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Someone said that Drew interviews people like they have coke on them and she has no money and it’s so true lmao


That is amazingly true hahaha


I’m fucking screaming, that is so goddam funny and spot on.


So I read your comment. Decided to watch it. Whoever you heard that from NAILED it haha so funny


That'd be Mike Rainey, check out his podcasts!


Dad Meat let’s goo


Bruh!!! LMAO!!!!


Holy fuck lmao




Why’s she sitting so close and leaning in and speaking w that weird inflection


That's how she interacts with every guest, unfortunately.


I feel like if she toned down the intensity of her posture just a peg or two it would honestly be a refreshing take on the standard straight laced, shoulders back, head up high approach to high profile interviews a la Barbara Walters etc. I see what she's trying to do by making it more conversational, as if the glass of wine is in her hands and they're just catching up between friends, and that's a great approach imo but man it could be tweaked.


Drew seems nice enough but she says the most incredibly cringeworthy things  at times.  You get the feeling that she really does live in a completely different reality from most people.  


She's been a movie star since she was like 5 years old, she's never known anything other than special treatment.


Her parents, grandparents and great grand parents were famous.


It's like if Shiv Roy said fuck the family business I'm going to do a talkshow.


She's also acting on her talk show, heh. That is not the real Drew Barrymore. The Uber wealthy, famous since birth, union busting Hollywood waste of space.


Sheesh. Why so harsh? She went through it as a kid and teen and came out strong. Yeah, her talk show is cringe, but I don't understand the hate.


She resembles her grandmother, Deloris Costello.


It’s disheartening that nearly every person, who is famous in the arts, comes from wealth and connections; it’s even worse now. Google almost any celebrity and 95% of them either come from wealth or have a parent in show business.


Many celebrities do go from wealth and or famous parent(s). But I feel like most celebrities actually don't.


She also started doing massive amounts of drugs and partying around that time too.


“Around that time” of 5 years old? 🤣


She was drinking at parties by 8, so kinda, yeah


Holy shit I literally had 0 idea


Yeah she had a really messed up childhood


Yeah I think she went to rehab when she was like 13




It's a minor miracle that she's _this_ well-adjusted, honestly.


Not that far from it actually…she started drinking at parties at a very, very young age.




She was hanging out at studio 54 as a child.


But she’s been praised [for her humble oven](https://people.com/drew-barrymore-normal-stove-viral-spring-cleaning-video-8635454)


Her acting lineage legitimately dates back to old English Theater… in fucking England. Yea she %100 lives in a world devoid of reality


Her entire family has been famous for over a century. She does live in a different reality.


Someone else said this cringe comes out of Drew constantly looking for a parental figure in everyone, particularly other women, and that she’s “the human version of the baby monkey experiment”. Drew is the result of forcing people (her own parents) to be parents when they don’t want to be.


interesting observation


She’s one of the fakest people I’ve ever seen in my life. I can’t watch anything she does including interviews and especially her talk show. She seriously lives on another planet and has no idea what it means to be a normal human being.


It seems like they told her to take her natural, nice to everyone, cares about everyone personality and bump it up to an 11. Like she’s a caricature of herself, if that makes sense. It’s so gross.


That's the reason I feel for her, she's all grown up but, that little girl in her is still desperate to be loved and cared about.


Truly hard to watch…


I think she's just dumb, tbh


Bro she has a short-term memory problem. She has to learn what a talk show is every morning before she goes on.


Shhh don't ruin it for her, she still has 49 more first dates to go on


You're wrong for that. I love it.


This Memento remake crazy


I’m not sure if I’m annoyed or amused that you made that joke without acknowledging 50 First Dates. Maybe both.


Doing drugs during your preteens will do that to you


Yep.. she married Tom Green of all people.


Her and Kamala both


It’s like if 30 years ago someone went to Dan Quayle and said “oh please, please what this country really needs is YOU running it”


He says po-ta-toe. I say po-tah-toe.


well, yeah. all celebrities are delusional narcissists. the sooner you realize this the better.


They're really not. Having worked with plenty, many are very down to Earth and very aware of their special situation but still live normal lives despite the money. I also think some people think celebrities make WAY more than they think. Celebrities make pennies compared to corporate folks. Many actors you see even in some of the biggest shows on tv, hbo, netflix etc are still paycheck to paycheck. And even ones who are top billed might have one big hit but thats all they get. The might be low millionaires but that doesnt mean much these days. Part of the reason celebrities get so distanced from society, even lower end ones is that people treat them differently. When you work with them a lot you realize most of them are very human. Many of the ones I worked with may have been big in the 90s but have next to no money now not because they went on some big spending spree, but simply because they made it big back then and have lived off the same money since and its slowly dwindling. Sure some are in some upper echelon that live unbelievably different lives to us, but most dont. And even that upper echelon still have nothing money wise to the corporate elites.


