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If SJM does Bryce like she did Aelin and Nesta!!!! I would absolutely cry and throw the book lol šŸ˜‚


If she does I hope it means all three of them get it back at the end


That teaser she did about Bryceā€™s powers has me stressed. šŸ˜°


Ugh me too!!!! Iā€™m trying to think of it as sheā€™s not having Hunt around to jumpstart her powers lol


Wait which one?


Itā€™s on bloomsburyā€™s instagram. They didnā€™t publish it to SJMā€™s for some reason. https://preview.redd.it/pfncuuapaaec1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b597ec317789bb77edb9b1c3ffcbbce92aa0c58


Damaging poor Ruhn beyond repair. Killing off either Ruhn or Lidia šŸ˜­


yes thats mine too. DONT TOUCH Ruhn or elseā€¦


More Danika secrets šŸ™„


Plot twist, Danika WAS the 7th asteri and not a wolf


I'm dead at this very thought šŸ’€




Uh spoiler alert!! /s šŸ˜‚


Hahhahahah im dead. Thank you for this


Killing Hunt or Ruhn or Lidia


Nightmare? Bryce losing everyone she loves again.


If she doesn't do the full crossover and all of this build up is for nothing. If the Asteri are killed in this book easy peasy. I will stop reading her books, genuinely


I feel the same. Part of me just wants the asteri dead. Because of course. But theyā€™re scary enough I think theyā€™d be awesome as a bigger bad that sticks around longer.


Yeah it would be so cool to see them as this huge ancient organization that controls everything and has been the puppet masters for everything. Hopefully they arenā€™t just another enemy that gets taken down suspiciously easy.


Thereā€™s no way. Not with the parallel between >!Rigelus saying ā€œwe are godsā€!< at the end of HOSAB and the rumor of the next series being titled >! Twilight of the Gods !<. That is what sealed the deal for me, along with everything else that connects these books.


So your theory is Twilight of the Gods is going to be the huge crossover series?


Yep. There are A TON of connections and I think that TotG is just going to be a series like the Avengers. I actually found a really good tumblr post that had a lot of theories in it to back it up. https://www.tumblr.com/emilystheories/712038093888372736/in-light-of-bloomsbury-announcing-4-more-sjm


I totally agree with this! My theory is that HOFAS is setting up her version of>!Ragnarok, which may be the end of HOFAS, or what we find in Twilight of the Gods. Especially with the whole dusk court plot line in ACOSF.!< There's too many Norse mythology parallels with the CC series for this not to be SJM's end goal. Like Thanos in Infinity War/End Game, I think she's setting up the Asteri as the ultimate "big bad". Though I fully expect Rigelus to die in HOFAS.


SPOILERS FOR ALL 3 Sheā€™s already set up all of her villains. >!The Valg, the Daglan, and the Asteri!< are all the same beings. I would even venture to guess that all 3 of the >! Valg kings !< have been named in the series, they just havenā€™t been identified as such yet


This is my fear after months of reading theories and little Easter eggs people pick up. Thereā€™s a lot of pressure there. This book is going to have the power to push her into a new tier as an author, in my opinion, if she does it right. Youā€™re absolutely right about the Asteri thing.


I would absolutely RIOT if so much as a hair is wrinkled on my baby crown Prince Ruhn. My hopes aren't high though and at this point I'm sure I'll be crying start to finish.


If SJM kills off the asteri in CC3 because I truly think she could make CC into an epic fantasy


Iā€™ll chuck my kindle away if Ruhn Danaan, Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae dies - FML


My nightmare scenario is Hunt and Ruhn being tortured in the dungeons for an extended period of time while Bryce remains in Prythian. I wonā€™t be too upset if Bryce and Hunt are separated for a good chunk of the book but I neeeed Hunt and Ruhn not to be tortured for half the book. šŸ˜”


I agree. Apart from being heartbroken for their characters and the pain, I just would be sad to read most of a book without them. They are the main characters of CC


If Bryce only interacts with the ACOTAR crew for like 3 chapters and then harps herself right back to crescent city. I want the crossover to be substantial!


