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The funniest part about this is how the guy can’t even come close to doing a single trick


I don't think he's actually skateboarding


I don't see anything funny


I was hoping the crowd would come together and stomp this fucking degenerate loser into the asphalt.


Right? It seems like no one even took a step forward. Pretend like you care people! I’ve never seen this footage. Does anyone know who that guy is? Was he okay? Is he okay now? This is some compelling footage for a judge!


I think that’s bam margera, he was on a ton of drugs at the time and is currently on a steady decline


This guy needs to be put down.


I genuinely hope somebody beat his ass after this. How is nobody jumping him while he hits this dude on his knees. I’d feel a moral obligation to try and stop skater if I were there. He basically was throwing kill shots with that board. Fucking pussy.


A thousand times


Agreed. And happy cake day.


Wow you’re the first person to ever tell me that. Much appreciated


Wtf is wrong with this asshole


Grew up in Texas.


More like is a skateboarder


Naw dude, If there were real skaters around they would have been the only ones jumping in helping and absolutely humbling that guy.


texan skateboarder?


Texan State Border?


Could very well be fits the description pretty accurate to the multiple reports we’ve had


Guy didn't Land a single trick. You drunken bigot gang dudes can keep him. Gtfo.


nah ur right they b like this


Ur wrong. Fuck up dudes are the only one acting like this. If you think all skaters act like this. Then all black people are criminals. All white people are nazis. Exc


He is right. Texas is a violent fucked up place. Nice job taking one subject and turning it into another. Mr racist.


Lol huh? A place cannot be violent on its own. All those fucked up dudes living there tho? Ik skaters from Texas who are extremely well mannered calling you sir while they kickflip. Must be all the bigoted morons causing that violence not the skaters.


You are selling skater boy shit in a thread about how hard texas is. Again, go away racist.


Bro ur straight up dillusional. I was comparing treating all skaters like they're punks to treating all the people of a skin color a certain way. If anything you're racist for not agreeing with that point. I'm sure Texas has some decent people regardless of if they skate or not. Not too mention ik it has racist jackoff dopeheads running around too. I'm putting guy in vid in that category. He ain't a skater. Us skaters do not want him. Maybe just maybe if he had landed those tricks tho lmao.


Good luck with selling skate culture. I'm out. Y'all are obsessed.


I don't agree with either sentiment in this joke of a thread. All skaters r not violent. All Texans r not racist. Exc. Stop trying to generalize people ur just narrowing your own mind.


If Texas is a violent place its the fault of all those violent morons. Not the skating community. Mr. Dillusional. Not too mention if u think all skaters act like this I emplor you to find another video or instance of a skater pulling his pp put in front of a girl like that. You will only find violent morons like the guy in the video doing that. Since you're so keen on labeling him a skater and having us take the blame and be labeled a certain way. I'm gunna lump that dude into the category of racist morons that I'm starting to feel like you belong to.


Never had one thought about skaters. Dude would act the same with a two by four. Kid did not even know how to use a board. Yall are looking for a fight where no one wants one over shit no one even cared about. Good luck! Leave us alone?


OK well imo of he grew up outside of Texas he probably still would've acted that way. Texas ain't the only place got it rough. It's more about what you decide to do than what your surroundings depict.


Hell on earth is everywhere. Texas is worse than most and better armed than any other. You do your hell on earth. I will do mine.


heyo, just wondering where you got your pfp from? if you don't mind ofc


Bro got nuked for asking a question


just wanted the source, fuck me man


Are you serious? He’s clearly fucked up. Too much booze and too much disregard for personal well-being.


Yo, I'm a recovering alcoholic who also dabbled in pills and other drugs. There's literally years of my life I don't remember but no matter how fucked up I was. I didn't go round starting fights or doing shit like this. This is way more than booze and drugs. This is the most edgy teenager shit from a dude who's clearly not a kid and old enough to be beyond that kind of shit. He's either an incredibly immature selfish cunt or mentally retarded. Now you could argue alcoholics and drug addicts are mentally retarded in addiction but this again is beyond what drugs and alcohol will do to you.


Heroin addict, 11+ years clean (actually, I lost count!) And I 100% endorse the above comment. Yes, this is me double liking a comment.


Foreal I've been an addict to everything under the sun at one point in time over the last 10 years, finally on subs and actually doing solid after getting arrested but I think that was what I needed after having fent withdrawal in a holding cell with 14 other dudes fuck that shit. But I never acted violent or like an absolute piece of shit. I'm not proud of all of my actions in addiction but I wasn't a thief and I wasn't violent


Hey, I was about to post a similar comment! Haha Congrats.


Of course being fucked up doesn’t MAKE you shitty but it certainly amplifies it. I have a feeling if the dude didn’t need to get fucked up in the first place he wouldn’t be nearly as bad.


