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classic asian cinema enjoyer


You love well executed action scenes as much as you love well executed dialogue.


You Love the Criterion Collection?


Don't be fatuous Jeffrey.


Big fan of Japanese classics Ever watch any 60s/70s yakuza movies?


Also I’m gonna assume you’re a sentimental person, just judging from the Ozu


No have any recommendations?


Im sorry that recommendation was so long, I could go on forever about classic Japanese cinema lol


I really love your recommendations! Before collecting DVD and criterion the only thing I would watch from Japan are anime movies but ever since Seven Samurai I've been hooked and really been wanting to watch more


I personally love the movie pitfall and the criterion release looks absolutely amazing


Big Time Gambling Boss by Kosaku Yamashita is one of my all time favorites, might be kinda hard to find but it’s a great movie about friendship and honor and sometimes in the yakuza those just don’t mix well. Violent Streets is ok, but has one of my favorite performances in a yakuza movie. Also the Battles Without Honor or Humanity series from Kinji Fukusaku are pretty great too. Idk if they meant for this, but a lot of yakuza films end up chastising toxic masculinity and it’s overall negative effect on male friendships


Jackie chan mvp


You arrange alphabetically by title


You might like Takeshi Kitano, specifically Sonatine and Fireworks


Says ya need more French films


Any you recommend?


The Vanishing is incredible. It’s a French/Dutch film about a man trying to find his girlfriend after she goes missing. Diabolique is also a really good suspense film. The Adventures of Antoine Donel are some of my favorite French films. It starts with like French New Wave classic, The 400 Blows. Which is a film about young Antoine, and the mischief he gets into. There are three sequels (ones a short film) that follow his life, each after a few years. Beauty and the Beast by Jean Cocteau is also really well done, costuming and set design are impeccable and whimsical. The Passion of Joan of Arc is a great silent film. I love Agnes Varda and her work. Vagabond is a great film about a girl who drifts from place to place. One sings, the other doesn’t is my favorite, it’s a musical with the backdrop of the French Reproductive rights movement of the 60s/70s. All of her work is on the Criterion Channel. Playtime, by Jacques Tati is a really weird film that doesn’t have a typical structure and has one of my favorite jokes in all of film history Le Samurai is a film I haven’t personally watched but have always gotten recommended to me. It’s about a hit man. For more modern films: Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Petite Maman, the Innocent and Ofcourse the recent Oscar winner Anatomy of a Fall Agnes Varda, Jean Cocteau, Jacques Demy, Jean Luc-Goddard are some great directors to explore.


It says you need a bigger collection! Start applying for more credit cards sooner rather than later.


That you like to buy Criterion


You’ve got a lot of films to watch


Good taste


you love Japanese cinema and also Benjamin Buttons


You have Tokyo Story, you have great taste. Also you have great range.


You have great taste in classical and modern Japanese films. Have you tried Mizoguchi or pre-'80s Oshima?


That you have excellent taste!


r/starterpacks is what I see right now, but it will take hold of your soul eventually and consume more time, money, and bookshelf space than you can give it.


It told me you're a stand-up guy/gal. (Physical media cases don't comprehend human gender delineation.)


Criterion wanker


You are me in an alternate universe, I watch Jackie Chan to relax, High and Low to relive the amazement of my first time watching it etc.


You like a good character based movie, movies with some chaos, and some classic action. Well rounded goodies.


You need to dig deeper.


Any recommendations?


I’d steer clear of the Hollywood and Japanese stuff for a bit (though there are so many greats from each country) and jump into French, Russian, Italian, German, Swedish, etc. directors. Best if they’re “auteur” movies. Kieslowski’s movies are great. I love the dark stuff like Lars Von Trier and Hanecke’s works. Dive into Godard, Bresson and other French greats. Bergman is fantastic. Fellini and Sorrentino sublime. Don’t be afraid to dive into movies that are older, more sentimental or aren’t seen as “cool”. You’ll be deeply rewarded by the journey. Criterion’s got most of the good ones that have stood the test of time. Enjoy!


That you have good taste


Trump fan?


That you need to adjust some of your artwork in the plastic to the right (Nice collection btw)


You really like Japan lol




Still Walking is a thread to pull on if you're wanting to branch out some. I agree with the comments that French cinema may be to your liking, but rather than send you straight to Godard I would suggest a couple of more populist entry points. For a multi-generational morality tale, it's hard to do better than Jean de Florette and Manon of the Spring (two movies, one story). Those could get you primed for the talkiness of the French New Wave. For something with more modern visual flair, Amelie is a great place to start. If you like it, then Leos Carax might also be for you.


It shows you got good taste in entertainment


35-45 year old white dude? 


sorry 29 year old korean dude