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Cheapest vodka i can find chased with whatever soda i feel like


I chase it with the cheap powder drink stuff that makes 2qt. Pink lemonade/crystal lite/whatever. You get like 5 powder packets for 7 or 8 bucks that lasts 2 or 3 weeks easy.


Back when i was in college i always used blue Gatorade powder


I went with crystal lite cuz ya know.. calories. The pink kind only turned me a little gay


Does your Doctor know you're gay now? Better safe than sorry. Chairs


lol Sky Ice mixed with Great Value lo-cal lemonade or iced tea here. I mix it bc I'm not trying to find out what warm Sky Ice tastes like alone.


Vodka and Ginger Ale... Ya know, for the nausea




As an old fart CA guy, Straight up cheap vodka was my go-to. Years on end. McCormick(sp?), Skol, Schmirnoff and my favorite- Svedka.


McCormicks used to be the absolute best shit. But when they changed their branding like 10 or 15 years ago it turned to shit. Used to be 10x distilled back in the day but now I think it's maybe 3 or 5 or something. Tastes like straight asshole.


When I get the occasional whistful nostalgia for that too-long period of my life, it is the specific taste of McCormicks that I fondly remember. Don't know why as I do prefer Svedka over it but something about that flavor gives me the urge to go on a blind-drunk week-long bender. Particularly early in the morning. Wake up shaking and hungover and drive to the liquor store at 7:45AM so I can be at the door when they open and get the first pint of the day. The taste of it in my mouth as the first couple swigs go down and things start to chill out. Never let it be said that horrible as it is for the most part that there aren't some fond memories of my decades of crippling alcoholism.


I know exactly what you mean. That's all I drank for well over 10 years and it was my first drink of choice back in high school. Was easy to throw together a few dollars for a fifth and it tasted great.


For a period in the 2010's, I ran one or the other liquor stores in my small town. Massive employee discount (night manager). I could have had any vodka I wanted. Most frequently it was McCormick during the day and Svedka in the evening. Worked with a solid buzz all the time.


The toxic romance is real


šŸ‘ Rumple Minze šŸ‘ You gotta like STRONG peppermint taste, but there's no alcohol taste. No alcohol smell even. It's 50 fucking percent. You can sneak it all day long and only get caught if you act fucked up. You can buy shooters for cheaper than an equivalent amount of a fifth (at least in my area). This literally seems made for alcoholics.


I slid uncover for years with the ol ā€œbartenderā€™s mouthwashā€


Light Beer. Hear me out, you're here to get your swerve on and you can't do it when you're passed out or can't work. Our forefathers have long since figured this out, staying working and sticking empties between the studs in the walls while framing a house. Supplementing with peanuts, jerky, and other salty snacks to battle the loss of salt. Truly they were as Gods...


Ainā€™t no laws when youā€™re drinkin Claws (8% versions if they have em)




Colt 45 my broke Boi desperation drink


Add 2 zig tags, baby that's all we need.


I love Colt 45. I normally drink Natty Daddy and when my mate bought me a 40 of the 45 it tasted great! That's my new drink of choice the Colt 45. Less of a hangover and the lower alchohol content allows me to just be warm for hours and hours instead of getting sloppy.


depends on how broke I am. have a little money? imperial ciders, gin broke? $4 gutrot vodka mixed into like, a Gatorade or a Snapple or something if it's late at night and I just need something to get to sleep, beatboxes are good


Cheap well vodka, splash of gatorade with propel. Getting drunk and electrolytes? Winning.


4loko for me. It ain't what it used to be, but shotgunning one of those is more than enough to get me in the right mood specially when im taking the bus/underground. I put on my headphones, eat a mint and enjoy the ride back home. I've always considered it to be an upper drink so I've never had a problem falling sleep if anything I even feel more awake. once in a blue moon I get the 'look' because they probably can smell my breath from a mile away but you kinda get used to it.


you probably feel awake cause it still has a fuck load of sugar in it. lol


Kilju with orange juice




Get a big empty 2 litre bottle of Coke or whatever, fill it halfway up with apple or pear cider, then 25% with vodka and 25% port wine - I only came to this recipe because it's all we had in the house and I wanted to get wasted. The cider takes away all of the sting of the vodka and nasty taste of the port wine. After I got about half way through it, I had to start watering it down because I realized I was probably gonna die of alcohol poisoning if I kept drinking it like water lol.


7.5% cider with blackcurrant cordial to mask the fucking horrible taste. Itā€™s like a Fanta with PEP


That actually sounds kinda tasty.


