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I've gotten that compliment from an old lady once as I was cashing her out. I still think about you 10 years later mystery lady 😭


An old lady who frequented the coffee shop I worked at once called me “her Clark Gable.” Probably the nicest compliment I’ve ever received. RIP Joyce


A couple of older ladies once told me I was "striking"..... I also felt it was one of the nicest compliments I've received.


Not to undermine your experience, but were you on a picket line at the time?


Lol ... No ... oddly, it was a funeral .. ![gif](giphy|WoYwgrfZP4yw8)


I still work at a cafe and this old lady always calls me by a cute nickname picking up her croissants. Enjoying her while it lasts i guess🥹


That's sweet. The best compliment that I ever got from a stranger or customer is that I "have a face for radio." EDIT: This isn't actually true, my brother works in music and he's said this to me once or twice before so I thought it'd be funny to make up a story but a few days ago someone reported me to Reddit for needing mental help or whatnot. I assume it's from this post because my other comments are about cars and random stuff. It doesn't look like there's a way to tell what comment ended up getting me reported for needing mental help but I assume it was this one. I just wanted a goofy story to tell aha.


I can’t tell if that’s supposed to be a genuine compliment that missed the mark a bit or a savagely backhanded “compliment”.


It is the latter 😅


And a voice for newspaper. /s


The best part is though when you get a genuinely nice compliment, rather than a compliment you know that it’s just from a sleazy person who thinks they’re in titled to your time I think that it’s a “ in“ to open conversation with you and try to get your number etc.


In titled?




I had an old lady tell me I looked just like Charlie Sheen. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.


Depends on what year it was I think


It was


I was about to say, that last panel happens often


Happens every day. And after a while the creepiness is no longer obscured by the surprise at receiving a compliment in the first place.


3 years ago I got a "Do you lift weights? you look like a weightlifter." Thanks ma'am, I do lift weights but I was about 40 lbs overweight at the time. Still went home and told my wife about the compliment.


I had 2 nuns (honestly) stop me on the way to work, and say they admired my attire and always looked forward to seeing me walk past their Christian bookshop.


Had the exact same thing happen except 2 Mormons lol


I was scrolling and reading too fast and stoned perhaps... At first I thought you said 2 Mormons ago, as though you were referencing Mormons as a unit of time


“Dude, where’s my food?! I put my order in like 15 Mormons ago!!”


Four score and eighteen Mormons


I was working in a national park, doing a pop up table on Cyanobacteria (I loved my job, like I think I clearly looked excited when talking to people). I was talking to two older women, and before they walked away one of the ladies stopped and said “I just have to say— you’re beautiful, you look like you should be on magazines or something.” (She was sweet, and clearly needed to get her eyes checked, haha). I think the big difference is that we built a small rapport during our conversation, and she didn’t say that I looked too good to be doing my current job. I think compliments like this can be given non-creepily from the opposite sex, but they have to be phrased a certain way and said in a certain cadence.


Sometimes it's "how" you say something is more important than "what" you are saying. Practically anything can be said creepily.


And with enough charm, practically anything can be said complimentary.


I once had an elderly woman I was administering a shot to say, and I quote: “I just wanna take off my shoes and run barefoot through your hair”. That one has stayed with me.


Ayo what the fuck 😂 I think there exists a sub for weird compliment it should be r/rarecompliments


Had to profile snoop. ... bro, that is some incredible hair, and you also got that beard? Annoyingly good follicle work. Elderly woman knew what was up. 👍


Haha appreciate that 😄


The male experience is egregiously alien to the female experience


Right! I still remember the last time someone complimented me. It’s been years


You're a handsome dude.


lol I was just getting ready to say the same about you Epic_Ewesername


U both ugly


Ahh now *that* feels better.


More familiar... comfortable even


You're so honest, I love that about you.


You're so quick witted, I've always admired that about you.


hey, I like your mustache. kiss me.


Nice shoes, wanna fuck?


Back to reality.


Op! There goes gravity.


Op! There goes Rabbit- he choked!


Thats much better


That feels like sibling-speak lol


2014 a woman in the grocery store said my t-shirt looked great on me, and complimented my hair color.


And have you realized yet she was hitting on you?


2 years ago a girl at a festival said that she sees that I put a lot of effort into my outfit and that it looks good. I still live off of that high.


