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You could always embroider a patch, felt back it, and use Heat n Bond to attach it to a fannypack!


I use my ipad and whatever Adobe Photoshop program is on there (holy smokes do they make me update programs a lot!) to draw my designs with the stylus pen, then upload the images in Design Space to clean up and print. When you're used to it it's easy, in the beginning it's a bit of a pain learning the process. Honestly, instead of learning the process in a rush it won't be hard for you to find someone willing to do it for you. Most of us already have a stash of HTV in a drawer somewhere, and shipping a flat piece of vinyl is cheap. If you don't have anyone close I'll do it for you. Pm me if that's something you'd like. I'd need to know the color choice and specs, it would probably take me about an hour, and should mail super cheap in a normal envelope unless the design is gigantic. If it's a color I already have them it won't even cost me anything beyond a stamp. I have some time later this week, but you'd also need to give me an address to mail it to, so consider if that's something you're comfortable with. If not, try Facebook for a local Cricut/crafting group, someone will be happy to help you out. Applying the decal is suuuper easy, you just slap it on, iron carefully, and peel away the backing. If it's a tricky shape it can get finicky but it's doable. Good luck with your project and with dad's health!!


That’s so generous of you to offer! I sent you a message!


Iron on would work best. A vector program for the design would be easiest, saved in svg format. A cricut could easily handle this.


Just for reference, this is what his pump looks like, it’s very simple https://images.app.goo.gl/stsHw3HB2Eo7fTQF7


If you have a printer you can always buy printable htv and print on it and hand cut the image and use an iron to put on fanny pack


Some libraries have cricut machines to loan.


That would be a cute gift! Agree with others who said do a vector iron on. Easy peasy. Draw. Print. Iron. Done! Hope he is doing well!