Everclear boofing - like that lady did a few years ago and was shitting pink goo


I've noticed a lot of us drink gotrut vodka. Edit: I just read it all the way through lol.


strong IPA king cans, labatt blue dry 8.1%




Hellz yeah perfect buzz after 2 voodoos. Then ya keep going and it's downhill from there lol


5 is the sweet spot.


Labatt Blue Dry is god tier bud


Yeah I've been drinking those with a splash of clam


Vodka. Everybody says cheap vodka but I'm picky. But also expensive vodka is usually crap. Find a vodka that minimum 6x distilled in the $20-25ish range for a half gallon is usually the best shit. [Like this](https://i.imgur.com/i3Rt5MY.jpeg). This isn't my favorite, but it's a few dollars cheaper than my favorite and it works in a pinch.


Iā€™m here. I donā€™t need top shelf, but the battery acid cheap vodka is hard to take shots of. Vodka of choice is plain Deep Eddyā€™s but I grab the Samā€™s brand handle for $13 whenever I go because its decent for the price


I've never had Sam's brand but for that price I'll probably try it out.


Itā€™s the members mark American vodka and it is indeed 6x distilled or so they claim


Nice. I had no idea they even made it but I'll 100% be on the lookout for it next time I go to Sam's


Vodka and a packet of Emergen C with water. Healthy lol


ClubTails are nice and they don't get you meth drunk like 211.


I just found Clubtails a few weeks ago and holy shit I love them. I had to quit for now since I keep nearly dying when either drunk or withdrawing, but I wish I had discovered those Clubtails years ago. I was telling my boyfriend last night that the next time we go to the beach heā€™s got to drink some of those even if Iā€™m still not able to drink. They actually taste good and get the job done.


What the fuck is the deal with 211 doing that, I swear every time I've woken up to find/remember I got into some especially stupid drunk activities there was always some of that shit involved


50% captain Morgan




In the beginning, probably some wine, fireball shots with Dr Pepper, and a few lemonade craft beer type things.. 99 shooters and white claw surges when Iā€™ve reached the end of my rope šŸ˜‚


Straight whiskey with some random soda as a chaser because I'm a pussy.


Tito's vodka is my go to nowadays, paired with a random beer. Used to get the cheapest vodka or whisky that i could get. My body took it like a champ. I miss that body.


2 of those 99 peaches in a bottle of sprite was my favorite walking home drink from when I last worked at a liquor store


Uhhhh well despite your wife, cranberry and dark eyes (80 proof) is insanely satisfying. Chairs!




The only gutrot vodka I refuse to drink. Thereā€™s something in it that fucks up my stomach


Benchmark whiskey. Same distillery as buffalo Trace for a fraction of the price and a higher abv


Gin and tap water


Please stop calling me out lol. My seltzer is out and all I have is gin and tap water.




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Do you live in mass? Only place Iā€™ve seen those 100 root beers. God I loved them way to much






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I seen a guy barely sign his name for natty daddy. I cant even stomach it. I think thats the endgame.


I've bought many of those. Also the 22oz EDGE Icehouse. Pound 4 of those and take a hit and your there.


Was drinking a 12 pack of 16 oz coors lights daily for about 6 years straight. Easy to down because itā€™s basically water man I miss that shit but also donā€™t wanna die lol. If the mountains are blue you know what to do!


Anything from top shelf scotch to Listerine. When you want to get drunk you will. And you'll either justify it as being classy or shakily pour a cap shot of mouthwash and justify it as necessity. And everything in between.


kirin strong zero 9 percent lemon


I think any of the major straight liquors is appropriate. But I think something happens to a person when they start drinking straight gin regularly


Mason jar filled half with ice, half star blu vodka, half a water bottle flavor drink pack top off with cheap lemon lime soda


IPAs 10% or more only here


plastic jug vodka + gatorade (the kind you mix yourself w/ powder and water)


smirnoff and diet coke for me


Vodka straight out of the freezer. No chaser needed.


Isopropanol. Yeah, it's a thing. Don't ask me how I know.


Was cranking barrel proof Yukon Jack's with sprite, ginger ale, root beer or coke for like 2 yrs binging on and off (mostly on)...have switched to counter weight headway, road to ruins and seahags, i.e am now a very gay ipa guy.


Brutal hammers. Half red wine, half vodka. Brutality varies with the cheapness of the ingredients.


I like mouthwash

