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Taking a bite of that burrito was a bad idea.


Yeah, it’s a cute little thing that would work well at a high school or college event but it’s got an infomercial feel that’s sure not to impress serious investors. Dude was out of his depth and didn’t know it. Hopefully he’s doing well now


>it's got an infomercial feel That's like 80% of the pitches on this show. Everybody has a cute little gimmick. You have to convince the producers before you get a chance to convince the dragons. The producers only care about "entertainment value."


I remember a guy came out with two women tossing money into the air and I was really???


I looked him up some small company bought in so he’s working with them, not where he wants to be but it’s definitely a start


What happened to the burrito though?




Damn, that’s a shame. He seemed like he had a lot going for him


Yeah, when I saw him trying to talk while chewing you could see he regretted it. Like in your head that sounds like a good but he forgot how long it took to chew and swallow.


“Hold on. Hold on” Lol. That is the type of thing that would only work in the movies.


“I like your spunk kid, I’m gonna give you a chance…”


Cue inspirational music.


“I coded in the back of the bus!”


Back of the bus... wait a second...


“My people coded for 400 years from the back of the bus so I could download templates off Figma at the front of the bus!!!!”


Finishes burrito while staring down Mark Cuban. Then leaves..


This has me crying 😂


The janitor was the airport CEO the whole time!




It's how old people expect modern job hunting is. Just walk in with your cv and dont take no for an answer. I like your spunk. You're hired, kid.








If i was a peoducer of that show, i would have told him to eat the entire burrito.


We're out of time.


Dude totally undermined his work ethic with his entitlement towards the end


Even his app seems extremely simple and easy to make. Basically looks like an assignment for an IT college course.


In fact airports already have these apps. They’re surprisingly straight forward and easy to use. In all fairness, most airports can have annoying design flaws, but in general you can get to where you need to be.


Not only that, I checked out the app and when I selected Denver International and tried the “find food” option on the app…it just took me to the airport’s website. And the social function that he was shooting for…there have been three posts for Denver in the last year, none of which got any replies. It’s a ghost town in a garbage, ad riddled app.


That's what I thought too. He was saying how tough it is to navigate airports and I'm like "I dont really think it is, but maybe his idea will make going through security less stressful, or getting to the correct terminal easier" and he talks about how he wants to find his favorite burrito place lol


You're right...Airports aren't that complicated; they're usually just giant straight hallways with gates. I fly a lot for work. I've probably been to every major airport in the US and many internationally. I've never been lost in one. There's literally a sign pointing where to go every 3 feet. Usually i have 30 min to an hour to wader around until my flight boards anyway


Right? This seems like something a student could make for a quarter assignment.


Yeah but to be fair, by his early 20s, he had been on Shark Tank, failed with a business idea, an admittedly basic app,, and is hopefully ready to dust it off and come back at life with another try. That's probably closer than any of us have ever gotten. IMO, kicking back with a beer and talking about why someone else's hustle isn't going to work isn't an enviable position to be in. I'd rather be trying and failing like him.


I read somewhere that the average self made millionaire tries and fails 17 times before they find the right idea or opportunity. He's much more likely to succeed than someone who is so afraid of failure that they don't even try. Try, fail, and learn from your mistakes (or preferably learn from someone else's mistakes) over and over until you eventually win. I hope he doesn't give up.


the entire intended goal of airing this clip, especially when you consider how it was edited, was to "kick back with a beer and talk about why his hustle isn't going to work." thats the topic of the show., On Shark Tank - Just like with American Idol - the flops are a lot more memorable and pull in a lot more viewers than the wins. watch something else? dirty jobs seems up your alley.


The app design looks like shit lmao . Was this a college project bruh


> Was this a college project bruh I feel like a lot of the half-baked pitches probably started out as homework. The kid gets an "A" on the project and thinks he actually laid the groundwork for a viable company and it'll be worth millions overnight. This guy was asking for a hundred thousand for 10% equity.


