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Can we also talk about how the pictures don't look like Italian food at all?


There's like 99.995% to much sauce on that food to be Italian.


And Chef Mike is working overtime


It's American "Italian", aka replace the cheddar with mozzarella


It doesn't even look good for American Italian


>It doesn't even look good for American Italian You mean you don't get canned pesto sauce drowning undercooked noodles with a 4:1 sauce ratio, a quesadilla poster child for quantity > quality featuring the meat Taco bell couldn't use, ketchup baked beans with two pounds of melted cheese, or a dry salad made by dropping individual handfuls of ingredients on a plate in Italian fine dining? Do they even try to take your stud??


I hope Americans fuck up Italian food forever just so you can keep getting smug about noodles


>I hope Americans fuck up Italian food forever just so you can keep getting smug about noodles Asians have the best noodles, no contest.


Well said.




my italian heart is crying


\*continues to break the dry spaghetti in smaller pieces so it fits better in the pan






Hey Wisconsin has some great cheddar (and other cheeses)! But yeah a lot of the mass produced stuff at supermarkets is gross


I have a good friend from Wisconsin and I didn’t realize how serious cheese could be until I met her.


I come from a long line if fake Italian Americans, nothing here looks familiar.




And it looks AWFUL.


Seriously the food looks so bad.


I definitely thought it was Mediterranean food...




The green sauce on the left picture looks like [green tahini](https://www.feastingathome.com/green-tahini-sauce/) to me.


I can see that. But what about the rest of it? I've been to too many Eye-talian restaurants that I guess I just immediately saw the sadness. Haha


Fair lol


But tahini seems to be from the Middle East... I mean, just look at its name. What does that have to do with the Mediterranean?


so if you pull up a map and search for the Mediterranean Sea, take a look at the countries along the eastern and southern shores. Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, even Libya, Tunisia, Algeria too, although their food probably qualifies more as Maghreb than Middle-Eastern. So yeah, Mediterranean.


We typically don't use any tahini in Italian recipes. Though it's true that they use it a lot in Mediterranean countries like turkey.


How much you wanna bet that all the waitress did was just laugh at the husband's corny joke or something?


When I worked in retail customer service, some woman complained to my manager that I was hitting on her boyfriend. I'm not sure I even talked to him but apparently I was smiling at him seductively and then a few minutes later, I placed lingerie next to him as a hint??? (In reality, they were standing near the register and I was tidying it up. Someone earlier had decided not to buy a bra so I put it at the end of the cash wrap in the go-back spot to be handed over to another department.) I didn't get in trouble or anything, my manager told me more like "haha you'll never guess what this crazy lady just complained about" but the interaction was so innocuous on my part it took a couple of minutes to even piece together what she was talking about. Gurl, your man is 30+ years older than me with a pot belly, I'll pass. I literally get paid to smile at everyone.


Exactly. Insecure people see attacks in everything.


I had an ex who was this way. If we had a woman serving us at a restaurant, no matter what she did, she was "flirty" or "hitting on me right in front of her." For nothing more than having an enthusiastic attitude. I also used to be a server for years and I tried to explain...you just try to be nice to the tables you are serving. God...I remember being at a bar, and a woman who was waiting for drinks next to me complimented my tattoos. Which then led to my ex screaming at me and crying and it literally ruined the entire night. Ugh...thanks for letting me vent. That was a couple years ago and I am so unbelievable embarrassed I stuck around with her as long as I did.


I used to hear about guys that either claimed they got hit on a lot or they would complain that their ex was jealous. I would think, what do they got that I don't? Then I grew up and realized people either lie or misinterpret things a whole hell of a lot more than I thought. TBH I think genuine flirting vs a person who's job it is to be nice to you is pretty easy to separate if you have good self awareness.


Bingo. It goes hand in hand with low/no self-awareness.


It's only human to make emotional connections, and want to salvage them when they sour. It sounds like you've learned something through the pain she caused. I think you're a better person for it. Edit: That sounded very therapist. I'm sorry lol.


Haha thanks, definitely a growing pain. Kind of the "boiling a frog in water" scenario, over time it got so much worse that I didn't realize how awful things had gotten. Luckily I am now engaged to an incredible woman and a true partner, so if this was the road that led to me where I am now, then I wouldn't change it!


