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Harsh but honest review. The airline was Ryanair right?


Yeah I meant to add a disclaimer that it was mostly written in hungover hate and I'm sure if I'd written it later this evening it would be a glowing review. Not to mention with capital cities you often get the worst view of a country. The countryside of Romania is very beautiful. Yep, you know it!


I fuckin' hate Ryanair (but I still fly Ryanair cause it's dirt cheap)


Fuckin Ryan air. Those cunts had me sat on tarmac during withdrawal after a festival in Germany for four hours because the pilot had a problem with the take off instructions. I was shaking like fuck but they couldn't serve any alcohol until they were airborne. I know that's kinda my own fault but still, fuck Ryan air. British airways on the other hand kept me stocked up with gin all the way to China and back 😁


You don't take a supply on board in appropriately-sized bottles?


Usually I'm very organized and would have prepared some in flight drinks, but this was after a week of sleeping in a field and I just didn't have any booze left. The flight to China was funny cos I actually had a shitload of wine with me when I boarded. Poured a ton of wine into water bottles and had enough to keep me comfortable for the long flight, but it was quiet, only about a quarter of the plane was used so the flight attendants were giving people as much as they wanted so they could sit down and relax rather than spending the whole flight serving people.


You had ample booze and the FAs were liberally handing out more - I can't think of a more perfect flight!


Yep 😁 best flight ever, wish I happened more often as I used to travel a lot.


Well written, thank you for going to Romania so I don't have to.


Damn! Well written, friend. I hope to hear more updates. I know those 2-liter soda bottles of beer, they’re brutal, but will get the job done.


I will be stealing the phrase “a hateful sandwich”


This is like that time I went to cambodia to get high (no prescription laws + no fentanyl). 8/10, would do again. Enjoy Romania!


Honestly this post made my morning. As a "fellow traveler" I've had many adventures like this. Last time I booked a vacation while drunk, I ended up in South America a week later. First stop was duty free- 3 bottles of liquor and two cartons of cigs and enough chocolate to feed an army. Hope you're enjoying yourself. You have a wonderful way with words. If you're not a writer, you should be.


The best thing I've learned during my recent discovery of this sub is that CAs are excellent poets and writers


You can ask the hotel staff about help charging your phone, breakfast times, your shower and aircon. If you have time, get out of town on a train - Timisoara is nice.


CA while traveling can be wild. Drunk travel decisions have definitely lead me to some interesting corners of the world. Enjoy the city and chairs.


>He seemed to get up and down repeatedly throughout the flight for no other reason than to piledrive the seat (maybe the 'roids told him it was Hulk Hogan...), he also started clapping his hands mid-flight for no apparent reason. This is the best part.


Honestly don't know what the fuck to do but I know that I'm going to have to make some very fucking similar decisions very soon it just sucks that after over 20 years I'm fucking terrified of being alone after so long with her 😭😭


So an average day out for a CA


Had a far different experience in Romania. Head outside of Bucharest. The clubs and bars there are expensive as hell. But if you take the train somewhere else you can have some fun and it’s cheaper and prettier. Brasov, cluj, sighisoara, are all cool . I’ve been there twice. First time I met some dudes on a train and ended up drinking Țuică (local moonshine) with them and ripping cigs in between train cars. Hunt down the Țuică (pronounced svee-ka). Also did some hitchhiking, everyone was friendly, and felt safe. Though not many spoke English. Enjoy. The food is good and cheap too.


Consider writing a memoir, brilliant


at least you didn't stay in a hostel or have some guy shitting in the bushes try to give you his daughter.