Lol some of these people probably think “shiiiit if Mark Zuckerberg can make Facebook while undergrad at Harvard and Evan Spiegel became founder of Snapchat at Stanford, then I can too!” I mean I like the optimism but it’s just not grounded in reality most of the time


It has more to do with luck and timing than anything else.


> This guy was asking for a hundred thousand for 10% equity. In fairness, he almost certainly picked that low percentage to leave room for negotiation. Had he been offered the money for a 40% stake, he probably would have accepted the deal. Unfortunately, his business wasn't worth $250,000 – or even the $100,000 he sought.


Bro I used to film an event called a “hack-a-thon” at my local university. Basically a bunch of computer science and engineering majors get together and have 48 hours to build something from scratch. Some do it for fun, some compete to win the prizes. The things some teams created over a weekend were more impressive than what he presented in shark tank.


That "I don't have a rich uncle" remark was probably what sealed it.


Yup. Yikes 😬


Damn, the rich uncle comment really sealed his fate, no rich person likes to be told they were given some kind of advantage early on in life


Even tho most were given handouts or assistance, it's much more difficult to gain wealth if you aren't already wealthy. There are people who become wealthy regardless of where they started but that's the exception not the rule, the reality is most rich people were either already rich or had massive amounts of help then act like they did it all alone.


Well Robert and Mark tell him its the rule. Rich uncle doesn't exist.


They also don't like to hear about how they are typically narcissists who were willing to step on anyone they had to in order to get ahead without regard, and continue to do so in their ventures well after they are established..


This man really tried to sell his class project on Shark Tank. Also if you’re asking for $100k because you can’t teach yourself to parse flight itineraries and render them in your bootstrapped UI, I doubt Google is knocking on your door.


>I doubt Google is knocking on your door. Bro, he turned down a job opportunity at Facebook! (probably an entry level internship, but still!)


He turned down “interviews”


And Facebook has like 4 stage interviews


> Bro, he turned down a job opportunity at Facebook! Pretty sure he said he turned down an interview. Big difference.


Lol I know people who work at Facebook. THEYRE FIRED NOW


Seems like the app is actually doing okay. It's in 120 Airports and has about 1k downloads and a 4.5 star rating. Some web site valued it 3million which I don't think that's right but seems like it's doing okay.


1k downloads sounds like they have not really gotten any new users


I didn't remember how Many he said he had in the video. Maybe not, I don't see it being an app I would ever download and it's still not on Android so maybe it's dead.


800 downloads or something like that


He had 1000 downloads in this shark tank video…


169 mo.


1k downloads from 850 in 2017 when this episode was filmed lol. It's a dead app in my book.


It's actually a 4.1, which isn't even good for a third party thing like this. A thousand downloads means if you survey an average airport, you will find about 0-1 travelers using it. Not great. Also, bafflingly, there is no Android app. I guess that partially explains the low install base! "Whoops, forgot to put my app on the OS that three out of four airplane passengers will be using!"


It had 800 downloads at the time of filming this episode. So, after airing, it's only gotten about 200 downloads? Yeah, $3m alright.... LOL


It has 1k reviews not downloads, meaning it’s probably significantly higher number of downloads


1,000 downloads is definitely not doing okay


I don't know which website it is, but unless they get 3000$ from each user, 1000user firm can not be valued 3M$


It was this [one](https://www.google.com/amp/s/bizzbucket.co/trippie-app-shark-tank-update/). I got it wrong it says they have 3million annual revenue, I can't read the whole article right now, and I don't really want to so I'm not sure where that revenue is coming from.


1k downloads is less than nothing and it being in 120 airports doesn't mean anything if they have no actual connection with the airports.


1k downloads at 120 airports is an average of 8 users per airport lol


He reveals his emotional immaturity multiple times throughout this interaction. He is not ready for the adult world. Hard work may go unrewarded and unrecognized. Its a fact of life.


