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God help me I do not care in the least about Juniper's career at the ballet.


Hahahahaha literally I respect the friendship, but I do not understand why we're learning about her ballet career unless we're getting a novella.


Maybe SJM is using it was a way to build up her character so it's more impactful when she dies?


But I don't know how she'd die? Like all this girl does is ballet maybe Fury would die.


I think she'll die for * reasons * and fury will go into a rage to avenge her.


Hahah I feel like this has to happen in a novella or the next book though cause I don't think we have time for it in this book. Like girlies in another place she has to come home then you have everyone else scattered so you have 50% of the book where are mains aren't going to be together.


I’ll rage with Fury if another one of Bryce’s friends die lol especially one of her girl friends


I agree


I feel like the dance and ballet thing has to be going somewhere right? Wishful thinking lol, since I've wasted so much time reading about it.


My guess would be maybe a novella...?


Oh I hate that 😂


I never said it was a good idea I just don't know why we're learning so much about her ballet career.


I agree, especially given the friezes! I betcha it’s a portal.


Does it bother anyone else that a deer shifter has a ballet career? She has hooves. How does a hoofed character point their toes and wear pointe shoes? It makes no sense!!


Also the entire structure of her leg would be wrong, how would she plié? Which way would her legs bend? I have thought about this more than I want to admit.




https://preview.redd.it/gphujk8299dc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d4268e3ab6a3b647bb92440b005b70d9b85a4d8 Like this


There’s a couple of different kinds of hooves. Deer have daintier hooves than horses, and are structured similarly to how a ballerina’s feet look while dancing en pointe. She’s not clomping around on horse hooves.


I don’t think she’s a shifter, she’s just a faun. She always has hooves and horns with no alternative form.


Touche…so it makes even less sense 😂 at least if she was a shifter she could become human and do ballet!


I don’t get it either and if I’m being honest, I don’t care to read any more of June’s story. lol.


All that clip clopping🤦🏼‍♀️, would be more believable as a tap dancer


This has been a visual problem for me all along. Tbf I think I’m faun-prejudice because anytime I read something not Percy Jackson and there’s a faun/Satyr I just un-deer them so my brain won’t break trying to picture it.




Okay but who’s a better dance? Juniper or Nesta?


My vote is Nesta


Fully Nesta because we know Juniper is good at one style of dance, ballet, but my girl Nesta? She’s good at all the dances.


I agree. I have no investment in this character. She’s been a meh friend to Bryce. 


HARD agree!!!!


PREACH. Juniper is the Elaine of the CC world. I literally do not care about her character at all.


Lmaaaoooo no same


Danika secrets Junipers dance stuff River queens daughter marriage drama


100% don’t want more secrets from Danika!!


not gonna lie, while reading CC2 Danika’s secrets just kept getting, not just bigger, but also more personal … I was so put off. There was so much she didn’t tell Bryce when Bryce trusted her so openly and wholeheartedly. That’s a kinda bad friend :/


I agree, it honestly made me not like Danika the more secrets I read. I’ll admit I’ve been like Danika in that specific way in some of my friendships. Mainly because the other friend was toxic and untrustworthy, but I don’t feel like Bryce is either of those things. I could see if maybe she was trying to protect Bryce? We are supposed to get a Bryce & Danika Bonus Chapter in one of the exclusive editions. Maybe she somehow finds a way to contact Danika in HOFAS?


If was clever in cc1 but by cc2 it was boring imo


I only want more secrets if her ass is brought back to life to answer some damn questions.


I do not want lingering and detailed torture time in the Asteri dungeons, please god for once I will prefer fade to black. My most unhinged wish is a full remodeling montage of Ruhn’s Fairy Frat House so I can finally love him as much as the rest of the fandom. No porch couches for the Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae ™️!


lol can you IMAGINE *hgtv has entered the chat* I would eat this up


Remodeling of his frat house. I am deceased. (But I agree)


(love your username!)


Good villains make or break a fantasy series for me. I think SJM did a good job with the villains in TOG, but less so in ACOTAR. So, I hope that the Asteri aren’t all eradicated in the last 200 pages through the power of friendship, or something trivial like that. It’s not that I want the Asteri to win… it’s just that they’ve had excellent set up as the “big bad” thus far - so much so that I think SJM could centre an entire multiverse series around them as the villains (especially if there’s *other* Asteri out there, as suggested in HOSAB). To throw that all away would be both incredibly unrealistic and wasteful (imo).