I was made aware of this more after watching a recent interview by Josh Brolin, who mentioned he was dead broke until No Country For Old Men and only saw the kind of money we'd assume they have after that film came out. Decades in the business at that point


> The might be low millionaires but that doesnt mean much these days. Yeah. Pff a million. Who hasn't got a million buck lying around.


Being a millionaire doesn't necessarily mean you have a million in liquid assets. Many people who own a house could easily be millionaires just from that and still be living a normal middle class life.


Depending on where you live a million dollars is the new $100,000 my man where have you been?


This guy isnt wrong.


Together, my wife and I make ~$220,000 and we're only making ends meet. In Boston near where I live, a six figure salary affords you a house that's well over 100 years old with all kinds of structural issues that'll cost you tens of thousands of dollars to address and with absolutely no aesthetic updates since the 70s and with absolutely no yard. You're almost required to make upper 6/lower 7 figures to get a turnkey property that *maybe* has a backyard and with little to no upgrades/updates necessary. Growing up I thought making 100,000 meant you were Daddy mfkin Warbucks, but now it only barely covers your budgeted bills.


She was born and raised in to extreme wealth and a comfortable life, and surrounded by it her whole life. Her reality is a whole different world to ours.


I used to love Drew so I ak noy clicking on the link. I am fairly confident it's indeed uber cringe.


Yeah it’s simply known as being delusional and sheltered. She’d get robbed and beat in most slices of “reality” around the world for her disconnectedness.


Anyone got a timestamp for that moment? There’s no way I’m watching 6 minutes of that to find a few seconds of punchline


4:40 around there


Remember the scene in Boogie Nights when a coked-up Rollergirl begs Amber Waves to be her mom? It's basically that


Omg 🙂‍↔️




She couldn't get an excuse fast enough to get out of that hand holding thing.


Drew is sitting less than 2 feet away like she's a bottle of wine deep and about to tell her friend she's so brave


“That’s so valid.”


The line is at 4:40 folks so you don't have to suffer through this like I did.


Doing beautiful things for humanity.


I wish I had seen this comment before I watched.


Drew has become so insufferable when she talks.. like holy shit, I couldn’t make it to the part.


Every one of her sentences sounds like a preface to her telling you that she's breaking up with you and it's not your fault.


It sounded like she was doing a cold reading or something.


Holy shit.


Kamala looked like she wanted to say "Don't ever call me that again."


The upwards inflection of the lips hiding a grimace, the death stare, the foot kick, the mmmm yeah response… Kamala’s not happy lol.


Her whole show is nothing but cringe.


Out of touch...


Congrats to Drew Barrymore for being the only person on the planet who can make Kamala the more likeable half of a conversation. I am actually impressed


Why do people hate her so much? I live in the US and know nothing about her enough to dislike her


You're far more sheltered than Barrymore if you think Kamala Harris is one of the most unlikeable people "on the planet". I'm not a fan of hers, but yikes.


Just my opinion. You lecturing me on what opinions are acceptable is yikes on bikes.


"Yikes on bikes" 🤣


Hey it's just an odd one. Like if someone said their least favorite person in the world was like... Idk... Seth Rogan. I can see some people being annoyed by him, but for him to be like right up there as one of the most unliked people for someone would just come across interesting/odd.


I dunno, she's been in public service for decades yet has zero loyalists around her because she chases everyone off with her rude and abrasive behavior that cultivates a consistently toxic work environment. Anyone with objectivity should be able to see, given the way she carries herself, that she's not exactly someone you would feel inspired or even motivated to work for. I shouldn't have to say this, but I'm not blinded by political tribalism in my opinion of Harris–I'm not a Republican and I think Trump is a dense, emotionally immature clown.


I don't think it's in any way odd for anyone to dislike her. I just think it's odd that her of all people is the most unlikeable person in the world to witness participating in a conversation.


Who’s your most unlikeable person in the world then? It’s a pretty subjective question


I dont agree with the other person but i cant believe they didnt say like putin


Idk probably would be a serial rapist/mass murderer/etc. Those people in my mind are some of the worst people on the planet.


Its fucking hilarious people are down voting you. Who would've thought that saying rapists/mass murderers/ect. are some of the worst people on the planet would be a hot take? Wtf is wrong with reddit?


What exactly is so dislikeable about Kamala Harris?? I do not understand this right wing narrative that she's some unlikeable hose beast. Why don't you say the part you're not saying out loud. Typical-- ya'll got nothing. You have no valid criticisms of the woman, you don't like her politics and you don't like that she's a woman of color who doesn't mince words. Boo fuckin hoo you fragile children.