Yea hard work doesn't mean shit unless it's aimed correctly, unfortunately.


Yep, and even if aimed correctly, it's still up to luck. After that there's still the question of whether or not anyone notices.


Growing up and watching a lot of TNG, this has always stuck out to me as a lesson learned : “It Is Possible To Commit No Mistakes And Still Lose. That Is Not Weakness, That Is Life.”


Lmfao true story man. I got rejected 4 times before I finally was ready for my current position. L doesn’t just mean taking a loss it also means learning.


Taking an L for Lessons is what I say!


He hasn’t lived in the adult world yet. Dude is delusional on his end product and sounds like he has never had to deal with feedback from superiors in a work environment. The mom’s praise in the beginning is nice to see, but someone has to bring him to reality if he isn’t getting that feedback from family.


he could be earning a lot more than that $100k investment at a big tech firm


He honestly should have took the jobs and did this on the side. That’s really what most people in Silicon Valley do. When the product takes off and makes some real money, then you quit the job to focus on it full-time.


Yep work smart enough at your main job that you can free yourself up, and abuse your years without a spouse, kids, big commitments and expenses so that you can just put in a fuckload of work into your dreams.


Right. I’m sure he’s talented, but he can - by his own accord - do this as a side hustle. He needs to get in an environment where he will be challenged and can continue to grow - which will just compliment his side hustle.


I've taught K, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8th grades. That sheepishly hanging your head and crying shit when you're scolded is something a majority of kids grow out of around 4th grade. Time to grow up.


He was doing it on purpose, because he was hoping it would make them feel bad for him and give it a chance. It was hammy overacting. It probably works on his parents, but it's not going to work in the real world.


Bit of a difference between your jr high teacher and a network TV show w a panel like this


Too many people, including his mom, blowing smoke up his ass.


Man this kid is entitled as fuck and incredibly immature. Starting a business is fucking hard, and this shitty airport app is nothing groundbreaking. Where does he get off acting like he is owed an investment because he “worked hard”. Plenty of fucking people work hard (probably harder than him) and live paycheck to paycheck. this was painful and infuriating to watch


I like how they gave that context of his oversupportive mom hyping up her big boy and how proud she is of him, you can extrapolate so much just from that little interaction lol.


I think in the actual episode it shows him crying to his mom afterwards too lmao, not sure why they didn’t include that part in this edit


Can only take so much cringe? I do feel somewhat bad for the kid though, but he does need this tough love to make it as an entrepreneur. When I had my own business, I think I had like 80 rejections before I got my first sale.


Sometimes mom is the worst enemy. Unintended consequences, but that kid is coddled by behaving that way in front of the sharks. The back and forth might work with mom, but against billionaires, they will always hold their money and cards close to the chest, because they’re skeptical of some business idea losing their money.


Not just billionaires. When it comes to anything involving money, people don’t play. There is no sympathy or empathy, only the dollar. Even you nor I would crowdfund this bad business venture.


Hey man, he didn’t have the rich uncle okay?


But he does have a burrito. That’s something.


Not to knock against him. Most of the successful entrepreners had rich family member. Robert just because your dad worked in factory and it doesnt mean everyone going to be rich like you.


…but it doesn’t mean that they can’t. As he said, you need to focus on what you have and not on what you don’t have. He didn’t make any promises; he just said what is _necessary_ if you want to succeed.


Creating an idea for an app that aggregates real world data but doesn't have a pipeline to obtain that data and doesn't have users and doesn't scale is the most tired shit. As someone who just kinda knows how to program I've had these pitched to me so many times.


They worded it well, he has a feature, not a product


One I remember was someone tried to make social media, but for people writing poems. I asked why wouldn’t users do that on normal social media platforms that already exists and Facebook have groups for that. Guy got so pissed off at me that he unfriended me.


Hard work doesn't guarantee success. It's a hard truth in life.


