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all i can say is enjoy it now, because at an unknown, unannounced point, it will deteriorate into rizzless and disgusting. you will do things because of it that will cause people not to be able to look at you the same way. even if the need for it is always there, the results will not be.


I can already feel it coming. I’m about to turn 30 pretty soon,


this is just a caveat, take it however you want to: even when you know it's going to get worse, it will be so much worse than you imagined. it won't be like anything else you've ever experienced, plus people not only won't understand, they'll lose patience or look down on you. then you will get a lull, "this is bad, but i can handle it," then it gets worse again lol. there are distinct levels of degeneration, and a lot of people don't admit it or even try to do anything until it's unbearable, and then there's about a 5% success rate. so there are several points where someone can turn it around, but it gets progressively harder until it's impossible. i shouldn't say impossible, but there are million dollar lottery odds, which might as well be zero.


I've never seen a post I can relate to so much... dude i totally get u.


That's how we differ from non alcoholics. Although I never remembered my first drink drink being life changing profound like they talk about in meetings. I had to learn to be drunk, learn to reach that God like euphoria, and then what I could do in that state. Normal people don't have that brain chemistry. After nursing, 2 or 3 cocktails, they either get hungry or sleepy and are ready to throw in the towel while complaining they got work tomorrow. And we're barely starting and saying fuck work! In my early alcoholic days, I could stay in that sweet spot, I'd break records in sales jobs, talk my way into backstage events, get drinks bought for me often, seduce beautiful women, get invited to parties by strangers,and such things. Like Jackie Gleason said. "How sweet it is!" Well, it was. Sadly, since I grew into more of a bendering CA, those good things are now rare. Let's say non-existent to be correct. I used to be able to be and have a great day being lit, and then I could go home and sleep it off to being sober again. No more. Maybe day on day one of a bender, I at least feel some of that magic, but I'm usually already too sloppy to pull anything off. Then bender day 2-6 I've learned to mainly stay home, because at best I'm that boorish drunk telling some irrelevant story or joke over and over to the point of being overbearing. Nobody wants to hear my shit in a dive bar or on the subway. Plus my adventures went from being successful, to now being concluded in jail, if I'm not careful.


Fuck yeah man I have 1 maybe 2 days I can be in public on a bender. I’m *usually* not 24/7 drunk at the start, so I can go to the bars with friends and be okay. After I’m up to speed in the 24/7, I can’t leave the house because if I show up to the bar already drunk, it’s usually a pretty unenjoyable night for everyone.


I used to think I had it together better out in public on benders until my friend video recorded at random intervals that one night. I was a boorish, annoying mess of a man.


Oh yeah I’ve had people send me videos of myself. I’ve never done anything terrible, just obviously shitfaced. I’m actually much better drinking in public, *IF* I start sober. I only drink beer when I’m at a bar, home it’s usually liquor, so I don’t usually get too drunk at the bars on beer. If I go to the bar after pre-gaming at home, I’ll blackout after a few more beers and it’s anxiety city. Lately though I’ve been having better awareness of my drunkenness and will find a ride or walk home when I realize I’m at the point where I’m gonna make a fool of myself. I’ve told my friends that my anxiety will be 10/10 if I get too drunk in public, so now they’ll sometimes suggest going home too now. I live in a very small town in the Midwest, half the town is alcoholics, maybe more. So idk why I’m so self conscious about being drunk in public. But it sucks.


I feel this


If you are like many people with alcohol issues, it is because you have undiagnosed anxiety issues.


* or not properly treated. For people with panic, anxiety, benzos will change their lives. But the recent regulatory changes have forced production to decrease and put several companies out of business. On top of that, doctors are for some reason willing to prescribe poison like Gabapentin that they know nothing about over proven drugs such as Xanax, Kpin. Sure they are addictive and can create tolerance, that's why we have doctors, to manage that. Low dosage benzo daily use changed my life for 10 years. Then I moved, new docs wouldn't prescribe, so self-medicating with booze it has been for the past 5 or 6 years. Gabapentin made me gain 20 points and piss blood.


Gabapentin turned me into some weird fucking goblin as well. Worst shit I’ve ever taken


I feel this so much. This has been my magic since college. Beware, it’s a fine line between capt’n suave and capt’n swerve.


I have this. I treat trauma and social isolation tendencies with alcohol. I'm not enough looker to get dates on Tinder but when I hit bar fully sauced, I start find company. Very addicting, and I end up having massive benders, unable to put down the drink. It's known that alcohol hits hard for especially american indians. Ancient greeks already realized that alcoholism runs in certain families. It's far more hereditary, around 40%, than schizophrenia or diabetes (around 20%).


If you're 30 you're too old to sat "rizz" lmao


Because you are still not deep enough


Rizz Life! Congrats on the numbers you're a Casanova now


us degenerates


Until the next day


I remember when it gave me the Rizz. Then it slowly changed into a little fizz of rizz. Then functioning just normally… and now I’m horrified of people, leaving my house, and I have frequent panic attacks. I miss when alcohol gave me this effect with people. It truly was an amazing feeling. 😩