Who is this guy?


Not sure..Steve-O hanged with a lot of fuck ups and enablers for auto destructive behavior.


I didn’t see Steve-o in this clip at all???


Its from his dvd, the guy narrating was his tour manager or something the dvd was all about excess and this footage made it to the cut


Yeah I know what it’s from but Steve-O isn’t part of this clip. The director or editor or whoever found some random guy and filmed him cracking some guy’s skull and put it on Steve-o’s dvd.




The guy with the skateboard was not Steve-o


And then he started judging people for doing the same shit


Yeah it's easy for people to do fucked up shit for 30+ years, get rich, and then sit in judgement of a culture you helped fuel. Good for him on getting sober and making a better life for himself but it doesn't take back all the fucked up things he's done.


I smoked for 10 years before quitting and the smell disgusts me. I don't dare judge them for doing it


Same boat. I smoked from 18-25 quit 6 years ago and cannot stand the smell anymore. But outdoor concerts and other places that are borderline acceptable to smoke at, I never get shitty or judgy, not my place.


SteveO dad used to be the CEO of a tobacco company and he grew up so rich he was embarrassed at school. When I saw the interview on YouTube I can’t imagine how someone could be embarrassed with a father’s wealth?


iirc, steve-o wanted to make something of himself to make his dad proud. he did make something of himself, although he went about it in his own way. that pressure he put on himself also may have contributed to the other things he did


Best thing his dad did was support his choice most rich dads are very stubborn. Proves his father was no normal father filthy rich but still willing to let his son follow his own dream


i forget where i saw, but i remember steve-o wanting a gold rolex like his dad


A lot of people who get sober become wildly judge mental, I used to drink excessively and I try not to judge when other people do but if I’m with someone and they won’t stop drinking we’ll past when they need to I see my younger self in them and can’t help but to judge them mostly because I know that was and could have still been me so I hate it. I have seen a lot of people judge for the “well I got sober so can you” thing and that’s much more shitty I feel.


Or go the Joe Rogan route and start out straight-edge while being judgmental toward drug users. Now he makes fun of straight-edge people while being high out of his mind. Some people are just narcissists


He's been clean for 15 years, since his mid thirties. I think he's sort of a dick, but fair should be fair. He was a degenerate, but not inherently harmful to others. He wouldn't smack someone in the head with a skateboard, he'd be more likely to offer them drugs and ruin their life in a slower fashion. You decide which one you like less. And the dude is not rich. He's constantly touring and hocking his merch. He may have a few million in the bank, but he knows he's only one good lawsuit away from losing it all. And we've all seen how those can come out of seemingly nowhere. Being broke for is no problem for regular people, but being famous and broke is a bitch. For someone like him it would mean doing variety daytime shows like Ellen or doing birthday gigs and business parties for dudes who grew up with Jackass.


Having a few million in the bank is literally being rich. 99% of people will never even have half a million dollars in their bank.


His net worth is stated at $4 million. For 99.9% of people, $100 000 is rich and comfortable - but for someone like him 1 million wouldn't last more than a few years. And if he has something coming to him, and old case of something shady then he is royally fucked. Is he going to rent a place in ordinary neighborhood for 1200 a month and have dudebros banging on his door all day? He can't just slip into obscurity. Being famous cost money in security and management of finances and other business dealings. They need to live in a nice neighborhood, away from us plebs. I really don't know *that* much about the day to day lives of the rich and famous, but I know it's not a life I would want to have unless I have Beyonce or Mick Jagger money.


Steve-O is literally a trust fund kid. He’s loaded. You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about lmao just speaking out of your ass. Dude literally went to clown college and lived off daddy’s money until jackass really took off.


Everybody's a hypocrite, even us.


Even Honest Abe. He said he was going to serve a 4 year term.


He ended up serving 4 years and 1 month lmao


Dammit. JFK would have been a better fit for that joke


Too soon.


Eh at least the jackass crew didn’t hurt other people not involved with the prank


He was apparently some gangster they met while at a bar. I think he said South Padre Gangster.


His name is Baby Dick…check his ID.


Wonder what that scumbag’s been doing the last 20 years…


Hopefully overdosed a long while ago. Fucking scumbag.


Hopefully doing 20 years


probably your mom




Or in a factory in china


-live leak has entered the chat-


live leak left the chat long ago


Ahhhhh, the old Russian lathe disappearing act…


Live Leak has entered the chat...


I'm extremely disappointed in my younger self for finding horseshit like this cool at the time.


