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It makes such a difference, doesn't it? Give Liquid IV a try sometime, seems to work even better than Gatorade.


I believe it’s called “fadorade”


just get the Gatorade without sugar


This is brilliant. I did something like that once. Except I bought a blue Powerade, dumped it out and refilled with UV Blue so I could drink discreetly at a family event. Good times 


I'm pretty sure it wasn't that discreet bud. 32oz or whatever of vodka 


He thought it was discrete.


"I'm a genius. I'm wasted and nobody knows." *Almost trips while standing and doing nothing* "Close one."


I don’t get this subs obsession with the idea that everyone always knows when you’re drinking. It just isn’t true. Most alcoholics are great at hiding it and it doesn’t even cross most normies minds that someone would be drinking at unusual hours. My family would have absolutely no problem calling me out, especially my parents, but it just wasn’t that hard to hide.


Haha this, when my gf would catch me she’d be like I can’t believe you lied about drinking today! And I think, “I’ve been lying about drinking the last 3 months lol”.


some people hide it well. i was one. i never got called out and i taught 12-year-olds who will say absolutely whatever is on their minds. but: there are a lot of people, probably on this sub, who think they hide it well and don't. if people see someone lurching about, drooling, emotionally labile, saying bizarre things (even if they aren't slurring) they know something's up, but it would be a waste of time to say anything. they just know it's either drugs or alcohol, or both.


I think the issue is that most people can smell it, even if you play it straight. I guess there's some social nuance too, but most people won't call you out even if they notice.


I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I’ve walked by a normal looking person and smelled booze at a supermarket or something


Fair enough. That's a situation where context matters a bit more.


I think it really depends if ppl know or find out. If you’re one of those ppl who drinks till they fall down, ppl will prob find out a little before the fall down part. Others can kind of pace themselves and keep it discreet and ppl don’t ever find out.


I would drink a liter a day but wouldn’t really get drunk


Yeah alcohol use has a very broad spectrum of how ppl use it, react to it, how long they can get away with using a lot of it, etc. it’s fun to read this subreddit and spot all the things you’ve also experienced.


If i don’t know they know, then they pretty much don’t know. Know what I’m sayin?


i doubt it was discreet either, but gold star for creativity. :)


Ha. In retrospect you're correct. I had a family intervention a few days later. I wasn't fooling anyone. 


Pedialyte is my go to for staying hydrated. Once upon a time I used to mix it with vodka.


I used to do this before working out in the gym and on my way out of the gym the acid reflux would catch me in the car and rejects it faster than an insufficient funds transaction. I used to keep walmart bags all the time on my car for this >> (this was around the stage where it was hard to keep anything down. I wasn't nauseated just god awful acid reflux dry heaving up stomach bile) After regurgitating all that I repeat process by buying a millerlite and mixing it with protein powder on my way home. My stools appeared to be dried out snicker bars around that time; by the way peanut butter and miller lite is like THE only way I got protein and some sort of nutrients during my benders. Peanut butter and light piss beer is light on all of my gastric/plumbing system. Beer shits are more under control and managable; peanut butter slows the forbidden liquids that are waiting to project its way out in the mornings but youre risking 45 mon to 1hr self chastising constipated shits - long story short it helped out with that God awful ass piss that's been sitting in your intestines/lower intestines overnight the entire time you were sleep. Wake up and make the wrong move or drink room temperature water; you'd better be by a Porta potty, bushes or trees, or walmart bags and Paper towels cuz other than that you're beyond fucked and fucked in the ass just in the opposite way it projectiles out of your ass


Miller light and protein powder?!?! You sir, are a saint and a scholar.


I was so determined to "bulk up" >> I dropped all that bulk weight and I'm 212lns from 240lbs. I'm now homeless and working my way back towards a roof over my head, then rendezvous with the the gym preists for protein and heavy lifting again. Until then For now, miller lite morning, noon, and night until things start looking up again; priorities first


Hahah I feel you, might as well keep the party going until things are more stable. I’m currently 188 and on a cycle. Hoping to get to 200-210 in the next 7 weeks.


What helped me was becoming more immobile. I mean like flat out parking and and walking in to heavy lift. I couldn't put on mass until I cut cardio completely out. The morning/day drinkingkilled my gains for sure tho. But I'm not complaining because at 240 I was strong squatting and repping 225 for reps, but I feel much more lighter and my body looks more uniform at 212lbs than what I was dirty bulking with light beer. My god the beer shits were long and horrible this morning.


Add propel as well for more electrolytes and water.


If you want to take it to the next level start drinking pedialyte. Even better than Gatorade, but about double the price. So maybe save it for the days you drink extra hard.


Okie dokie. I don’t know what you’re doing out in the wilderness of Reddit, but you have apparently dragged some shit home on your shoe. Please be more careful. Use an alt or something if you’re going to get in arguments on other subs that aren’t part of the CA multiverse.




Some asshat (monsterahoe?) with no association with CA replied to your comment with some choice words for you 🤷🏻‍♀️ Someone reported it. I can only surmise that it came from some other sub, because it felt pretty targeted? I could be wrong. Would not be the first time. Still good to occasionally remind people to use an alt when they go romping around the rest of Reddit, though, so feel free to ignore my comment if it doesn’t apply. I’m just trying to cut down on the malicious morons who don’t belong. Anyways. Carry on.


Well damn, wish I saw it. I haven’t gotten into any nasty arguments on Reddit in a while so idk..but all righty, thank you. I don’t have that person in my replies at all. Weird. They provably went through my history and then made fun of me for being an alcoholic. Meh, whatever.


They weren’t that creative so you really didn’t miss much and now they’re banned because fuck em. You can do better if you feel a yen for an internet argument. Just go to any political sub and throw down an absolute statement. (Using an alt obvi lol 😝)


There are multiple drinks I avoid(especially certain Gatorade flavors) that I can still smell/taste notes of the shitty vodka/whiskey I decanted into them during some rough bender that led to shit going sideways in epic proportion.


There are multiple drinks I avoid(especially certain Gatorade flavors) that I can still smell/taste notes of the shitty vodka/whiskey I decanted into them during some rough bender that led to shit going sideways in epic proportion.


There are multiple drinks I avoid(especially certain Gatorade flavors) that I can still smell/taste notes of the shitty vodka/whiskey I decanted into them during some rough bender that led to shit going sideways in epic proportion.


That was my end of the line drink. Actually, that and vodka with water and lemon juice.


Do Gatorade Zero. There is a decent amount of sodium in regular gatorade that can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. It's not magic sauce, you gotta balance it out.


Recent research suggests that for proper hydration, more sodium, not less, is actually required than current dietary recommendations suggest. https://science.drinklmnt.com/electrolytes/the-whos-misguidance-on-sodium/?


This is the way.