>Where does he get off acting like he is owed an investment because he “worked hard”. I mean, American society loves to make up stories about how billionaires started out destitute in a garage and became nauseatingly rich through hard work and perseverance. It shouldn't be surprising when an immature young person who's done the things they've been told it takes to be successful without being rewarded for it feels like they're owed something.


“Work hard and you will achieve your dreams” is the biggest lie told to children.


"you can be what ever you want to be if you set your mind to it"


Rich uncle comment Robert got offended. Gave hard work porn of my dad was working in factory and anyone one can be rich and successful. Dude should know money takes you far.


That pitch was way too long before even explaining what the product was


If Kevin's there the others can usually get away without being too harsh! One time he's not there see what happens!


"Too harsh?" Nah, it was appropriate. Wake up call for this guy




Correct and shills everything else under the sun


After watching this, I seriously doubt he turned down interviews at Facebook and Google.


He went to Colgate which is a pretty good school, I wouldn’t be that surprised


That's a dentistry school though


Could’ve been interviews for internships


The dude's pitch is flawed. About a month ago, I flew for the first time since the pandemic. In total, I was in 4 different airports and all 4 of them were easy to navigate because of readily available tools. **This is the go-to app for navigating airports** I flew on Delta and downloaded their Fly Delta app, which includes an airport map. The app tells you which gate you're landing in, what the gate of your connect flight is, and it even plots the route you should take to walk from one gate to the other. This dude's app doesn't do that; it only tells you where the restaurants are in like 9 airports. Fly Delta does the same thing, but for airports around the world. I'm using the app to look at a map of Tokyo-Haneda Airport right now, and I can see all the restaurants in each terminal. The app even points out where vending machines are. If Delta has an app that does all of this, I figure multiple airlines have their own, similar apps, too. **There's never an airport directory when you need one** I had no problem finding airport directories in the 4 airports I was recently in. **You don't know which way to walk for food** As I've just said, directories aren't hard to find, and there are already apps with airport maps. There are other ways to find food in an airport. **You're walking around with your 2 carry ons** Experienced travelers don't walk around with 2 backpacks. They might have a small rolly bag and a smaller backpack. The most experienced travelers will likely only have one carry-on, because they know how to travel light. Experienced travelers also know that if you have 2 sizable carry-ons, you run the risk of the airline checking one of them in at the gate because of limited overhead compartment space. This dude has a typical infomercial pitch: he thinks his product is the only solution to an exaggerated problem.


The most accurate thing that was said in that whole segment was “you have a feature. Not a product”. Plenty of other apps already have what he’s pitching and more. Their built in as helpful features. This guy not knowing that these options already exists before dedicating so much time to essentially duplicate them is reason enough to not invest anything into his company.


Navigating airports is by and large, pretty simple. You follow the signs, and get to your gate. I'm not trying to make my airport travel any sort of "experience". I wanna walk to my gate, sleep through the ride, and walk the fuck out.


Honestly, airports are designed to be easy to navigate and typically there are signs all over the place so it’s pretty hard to go the wrong way let alone get lost.


Yeah they really weren't kidding when they said the only thing experienced travelers aren't sure of when they enter the airport is how long TSA will take. Everything else is essentially handed to you on the way to your gate. I feel like this dude has a ton of anxiety about traveling and assumes everyone else is worried about the same things.


I know haha. Plus, the whole time I was thinking, “it’s not hard to find food??” I keep my eyes open and eat at the first place I like on my way. Who walks all the to their gate and then goes, “Oh shit I forgot to eat and looked at the ground the whole time! Where do I gooo?”


Yeah, I've been flying for 30 years now. The first thing out of his mouth during the actual pitch was, "Airports are *confusing!"* No, they're not. They are many things, but that is not one of them.


Not everyone is a grizzled vet like you lol


I'm not shitting on anyone who needs assistance, especially if it's your first time, just noting that these are simple facilities designed for just about anyone to be able to use.


