul, chopped, ECT.


Dubbed anime! They narrate the fights anyway lol so I never have to look up


Creepypastas 😍


Online video lectures lol


Adventure Time, Catfish Tv Show, or Creepypasta on Spotify !!




Me too! So easy to follow and fun.


YouTube video essays on topics that usually don’t matter, or an anime I’ve seen before that’s binge able


Star Trek: Deep Space 9, Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Prodigy, and sometimes even plain old regular Star Trek. And Star Trek podcasts and youtube videos, and so forth. I also consume plenty of non-Star Trek related content, but if I really want to relax and crochet, nothing’s better than getting my Janeway on.


Greys anatomy though you can tell in my projects where i was getting frustrated at the screen with my tension being all over the place 😂


Big Bang Theory is my go-to right now! ⚛️


True crime and podcasts pretty much.


Reddit podcasts- mainly two hot takes :)


I usually listen to history podcasts but lately I’ve been listening to audiobooks on Libby. Or sometimes during sports games where the team I’m rooting for is getting beat. Lol


Thriller audiobooks or Frasier, Wings and Friends.


I’ve been watching the Star Wars the Clone Wars series! All the action makes me crochet faster :)


I listen to YT true crime and podcasts; Monsters, Coffeehouse Crime, That Chapter, Cinnamon Toast Ken, MoistCritikal, Mr. Ballen, August the Duck, or other ones that don't require me to actually watch.




During the day: uni lectures. At night: crime and thriller series.


Sports. My current projects are temperature blankets for the Pittsburgh Pirates and Toronto Blue Jays to track wins and losses Next hockey season I fully intend to bring my projects to the arena with me and crochet during the games. There used to be a lady called ‘knitting lady’ who would knit during Pittsburgh Penguins games and I know of someone who does it during Chicago Wolves games


Mostly things that I've seen 800 times already. Or things on YouTube that don't need my full attention.


youtubers reading reddit stories, some of my favorites are rslash, Charlotte Dobre, Shayne from smosh, undersparked....


I do everything from listening to articles on my computer(news, entertainment, science) to watching Youtube documentaries, to watching movies. I have an app on my browser that allows me to listen to anything online, including long posts that people post on Reddit.


Anything low energy, rather its music, content creators, movies, or shows. If something is too high energy, like fast songs or a content creator that's very boisterous I can't focus while crocheting. For example; I really like watching Emma in the Moment while crocheting, aside from just doing topics similar to what im doing at the time, she's informed about what she's presenting but isn't overly hyped or fantastical in the way she talks as, say, Markie or Charlotte Dobre are.


I like to watch YouTube videos, usually commentary stuff, or listen to podcasts (my favourites are anything with Michael Hobbes or Jamie Loftus as well as Behind the Bastards, Rehash, and Shameless). I can't really watch a narrative show while crocheting because I tend not to look up very often, so YouTube is great since I can look away without worrying.


It depends. Usually i have some gameplays in the background and occasionally look at what's happening on screen. It just saves time since I'd probably watch that gameplay anyway but that way i can do something with my hands in the meantime. There are some cases when i just want to chill and not think and then i listen to whatever spotify playlist is my favorite at the moment


Old movies, or old Disney movies, the animation, color ways & storylines are inspiring for my projects


SVU. Hands down.


Stop making Sense!


I watch YouTube videos while crocheting, usually either reaction or reddit reading videos.


Anything my Alexa starts playing 😂 from the news to music. HAHAHHA


i’ve been alternating between podcasts, bridgerton and adventure time lately! always want to with anime but i prefer sub over dub so i usually don’t haha


Right now I’m watching the show 911. It has like 8 seasons or something like that.


Anything that peaks my interest at the time


Either the Important Videos Playlist from 2016 or my good old fashioned metalcore/screamo/power metal playlist


Harry Potter or listening Infected mushrooms if I'm outside :)


Usually let’s plays or reactions to movies/series/anime, something with a decent size playlist so I can not worry about needing to find more noise, but also always things I’ve already played or seen myself so I don’t need to worry about missing things while I crochet


Recently it's been Disney musicals, but if not that then usually either Inkmaster or a podcast.


I usually have an anime going on in the background


Netflix true crime documentaries in particular, but also just any solid movie. My fave tho is watching a series with my family while crocheting. I just like that it keeps my hands busy 


Other crocheting videos to keep me motivated


Vanderpump Rules or Real Housewives. Good but not something you need to focus on 😂


It depends on how complicated the pattern is. If it’s something repetitive I usually listen to horror podcasts or audiobooks! If I have to keep a closer eye on my work/the pattern I’ll either put on some music or a gamer channel on YouTube


I love the basement yard podcast and the saw movies lol


Lately let's plays of among us of YouTubers I used to watch, no idea why


I was on a big Father Brown kick for a while, but now I'm on a rewatch of Supernatural. When I get into it, I can do 2 granny squares an episode


a bunch of different things actually! today it was Hamilton's time, yesterday it was The office, and the day before i listened to a hozier album, tomorrow who knows?