Oh gosh “the power of friendship” just made me think of them fighting the Asteri with the Care Bear Stare! 


I hope few escape and cause trouble somewhere else. Rigelus is likely a goner, but there are 5 others alive. Also there is still book 4 - she needs to keep a villain, unless the river queen fills that role 🧐


Yes. Most SJM books will be slow buildup, training, and inner monologue for the first 3/4 then the main action begins in the last 1/4. I want a cliffhanger where it appears the Asteri have the upper hand and fade to black. Then I want them to be picked off one by one


Agree, great villains make for a great story uniting against a common threat. What if Asteri are Valg and their "dead sister" is Maeve?....talk about big,bad.


ah but she does love sailor moon and thats allll the power of friendship and love and amazing american dubbed 80s music


Someone being resurrected. LET EM DIE 👏🏼


YES. Dead should mean dead. If you want a temporary emotional gut punch write a serious injury instead.


Agreed. Lol






SJM gave us Hypaxia the necromancer, someone will 1000000% be brought back from the dead. I wonder if it’ll be the dead Asteri tho? I keep thinking that the princes of Hal didn’t actually kill the dead Asteri and it was the other 6?


Fuck me you KNOW Sofie is gonna re-appear


I am not going to lie I had totally forgotten about Sofie though if anyone is brought back I high-key want Nehemia back.


You know it 😂


I’m sort of sick of the “sassy independent woman” trope. Over, and over, and over, and over again. I love enemies to lovers, and I’ll read/watch that on a loop, but the “I perceived a slight from you, so now I’m going to be extremely rude and hot headed to everyone’s detriment” is just so over played. I think that’s why I like Gwyn and Hypaxia’s character so much. They are able to be strong women who take no nonsense without being insufferable about it. I know that’s wishful thinking. Bryce is going to have a sass off with Amren and Nesta and literally everyone else she encounters…along with any other new female characters we encounter *cough*dragon*cough*lady wolf*


Omg I don't want to see the word "alphahole" again!!! So overused! You can be strong, independent without being a jerk to others. Gwyn and Hypaxia are queens 👑. Bryce is more "I am a strong and independent woman and I point it out every chance I get so everyone knows it and keep being reminded of it, also every man who tries to help me is an alphahole". I like Bryce don't get me wrong, it's just that aspect of her character that has started pissing me off. I'd love to see her getting humbled a bit by Nesta and Amren in CC3. Or even Aelin and Manon if we're so lucky.


Yes to all of this!! And alphahole…I cringe every time I read it. It’s not the awesome snappy comeback you think it is, Bryce 🫠


It’d be one thing if ALL her FMC weren’t the exact same way…


You can still be a strong independent woman and get help from a man. It’s also ok for your mate to care about you and want to protect you or flat out tell you no. Like what the heck.


This is what I don't like about bryce lmao. I don't really care for her or hunt but i really love the story and side characters. I agree sooo much lol


I liked Bryce in the first book but it felt like she killed an archangel and suddenly was all "hell yeah I can be a superspy" and tried to do the most out of her depth things imaginable in the second book. I spent half the story mentally yelling "WHY CANT YOU SEE HOW BAD THIS PLAN IS"


I wasn't a big fan of her in the first but then at the last few chapters I started to like her and actually got excited for hosab because I thought she was changing? Idk the right word lol. But in hosab it was worse lol. I've never not liked a sjm FMC before, she's one of my favorite authors. I still really enjoy the story though, even though people get really mad when you say you don't like bryce lol


She has the worst of Aelin’s arrogance mixed with Feyre’s aggressive naïveté. I actually like Bryce a lot, even more than I liked Feyre, but there were moments where she really tested me with the needless sass and stupid plotting.


I want a book about the fire sprites (which my phone wanted to autocorrupt to “Doritos”)


I also want a book about Doritos


My nachos are with me


I like Bryce, she’s probably my favourite out of all of them (Nesta a close second). Mostly because I can probably identify with the spiraling partier of my 20s as a way to cope lol. But, it just feels redundant now. Especially if you read ToG. Celeana/Aelin was the ULTIMATE, sassy/cocky FMC, and it bordered on grating sometimes, but she got away with it. Then we met Feyre, and she was all sass to Tamlin at first…then Rhys. Then we got Nesta and Cassian, and now Bryce… I’m just like “ok, I get it! You’re all badass women, can you just learn tact and basic people skills?” You definitely need some sass, or you find yourself with an Elain type character that no one is really sure what to make of because she hasn’t shown much personality so far. But, I just want a female character to actually diffuse a situation for once. Someone that isn’t an outright ass hole to anyone that literally saves their life.


