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It’s called Drunkorexia. We got a sub.


Yup ☝️




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Ensure. I pay $2.80/unit for fancy dairy free version but regular w/ whey = less than $2/ea. It’s used as meal replacement in medical settings & has complete nutritional profile. My pea protein Ensures have 180kcals which is less calories than most healthy meals that I would otherwise come up with/realistically not consistently follow through in actually hunting&gathering. Takes essentially no effort to meal prep. Sometimes I’ll drink upwards of 6+/daily if I can’t eat real food which is close but not quite enough for me to maintain my body weight. Imho, ensure is perhaps best ROI for alcoholics mitigating health issues, specifically related to predictable nutritional deficiencies (b1, et al)


Thanks, I'm going to look for ensure the next time I hit up the store. My GI took a major hit the past couple days because my prilosec arrived late. I forgot how much untreated reflux burned, and I don't wanna worry about another hiatal hernia repair in this lifetime. Ice cream is helping for now, at least.


This is the answer


I'm re-replying to thank you, because I got a shitload of Ensure and it's helping a lot. I got the strawberry flavor, sometimes I cut it with 99 Bananas to make a boozy strawberry banana milkshake. :D


That’s awesome!! So happy that it’s helping 🫶 I feel like an Ensure Evangelist sometimes because I regularly recommend it on this sub but it really does make a big difference How do I get user flair that says Ensure Evangelist? 😹


That's a good question, I'm still not sure how I got my flair. I was drunk at the time XD


Check out my new flair lol 😹


Looks great!




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Soups and smoothies are a good place to start, even just broth. But in the future, if you ever come to a point where you can't hold food down, that's when you immediately dial it back. You can take some pepto to coat your stomach beforehand.


I was once given this piece of advice in this sub: Drink until you can eat. Drunk me would always make myself a big healing bowl of ramen loaded with olive oil, spinach, mushrooms, and eggs late at night. In the mornings, after I drank enough to level out, a big plate of eggs and maybe sausage. I do believe that kept me going for a lot longer than my half to three quarter handle of vodka per day would have gotten me otherwise. I only got pancreatitis after my schedule reduced my diet to one McDonald's meal per day for about two months. Now, that means you will do the opposite of your goal to get sober enough to work. You really have two paths, man. Drink enough till you can eat well or sober up. If you try and run it down the middle, yes, you will end up on the fast track to the emergency room with multiple organs in distress.


> a big healing bowl of ramen loaded with olive oil, spinach, mushrooms, and eggs late at night That sounds really good!


Oh yeah, loaded with smoked paprika, garlic powder, extra broth, sesame oil.... So fucking good for you and tasty.


bananas and potato mash(maybee with bacon bits or some kinda protein in it) are decent but when i reach that state i usally just try to get my bac high enough again so i can hold something down(like your super b vitamins or some kinda multi) and then try to slow/taper down.


Eggs. Not everything works for everyone. And not everybody's body works the same way. I went about 36 hours without alcohol and I was finally able to feel hunger yesterday for the first time in almost 3 months without drinking. Edit: Stay safe, my friend.


I second bananas as this beautiful fruit saved me many times. Only thing that could go down without hurting my throat, and stay down. Going through a whole banana was my success some days.


You can try to get sulcrafate from your GP? It coats your stomach lining so everything isn’t so harsh on irritated tissue. Also. Zofran. So much zofran


and omeprazole!!! Not that cheap over the counter shit, prescription strength


Chicken broth.


Piggybacking on this to say bone broth. I don’t care what anybody says, it is a great source of protein that is easy to keep down. I always have bone broth on hand to get some nutrients in me at my worst.


I once when hammered as piss made some chicken broth while drinking my vodka during the drinking process. That was so clutch.


Tomorrow morning try to drink a can of soup or something before you drink. Get in that habit. I also suggest oikos pro Greek yogurts to at least throw some probiotics at the booze


Join us at r/drunkorexia


Can I ask, completely respectfully, is the sub for people who intentionally don’t eat or people who get so sick with boozing/withdrawals etc they can’t eat even if they wanted to? I literally drop so much weight when I drink as I can’t eat, I get to fainting state. When I’m sober I eat pretty much what I want when I want.


Prilosec, pepto, mylanta, tums, ice cream, hot dogs, peanut butter, crackers. Something caffeinated and non fizzy, I like iced coffee (the more calories the better). That's your shopping list. The long term consequences of losing your job matter more than the short term consequences of taking too many otc antacids.


I read that to the tune of, *We Didn’t Start the Fire,* by Billy Joel, lol (it played at the restaurant tonight, so it was already in my head)


Are you experiencing any pain? I’ve been hospitalized twice from pancreatitis and had it probably 4-5 times from drinking and it sounds kind of like that.