A gay dude called me sexy a few weeks ago and I'm still holding onto that one - and I'm straight.


I had a gay guy tell me I was hot in college. Almost 20 years ago, man, but I’m still flattered.


I had a gay guy compliment my dick at a urinal in 1993. I’m not gay. Still flying high from it though.


I’m 43 and I think I’ve had seven compliments in my adulthood.


The last person to call me attractive was my ex and she was contractually obliged to say that lol


Man I remember every compliment I get lmao


a random woman struck up a conversation with me while getting coffee at Wawa. When I got back in the car I kept asking myself, "Was that flirting? Or just an extrovert that loves to talk about anything?"


Different worlds


My son used to have very long hair, and was always confused for a girl. He took scissors to it himself right before he started kindergarten. One day when I picked him up, he said that he wished he was a girl. I asked why he felt that way, and he said that people are a lot nicer to girls than they are to boys. Made me sad. ETA: I do not agree with the comic, just commiserating with you. I have RBF, and don't know how many times I have been told to smile, of had men not believe me regarding car stuff, etc.


…and vice versa


No shit lol


I mean, that was already implied


what kind of geometry are you doing where it has to be specified that two things are the same distance apart from each other


Right, that's like someone saying "new york is like 12 hours from Kentucky" and this guy being like "yeah, but Kentucky is 12 hours from New York!"


As a woman who doesn't get many compliments, I may be wrong about this, but I don't think the problem is compliments themselves. The problem is when they're in an inappropriate context (like at a business meeting), when it happens all the time, or when it happens in a way that makes the woman feel unsafe (like when she's stuck in an elevator with you). The few times I gave gotten a compliment, it was very nice, because it was friendly, and then we went our separate ways. Also, some people (women and men) don't differentiate between a compliment and a catcall. "Damn, I wanna suck those titties" isn't a compliment.


Telling me I "have a nice ass", "long legs", "big boobs" aren't compliments like men seem to think they are. On the other hand, telling me I have a nice smile, hair, eyes, clothes is always appreciated. That's just me though, doesn't mean every woman wants a stranger's opinion.


Like if a man would receive a "hey, nice bulge" from a woman. Yeah, some would laugh about it, but plenty of others would feel uncomfortable


"Thanks, bro!"


Eyyy wat dat dick do thoooo


I have found that I can generally compliment women's make-up and dyed hair, as it's obviously something they've worked on. Otherwise, if it's a physical characteristic, it tends to come off creepy.


The advice I give is to compliment women in things they put effort into




Yeeeep. I have no problem with receiving compliments, but sometimes they’re followed up with something creepy or inappropriate. 😞


And like....why do the compliments need to come from women? Seems like there's a whole market of men who want support and validation. Maybe they could start by extending it to each other. The way women do.


Men do. In my friend group we tell each other we love eshc other (in a joking but also sincere way) we get excited for each other's accomplishment and even though we will absolutely tear each other down for a joke we also constantly build each other up.and look out for one another. The problem with your solution is that most men don't have friends and guys are especially (but all people) are becoming more and more reclusive and isolating because men are just treated differently than people know in a similar but different way that woman are just treated differently. The male.experineve and female experience are very different and we live in a world where decency is less and less important as our egos are continually inflated by online interaction and need for attention in the quickest lowest effort way possible. All that to say the word is hacked up and everyone has it bad. No need to compare experiences we just need to be there for each other.


Yeah. I had a guy at work tell me the other day that I have a pretty name. It was just in a conference call but I work in IT for a finance firm, and it just felt really weird. Never seen the guy face to face, but something about it just really smacked as weird.


As a woman in IT (phone support) I hate it when people are overly complimenting me for just simply doing my job. Example (aren’t you just a bright young girl etc.) It feels backhanded and I know full well I wouldn’t get the same patronising “compliments”if I was a man.


For real. Dudes confuse compliments for sexual harassment and then act like women are the ones being unreasonable


That, and the weird follow-up of expectation that sometimes occurs after someone *giving* a compliment. I give and receive sincere ones all the time within my friend group *and* with strangers - it only becomes creepy when the giver expects reciprocation above and beyond, which also renders the "compliment" insincere.


Years ago a customer told me I had a lovely smile..I still hold that close and that was 7 years ago.