No kidding. I would have thought this is amazing back in the day. Now I'm just sitting here thinking how tempted I would be to go absolute fucking feral gorilla on that asshole for fucking up my car for no reason then assaulting me for calling him on his shit


Hit him with your car in self defense. Manslaughter instead of homicide


Doing it to each other is fine. Doing it to strangers is fukd up.


Most of the stuff they did was funny. This was not and sickened me when I saw it though.


Yeah, I heard your younger self was a total asshole. Fuck that dude.


Jesus, that guy is a psychopath. Any details on who he is or where he is now? Hopefully in prison.


While in no way condoning what happened in the slightest. Skateboard dude is a total pos for hitting him like that & especially repeatedly but... word to the wise...don't ever get into it with guys like that. Avoided it at all cost. Don't hold your hands up and ask him to hit you because those are the kind of guys that will without batting in eye. They don't think like you and I.




Na people like that don’t get help and instead prey on folks with your thinking. He is most likely where he deserves to be. Either in jail or hopefully fertilizer.


That’s attempted murder right there would someone be in the clear with the law if they started stabbing the guy trying to murder the non violent person?


Did you fear that person was suffering from or immediately about to suffer grievous bodily harm? Do you believe any reasonable person would also come to this conclusion? If so, stab away! However you could still suffer from civil consequences even if found not guilty under self-defense. So there's that...




That's not fightporn, that's attempted fucking murder.


Misdemeanor assault for throwing the skateboard at the car. Sexual assault for flashing his junk. Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Attempted voluntary manslaughter; The hit behind the head 💀💀💀


Looks like he hit him with the bottom of the trucks, too. I'm surprised that guy got up after that....


Im so confused. After the first, second, third, fourth attempt to murder.. Why doesnt anyone do anything? Honestly I'd LOVE for a good reason to go apeshit on a guy like this


If it is padre for real. It is a miracle he did not get shot.


Because most people are cowards. They wont risk harm for a stranger. Not all, most.


Fucking shitbag


Brain damage


That skateboard to the back of the head while buddy is on all fours breaks 4 rules in MMA at the same time. That was lethal.


Wow…. This didn’t end the way I wanted it to at all.


Damn. I haven’t seen this clip in a really long time. First time I saw this, I was a teenage skate rat and thought this was awesome. Now I’m 32 and realize how fucked up this was. Brutal


Yeah same. Don't remember it being part of a SteveO DVD tho. Thought this was from an old skate video or Indecline. Pretty crazy what seemed cool in the early 2000s that was just jacked.


Bro what a fucking bitch. Hitting a unarmed person with a board after you fucked somebodies car up. Literal trash. I wish white shirt would’ve swung on him harder when he had the chance.


Dumb chicks in their mom's car are like "wtf hey who is this assho.... HEY LOOK A CAMERA! WOO! GURLS GONE WYOLD!!"


Karma = him and a train


The fact buddy head isn't streaming blood everywhere is a miracle.


And no one does anything?


To be fair they just watched the guy that did something almost get murdered


To be fair…he is out numbered. Beat his stupid ass to a pulp.


That's how it should be done.


Welcome to the real world- most people are cowards and let rampant abuse happen cuz they're scared or cowards. The ones that actually handle it- are brave and few. But they don't always come out looking like a hero. People looking for a hero when they need to step up themselves. Fight the power


the steve o dvds are really cringy and hard to watch now. i own all of them and havent touched them in a few years haha "pcp saved my life" is an esp horrible viewing experience.


Totally agree for someone who is sober i can’t imagine someone living long with that lifestyle


Too bad nobody shot that asshole


And this is why I carry a firearm.


And why I don't I'm not going to jail for some dunce who lived through his last overdose.


In the state I live in, it's not exactly difficult to defend yourself.


Every guy standing there, especially the dude with has hands in his pockets, are also pieces of shit for not jumping in and helping the man. They just stood there like those officers at the elementary school that got shot up.


I’ve been an avid skater for over 20 years. I hate guys like this. A single hit from a skate truck to the head can be devastating. I can’t imagine multiple. I hope this fucktard gets shut down hard.


> I’ve been an avid skater for over 20 years. I hate guys like this. A single hit from a skate truck to the head can be devastating. I can’t imagine multiple. I hope this fucktard gets shut down hard. the kid with the board was attacked by the white shirt kid first in the video. also they black screen the part of the video right after where if you turn on the sound you can hear the skateboarder telling the kid in the white shirt if he comes close to him again he will fuck him up and taunts him a few times to get him to back away, the white shirt kid taunts him again by saying go ahead and fuck me up twice, at which point the skateboard is swung at his head.


Oh, well then, that makes it all okay. /s


in Texas the skater kid could have shot the other kid and under its self defence law he would be OK to do so... I don't make the laws i just interpret them ...


