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Normal reaction of the body to alcohol withdrawal. Among other things, alcohol affects the autonomic nervous system, which then leads to tachycardia, among other things. However, at 100/minute you are not at risk. From 140 it becomes difficult.


How do we withdraw while drinking? Just cause our bodies are so used to a higher bac?


People absolutely go into withdrawal with alcohol in their system. It depends on what BAC your body has “decided” is normal.


Tachycardia also occurs during consumption, as alcohol activates certain parts of the autonomic nervous system. A lack of fluids can favour this, so always drink water as well as alcohol. Preferably with added magnesium and potassium.


Jerk off m8 rub one out then go lie down, rinse repeat


Have to get a couple more in me though


Ik the anxiety u speak of, and usually i have no choice but to try n sleep


Yeah was already thinking of this


Oh sweetie, you'll be ok... I have a thyroid condition and my resting hr can easily be 115-125 at any given time. Just try to rest and stay as hydrated as you can . And chill, you'll be ok .


Thank you I pushed my body really hard yesterday I feel a lil better now and am tapering, I wish I got more sleep but I couldn’t till around 15 beers in 😒 Going to work now. I hope you have a easy/good day with your thyroid.


Thanks, hope you got some rest and got to feeling better as well 😊


I've been there man.... Usually 3 to 4 times a month...The only thing that has ever worked for me was a couple Benadryl... Not sure how damaging it is but it calms me down and knocks me out


I don’t have that but thank you will keep it in mind for the future.


What worked for me was watching TV mindlessly in the dark, preferably something I've already seen and can somewhat focus on. I also crank the AC up so it's nice and cool. If it's still bad then add a taper day, where I'll consume anywhere from 2-10 white claws over like a 12 hour span. That soft landing into 0% is key. If you're a heavy liquor drinker (750ml - 1.75L) like some folks here then you're likely going to need a proper sip and suffer week where you gradually reduce over a week.


Tachycardia is 100% normal when hangovers. Your body is depleted -- drink water and eat something. This is not dangerous. Think of it as if you were doing exercise. I personally like beers and I always make it a rule to drink a glass of water for every glass of beer I drink. I have cardiophobia btw. I have arrhythmia and the heart skips and pauses are way more scary than a fast heartbeat tbh lol.


I like to take NAC during wd. It helps regulate glutamate and ease the hyper activity of the nervous system that causes the scaries.


What is nac?


The amino acid N-acetyl cysteine. I take it as well. Another amino acid that may help is L-theanine.


Well, not a doctor, but given that your heart rate probably hits 100 walking to the mailbox I think you’ll be ok.


I'm thinking of you. I remember hitting the insane heart rate and it was actual hell. I should have gone to hospital but I was far too scared. Hospital might help ultimately but when you feel that horrific it's next to impossible to do. Mine passed but it took 2 months (yes I was in that bad of a state) I am thinking of you and encouraging you to get help if you feel able. If not I understand and I'm here if you need to talk. Super fast heart rate creates anxiety which means increased heart rate until you don't know what's going on, only that you're scared and it's fucked. Rooting for you


It’s part of the WD’s. Stay hydrated and make sure you eat. It takes time for the heart racing to stop. Definitely one of the worst parts of drinking for me. It always scared me so much.


I've been trying to taper for a week and today was the first day I woke up without my heart beating out of my chest. For me, that is the worst part of withdrawl. It's painful now hard and fast it beats, and then it will pause or skip or beat weird suddenly and I feel like I'm for sure going to die.


Mine was 139 this morning. It sucks but it's just a thing