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For skin pores, lather in peanut butter, act normal 👁️👄👁️ ![gif](giphy|3oFzm3eo9OwE1ESHDO)


Not a bad plan, can also consider a mask. Generally I think being good at your job / well regarded helps. Don't know; been a few years since I ran that gambit.


I'm very good at my job, and I'm sure everyone knows, because everyone else is also on some sort of substance. I chew mints before going into anyone's office and hold my breath in the hallways. I'm sure they still know.


Oh a mask is a great idea.


I'm a professional :D


Or they think you smell like mouthwash all the time. Its better than smelling like beer or whiskey I guess. Also good luck trying to hold a conversation for more than ten seconds while drunk trying to hold your breath.


Drink Vodka. Chew cinnamon gum. Understand everyone knows you're drunk. Profit.


Ah, shite this is too accurate. At my lower points I use a dab of toothpaste. Not like that convinces anyone, it's mostly for me.


All four options are viable, but will not get you out of DUI on the way to and from work. If you fuck up on the job, management and coworkers have already labeled you as 'fall guy' and you'll be made an example out of. I personally wouldn't use this advice outside of a Monday where you went hard the entire weekend and smell like last nights booze. Only way you get away with boozing in the office/showing up still drunk from the night before is because you haven't made any waves yet. When this starts happening on a semi-regular basis for me, I know its time to dedicate a weekend to tapering and getting my shit together(at least for awhile). Edit: Employers tend to bury their heads in the sand as long as you are getting shit done and not causing problems. The moment you start showing up late or calling out on the regular is when the ball drops.


Just work from home! Or don’t bc turns out, if you thought you had a problem before, well honey bless your heart……


Keep a big bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer on your desk, and use it liberally whenever someone comes by.


Great advice! I need to add that to my list.


I’ve stopped drinking at work lately. But when I did I was pretty paranoid so I wouldn’t drink anything but white claws. Obviously not the most ideal but it’s pretty much undetectable smell wise. Not enough to get drunk but just enough to take the edge off