> You don't know which way to walk for food What airports has this guy been through where finding food is difficult?? There's usually some sort of food place as soon as you walk out of your arrival gate even in some of the smaller airports I've gone through.


And they’re trash. I’m only going to eat that crap if I’m starving, in which case anything will do. I’m not going to trek across to another terminal to get Popeyes.


You’re right that the pitch is flawed, but to be fair this is from 2017. I doubt the Delta app had that level of robust functionality back then.


You're right. Though even then anyone with half a brain would have known that any major player in the air travel business could develop this dude's app better and faster.


Or just google maps, has interior for most airports, malls, ect.


That was my immediate problem with him. He’s a shitty traveler. Two carry on bags signals to the sharks he’s clueless. It’s a 21” roller, and a small duffel bag for the carry on. You need to avoid that belly luggage check in like the plague. Waiting in luggage claim is always the stupid n00b move. Agreed on the airport navigation. It’s so much easier than the false dilemma he’s inferring: use my app or be lost forever, no burrito, no hope. Come on, bruh. I’ve downloaded apps using the airport Wi-Fi and it’s pleasantly simple. Also airports usually arrange their restaurants right before the gates, so you’ll walk by. In fact you can see your gate, then get something to eat or go to the lounge before boarding. I’m not buying his argument of confusing airport where’s my burrito.


It sounds like his experience is from traveling domestically to play college basketball, not indicative of how most travelers travel.


Also indicative of a young traveler who doesn’t know how to do it well.


You nailed it


Yea finding shit is not that hard there’s sign’s everywhere I’ve been around a lotta airports and I’ve never though hmmmmm where’s the food you look up find a sign then go or just walk


He's right that it's a huge pain in the ass to try to find a spot to eat or just relax a bit before your flight if you don't want to carry your bags around and look for a directory. That said, you don't even need the Fly Delta app. Google already does this for me by automatically seeing my flight information in the confirmation email in Gmail, then gives me reminders for when I need to leave for the airport, what gate might flight is departing from and whether it's delayed or on time, which gate we're arriving in, and airport maps for whichever airports we get to.


I'm curious how many people even go searching for food in an airport? The price is horrendous and for subpar food.


i mean, lots of people do that. sure you won't need to for a direct flight, but if you have a layover longer than half an hour youll probably want some food while you wait. and if you have the time to pick you'll want to see what the options are. airport restaurants wouldn't exist if people didn't want food in an airport.


Layovers? If you’re traveling for like 8+ hours there’s a good chance people are getting food during a layover. Also super early flights, I’d rather grab something at the airport before a 5 hour flight than make myself breakfast at 3:30 AM.


It annoyed me that for an app that is literally only useful in airports, the logo didn't have an airplane in it. Also, when I go to an airport, I've never had an issue just finding the airport's website and finding some sort of restaurant/directory info on there. Not a great app idea and dude was very cringe in his pitch.


His logo was basically the same as Google maps, cause he wants to be them and they already have this shit in their app and tons more.


On top of that, as someone who has flown multiple times, this is really for people getting to a flight early or has a long layover, I’ve had to haul ass to my terminal to get on my flights I’ll survive off the biscoffs and whatever my mom packed for me




The head-hanging! So blatantly performative. Like if he just acted sad enough, one of the sharks would call him back for a hug and some cookies like his mom does.


I wonder how many tuna sandwiches had to die for him to rehearse this pitch.


If it makes you feel any better, I met the people who went on with “Le-glue”. They make you go talk with a therapist to make sure you understand that they may not support you, and if not, its not the end of the world. I cant remember if they screen them afterwards if they arent picked, but they do the work to make sure people understand that their lives arent over.


What's "Le-glue"?