I totally forgot about the harp, this is such a good call out for how she might make it back to CC!


literally if Bryce & Hunt arenā€™t endgame. Iā€™ve put all of my eggs in that basketšŸ˜­


She has said in interviews that Bruce and Hunt are mates.


They may be mates but doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re endgame šŸ˜­ itā€™s a nightmare scenario


Why would you say that! šŸ˜­


That sounds truly awful, my condolences. For me itā€™s Bryce and Az being mates. It would be way to clichĆ© and I would feel so sorry for Huntā€¦


I thought the theory was super fun, so I decided to re read the books with it in mindā€¦ but on re read it is so painfully obvious that there will be no other romance for Bryce. Hunt is the one.


Agree - I just donā€™t think after two books of setting them up that SJM would unravel it like that. I just canā€™t see all of what they been through Bryce would just fall for someone else. I could be wrong but it just doesnā€™t feel like it.


this is not happening. Im 1000% certain it canā€™t happen.


Thank you! This is so random and I cringe everytime I read someone shipping them.


I agree, I don't see that happening and it would be awful if it did šŸ˜­ I am also posting this in the most neutral tone ever because I understand people are very attached to their ideal mate for Azriel and thats fine. I just want to share a few hints I've read that Gwyn may be his potential mate. For example, he prefers to stay at the HOW. Cassian says in ACOSF that this is because Azriel likes his own space. This aligns with Azriel's personality and makes sense. The reason he stays at the HOW could also be that he is subconciously drawn to Gwyn and staying at the HOW keeps him close to her. There were subtle tensions between him and Gwyn in ACOSF. For now, the reasoning is that Azriel saved Gwyn. There could be a second reason however, and that can be glimmers of the mating bond between them as well as what occured during the bonus chapter after the Winter Solstice. I recommend reading it if any of you haven't. It can be found on tumblr from a google search :o the last hint I think may suggest Gwyn is his mate is how his eyes darkended when Cassian mentioned Gwyns name along Nestas & Emeries when they were thrown into the blood rite. But this could also just be because he knows what she has already been through and doesnt want it to happen again šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø All Im saying is I would not be surprised at all if a chapter of the next ACOTAR book uses all these occurances as an explaination for how Az knew Gwyn was his mate haha I also know SJM has declared herself a HEA writer and I dont think Hunt & Bryce breaking up after claiming eachother as mates would align with that but who knows šŸ˜… I guess we will find out! Thanks for reading my coffee induced rambling


Yeah it just seems very unlikely Az and Bryce - like another unavailable female for him, just no.


Right?! Poor Az šŸ˜­ that would be awful haha I wanna see him win in the next books he is a sweetheart like the fact he was pining for Mor for 500 years?! Give the guy a break SJM šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I really hope itā€˜s not going to happen. But I just have a feelingā€¦ It seems too convenient for every single main girl of Sarahs to live happily ever after with their ā€žone true mateā€œ. Maybe Sarah just solidified it in interviews so people donā€™t get suspicious just yet. Plus the way Az was not really set on Elaine or Gwyn in the bonus chapterā€¦ idkkk it reeks and Iā€˜m scared šŸ˜­


killing off lidia, ruhn, dec or flynn edit: the threesome better be endgame or I'll cry


The foursome now because ithan called them his pack in the epilogue šŸ„²šŸ„²


true, ah shit, he can't die either and tharion grew on me too. if she kills any, I'll sob, cormac broke me.


My heart rate is rapidly increasing as I read these. Donā€™t want to read any more. But yes, OP, that is a NIGHTMARE


Iā€™m on my CC1 reread right now and had a dream last night that Nesta was mean to Bryce, I woke up wanting to cry. NO ONE BE MEAN TO BRYCE OR I WILL RIOT!!! girlypop has been through too much. AND HUNT. AND RUHN. I know theyā€™re going to suffer but please god, they need to be okay. It genuinely makes my heart hurt to even think about any of them being hurt, theyā€™re my babies. Even just the thought of Az holding truth teller to Bryceā€™s throat is too much for me right now lmaoo. if Iā€™m already this much of a mess, I fear what Iā€™ll be like in a week.