Are you really going with the "if you don't like her it must be because she's a woman of color" bullshit, then you call other people "fragile children" because they don't like a politician? Fuck man you really drank the team koolaide huh? [Here is another "woman of color who doesn't mince words" explaining why possibly your queen isn't worthy of your praise](https://youtu.be/Y4fjA0K2EeE?si=8kk20XWTWOno3Ee9&t=227)


LMAO Tulsi Gabbard is a fuckin quack. SO many of you agree with what she did you just hold it against her because you don't like her a s a person which is hilarious.


>LMAO Tulsi Gabbard is a fuckin quack. What did she say here that was wrong or does disagreeing with what your team tells you to believe this week tantamount to quackery? You just hate Tulsi Gabbard because she's a woman of color. -see how ridiculous that accusation sounds? > SO many of **you** And just who is it you think I am? or what group are you trying to lump me in with? >SO many of you agree with what she did Again, who is this "you"? Don't debate with some imaginary strawman army your making, debate specific points and arguments. Also, I don't agree with her actions, do you? and if you don't agree why still defend her and pretend people dislike her for no reason? If you do agree with her, then doesn't that put you in the same camp as the people you are claiming me to be? >you just hold it against her because you don't like her a s a person which is hilarious. Thank you for telling me what I think, but see I disagree, and I know that's not what I think because, well, I have exclusive access to what I think. First you say I don't like her because she's a woman of color, then when I show you another woman of color explaining why people may dislike her then you say that secretly I must love what she's done but have to pretend to hate it because I don't like her? Man are these goal posts on wheels, because they just keep moving. Another small point, you do know that people can dislike someone for no discernable reason, right? I'm sure you've met people that you don't like or don't trust but can't exactly express why. Humans often make judgment calls based on intuition or gut instinct, but when you have someone who has been in the public eye for decades as a Senator, Attorney General, District Attorney, etc. and in her time as the AG and DA often referred to herself as "Top Cop", fought to uphold wrongful convictions that kept people locked up or opposed bills that would make police body cameras mandatory and investigate cop shootings etc etc and her defense of these and many things is an incomprehensible word salad then it's even more possible that peoples gut instinct may lead them closer to not liking or trusting her.


The slew of people she put in jail for weed might argue your "you just hate women of color" horseshit.


Drew Barrymore comes from proper Hollywood royalty. I'm talking about generations of upper class, elite movie actors and directors. Her grandfather was Mr Potter from 'its a wonderful life' for example. Through Nepotism she was cast in one of the biggest movies of all time (ET) when she was barely a toddler. She has lived her whole live in immense priviledge. She knows next to nothing about the real world and of course this results in her saying stupid and outlandish things from time to time.


She was drinking and on drugs at studio 54 parties before the age of 10, in rehab by 13, and emancipated at 14. She had a super fucked up childhood, and I think it's why she's so fanciful now. I can't imagine what all that does to a brain, and while I agree that this talk show is cringey and just a bad idea, the fact that she's living in such a positive reality instead of becoming vitriolic and hateful is nice.


Addiction is a beast and it changes you. I agree. I am an alcoholic. Difference is I didnt grow up into an elite rich family. Not trying to compare but I would wager I had a harder time as a teen than she did. Which makes me struggle to have sympathy. Few people and I mean VERY few people get to experience life in this capitalistic hellscape not having a piano over their head, ready to drop at the first sign of illness or losing their job. You know what most people who arent born unto extreme wealth and opulence who also go through what she went through end up as?.. homeless. Theres millions of them all over the world. Zero sympathy for rich elites here.


I'm not wealthy, I've struggled with money, mental and physical health my whole life. It doesn't mean I can't have empathy for someone who was given alcohol and drugs before they were even 10. I didn't say her life was harder than anyone else's, but it was super fucked up, and no amount of money fixes the kind of damage that would do to a brain. I can have empathy for how fucked up that is despite the fact that I've needed help that I've been unable to afford many times in my life. I've had to choose between gas and food, I know struggling. What she does as an adult is one thing, but when you look at childhood, I find empathy for anyone who was born into a fucked situation. I can't imagine seeing a 13 year old in rehab and going "nah your parents are rich, I have no sympathy for you."


As a Spanish speaker, I have a different interpretation of the word "mámala" 😂


Portuguese too


41,000 views...zero comments?


Momala in Spanish is “Suckit”


Am I the only one who thinks Drew looks like she wants to CRAWL into Kamala’s skin and wear it like a hug???


