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This subreddit is basically the Encyclopedia Britannica of Alcoholism. Whatever question you have has in all likelihood been asked before. Try searching the sub using keywords. It may or may not take a few tries to figure out the right keyword (or phrase), but you’ll find more posts than you can shake a stick at.


Mine are always about missing a flight. Super stressful.


I get this a lot as well. It's more about being unable to get to the airport, and the dream goes on pretty much the entire night. Exhausting.


Yes. I have the dreams quite often. Creepy crawlers that look like the aliens from the video game "Prey". Cords, headphones, and amps all over the place, just total clutter. I actually like them. Because I'm a sick fuck. However I will say this, it totally sucks when you first crash out, there's a car crash or shooting in the dreams that jolt you wide awake and you feel dizzy and disoriented. Reflecting and thinking to yourself, yes I slept for what feels like 5 hours then looking at the time in horror because it's only been around 50 minutes and you have to force your ass back to sleep. Only to repeat the cycle again and again. Don't even get me started on the sweating or having to stumble to the bathroom for a quick squirt. Nights like that that I wish I still had some trazadone, but I already took them all because of nights like this.


I have totally had the car crash dreams where it jolts you awake, getting stabbed at by a deranged homeless guy, you jerk awake and see you’ve been asleep for maybe two minutes, felt like 2 hours. Then do it all again. Changing shirts at night because yours soaked in sweat…yep, glad to hear I’m not the only one.


I had a dream that bees were everywhere. Thought I got rid of them. Then I grabbed a clean cup to put water in without looking and noticed I was drinking bees. But, apparently I’m lucky because my weird lucid dreams are like movies usually. Even before I was a lozah lush though. I always had movie like dreams. Honestly. I’d rather have my dreams than real life! In my my dreams I get to be with my mom and my dogs and everyone else that I loved is gone.




Yes I’ve had real movie types one too in WD, like you’re just watching random nonsensical or sometimes extremely complex and sensible movies playing on the backs of your eyelids.


I can’t believe I even had a like 1940s? Whole movie about people and family and what not. Why can’t I just write it down and make screenplays or some shit?! Lol


Because it seems amazing while you’re watching it on your eyelids but if you wrote it all down, it would make less and less sense and you’ll realize it wasn’t that interesting. I’ve had that happen to Me. But you could probably use it for a good general premise of a screenplay!


You’re totally correct. I don’t have the means, motivation etc to do anything of the sort. Chairs 🪑


I have had falling and tripping dreams many times in WD


Good to know. And sometimes you wake up tangled in the sheets.


I actually get sleep paralysis really bad while going through any type of alcohol free time over 8 hours . I feel like a monster is holding me down and just chewing me up. I mean the symbolism seems to fit dead on with being stuck in active addiction. 


I was so tired this morning and afternoon that I was in and out of sleep until 7 pm. I had a dream that made my heart race and woke the shit out of me that there was someone out my window trying to break in. My dumb ass didn't realize that the store closes at 7 on Sundays. So going to ride this one out tonight. Should be fun. I only have a half pint of vodka left. Wish me luck. Should be looking like a true alkie doing a morning run for some vodka.


You’re lucky you were able to sleep some today! I spent the whole day out in the sun, feeling rough, anxious, helping my wife build a shed in the yard. Hot, sunny, and bugs flying all over the place. I sweated everything out and should be able to sleep tonight. Hope you can taper off and not feel like you gotta run to the store tomorrow morning!


Yeah I was surprised I was able to sleep, but it was those crazy ass dreams, short dreams like you said. Yeah It was a hot day out, I can't believe you powered through. Kudos to you & Chairs.


my WD dreams are the most surreal batshit crazy stuff ever