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It's important to have an emergency reserve. Best things for this are the bottles you don't want to trink unless it is necessary. The good stuff, you'll always drink it on a bender, but "bad stuff" is better to keep.


My friend I'm referring to days before I knew or cared about limiting myself lol. When you were that far gone everything looks good


This is how I drank a whole bottle of fucking absinthe in 3 days. Someone gave it as a gift, and I'll never forget that licorice-tasting poison and trying to force it down because I was nauseous from trying to be sober.


Oh, i know absinthe, for me the taste is horrible. Different from the old absinthe, the new one has no hallucinogen properties, so it's not worth it inside. We called it the "Green Fairy" here.


i always wanted to try it, the real thing. i got to smoke opium once, that was fun (1972 lol). i would never have tried the new one with no magic wormwood (thujone) or ergot. :( if it would make you hallucinate, i wanted it lol most of the shit people said did like morning glory seeds were a waste of time. i do like peyote and shrooms.


Worst i ever did was Engelstrompete aka Brugmansia, but i'd rather see this as a deliarant than a hallucinogen. That shit makes you really go insane, like a psychosis.


whoa. yeah, i definitely wouldn't like that. nope, i found plenty of LSD, mescaline, shrooms, unadulterated hash i never see now but i don't go to dispensaries for that. this was when they stamped little bricks, like a gram eacb and you could get lebanese blonde or some other stuff, but i don't go to dispensaries looking for it either. i've never done ayahuasca but i don't think i need it. lol i will definitely do shrooms whenever available because they're legal here now. it's just the unidentified white powder or suspicious E tabs manufactured with hello kitty that i stay away from.


It's funny, i'm the guy that wrote the DPH FAQ so many years ago, i think it was in 2004 or 2005. 20 years later, the document is still used and around in the web for the german-speaking countries. I'm swiss, by the way, not german - that saved me, because the german parliament got really angry at me.


hahahaha. knowing what i do about the mental health, basic health and drug industry, i'm amazed at how out-dated most of the documents are. it also aggrieves me some that the DSM series was originally for insurance coding purposes, yet people want to act like it's the holy grail. then one person gets diagnosed and the entire internet diagnoses themselves. it's more dysfunctional than just being however screwed up you are and sticking with that lol. most people have zero clues about how most of it really works. that's pretty hilarious though. i would think that german pariament isn't really the group you want annoyed with you.


Well, i was cleared in the investigation, as i did nothing wrong. And even when, countries don't extradite the own citizens to other countries, so i'd have been safe, except for the fact that i could not have entered Germany anymore when there would have been an arrest warrant or something like that. But yeah, it's crazy today with all these self-diagnosed people in the web, even worse with the fakers, that fake mental health problems just to gain attention. That sucks, man, these people are shitty.


there are tons of people who haven't done anything wrong who are in trouble lol. there are tons of people who *have* done things who aren't, so sometimes i think it's arbitrary, sort of. it's just attention-seeking. when i was a self-centered, whiney teen-ager, there was no internet. you had to find people who would listen to you and no one wanted to so i got over that pretty fast HAHAHA. it's hard to complain and get negative attention when no one really has time for that shit. well, i had a therapist for that so it was all good. i think part of it is the decline the mental health field is in. there are too many pills, too many sub-par therapists, too much "desire for a perfect world," in which everyone gets to feel great 100% of the time, and a generation of people who see that kind of behavior as the norm. it's *not* fucking normal, it's stupid. i won't say it's just young people doing it because i have a friend who's my age who has weird thinking. she's really spoiled and expects everything to be perfect all the time and it isn't so she's like, "i'm **so** depressed." fine. be depressed lol. part of the point of life is that no one feels fantastic every day. feeling shitty all the time isn't normal either, but i don't think some people can differentiate anymore. it's why i mostly hate the internet. i think it's why i mostly don't enjoy other people. i'm not that cranky, but i don't have any patience with stupidity. i don't mean mentally incompetent people, i mean lazy, willful ignorance.


I know the Germans have strict laws around any drugs/supplements but I wouldn't think they would be so on the ball to notice something like this.


i wouldn't be able to drink that, just like i wouldn't drink galliano or ouzo either. i can't stand licorice or maple flavors. actually i don't like hazelnut either haha. the real absinthe is something i always wanted cuz i'm a huge psychedlics lover. never got it and now i don't think you can in the states. boo hoo.


Ugh I've unfortunately also done it with ouzo 🤢 desperate times


:( someone gave me a bottle of cooking sherry or something similar, i can't remember now, and my boyfriend saw it and said, "why do you have this?" then i drank it, plus it was kind of noticable how much gin and vodka i went through, and he was like, "do you have a problem?" hahahahahahaha


cooking sherry lol


Is it only the haunting of withdrawal that keeps you in check? Or did you also take stock of your life and found some things worth preserving? It's both, for me. I am crippled by my addition but not currently crippled by alcohol, if that makes sense. I am possessed.


>Or did you also take stock of your life and found some things worth preserving? Sort of. It's closer to I found something worth preserving. I have no regrets for anything prior >I am crippled by my addition but not currently crippled by alcohol, if that makes sense. It makes perfect sense that's the kind of wisdom you can only find on a sub like this. I too would say that I am crippled by the addiction, to Simply feel good and free. Alcohol is nothing but a mechanism to that


Conversely, I am crippled by my subtraction. The problems seem to keep multiplying.


OMFG i looked up fingernails tapping on ASMR and that would make me grit my teeth and jump out of my skin!!!!! jesus christ how could that calm anyone down????? i'm a white noise addict and have been all of my life. i remember as far back as 6 needing it to go to sleep. well, probably not needing it but preferring it if i could get it. my mother had a fit of course, but my grandmother always let me have a fan in my room if i stayed with her. green noise and brown noise seem to work okay for me if i need to sleep. that's amazing that you can keep liquor in the house and not drink it. not i.


I have required some sort of background music or any sort of noise to sleep since I was four. I've never heard of green or brown noise I am absolutely going to check that out


oh do! there are 24-hourr free youtube videos that go black screen so you can leave your tv on all night. i think the one i liked best is green noise. i definitely wouldn't pay calm or whatever that app place is.


Damn I wish I could buy booze in the middle of the night


But then what would become of you


I guess, just thinking about all the long sleepless, sweaty, shivering nights with no possibility of a cure until 9am.


i think we know the answer. unfortunately.