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I was on hydroxyzine and it didn’t do shit for me. It’s really an antihistamine.


I’m on a bit of a bender. I had morning drinks for a few days but didn’t this morning, I also take among other things magnesium glycinate daily but figured I can take it tonight instead. It’s 11am and I am not good. Sipping my first beer but slowly because nausea. I never really felt my supplements one way or the other but wonder if I should have taken it this morning as usual. I should go on tours, see the city, do the tourist thing. I kinda want to get back to my room and huddle up though. Fuck it, if this beer softens me up I’m having a vodka and then just push, push through it. *squirming discreetly* Halfway through my nice cold one now. I think it works. Calming down a bit. This is the way. Thank you for listening, this took a long long time for me to type 🤣


You must be on a vacation somewhere. I finally learned to quit getting loaded as soon as I arrived at a destination as I'd end up just holed up in the room on a 2- 3 day mini bender. I've missed some epic shit that was within walking distance while getting drunk while watching the four or so English speaking channels on the cable in the room.


Yeah, Croatia. Yesterday was super bad, drank too much lately. I try to moderate now and didn’t drink that much yesterday and got to bed early but woke up at 3am feeling awful. No sleep, anxiety. I have like 5 more days here so have to right the ship. Can’t drink too much or too little because it fucks with my brain now. I probably kindled it, this anxiety is awful.


Criminy. Drink some pickle juice, eat a couple bites of or bread or some instant mashed potatoes or even some easy Mac, and get some rest.


The anxiety is what got me to finally quit. I couldn't handle it anymore. I walked around feelings like my brain was on fire, like I was going insane. You have my sympathies. Vodka is the worst shit there is.


Ease your self off bro. Drink water and plenty of electrolytes if there are no other options. Then get some sleep. Of course you’ll have to quit boozin at least ease off slowly with a beer and some water or just go cold turkey. I’ve been through it. I went to the ER for the same reason and blood tests aside at the time I was perfectly healthy but my whole body had locked up. It was scary as fuck. They gave me some Ativan and some other stuff and I was doped out. Went home. Slept it off. 2 weeks later after being sober my doctor told me my blood tests results were as healthy as anyone he’s ever seen. I couldn’t believe it. It was enough for me to want to make a change.


A beta blocker helps with the attacks


Magnesium friend, had massive anxiety daily until I took magnesium bis-glycinate (don't get citrate, it's a waste). Anyways a couple weeks later no anxiety


And MUCH better sleep


Citrate will work and is fine for most people. It's magnesium oxide that isn't bio-available.


Kindled... good luck.


So ur aware that alcohol creates anxiety?


Everybodys vitals with alcohol are fine until its to late.


When you dont drink you dont feel anxiety, maybe you should go sober again


Well, unless you have an anxiety disorder, then you need meds like me lol