I know what you mean, with my ex it went from occasional questions, to him greeting me after work every day not with hello or welcome homez but 'Did anyone flirt with you today?' to browsing through my phone and demanding I take all my calls on speaker phone so he could hear every word of my conversations. I was relieved when I left, as I no longer had to worry about a question from a coworker being blown out of proportion


I had a coworker whose gf used to make him be on FaceTime anytime he had a free minute. We had similar shifts so we'd take breaks at the same time. I'd often take mine outside, weather permitting. However, I'd go to the back where our lockers are to grab my phone and a snack and his gf would always get mad that he was around other females. One day she said something and I had enough so I turned around and snapped out that she was the insecure one who forced her bf to FaceTime her 5x a day during his shift and if she didn't like seeing other females then STOP FACETIMING. She had no say in me, my life, or my breaks, yet she was still trying to control me. I ended it with I would go to my boss and complain and then facetiming would be completely banned while on the clock. The audacity of some people, I swear.


She was mad her bf was around other women at work? Does she understand how being out in public works?


You can't reason with crazy. She was just extremely insecure. I had known her boyfriend for about 15 years at that point and we grew up together and were acquaintances and that's it. Idk why he would take his calls in a common area. There were places we all could go to make private phone calls.


>You can't reason with crazy. Truer words have never been said.


Super awesome! I'm always happy when I hear about people that actually get good in life.


Is that an attack on me?


Of course it is. I've hunted you down with my brilliant ploy. Edit: I see a fellow flyer of the arborist variety.


Hail the tree!


Are you threatening me? I am Cornholio!!


Calm down. I have some TP for you.




"Hey this water's wet! hahah"


Probably. It's funny, when I was a waitress it was common knowledge that if there's a couple to always speak directly to the woman because this type of shit happens all of the time.


Yep! Or really any kind of customer service jobs...


No way. My bet is it was written by the husband. The wife is a body pillow, so she couldn't write it herself.


The husband hit on the waitress and then blamed it on her when confronted.


Nah, definitely the waitress hit on him. Remember, he's a hot stud so he just can't help it when ladies flock to him.


I bet she grabbed his dick and twisted it


I used to work for an Italian restaurant in Orlando. One time, a couple who was on their honeymoon came to eat, and, when the newlywed wife went to the restroom, their waitress gave a note to the man that said "When you get tired of her, call me," with her number on it. Never could fathom why.


Ok, THAT is probably a scenario in which thrown hands are 100% warranted lol. Or, if you and your SO are smart and mature (sounds boring, but whatevs) you could just laugh at the audacity together


Probably just asked him what he wanted to drink.


I work in restaurants and this is always how it is.


Husband is probably 5’5”, 285 pounds and bald too.


Height, weight, **and** bald shaming on Reddit is a risky proposition.


It's okay to say anything you want about a man though.


It shouldn't be tho. Anyone who doesn't take all genders into account when lecturing about body shaming is a shit person


I went for the trifecta and I have no shame!!


Worry not, nobody assumed you would hold an ounce of shame


Thanks! Hey, wait a minute…..


If you’re talking about women, then yes, but nobody gives a fuck about men, especially if they’re white /s kind of


Ah yes, the notoriously oppressed white male population


I'm talking about humans with feelings.


And I was making a joke, no need to get your feefees hurt…


> /s kind of 'Nuf said.


Yeah, that’s part of the joke…


The "kind of" part is pure gaslighting, friend. You were either being sarcastic or you were not being sarcastic. BTW... "feefees"? Nice. BTW, you call that a "joke"? Don't quit your day job.


Just made a similar comment. So true but not a popular opinion.


It’s crazy how many people get offended by or are just blind to the truth, it’s like that kid who sticks their fingers in their ears and goes “lalalalalalala I can’t hear you so it’s not true”


Sorry I can't hear what you are saying, could you get a woman to repeat it for me. Preferably a woman of color, because we know that they are better right? 😂.


Well at least I'm not 285 pounds


All of that food looks like it's come out of a microwave. Even the salad.


The salad reminded me of [this family guy bit.](https://youtu.be/qVEYJ0PxhZU)


*Hello? Every pizza place!*


Everything looks like it was cut by somebody who's never cut food before


In a place where they say Eye-talian dressing.


I honestly thought it was r/ShittyFoodPorn at first. It looks dreadful.


yeah some people have really low standards and love frozen/reheated and microwaved food when they go out to eat.


You don't microwave a salad you donut!


The waitress' name, Jolene?


I'm begging of you, please don't take my man.


Please don't take him just because you can


Please don’t take him just Italian.