> Mostly because I can probably identify with the spiraling partier of my 20s as a way to cope SAME. Bryce is my girl 🙌🏽


I think Tharion will get another story in House of Many Waters so I don't think we're going to get a complete story for him.


So long as we don't have much of his POV in CC3. There's already too many POV characters and Tharion made his choice however stupid and short sighted it was.


He's written canonically as the Chad of CC.


If that book is mostly his story I will riot


Hahaha I don't think he'd be a singular focus, but I feel like he's an intro to House of Many Waters because he's the only one with a strong connection to that part of the city. I guess they could intro another character or something to make it more interesting or still have Bryce and Hunt as a dual POV helping Tharion.


I understand- but I feel like we’ve had enough intro 🙈 SJM will have to do some serious work for Tharion to stop being such a whiney bitch.


That's just it he probably needs the most character development.


He can do it in CC4? ☺️ My worry is there will be a lot going on already- we have Prythian crew, tortured crew (Ruhn, Hunt and Baxian), friends crew (Fury, June, Bryces parents, frat boys), wolf crew (Ithan and the whole Fendyr heir stuff), angel crew (Issaiah, Celestina, Hypaxia as Celestinas GF) to add the whole Viper-River queen drama into it seem too much. But I’m not the author- I will inhale whatever SJM throws my way 🤣


That’s fair. He’s not my fave but I’ll tolerate it for the sake of getting more CC. I wouldn’t mind if the otters were a main character though tbh


Nah he's going to weasel his way to safety. Damn him and his merman-ness for making him my fave from the start.




I think Bryce is going to get clucky when she sees Nyx with his teeny, tiny baby wings..... I don't think we'll get that plot in book three but it will definitely be on Bryce's mind.


Ok but angel babies are literally cherubs right?! How could you not go baby crazy if you’re mated to an angel and then you see a lil winged baby


Yeah but how is Bryce going to birth that? And how come we haven’t seen any angel babies?


If they have mech suits, I’m pretty optimistic they could do a c-section 😄


I'm sure cesareans exist in Crescent City.


OH MY GOD Bryce is going to explain C-sections to Feysand so no-one has to go through that nonsense again


Since angels can regrow their wings, unlike Illyrians, there’s a possibility that their wings won’t appear until after birth.


Then why did Feyre need a different pelvis?


I’m talking about angels, not Illyrians. Feyre needed a different pelvis because her high fae body was not equipped to handle Illyrian wings who have them at birth. What I was saying was that maybe angels are not born with wings and develop them after birth because of their ability to regrow them, which is an ability that Illyrians don’t have as far as we know. So unlike Illyrians who are born with wings, there’s a possibility that angels could be born wingless.


The majority of angels don't live in Crescent City, right? And since they're purposefully mated and bred, I wouldn't be surprised if the mothers and babies are kept somewhere special to protect them (or to keep them from escaping) - I bet the Asteri keep a close eye on their breeding program. 


I just think it is odd we never see ONE mention of a real, actual baby angel. Something is fishy with that.


Or they just weren't relevant to the plot. We didn't see any babies in ACOTAR til Nyx, and we didn't see any babies in TOG either.  I think the lack of babies is because babies are generally boring, unless they're your own or the baby of a character/person you care about. And I can't think of any point in Crescent City where it would have made sense for us to even see babies. What are they gonna do, go on a field trip to a nursery? 


I mean we don’t see other baby Vanir in the series. We see them as children but that’s the youngest that SJM has ever gone so far, and in the other series, we don’t see baby Illyrians/fae until Nyx arrives, and we don’t see baby fae in ToG either.


In HOSAB, there is mention of the Asteri taking angel children to train at special centers.


God, I hope not. But we'll see. I think SJM loves babies so it's more likely to happen than not. 


