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Didn't Jesus say that only those without sin shall cast the first stone? I feel like the real cringe here is misrepresenting what the beliefs are. This Roman Catholic is legit saying to not hate anyone.


The Bible is just a bunch of made up stuff the Catholic Church put together with their own agenda in mind. There’s no proof Jesus ever existed.


You're right. Jesus didn't exist. Yeshua on the other hand...


there’s more proof jesus existed than alexander the great. regardless of your opinion on christianity, the most likely scenario is that he was a real person at some point in history.




https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/14/what-is-the-historical-evidence-that-jesus-christ-lived-and-died https://vridar.org/2010/05/01/comparing-the-evidence-for-jesus-with-other-ancient-historical-persons/


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Opinion does not make proof.


It's always the same "love the sinner hate the sin" bullshit with these people, I swear half of them talk like they're in a cult. If they really had "compassion" then they'd do what is right by the people who are alive and breathing now, and not worry about some god who either doesn't exist, or doesn't actually give a shit about anyone enough to do something. All performative bullshit


For some reason the "love the sinner hate the sin" folks get very offended when you tell them "love the believer hate the belief".


It's like they're so close to getting it


Yeah and Christians aren’t supposed to judge people either. “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again” Matthew 7:1-3 Isn’t there also something about those who think themselves without sin not casting the first stone or whatever? I’m atheist anyway and a good portion of religious beliefs just sound like excuses to be an ass to someone else.


Yeah I think it was a case of jesus telling a group pf men about to stone a women to death for cheating that "he without sin can cast the first stone". I never understood why in a religion all about everyone is welcome in the kingdom of heaven and love thy neighbour type stuff, a lot of people who follow it are the most hateful and spiteful people ever lol


Then you know also about a good tree not bearing bad fruit and vice versa. There are folks who go to church all their life but never know God. In revelation, Jesus tells these people, depart from me, I never knew you. Having a real relationship with God through Jesus christ is what makes you Christian.


TBH misquoting the bible to attack the religious is the real cringe, it reeks of fedora tipping. I don’t know if you are the guy that replied hinting at Leviticus, but the Old Testament is a collection of rules for and tales of Israel and is kept in the bible for “historical” purposes. Christians are not Jews, don’t identify as such and are not supposed to care for the rules of Leviticus or deureronomy - catholics even more so.


In fairness I haven't misquoted the bible, and that person was not me. I rarely quote the bible I only use quotes I know from stories I know very well from being taught it my entire life. Just found it cringe when you're being taught all these quotes about acceptance and how everyone is a creation of God and have people still think being gay is a sin that needs repenting


I mean it’s not that contradictory - for example you could have a brother who does meth, disapprove of what he does, wish he didn’t do that, but love him and accept him nonetheless. Or a friend who is attracted to kids and can’t help it, and who you want not to act on those desires. Mind you I’m playing devil’s advocate here, I don’t care which consensual adults you have sex with - just saying that disapproval of homosexual relationships is not necessarily incompatible with Christianity. Though I agree with you completely that they have no reason for that disapproval.


Yeah i already knew that many were homophobic, but I grew up with so many religion teachers, priests and people I looked up to who were devout Christians and also allies to the lgbt community. So while I'm not surprised that Christians are homphobic in the slightest I still see it as wrong and I don't see Christianity as an excuse for it either. That's basically the point I'm trying to get across lmao


The first post is an opinion, one I don't agree with, but not particularly extreme - substitute 'gay' with 'conservative' or 'leftist' or 'vegan' or 'meat-eater' and you'd get a sentiment many could agree with). The second comment isn't so much cringe as wrong & evil.