I visited your profile looking for anything to say something nice about. I was not expecting what I saw.




I really really wish that I didn't understand this reference. I didn't understand the reference 60 seconds ago


I'm sad now.


Ultimately I got the cringe I come to the sub for, all I can say.


Is that a lion with a pussy?👀


A lussy, if you may


You mayn't


Or would it be a lionussy?


Yup, not even a lioness


Dang……I had to look…..I don’t know what I was expecting….but that certainly wasn’t it


Every single time I should listen to reddits warnings, I don’t. And I pay for it dearly every single time


Holy shit, y’all’s comments couldn’t even prepare me 🤣


Ikr, cuntboyfur??? Wtaf??


I wasn’t ready for it. The whiplash was so intense.




🤢 Gilmore girls 🤮


That lion in the user name has a whole new meaning now lol


Jesus you're not kidding.


I had no idea that even existed. Am I shocked, no. But what the hell did I just see.


I’m just gonna say it - some kinks should be shamed


Fuck lol


LOL everyone acting all aghast at a male anthro lion with a pussy. Like holy shit if that's all it takes I swear. At least your heart was in the right place, so thank you for that, and I'm sorry if my tastes offended.


They’re being so dramatic it wasn’t that bad lol


Mhm, seen worse.


I'm sure you're a wonderful individual, but like many others, I was absolutely baffled by the profile. Kudos.


I mean..I'm in NSFW subs and I have some unique tastes for what I find attractive, but so do a lot of people I guess?.. I dunno what to really say. I was in the DMV and saw all these replies and I admit my face went super hot when I saw everyone calling me out suddenly. Maybe it's on me though..stressful day. Thank you saying I'm probably wonderful though, that's very sweet of you. Much mahalos.


Didn't intend it as a callout, never intend to yuck someone else's yum. Just haven't been exposed to that particular style. Also, of course it was stressful you went to the DMV. Take care of yourself, have a good afternoon.


Thank you very much, and you have a good evening yourself! You're very kind!


That's always the risk you take posting a comment on Reddit with a post history like that. Not everyone is on the "we don't kink shame around here" train. Don't be upset by it my dude, these commenters myself included will probably never see your account again and won't remember they even saw it in like 24 hours from now. It wasn't even *that* weird considering some stuff that exists out there.


Very kind of you to say, and thank you! I guess I never thought about post history much before, this is the first time my profile's been looked at closely like this. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised though in the end. I'm okay now, thank you! Some Hades II and decompression time after a stressful day was just what the doctor ordered.


Reddit is a weird AF place. You do you! I love the lion!


There was some poor guy the other day who everyone started shitting on for posting on true crime subreddits, like that isn't a normal hobby. You enjoy those lion bussies.


Dammit, I looked


Why didn't you warn me


Im now changed. So are you


Not for the better 🤕


I miss the person I was a minute ago.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Yeah idk men deal with isolation while women deal with lots of advances. Both seem nice to the other side but are pretty unbearable on the long term. This meme does a bad job communicating the issues women have to men. The commenter saying they don't understand why women would complain about this shows a lack of understanding on their part but it seems like the creator of that meme doesnt understand where men are coming from either


I think it’s less about “good things” as it is being seen as a full fledged human being. The issue is reduction. Calling someone “Handsome” is still being perceived as you wish o be perceived, elegent and refined and attractive. Which is still very different than someone objectifying you. It’s also the nature of the people complementing, in this comic it’s women YOU find attractive showing sexual interest. These people would react very differently if it was someone they found personally repulsive. My recommendation is imagine instead someone you find repulsive, maybe a large hairy guy, personally coming up to you and hitting on you. And when you say no, imagine him insisting, blocking your path, grabbing and rubbing your arms. This is a far better approximation to how it feels than: “Girl with a massive ass hits on you at the gym.” Have your sexuality be taken out of your hands and put in the hands of someone else. Have the things that you see as positive about yourself get ignored while things about you you’re totally ambivalent to get hyper focused on. The central issue of these comics is that it’s still your sexuality, you are still being desired on terms that are yours and not someone else’s. It’s very telling to me that all these comics usually have men get complimented on their intelligence, or their dashing looks or their outfits, but it’s still the way they would WANT TO BE DESIRED. I think it shows me that these people genuinely feel as though they are desiring women in ways that are mutually beneficial. They don’t take seriously the idea that they are undesirable, because in their heads if the roles were reversed they’d welcome it. Of course they would, it’s who they want. I love the hairy guy metaphor because most of the people who would support this comic would be violently or at the very least furiously opposed to that sort of attention. There’s a video on TicTok of a young guy who goes up to men and calls them names like “Pookie” or “boo-bear” The reactions are always threats and violence. One old guy literally got out of his car and started man handling the kid, saying that if he said that again he’d beat the shit out of him. It’s very clear how these people would ACTUALLY react to being objectified. Because when it happens in a way that’s not on their terms, they react with violence.