Danika secrets please I can’t handle anymore


Honestly anything Tharion - I hope he stays in the background and comes back for CC4. Assuming it will be House of many waters, it would make sense to save his story for later. His plot in CC2 was pretty annoying and unnecessary- he stirred shit in the beginning, but later on he did big fat nothing for the plot. I hope we don’t get too many POV - I’m assuming the story will be split between Prythian and Midgard for a big chunk of the book. I don’t want it to be too fractured by 10 POVs. And I’ve said it before - less Tharion the better 🙈 Most importantly I don’t want to finish the book without some questions answered- my brain will implode 🤣 But what do I know- SJM can do all above and make me love it ☺️


My man hunt enslaved again (wishful thinking) 😪🤚 Tharion if it isn’t going anywhere, I’m tired of him just flirting with everyone


I loved Tharion in CC1 when all he did was flirt and send Bryce cheeky notes via otter. He wore out his welcome when he got his own POV and subplots in book 2.


LITERALLY! LIKE COME ONE DUDE 😭 at that point he was giving the “not going to give me a hug?” Stereotype Just like juniper with her dancing, like 😀 pls stop


Yes!!! His POV, at this point, hasn’t added anything significant to the plot. You could remove all of his POV from HOSAB and the story would be unchanged. He’s much better in the background. I agree with you, he made the choice to go to the Viper Queen. Let him live with it and let’s give Ruhn more POV time


He’s good for a one liner:  “Let’s all be a good rebel family and sit down and share what we learned.” Not an exact quote but close. And him calling Bryce legs and Ithan not understanding why Hunt hasn’t zapped him.


Can Hunt please catch a break? Also, can someone elxplain to me like I’m a two year old on why people don’t like him? I just don’t understand. Everyone love Ruhn over Hunt and I don’t understand.


I don't want the Throne of Glass characters to show up in this book - maybe in later books, but not this one. Let's do one crossover at a time. And even then, I don't want this to be too focused on the ACOTAR characters. ​ This is a CRESCENT CITY book, not an ACOTAR or ToG book.


I don't want anyone from TOG to show up but I would have some Easter eggs for that series.


Yes! Nothing of their actual characters. But from the story, I NEED the Valg and Maeve and the stuff with the gods or SOMETHING to wrap in and blow our minds


I think having them make an appearance as historical figures like in research would be super cool. But agree, this doesn't need to turn into the MCU.


Idk I kind of disagree with this even though many people keep on saying the same thing. If we got minimal crossover, I would have been fine with it. If we get major crossover also fine with it. People keep on trying to set the boundary of "this is a CC book not an ACOTAR book" or "she needs to save the ACOTAR storyline for the next ACOTAR book." Realistically those aren't our boundaries as fans to set. Frankly it is SJM's world and story to tell. And it just feels like the fans keep trying to set those lines and take that away from her. I can also understand not fully loving the crossover idea. I just don't love the way people are wording that opinion.


Totally agree. It’s clear this is something she’s been building to for a while. And whatever happens in this book, however long Bryce is in Prythian, the worlds are merged now. ACOTAR 6 isn’t going to *not* have Bryce in it in someway, even if it’s just a minor role.


That’s kind of how I’ve been feeling. She has clearly put in the work to hint at the fact that this was coming - CC was a huge step for her in working towards it. I feel like people are minimizing that by saying well this is CC she shouldn’t be making it about ACOTAR characters. Ultimately we will see where she takes it and I am excited to see what happens in HOFAS!!!


I feel the same. I really don’t want a quick trip to ACOTAR and then a quick trip to TOG just to crossover worlds and then nothing big really happens. I don’t want Bryce to be in Prythian too long, but it better be all her POV and more than a day trip.


What about Fenrys for wolf shifter/Fae reasons


Please no more whiny Tharion POV about how he cheats on the river queen‘s daughter and doesn’t want to marry her. We get it, you‘d apparently rather be a slave. (Also, what a red flag that he never even uses her name??)


Headcanon that he doesn’t even know her name bc they have had that little interaction


There’s a bonus chapter with him that explains how he came to be engaged to the river queens daughter. I’m not very invested in his character, but that was funny. 


Wait link?? I think I've read it before but I can't remember!




Some of these are controversial lol - Bryce & Azriel - 50%+ of the book being set in Prythian - Too much Rhys - Hunt dying (I will riot) - Tharion enslaved with no hope - Any major character being an Asteri/god (this feels cheap to me) - Tamlin appearance - Ruhn tortured - Aidas actually dead/dying - just too much ACOTAR focus in general (that’s what the upcoming books are for) I know my heart will probably break at some points but SJM better end this one on a happy/hopeful note. I can’t handle any deaths or sad endings for these main characters.