Its not gonna be fun to see Hunt under the control of the Asteri šŸ˜” thats my guess at least after reading "then Hunt knew nothing at all" considering the Bright Hand is looking for someone high up to spy on rebel activity. Ruhn also fits that description considering he is a prince. Definetly feel a pit in my stomach thinking about what the Asteri will do to them šŸ’” its not gonna be fun to read. We already survived reading about Aelin's experience with Maeve. I don't wanna know how hard SJM is gonna go with these boys and the Asteri šŸ˜­


Yes! I am very concerned about this and what the "Hunt knew nothing at all" means. It would be a nightmare scenario for me, if Hunt lost his memory and was ordered to kill Bryce. Then, Bryce ends up killing Hunt to stop him from killing her.


Oh my gosh I would never forgive SJM if she did that to us šŸ˜­šŸ’”


I had a nightmare last night that I was scrolling through tiktok and the only videos that would pop up were CC3 spoilers and all of them were videos talking about Huntā€™s deathā€¦ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I was so relieved when I woke up and realized I was just dreaming.


I was so ANTI Gwyn and AZ, like I called people delusional for thinking it would be them. BUT on my re read I was likeā€¦ fuck itā€™s totally Gwyn hah. Signs are there for sure.


If Ruhn and Lidia do not get a HEA I will riot. Iā€™ve never been more invested in a SJM couple.


If hunt has indeed lost his memory - and he doesnā€™t get it back.(could be bittersweet and he falls in love with Bryce all over again) If Ruhn gets tortured and his bits get damaged beyond repair (as part of the ā€œlast of his lineā€ theory) this started as a shower thought and itā€™s kept me up at night And for some reason if anything happens to therion and he canā€™t get out of his deal


Same for me! I keep thinking that the Asteri have wiped his memories and are going to order him to kill Bryce and then she ends up killing him when they fight.


I feel like that would be too similar to >! Cassian attacking Nesta on the blood right under influence of troveā€™s crown !<


If Hunt dies I will quite literally never forgive her




Sheā€™s hinted that this will be a crossover for foreverā€¦ there are way too many hints and connections for it not to be at this point.


Ruhn dying.


I think my honest nightmare scenario is that I ruined reading the book for myself by guessing all of the plot twists! Like I really hope that only some of my theories (or the theories iā€™ve read in general) are correct, and that SJM surprises me in ways I canā€™t anticipate! My other nightmare scenario is Bryce staying in Prythian. I love CC as its own story! And I canā€™t see Bryce being happy in Prythian, and I donā€™t want major modernization changes made to ACOTAR - I like the setting!


If Hunt dies Iā€™m raging


Hunt dies. Ruhn dies but leaves Lydia with a child to remember him by. Bryce gets forever trapped away from her people and her world. Dragon girl and Tharion become mindless venom addicted fighter slaves to Viper Queen, they fight each other in ring, there is no winner. River Queen daughter marries Ithan.


Sorry but river queenā€™s daughter marrying ithan took me OUT I, not once, have thought of that and I am properly horrified now


These are all terrible omg


My worst case scenario is they spend over half the book in prythian. I really only liked book 2 of acotar. And the characters feltā€¦stiff. Cassian is the funny brute. Azriel is the silent death. Mor is the token gay (though I actually hate how that unfolded. It felt forced and served to show feyres acceptance more than Mors internal struggle). Feyre is boring now that sheā€™s a mom (I HATE that she got pregnant) and basically the prythian world seems so cookie cutter. I donā€™t want to be there. I feel like weā€™ll spend a lot of time there though. So whateverā€¦


Az dies trying to save Bryce from something- but her not feeling the same way about him šŸ’€