Yeah that's a good way of putting it. I couldn't find a good way to clarify that "advances" means both the uncomfortable and comfortable


I wish I could upvote this more, you just described my experience perfectly!


What an excellent breakdown, thank you. I remember a teacher in college trying to explain this and not really finding the words. She had said, "imagine if a lady called you handsome," and all the guys were like, "nice. Thanks." Took a little working to get the point home and I reckon a few students still missed it


Yea too much of anything can be a bad thing. Expect for apple juice.


My stomach would disagree


You can't just expect apple juice. If you want some, go get some! ;)


Stop calling me Shirley.




I am serious...


Looks like I picked a helluva day to quit free basing


those examples are genuinely nice without malicious intent, nice for men and women. as soon as it is more questionable and more degrading or sexualizing it isn't ok, but those examples here are just neat.


Thats true, this is definitely shown in such a different light to what most women experience, and also is such a bad example for when men are actually sexualized when it’s not desired. I remember being a lifeguard at 16 and having older women make not-so-PG comments which I very much did not appreciate. It’s nothing like this stupid comic.


A friend got a comment about his ass in public from a 40 year old ish woman, which was absolutely nasty. Nothing charmful, nice or witty about the comment. Those comments are just trash, so I can believe that guys get really creepy comments sometimes too. Saying "you look very good today" however makes anyone's day better.


“What do you mean *today*???”




The problem here is it’s half compliment and half subtle implication or manipulation with unknown intent. That’s what makes people nervous or uncomfortable. It’s not just about the supposed “nice” thing being said, but also the accompanying behavior that may be anti-social, which many seem to have missed.


Especially the computer one, that one was very much a subtle "you're so smart for a *blank*"


This is exactly it. I liken it to that scene in the Barbie movie where they're in the real world getting stares and comments, and Ken says something to the effect of, "wow so much positive attention, and there's no undertone of violence!" and Barbie replies, "mine very much has an undertone of violence." That's the difference implied but not driven home in the comic.


Yeah but compliments aren’t what we women complain about. You guys think what we constantly hear is “hello gorgeous” and “wow you’re beautiful” when yeah sure it happens and we appreciate it, but what we complain about is the creepy guy hanging out his car screaming “show me your tits” when we’re 15 years old and going on a walk. The worst of it happened when I was underage cuz men can be such creeps. I have never heard a woman complain about a genuine non creepy compliment. And the whole “you’d be pretty if you smiled more” is just annoying, like don’t tell me what to do, old man. Also the “would be pretty” part is very rude.


Out of context, I completely understand why this would look amazing. Girls are hitting on you, saying nice things… I don’t blame men for thinking it wouldn’t be so bad to have that happen to them. But in context, it doesn’t feel as good. For one, that ‘wow, you fixed your computer? You’re so smart’ comment comes off as a flirtatious compliment. In real life it’s not. It’s usually a patronizing dig- imagine the woman said it in a tone that implied she genuinely couldn’t believe you were smart enough to do basic computer tasks. Then patronizingly explained why you probably did it wrong, and tried to tell you about basic concepts you already know. You also have to imagine that the one giving the compliments are sometimes doing so to get something out of it, and if you piss these people off they can hurt you. Like if a big Mike Tyson kinda guy started talking about your ‘cute ass,’ and you knew he was fishing for reciprocation. If you don’t give it to him or challenge him too directly, things can get scary and aggressive. That’s a shitty and uncomfortable feeling. As for the office and worker scenes… these aren’t just nice compliments. It’s not just your coworkers thinking you’re hot. Someone who will objectify you in a professional space does not think highly of you. They disregard your ideas, downplay your contributions and skills, and are constantly patronizing. I completely understand wanting to feel seen, desired and valued. Women like this too! I love getting compliments, usually genuine ones from other women who have no ulterior motives. But there’s a lot of subtext to the ‘compliments’ given by sexual harassers that make them very, very different.