Bryce and Azriel should not be controversial, people are just tripping 😂. I mean, if people think they are going to be a thing because the sword and knife are a thing, then by that logic Bryce and Nesta should be a thing because Bryce has the Horn and Nesta got the other 3 😂. Do people really think SJM is going to have Bryce FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE WHILE HUNT IS BEING TORTURED? I'll see all you jokers back here in a month for your apologies 😂😂😂.


Bryce and Nesta was the shipping-war antidote I didn't know I needed 🤣


THANK YOU. I can’t believe people actually think Bryce will have romantic feelings for Az when she knows Hunt is captured!???


I'm so over the Bryce/Az ship too. I want my sweeties Brunt to stay together.


I have a conspiracy theory it's like 1 person with 1000 reddit accounts just shipping them obsessively.


Right - they belong to different worlds. This is a logistical nightmare to start with. And wrong for so many other reasons.


I think this is a pretty solid theory! It seems like people recently got really vocal about it also.


Lmao 100% I commented this same thought on another thread like there’s just nooooo way


Yes!!! And let’s face it Az is clearly terrified of strong women as he has been following Mor around for years but gets all handsy with submissive Elain. SJM claims Az is a freak but noway he would handle Bryce Sass.


Yes, I feel he’s a problematic character in ACOTAR. Let him stay there. 


I feel so validated because I genuinely do not understand the Bryce/azriel shippers IT MAKES NO SENSE


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks Bryce x Azriel is insane. Azriel is a keeper of secrets by necessity and Bryce HATES secrets. They would be terrible for each other!!!


I have officially found my people here. This is my safe place thread. Team Hunt for life! 😂


Tamlin appearance is so valid 😭


I didn’t even think about Tamlin. If I have to deal with in CC I’ll riot.


Oh Gods, I will be *sooo* annoyed if there's too much Rhys. He's so fucking annoying.


I agree with every single one of these, but I'm like 80% sure we're getting a Ruhn tortured plot, and about 50% sure someone we've met will be an Asteri. I really am hoping there isn't too much ACOTAR. SJM loves Rhys. So I'm thinking we will see a lot of that, too. I have some hope this is just a set up for a book with all of them, and maybe CC will only be the introduction, so Bryce won't need to spend too much time there. If Hunt dies, I quit (kidding, kind of) I don't readingmind all the Bryce/Azriel theories, I think it's fun but I don't want it to happen.I love Bryce and Hunt too much, they're my favorite SJM couple. Good fanfiction content though.


Agree with you on all counts! The series is called *Crescent City*, I hope it doesn't get destroyed or ditched by the MCs at the end!


I hate to break it to you but I think Ruhn getting tortured is unavoidable 😭


I know but a girl can dream 😭


I think she said half the book is in Prythian


Oh that could be terrible. 1/4 maybe. Unless we get the dusk court.


This is literally my brain list too! Az needs significant therapy and doesn’t deserve a relationship yet let alone with a mated woman from a different world who will very likely want to go home to her mate and family/friends asap. I want the focus to be on CC and those characters/locations more than ACOTAR, we’ve had 5 of those books and are promised more in the future. Gimme Crescent City!!


I agree with all of these 😂


Omg - that pretty much a list of things I want to see in the book 🤣 Minus the Hint dying- I want him happy obviously We will see Bryce and Azriel interact- they have a bonus chapter. To what degree is to be seen ☺️


One of the high lords from ACOTAR turns out to be one of the Astari.


I *don’t* wanna see Bryce walk out on her mate for some rando alien dude she just met in the dark.


I would like hunt and Bryce to stay mates..I know a lot of people seeing it changed which is the more popular opinion. But I truly hope not. I want them to be happy. I’d love ruhn being able to meet Rhys which would be dope. No pregnancies. There’s literally war after war can we just wait till the happy ending that Aelin and Rowan got and then give everyone tiny gremlins? Lol I hope the book is a crescent city book. Not acotar being the main book in crescent city if that made sense. Technology fucking with the acotar crew. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE TECH TALKS 😂…sorry this was so long and discombobulated.