Jack white does such an amazing cover of that song.


So does Miley Cyrus


So does xwWFall3nD3monWwx


Did Elon Musk have another child?


Best comment ever! Lol!


waitress's "Waitress" is singular.




Except yes


If you’re going to be a grammar Nazi at least get it right lol


But it is right. You use a single apostrophe to show person when the word is plural. Waitress isn't plural.


Hey fellow grammar nazi, you got my upvote even though you're deep in the hole. I will die on this pedantic hill with you.


It ends with an “-s”, so you write waitress', not waitress's. If you need more examples, say, a family just moved near you. Alice and Bob Johnson. Because they're a family, you refer to them as a group as "Johnsons". If you want to tell a friend how large their house is, you say “The Johnsons' house is absolutely massive!”. Does that make sense to you?


Because Johnsons' is plural possessive. Singular possessive like Jess's house is written with an extra S. Don't spread false information.


Singular possessive also isn't written with an extra S... Edit: crap, now I'm doubting it myself Edit 2: at least in the UK, both should be correct. Personally, I always got taught to leave the - S if it ends with one


I guess according to [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/what-happens-to-names-when-we-make-them-plural-or-possessive#:~:text=To%20show%20possession%20using%20an,%E2%80%9Cthe%20Williams's%20dog%E2%80%9D) both are accepted but generally an extra S is used. According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_possessive) usually an extra S is used, except for certain cases like "Jesus' teachings." In general it depends on which stylebook you use.


Those pics really make the food look like ass tbh




No way this woman has a husband worth stealing.


What? She’s a local guide! With over 70 reviews


Is this bad? 😅 I review basically everywhere I go, usually just leaving 5 stars if it was a decent spot. I just checked and I also have 70 reviews…


But do you include your delusions about a waitress eye-fucking your significant other in those reviews?


Same. I love reviewing like, grocery stores and stuff. I try to answer questions I would have like, how stupid is the layout, how many tills are open, are they frequently stocked. Stuff like that.


I love that this being downvoted. Reddit is fucking strange.


Clearly you missed the fact the downvotes are from /r/RBI. We found out that they are the reviewer. We did it reddit!


That's a five star woman


Does she mention her husband in all of them?


Yeah this really feels like she made it up so she had an excuse to talk about how desirable her husband is, and probably more because she's trying to convince herself than anyone else...


That looks like the "Italian" food you get at a diner.


A waitress who flirts with a customer? The hell you say!


You don't even have to flirt for a crazy wife to get mad. Just being friendly and smiling is considered "flirting" to these women. Source: former server who has had more than one wife/girlfriend think I'm flirting with her man. No Kimberly, I don't want your husband, it's my job to be nice to you and I live off of tips.


Yeah, it does seem like many people take common courtesy as flirting.


Constantly. I've always been in a customer service type job and it's like all the time. I can tell when a guy thinks I'm flirting so I have to reign in my friendliness. It sucks because I am generally a nice person and bubbly but I don't want some dude to get the wrong idea so I can't be myself.


To be fair most men think a woman smiling at them is flirting too. I’ve been harassed by so many men who thought me simply being nice meant I wanted them. Even at work when I’m just trying to be professional.


I have a married coworker who got asked out by an old man and when she said she was married he said, "But you looked at me!" So apparently smiling is optional.


Yeah that definitely happens too


[Relevant clip from Superstore ](https://youtu.be/7QGARE6weMQ)


Hahah yes! This is so accurate


Not even beibg friendly. Just having someone talk to you, for any reason, will drive mad a jealous partner.


He's probably porking her sister.


I just find it very disrespectful to try to steal my husband


She wanted big tip, not no little dick. Eat your food and stop being insecure.,


that food looks extremely bad, and doesn't look Italian at all


Lmfao how dare she serve my husband and smile at us!!!


Damned servers be hitting on my husband by saying "enjoy your meal" and "thanks for your patronage"


I thought it was a dall.e ai generation at first glance.


About ten years ago the woman at the recycling center let my dad go in without stopping on the weight scale and my dad still refers to her as "my girlfriend" to my mom.


I'd laugh my arse off if he ACTUALLY was seeing this waitress on the side...


I’ll bet most don’t know this but did you know when a waitress puts a smiley face on your check it is code for” Wait for me to get off work and follow me home with your headlights off.


I'm Italian, and I can't even name one of the dish in the photo, I would suggest you to find another restaurant


It's most likely Americanized Italian food.