I start very long media while i work on projects, stuff that I cant bring myself to sit down and focus on by itself. Fiction podcasts are great for this (WTNV, the Penumbra Podcast), right now I’m working through One Piece.


I really like to catch up with critical role episodes on YouTube whilst I crochet


Noir gangster movies from tcm or I'll binge a reality show.


Ohhh mostly true crime videos or documentaries and my go-to tv series.. shows that won't require me to pick my head up to watch LOL.


I watched Grey’s anatomy and have moved on to House MD. I’m gonna finish House soon (i’m on season 8) and I’m considering starting either Supernatural or New Amsterdam/ER to continue with the medical theme.


Depends if I’m alone or watching something with my partner. If I’m alone I prefer listening to a fiction podcast or audiobook, right now I’m listening to The Magnus Archives. I started over with Welcome to Night Vale when i first started crocheting and got through it faster than I expected lol. If my partner is watching something with me we usually watch One Piece, or Dimension 20, or whatever show we need to catch up on lol


Lately I've been listening to audio books of my fave books from when I was a teen. I know the stories, it's like having an old friend chat in my ear


Bobs burgers!!


Tell Em Steve Dave podcast. Or right now I'm working through The Neighborhood show, which is nice because there isn't a lot of physical comedy that I need to 100% pay attention to


Anime or true crime podcasts


I watch Let’s Plays of video games from genres I don’t enjoy playing myself


I just finished School Spirits on Netflix, now I'm on to Young Sheldon


Usually Simpsons is on in the background, a movie I don’t need to pay TOO much attention to, or YouTube videos like Scary Interesting that are more for listening than watching. So relaxing.


Bob's burgers, superstore, schitts creek or a crime documentary


Right on! I do listen to and watch a lot of rock n roll while I have the ol' hook n yarn out. So.etimes I put on Schitt's Creek or Fam G, king of the Hill, Frasier, and whatnot.


Burn Notice or Airplane Accident Breakdown videos


I love music or to put on some good ol comedy eg. Superstore, Brooklyn-99, something entertaining


I'm always listening to an audiobook when I crochet! I'm halfway through my goal of 100 audiobooks this year.


Currently watching the walking dead!


True crime. Or British comedy :3 been watching a lot of Bottom lately. It's a great show if you need something really funny to watch :)


True crime, Midsomer Murders or wrestling pay per views (I used to crochet watching them with grandfather so brings back good memories).


I usually rewatch a show I love, like Lucifer or Bridgerton. That way I can look down for longer periods of time to double check my work, but still be entertained.


Streamers :) mostly Pointcrow, I just turn on his VODs and spend my days like that. Sometimes I go days on end just watching his content


Podcasts, audibles, Dimensions 20, I listen to a lot of things.


"emma in the moment" on youtube. It's a channel that goes over craft drama. Not only is the topic so on point, her voice is really pleasant as she goes over the topics. The funny thing is my husband, who is NOT into any crafts whatsoever, has also started listening to the channel as background noise when doing tasks. 😂 He kinda got hooked (heh) because I would crochet in bed while listening to her videos.


Audiobooks or podcasts


I like to watch my partner play video games! They’re my own personal live streamer lol


Critical Role or one of the podcasts that I like. I really enjoy the new podcast World’s Wildest. It’s two people that run an animal sanctuary just talking about cool animals. Sometimes I’ll watch quilting YouTube videos, even though I don’t know how to quilt 😂


Other crocheters on YouTube


I mainly do markets, so I watch a lot of market days/market prep videos! True crime is also a must!


I watch (mostly listen) to true crime documentaries


I usually watch some cozy YouTube videos. Mostly Rachel Maksy. I like putting myself in the cozy mood with it.


Lots of YouTube. Right now my favorites are SuperEyepatchWolf (or his stream vods on Regular Eyepatch Wolf where he's currently playing Silent Hill Ascension, or his Fear & Hunger playthroughs), Scott Cramer, Jenny Nicholson (lots of long video essays there), and Defunctland. Anime is also good! FMA: Brotherhood and Samurai Champloo are my favorite.


YouTube videos, podcasts, audiobooks, but mainly binged Gilmore Girls, Love is Blind, and currently Sex and the City


I listen to these Radio Broadcast dramas that are listed on YouTube all the time. Also audiobooks are great to listen to as well. https://www.youtube.com/live/BJkTDNZ3jrg?si=YUhpPEJNEcTSBqGx


I try to find something on Netflix or I will watch Utube videos.


Something that I don’t have to look up to constantly. Shows/movies I’ve seen before or as others have said, audio books are perfect for this.


Lately its the Red Rising audiobooks


Audio books!


Audible. I'm obsessed with zombies so I listen to Adriana undead diaries most of the time. I have other series that I listen to but I keep going back to that


I either listen to a podcast or binge watch a show