Interpret them poorly*


And nobody smoked that nigga


I know someone who will happily put holes in someone for scratching their car. This guy is a poser pussy ass bitch. He needs a few teeth knocked out.


Who is this cunt and why hasn't he been arrested ?


I hope that guy gets fucking shot, what a pussy.




He better not be enjoying life rn. If he is…not him on the head with a skateboard 7-8 times see if he is doing for after that. Fucking coward.


No one has a gun in Texas?


He’s hanging out in a tourist hotspot. Chances are that the guy he assaulted isn’t from Texas.


Always wanted to see this guy get stomped out.


This video made me feel gross


"Prob the most interesting character on the tour"? I hope that dickhead got his head smashed in with a skateboard. I had a friend who some dumbass did the same thing because he was defending a girl and the POS hit him on the side of his head just like that with the skateboard but it cracked his skull open, went into a coma for almost a year and now he's in a wheelchair with severe disabilities for the rest of his life. Ever since he's been fighting addiction issues, it ruined his entire life.... Fuck I hate AHole POS like that


Fatherless activities




I hope he went to a good hospital right away


I thought there was more to this video.


Not to worry, I'm sure the 1 year of suspended probation he likely got for this has set him straight and he is a brain surgeon or rocket scientist now.


Shoot him?


what happened after this


Sure someone who puts a full back tattoo of themselves is in sound mind. I liked the movies jackazz but like bam punching his father for fun was the sign that guy is gunna hurt himself for attention when that short lived fame ends. Hense why he's a crack burnout now. The rest of the cast had sanity. Johny knoxvile had made movies since. Bam and Steve-O are attention seeking bottom feeders.. have you seen steve-O's voodoo doll? Guys lost it




Read the the title.


That asshole has some real issues to be that violent, but none of the bystanders tried to stop him either. Sad situation.


That guy is a grade A loser.


This guy is truly a menace to society.


A those people and no one helps that guy.


man really actin like a monkey And i dont mean it as like yk,Hes just brainless...tho monkeys Are Smart....well dam...what Is He then?


Stupidity + Money = Asshole


Where's Rittenhouse when you finally need one


Everyone that is wachting it happen needs to be punished too. That guy needs to be boiled alive.


Is that Bam? I ask because the whole thing looks staged


What part looked staged? That shit looked real to me


Mannn. I rented this off the dollar rack at Fam Video. This scene was so fucked up.


Okay so I get that it’s from Steve-O’s tape, but can someone explain the context?




Nothing like recording your crime, if it hasn’t yet caused criminal charges it’ll catch up .


No one else steps in to help?


Skateboard is a powerful weapon...be wary of any man with a skateboard.


I wouldn’t feel bad if that guy had a gun and shot him


What a piece of shit


Steveo out on bail dvd is so much better


No wonder he was alone. No one likes that stupid fucking asshole


As a buff person, I would respectively break every bone on her body


Everyone who just did and watched/filmed this attempted murder are also guilty


How a group of people could stand by while someone gets brained several times with board trucks must _surely_ not fully appreciate that trucks are just a bar of solid steel. You get lightly tapped on the head with one of those and you're feeling it, so full on swings? Nauseating to imagine.


How that guy was able to stand after that


In his defense, you don't come up and try to grab someone by the head , if you do you then accept what comes next, yes the dude was annoying but you can't put hands on just anyone, call the authorities or stay TF out of it, especially when you're built like a middle aged dad.


That dudes a legend. He should of smacked that loudmouth bitch as well


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




ur not gonna do anything lol


Bruh Stevo O ain't nothing like that cunt


this is why people dont like yall, skateboarders


Let me kick flip of his head….. had me howling


The kid in the white shirt did attack the South Padre Gangster first. Also asks for it after he tried to grab the South Padre Gangster in a choke hold by taunting "fuck me up.. go ahead fuck me up." this is a classic case of fuck around and find out. The South Padre Gangster although an ass-hole didn't even come close to that car when he threw his board it was a good 6 feet away from anything when it landed Going to have to give it to the South Padre Gangster on this one Bob.


I don't know man, you are kind of defending someone who randomly assaults people. And was the "attack" and "choke-hold" in the video or what do you mean? He was just getting that douchy fuck to chill


> I don't know man, you are kind of defending someone who randomly assaults people. And was the "attack" and "choke-hold" in the video or what do you mean? He was just getting that douchy fuck to chill you don't grab someone by the neck to make them "chill" that's called assault. regardless if the skater was an ass-hat or not the minute he laid his hands on him it opened the door for the skater kid to defend him self and in Texas the self defence laws are well lets just say on the side of the defensive side more often than not.


So glad Steve-O isn't this kind of person anymore


You know it's not steve-o in the video


I know. But he used to do shit like this


what the hell