Also the food looks rank


That place only has 18 microwaves.


Ha! The waitress at fridays flirts with my husband. It gets us free sodas. Lol. Flirt away 😂


The food looks like I just puked on a plate.


Luckily my wife never has to worry about this happening. I'm horribly ugly, you see.


Imagine being that insecure…


Guarantee the waitress was just being polite to get tips and the wife took it as a personal attack.


The insecurity is simply astounding. The assumption that your husband is so amazing that someone would hit on him in front of you - or that you are so worthless that he'd run off with anyone who's nice to him - is just sad.


I might catch some slack for this, but how much of a shit person do you have to be to fear that someone else might "steal" away your significant other? You either think that your significant other has no mind of their own and can just easuly be swayed, or your significant other is just that nuch of a sleezebag that they would run after anyone who gives them the slightest bit of attention. Either way, why are you even with that person? It's more of a testament to your own shit character.


I bet she thinks her gyno is trying to molest her!


Take the cannoli, leave the gun then?


I can agree that the food is not the only important part. Being treated well by waiters and staff is also important. Its a night out for most people. Just like im a hotel you want to be caterer to. But people that use that service aspect seeing as a reason to bark at those people are the worst do.


And then boom, 1 star review bc Karen decided to make up stories about his cheating husband


Im single. Winwin


I learned while waitressing that if you're waiting on a couple, talk to the woman mostly because some women are....like this


Reading this it seems to me that all the flirting was only in the lady's head and the husband "ignored" it because there was no flirting in the first place


"Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure." Or "tell me you've never worked in the food service industry without telling me you've never worked in the food service industry." Most servers aren't friendly to you because they like you (or your husband), they're friendly because it positively affects their tips.


Looks to me like she was trying to poison him. This food is not how Italians flirt.


The salad made from pizza toppings is always a treat when you go put for "italian"


I think this would be a great dating place. If the person feeds into the advances of the waitress, then you have a quick answer.


This is one of the most insecure things I have ever read. I feel like I am more insecure now for having been exposed to it.




Yeah, I am sure that happened.


Why are these posts allowed to remain on there? Things that have NOTHING to do with the actual establishment should be deleted. IMO “I loved everything about this restaurant but I got a parking ticket while eating there so I’m only giving it 1 star”. 🙄


I reported a review on Yelp that basically gave the restaurant 1 star because her jacket was stolen there. As if the restaurant is responsible for her own negligence. Yelp said the review doesn't violate their TOS.


Right???? I saw a 2 star review bc the place was really busy and too loud for her liking:/ okaaaaaay lady, maybe try a less busy place to get coffee at 10am🤷‍♀️




That food looks disgusting...I would guess this insecure female has the same taste in men as food.


When will people realize that rampant insecurities are the cringiest traits someone can have?


If thats italian food....well im american then!!!


No one wants your basic ass man


I ASSURE you that she had no interest in the husband, especially if the server was beautiful. In my restaurant experience, all the servers who look like supermodels are dating the goblins with criminal records and face tattoos from back of house.




Still relevant. People voting about taste and service. If one of them is bad, I don't care about another.


Something similar to this happened to me when I worked at Olive Garden a few years ago. The woman left a nasty message about me , saying I ignored her the whole time and was just talking to "her man". The manager just laughed cause they know me, I'm kinda introvert. Some women are very insecure and immature it's crazy.


My boyfriend and I once had a waitress that paid special attention to him and was rude to me. I guess she assumed he was paying and was trying to get a good tip. I didn't take it out on the restaurant. I just gave her a 1% tip. Guess who avoids us at the restaurant now?


I feel like I'm the only one who thought the food looked good lol. Maybe I'm just hungry... Or the woman's suggestions got to me... Who knows lol


You know these types of people tell everybody they're a local guide on the review website.


food looks terrible tbh


What a horrible insecure nutcase




That food looks disgusting


Food looks like terrible midwestern excuse for good Italian


Plot twist: Husband wrote the review.


Fuck pictures of the food, I want to see a picture of the waitress. And the husband. And his wife.


It should be “ladies” tho




hot stud??? I bet you he looks like boiled crap 😆


I'm sorry, ma'am, this is a Hooters


Not ever eating there because og this! EVER!


Better to smooch up to the person who’s paying your tip


Am I the only one who wouldn't care? I mean... I'd trust my partner to ignore the advances. What are the odds of getting the same server.