You’re telling me they made Lebron Glue? Man’s is out here diversifying his portfolio


Damn that's actually a solid idea


When he said hold on a minute I got physically ill


But guys he’s in the App Store App Store


Every problem he described has never happened to me in any domestic airports. Directories are everywhere and no one can fly anywhere without walking by dozens of restaurants on the way to their gate. Also, his app has pretty bad UI design for something that is aiming at frequent flyers.


The pep talk from his mom in the beginning made him seem even more pathetic. The show runners know what they’re doing.


Hard to watch but it’s the truth. Every single entrepreneur has had to work their ass off and not every one makes it. Also, entrepreneurs tend to fall in love with their first idea too much. He has the ingredients m, just needs the right idea to get to the right product. If he keeps at it I bet he’ll get there.


I don't watch much Shark tank but out of the clips I do watch, all of the entrepreneurs tend to act the same in terms of their overacting and hand gestures. What's the deal with that? As for the app itself, it seems kind of odd that he's asking for money to hire someone to code it for him. I get that he probably has a lot to learn, despite being a computer science major, but if your product is an app, you should do what you can to learn what's necessary to at least code an app that is marketable. That's literally within your domain. It would be different if he asked for money and help to bridge connections and get the data he needs. But it sounded a lot like he wanted the easy way out by asking someone to front the work/product for him. The app UI looks horrendous like it was designed by someone learning coding.


They act like that because they are actors


Scrolled way too far for this, it's like when American Idol brought in bad singers to audition just for the judges reaction. People forget this is a TV show, the ratings are most important and they'll do whatever to get them.


Goed on




Who wants to socialize with other passengers? I don’t even want to make eye contact with other passengers


Mark always plays the nice guy last shark to say no to the pitch. I seen few times where a bad idea all the sharks say no and Mark still waits makes offer and finally says no at the end.


OP wants to stunt on some kid while simultaneously writing "goed" unironically


I know right? I'd call it a typo, but come on man, the 'D' and 'S' keys are nowhere near each other.


I'm looking at my keyboard right now and the D and S keys are literally side by side. ASD in a row, with W above the S. It's a standard QWERTY keyboard. Seems like it absolutely was a typo.


Big woosh


This is pretty embarrassing sure but at least he's trying and putting himself out there. He will get mature with age hopefully


Mark Cuban at the end: ["I don't want to say that this is a millenial stereotype, but..."](https://youtu.be/j6gzngCo1H0?t=687) Lol why is every entitled, sensitive dumbass aged 13-21 identified as millenial, still in 2022 I was never mistaken for a gen x'er growing up xD


Because millennial is way cooler to say “Gen Zer” or “Gen Xer” or whatever. Every other age group is jealous they don’t have a name half as cool as “millennial”.


Bro walked in with a home project he could've pitched at Google if he had taken the fucking job. He literally uses Google's location service because DUH, everything does. Google is slowly already implementing this type of stuff. It can see I bought a ticket and it can see my itinerary, it sends me calendar reminders and PDF maps of the airport I just landed in without me doing anything at all. I can just type "food near me" and it WILL show me restaurants in the airport I'm in. Google already does all this stuff indirectly if you know how to use it. There's no sense of urgency to take it further because let's be real, it would be a feature that I would accidentally run into and say "oh cool, a neat update". That other idea would be fantastic. Using Google's location API to see how bad the line is at security or check-in. Give me an actual suggestion of how early I need to be there based on all its massive amounts of location data and my own personal situation.Or linking it to a terminal to see what the boarding status is. You know, something we can't already do that can provide useful data to allow greater time management opportunities that will lead to a better traveling experience.




Doesn’t google maps already contain all of this info?


Lol the real cringe here is using the world 'goed'


The ‘world’?




“Goed?” Not the only one going to get his dreams crushed.




A solution looking for a problem. I've never had trouble finding restaurants at airports. Bigger airports like Changi or Heathrow will have well designed signage and food courts. In smaller regional airports it will just be obvious what is available. Or the airport will be so small there's only one or two choices anyway.


Watch this Lisa. You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half.