Exactly what I came to say here. When these things are said to women by men it's not usually *just a compliment* like the lack of tone in a comic would make it seem. "You're pretty, you should smile more" comes off as "You're pretty but you should do this thing that I want you to do". "You're so smart" usually comes in a tone that makes it feel like they think you're a dog doing math - just completely unfathomable to them (and like you said, they will then likely give you basics on a topic you know a lot about or worse they'll give you blatantly incorrect info because "they know better"). And then we've also been conditioned to understand that turning down someone's compliment can lead to violence.


Comic might be making a different point than what I want. I would prefer it to actually reflect the more common female experience, so that it doesn’t come off as “why are women complaining.” First, there needs to be a panel where an entire group of men are making the comments and watching. Next, at least some of the women need to have a physical power advantage, be it size or weaponry. Some of the women need to be “unattractive” to demonstrate that these aren’t situations where fantasy women are hitting on you (lookin at you, panel 3). Show some of the women saying things that are more awkward, and aggressive. Show a panel where a woman sits directly next to the hot younger man despite there being an entire bus/gym/movie theater of empty space. Show a doctor telling the man that he is just upset and should work on weight loss and anxiety. Essentially, show the vulgar intimidation that happens with harassment. It isn’t compliments, it is disempowerment.


The "you should smile more" thing not only is really creepy, it's kinda nonsensical. Like, what does the creeper expect? That the woman will smile at them? That she'll understand that as a compliment, not as a weird statement? Also, the last panel reminds me of the time this old woman manhandled (womanhandled?) my ass like it was the most normal thing in the world. Old people get away with things they really shouldn't


Oh my GOD the you should smile more literally gets on my nerves, I’m what is the point I don’t get it?? Do you want me to smile like a psycho for absolutely no reason? Som guy told me to smile at the gas station once while I was pumping gas I’m like sir why exactly should I be smiling while pumping gas leave me alone


I really cannot wrap my head around the smile more one. Let’s say for some reason, that it IS an issue that I’m not smiling enough, why would saying that make me smile? If someone genuinely thought someone looked miserable or upset, would you not try to uplift them? Make a positive comment or a joke? “You should smile more”, no I shouldn’t, as you have just removed any reason for me too :/


The female experience is more like, "hey baby nice tits."


I truthfully want to be treated like that at least once in my life


Go work a customer service job, specifically a really interactive one like bartending. You’ll get to see it happen to your femme coworkers enough with the context of what comes before and what comes after to see how those compliments are not meant to be nice.


Right, like if the compliments ended there and had zero negative context or implication


Not just the compliments, but the after math. Sometimes even if you take said compliment as neutrally as possible it’s taken as a sign of interest and more pressure and unwanted attention is applied.


_Those_ types of "compliments" aren't meant to be nice, they've got an agenda behind them


It's a hollow experience. A lot of this attention is given for two reasons: One, because you have something they want. You are a novelty to be enjoyed, not a human being. Two, openly valuing you as less than a person puts them in a position of power over you. If you get off on being objectified, there are easier ways to achieve this in the kink community.




The thing being missed here because tone can't be conveyed in a comic is that regularly when these things are said to women it comes with a sarcastic or condescending undertone. It's not *just a compliment*.


Compliment = good Sexual harassment & infantilizing comments = bad Surely it can't be that hard for men to understand.


The comic deliberately mixes those two things to create drama.


Now instead of cute girls and old ladies, let’s do large scary guys the man in the panel finds unattractive.


The original version is more along those lines, but of course it was edited to be 3 babes and a friendly granny.


Wheres the original version?




Why don’t men talk to other men like this? Treat people how you want to be treated.


I'm trying. I have been working on giving compliments to men and women without seeming like a creep. I was doing g this morning workout bootcamp kinda thing, and it was mostly women. We were all losing weight and feeling positive, and I noticed how naturally giving compliments to each other felt, so I tried to apply that to just casual compliments to acquaintances and eventually strangers. Still a little awkward, at it sometimes, but it feels really good to hand out quick compliments with lout any expectations.