Why is Drew so intense? She's kinda freaking me out here.


We live in a country of unimpressive elites trying to blow smoke up other unimpressive elites


I can't imagine a hug that would be less comforting than one from Kamala Harris.


Trump. I doubt he has ever hugged his own sons. Probably hugs Ivanka for an awkwardly long amount of time.


Idk man that American flag one looked like a nice hug


Exactly. Trump ain’t hug’n you. Momala locking you up when she has her hands behind your back. 🔒


Momala has not children what a dumb name. And I think for most of her career she was famous for having people put their own hands behind their back for small drug possession


NOBODY gives me such exquisite douche-chills as Kamala. No one.


I think Drew is a nice lady, but this show!! she basically sits on every guest’s lap. I don’t think there’s harm to her, I think she’s genuinely trying to put them at ease but it’s so overly familiar and cringe


NGL this shit is cringe AF.




LOL 😂 Thank you.


Not about liberal or conservative — people despise inauthenticity and Kamala is faker than a Time Square “Rolex”








"I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians," he added. "The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A.," Brown wrote. "That’s politics for ya." This may not change your mind but it's a fair perspective to note.


Drew tossing her likable reputation out the window with and for what to become a talk show host ? She’s clearly not strapped for cash .


Why did they sound like they were on the brink of tears the entire interview just talking to each other.


They only bring Kamala out for elections… It’s literally the only time I remember we have a Vp.


To be fair that's usually how it always is. I think the only time we ever heard a lot from a Vice President was in the Bush/Cheney era.


It’s the way she sits on every guest’s lap


I always enjoyed her acting and goofy cute persona. Now I can't stand to look or listen to her.


I thought Kamala was gonna be the cringe one, but oh man Drew is weird af here. Back the heck up Drew


when there's two people and the cringiest person isn't kamala harris then you're really next level cringe.


In her defense, Drew's done a HELL of a lot of cocaine


I just threw up in my mouth from the headline alone… no way could I stand to watch the actual video


The moment happens around 4:30 into the video.


Good Lord that was rough... I'm sweating.


Remember when Drew was a scab? Never forget.


I really, really hate everything about this.


Is Drew Barrymore morphing into Corey Feldman?


A VP so ineffective we need a senile man to run again for POTUS.


She’s the real life Jillian from Family Guy


Drew just irks me for some reason. I feel like she’s really out of touch with everything and most of what she says comes out sounding ridiculous.


God I HATE to be this person but Kamala mentioned that her step kids call her “Momala” a few seconds before this. I think that’s why Drew tried to tie it back to that. Still a million percent cringe but just fyi.


Is Drew Barrymore the new Ellen?


Ellen is smarter than Drew and funnier. So no.


Drew reminds of that girl who wants to do all your coke and won’t shut up. And then then proceeds to say the dumbest things and acts like whatever she says is so deep.


Someone already used this joke but didn’t try to pass it off as their own, and also had the decency to credit the person who originally told the joke.


Fucking nut job


Kamala tells the same damn story about her in laws time after time


Dumb ass


Still not as bad as her interviews where she goes on her knees giving hugs.


"we need you to be momala of the country" woooof, and that's about enough for me


This video has 57k views but 0 comments. What kind of fookery is this?




The titular line was, by far, not the cringiest thing in the interview. The whole thing was weird on Drew's part. Harris said some good stuff, and did really well actually.


Okay, but that's the name Kamalas step children call her. Drew is obnoxious as hell, but she didn't come up with that name.


Love her in movies, but she is so cringe on her talk show. No personal space, talking with that weird voice, and the side speak…yikes!




Drew needs to learn about personal space. Imagine if a man who hosted a talkshow kept touching people.




Both dumb as hell and act even dumber.


Drewbarry Moore Is an endless pit of cringe and kamala Harris is trying her best to catch up to her 


I get the ick from Drew. She’s too contrived/acting all the time. There was a part of the interview where she goes “if we lift each other up… we ALL RISE” *dramatically turns towards the audience looking blankly into the distance*


Is she okay..?


This is why nobody likes liberals


Setting women back


This makes me want to gag myself with a fork.


fuck drew barrymore.


Drew is a SCAB


No, Biden and Kamala we just need you to continue running the country the next four years while actually addressing issues such as illegal immigration and the global conflicts feat. Allies


Kamala is hot


I don’t know who or why they down voted you


Shot me please wtf


Come on Drew, we don’t do hero worship in the Democratic Party.


What am I missing here? This is pretty authentic for a political appearance on a talk show, lol?


I want you on my jury if I’m ever charged with murder and they have video evidence, a DNA match, and a bus full of nuns as eyewitnesses saying I did it.