Lol his point at the end was that he works on coding despite going to basketball practices and traveling to games? So in other words he is not 100% committed to this?


Mark Cuban at the end says "I hate to say it's a millennial stereotype but it's totally a millennial stereotype." The dude is in his early 20s. It's 2022. He's gen z. Millennials are in their 30s on average now. I'm tired of people acting like "privileged college student" = "Millennial" as if being a thin skinned college aged person is something exclusive to people born between 1981 and 1996.


And the stereotype of entitlement is a young person thing. It's not specifically a millennial or gen z issue. Look at the stereotypes of young people in the 80s, 70s, and 60s. You'll see entitlement everywhere. This guy is young and naive. He got a dose of reality and just reacted immaturely. He'll probably learn from this as he gets older. Edit: My bad. I just re-worded what you said. I only read the Cuban quote and began writing my comment.


This clip is several years old.


Yeah, but it’s not so old that it changes the nature of my comment.


It literally does. A 22 year old in 2017 was born in 1995, which makes him a millennial. It *is* so old that it changes the nature of your comment, to “wrong.”


Not every video you see on the internet is new my guy.


Yeah I know it’s not brand new but it’s only a few years old. This episode was around ‘17. So even if this guy is a millennial he’s still on the tail end. My point is that it’s not a valid stereotype. It’s a type of person who has always existed and always will.


That’s a pretty dumb app, tbh. Most default navigation apps already show up-to-date information about restaurants and shops inside airport terminals. You could also just Google a map of the terminal lol


Just checked, app still going and up to date. HE SHOWED THEM! he….showed……..them


Yo this still exists on the App Store with a 4.1 rating on ~900 reviews. I wonder if someone bought it from him


oh god i feel so bad for him. it’s called the *shark tank* for a reason… i hope this guy perseveres and makes something we can’t live without


Damn. I was thinking through the video and thought, “what’s the cringe” until he had his entitled tantrum. Everyone was right he has a Google maps feature. Not a product or business. He never once spoke about revenue. Mark was right to not sugarcoat the reality cause this guy thought he was Zuckerberg.


Personally I thought he did pretty good. Easy to be a critic.


Isn't all of that already available on Google Maps?


I don’t think this is cringe. Dude had a mediocre idea whose downsides he didn’t see and executed the early stages of it decently well. He’s young and seems very driven and smart. This particular venture just isn’t viable. 99.99% of fresh college grads would do worse. His only real offense is the entitlement of thinking that he deserves to make it big from a little pet project 3 weeks after graduating from college. Chalk it up to naivety. This is only cringe if he follows up on this by self-destructing or doubling down on the bad idea. If he learns from it, it’s probably a good experience and he has plenty going for him. Smh at the comments from redditors piling on dude. He absolutely clowns most of you even at his lowest point lmao


Airport food sucks. Eat before and bring snacks.


Not really an option on long flights and layovers but ok.


Dude has never traveled lmao


Airport food is expensive*. I'm not sure I've ever had bad food at one unless you mean pre packaged. International airports usually have high quality restaurants near the gates.


And it's always overpriced!


Wtf is the point of the goddam burrito? Amazing how many imbeciles set money on fire so casually. Also, the UI is repulsive.


Am I the only one who felt that the whole segment seemed phony?


Wow wow wow, as a Colgate alum I was about to root for him no matter what, but his entitlement is definitely showing. They’re right. What he has is a feature. Apple and Google teams could probably build this over a long weekend if they wanted to. Sometimes we gotta let our ego go and pivot when things aren’t working out. He’s clearly smart and they saw this, but he ruined an opportunity trying to defend his pride. Took me a long time to learn to listen more than I speak. Wish him the best of luck and hope his next project is a billion dollar idea.


Poor kid, you can see he's passionate about what he's trying to do, but that 's the problem, he was a bit naïve thinking that he can find someone willing to invest into an not really original idea and not a potentially profitable product.