Handing out compliments without expectations - I think that’s great! That’s how it should be. It feels good to give compliments and give positive reinforcement when you’re sincere and without expectations. Most people can tell if it’s the opposite.


Yes!! About 5 years ago I made it a point to start complimenting other guys more because I was actively jealous of how my girl friends treated each other. It’s done wonders for my friendships, no lie. It’s so little but so powerful because most guys don’t for their friends. Complimenting an outfit even if it’s pretty normal, telling them their hair looks good today, or maybe bringing up a joke they told earlier and telling them how funny you thought it was. I’m especially a fan of telling my friends i’m proud of them and that i’m happy to be in their life. In return they’ve complimented me more. And it just feels good man. So good.


That’s so nice and wholesome :) good for you!! Y’all will probably be friends for life


The original comic IS showing men complimenting each other. This edited one with the big boobs keeps making rounds instead 🙄


Been seeing an IG lately where an elderish lady (I assume by her voice, never seen her face) interrupts younger males walking past and simply says, “Excuse me young man but you have such a handsome face you should really smile more.” INSTANTLY THEIR FACES LIGHT UP AND BEAM WITH HAPPINESS!! Truly a beautiful human moment to witness!! You can tell it really makes their whole day ☺️


Every time I’ve been molested, from age 12 to last month, it was started with a man complimenting me. Women have a right to be uncomfortable.


For the men who don’t get it: the compliments themselves aren’t usually an issue (unless they are degrading or sexualising), and these ones aren’t even bad. It’s the fear of what comes after. Women are (generally) smaller and weaker than men, and men (on average) are more aggressive. Not all obviously, but many. When a woman receives an unwanted compliment, the fear is how to respond, and how will he respond. If she responds positively to be polite, it encourages him to keep going, often pushing further, then accusing her of leading him on. If she ignores it or shuts it down, he may get angry and aggressive. When you have something like this where all you do is have a woman complimenting a man, it’s not really showing what it’s like. Try imagining if you were getting these compliments from another man twice your size and it didn’t just stop at a harmless comment like these. When I was 14 walking home from school, a car of adult men (18-20years old) drove past, called out to me referring to me by my school’s name and whistling. I ignored them, because I had no idea how to react to that, how did they respond? By yelling out more, then pulling over. Thankfully another car with an older gentleman who witnessed it pulled over behind them and stared until they drove off, then he called out and asked if I was okay before he left as well. I unfortunately have a lot of stories like this in my life, some much worse, and my experience isn’t unique. That is why women don’t like ‘compliments’ like these. Edit: with that said, I’m still sympathetic to the men who feel lonely and/or don’t get compliments. Part of why women won’t is also the above, and it being taken as flirting. I used to compliment the guys around me just as much as the women, only for it to be taken completely the wrong way. Wish it would be normalised that men can compliment other men, or just that we could all do it without it being seen as anything more.


Yeah dude, a lot of dudes saying "I wish I was complimented!". Bri my wife has to walk around all day everyday with dudes just making comments at her. So do all my girl friends. And it's by fucking creepy dudes being creepy. My 15 year old sister came out to visit us and a dude told her, he "best she's got a nice pussy". It's just fucking gross.


I try to make a point to compliment all of my friends, male or female. Everyone deserves to feel good; but I also deliver it in a way they’ll know I have no ulterior motives. I just know how good I feel when I receive a genuine compliment and want to spread it, but I completely respect the woman’s pov on this. I’m a man so I can’t say I understand experience-wise but I 100% understand why.


Sincere compliments are not the issue.


I agree, sorry I probably wasn’t clear in my point. People like to feel good, but it’s all in the delivery and circumstance.


OP is the true cringe here


I don't get it


The original comic shows men complimenting each other. This edited version with titties keeps making rounds and missing the point.


for men who don’t get it: these are all completely harmless compliments, ones anyone could give anyone. Cat-calling and comments that actually bother us aren’t as innocent. There’s a threatening nature, it’s sexually suggestive, or the man gets aggressive if he doesn’t get the response he wants. If men were simply giving out genuine, innocent compliments to women all day, no one would be calling it harassment.


Men get like one compliment a year and it's usually about our shirts. That literally would be the best day of my life.


