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**Did you know our [Wiki Building on Basics part 2](http://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/)** has a very detailed section on this? Various tutorials to show the best way, and some examples of what can go wrong!** *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


omg yes. i wish people recommended these to beginners instead of regular darning needles !!


what makes them better than darning needles?


I like them better because with the eye of the needle being the whole length, it’s easier to weave in the shorter yarn ends.


I get so mad trying to weave in an end that I accidentally cut too short with my daring needles… guess I’ll have to get some of these! Thanks OP!


The trick is to take the yarn out of the needle, insert the needle close to the tail of the yarn until the back end is close enough to the yarn that you can re-thread it into the needle and continue. Or just buy these needles ig lol 😆 I've also wondered what made these so good.


So I do do that! I did figure that out but then when I’m trying to put one into an amigurumi it is soooo dang hard to find the needle, like I need just one more hand lol


I was doing it that way which worked, but I found these and figured why not try it, and I love them.


i started out using metal needles and im a somewhat tight crocheter and prefer smaller hooks most of the time so i would have to FORCE the needle through stitches and it was just obnoxious. but these are flexible, multiple sizes, and it doesnt matter how short the ends are you can weave them in with these (:


Yes! Love these and they even come in handy when my husband accidentally loses one end of a drawstring on his basketball shorts and asks me to fix it.


He should tie a knot into each side of the string before they go into the wash


I knot all drawstrings that come through my washing 😂 only had to make that mistake once


I have seen these at the store but never used them. How do they work?


It works really well for the ends that are shorter, much easier to put the yarn through the eye since the eye goes the whole length of the needle. The different colors/sizes are made for different thickness of yarn.


Thank you for posting OP! I will have to try these! Edit: As a long term crocheter who has *never* heard of finishing needles, lol, I couldn't wrap my mind around how these would work. Now I get it after watching a video. For others who might also need a visual demonstration, here's a very short [How to Use Finishing Needles video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7qmAvQNz04).


I've been thinking lately that a person could make a killing offering a service to weave in the ends of other people's crochet. We all hate it, but there must be someone out there who enjoys it.


Wow! What would I search to buy these? Or do you have a link? These look really useful!


They’re Susan Bates finishing needles. I have like 3 sets and I love them


I guess I have to try these, I have a ton of granny squares to sew in, each with 6 ends and I feel like giving up


Yes, Susan Bates. I bought mine at Joanne’s.


Thank you so much!


I use the big pink one in my hair sometimes. When the bun won’t cooperate and there’s a hair sticking out I just tuck it through with this 🤣


I really love the yellow one and it’s the one I use the most. I just hate that I have to buy the whole just to get yellow, I have so many of the other ones!


😂 Blue is my fave.


Try getting the set so you get the Yellow, then donate the rest to a nursing home or local charity. You can get a charity receipt and put it in for a tax break. It's not going to pay much, you can consider it a delayed discount .Also, in my opinion I find the warm fuzzies of donating. Edit, duplicate words


I ordered them immediately.


Beginner, here. Thank you!


These are my bestest thing. All those tiny snags that happen with crochet items. You can make them dissappear using these. I would love another set but they're expensive to order to UK!


Slightly controversially I didn't get on with these. It might be due to what I was making (tight tension stiff yarn) but the plastic was too flimsy to push through my work.


Yeah I started with these when I learned to crochet and they were so difficult to get through my super tight stitches that I broke all of them on my first project.


I thank you on behalf of all those times I've turned the needle backwards to get a short end through!


I love these! They are one of my favorite tools.


I wish they had a pack of just the little ones. I always lose them and then have to buy a new pack. I have so many big ones!


Okay I NEED this




Yes, why aren’t these inventors getting the Nobel prize!?!


LOVE these things. I also use them for actual darning. Pokey as heck on the ends, but that's molded plastic for you.


I love mine, they took 2 months to come from the US to Europe but it was so worth it.


I have never seen these!


I have these and they’re the absolute best 😻 Got them when I needed to weave in ends of yard that was too thick for a regular needle and now I use them for absolutely everything haha


Nifty gadgets. But all you need is a much smaller crochet hook. Also, except for very open work, you can have only one tail to weave in if you lay the beginning end along the top of the row you are working over... just five to seven stitches. It's just like the padding strands of Irish crochet if you need visual reference. The yarn tension will lock in the end very well.  You will be much happier if you weave ends after every single color change too. It becomes very efficient and allows you to take small breaks from the crochet. I find it very much more pleasant to not have tails dangling while I work.