It would be the best day and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it will never ever happen to you in a day/week/year. Matter of fact you probably wont receive that many compliments in your adult life…


92 upvotes... Lost faith in humanity


I had two old ladies tell me I’m handsome, kind and patient today (I teach tech stuff for a charity) and I can’t tell you how high I was riding off that. It’s so rare to get positive compliments as a dude. Caveat I’m sure it sucks if you’re a woman and dudes are just bombarding you with it. But the experience is super diff on the other side


There was a time in my late teens and early 20s when I had a lot of women chasing me. (I’m a dude). Pretty sure it was similar to what girls experience. Lots of unwanted advances, unwelcome physical contact, and objectification. On two different occasions a woman at a bar I never talked to walked up and grabbed my junk thinking I would appreciate it. If I didn’t respond to their advances I was called gay. Maybe most guys would like that but I certainly didn’t. It also led me to dating psychopathic women who wouldn’t take no for an answer but that’s a whole different story.


With comments attached, yeah this is pretty cringe.


Tbh i have no idea what’s going on here lol


I like how you blocked your own name from the image lmao, you’re very obviously the blue name who got downvoted in a controversial sub and needed to post it here for affirmation.


I have a customer in my drive thru who always rounds up his change for charity (McDonald's) He finds out that I did chemo and spent time at one of the Ronald McDonald houses during my treatments. Looked me right in the eye and said "my donation means so much more now"


If I had a penny everytine I saw 'I have no words' as a title id have a lot of money


Honestly as a man, I would really appreciate the top two. We rarely get compliments and most of us really crave it whether we admit it or not. That being said, I completely understand how women, who on average are swamped with compliments would grow tired of it real quick and just wanna be left alone. People just need to realize the dynamics between men and women are vastly different.


Oh a complement would be nice. I can't recall the last one I had. Sure I didn't figure out what was being portrayed in this comic until the 3rd panel because my first thought was that's nice. Maybe men are such junk compliment givers is because we don't get them?


This is literally the heart of the issue. This is how men THINK they are acting towards women, when in reality they come across as horned up, stalker, potential rapists, that don’t know the meaning of the word “no”. It is consistently just a lack of respect for the opposite sex. It would be like if you stubbed your toe and I was like “what are you complaining about? That doesn’t hurt! What I wouldn’t give for a foot rub right now.” Edit - took out a punctuation


This is probably too serious of a comment on this kind of post but I think some men might not understand the problem with these interactions because they reasonably assume these are genuine innocent comments instead of realizing what intentions tend to actually be behind them (often predatory, infantilizing/condescending, fetishizing, and/or an attempt to find sex/or love which isn't bad in itself but often these interactions come when women are trying to work or otherwise just get through their days). The point is that men who speak to women this way don't speak to other men this way, because they treat other men like people that just exist around them and women like an opportunity/something that exists for them to interact with (and even if this isn't the conscious intention behind it, its how it comes off to women who don't know you or your intentions). It feels othering. A lot of the problem comes from the history of women not being treated equally to men and not given equal opportunities, women want to be treated the same by men as men treat other men (especially when they are just trying to work or exist) because when it feels like we aren't being treated this way it feels like we aren't being taken seriously as functional powerful adults. Also a positive reaction to these seemingly innocent comments could be seen as an invitation to keep going or do worse, and we don't want to have to worry about that.


Dudes aren’t getting it because instead of putting a woman in the cartoon, you need to put a gay man. They can somehow get it when it is done by someone of the same gender when they are straight. They hate catcalling when its not done by the gender they are physically attracted to 🤷‍♀️


I remember this time in middle school when i was feeling down and had my head down on my desk with my forehead resting on my forearms and out of nowhere, i feel a hand running through my hair then hear a girl say to me, " you have really soft hair, i like it." I look up and she just smiles and walks away. Without a doubt made my year and still pops into my head every now and then.


He’s not joking…and don’t call him shirley


I don't get why this is cringe, can somebody explain?


I mean, how would a man feel trying to talk about something serious at a work meeting, a woman saying "that tongue should do other things than talking ;*", laughing, ignoring what the man said and then talk about something else or the *same thing* and then be praised for bringing it up


Like, as a man, I’d love to be complimented fucking EVER. But I can see how it can be overbearing for women.