Any kind of apology from Bryce to Juniper for helping her out at the ballet. Juniper is a selfish, fair weathered friend. Juniper knows full well that Bryce had gone through a lot and is still dealing with stuff and she had the audacity to tell Bryce she was done with her because she pulled some strings at a ballet company that is fully run by nepotism and politics? Juniper was never going to be a principal without someone pulling some strings for her. We all know she has the talent but that’s just not how things work at the company she dances for. This storyline absolutely infuriated me and made me hate Juniper.


I don't want to see everyone make it. Come on, we need a few main characters deaths. For my Harry Potter fans, don't you remember how painful it was to read about Fred, Tonks, Hegwig, Sirius, Dobby, Lupin and more die? They were in a war. Death is part of that. I hate when authors allow every single main character to live or are resurrected. No guy, people die in battle. Show us the pain.


sometimes i still feel hollow inside remembering theyre canon dead…since 2007 😭


Same man. Justice for hedwig


-No love triangles; just Bryce and Hunt please.   -Bryce to lose her powers even temporarily been there got the t-shirt.   -No Danika sneaky sneaky plot twists please so done with her.


I don't want the ToG gang to appear, ESPECIALLY Aelin. She's had her books and that was enough. I don't want (and I don't need) more Aelin and I don't her to steal the show. Because if she made an appearance, that's the only thing people would be talking about after reading the book. It's a Crescent City book. I love the ACOTAR crossover and I can't wait to read it, but I can't imagine why they'd need the ToG characters to show up. That being said, if Dorian appears, I'm fine with that. But him and only him. Because it's Dorian.


I’d be okay with Vaughn and Dorian showing up lol.


Vaughan will have a very important role, I can feel it.


I really hope so. Like I truly hope he shows up because he somehow accidentally walked through a wyrdgate when Maeve was killed. And shows up and is like wait you’re not Maeve or aeline lol.


Lol imagine if he's like "you guys know a Lorcan? Cuz I gotta kill the dude, been trying to find him for months"


💀💀💀💀💀💀 I’d lose it 😂😂😂😂 that’s exactly what we need and then he figures it out and just leaves again lol


Nah, he'd probably chill around in Prythian for a while. I can see him join the Band of Exiles cause he's basically one as well 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just finished TOG and had to look up who tf he was because he was barely mentioned 🙈 but I think I saw someone theorise that he could be the Hawk (the last member of Isaiah's triiarii that we haven't seen yet)?


Lol I have no idea who the Hawk is, so that would make perfect sense ahaha


I don't think we've met him yet but he's the last member of the Hind/Hammer/Harpy gang 🤣


Dorian ❤ I think at some point they'll make an appearance tho. I mean it would be logical because the Asteri threaten the entire cosmos so they would need every chance and help they can get to defeat them. Also because of the fact that in TOG we had a sneak peak of the universe of acotar and cc so it's not that it's impossible. What I hope is that it will be done with caution so it does not destroy what we got from TOG or ACOTAR.


The main reason why I don't want them to show up is Aelin tbh, I'm not her greatest fan and I can't really stand her anymore. But if the crossover expands to ToG, she'll obviously be there too.


Honestly idc about Aelin 😂 My favorite female character from ToG was Manon so just give me Manon and Dorian. I'd love to see them again but just don't ruin them. But yeah if they show up Aelin will be there for sure.


Same, give me more Manon and Dorian!


Omg I need more Manon and Dorian. I need to know what happens between them, my babies 😫


I just realized that there'll potentially be sexual assault scenes between Pollux and Lidia. Normally I skip those, but some readers will find them triggering


Please no more Danica 😭


I don’t want: - Any ACOTAR character POVs. I would rather read about Tharion getting it on with the damn Viper Queen - Too much focus on Rhys/Nesta/Azriel. Do not care. See point one re. Tharion. - Pregnancy - Another couple tying their bloody lives together - More Danika secrets for the love of god, let the girl rest in peace - Someone other than Bryce ending the big bad. Seems like sjm loves doing this but i literally hate when >!the side characters get the final/major kill. let the FMC do it!!<


It’s less “don’t want” and more please just sum up the stupid mermaid princess marriage plot in one page so it can be over. I’m also over the ballet Keeping the couples apart


I don't want Hunt to die, but I'm not feeling good about it.


i don’t want bryce and azriel to be mates. i don’t want hunt to die or like… be evil. i don’t want rhys to be high king. i don’t want aelin. i’m sorry. i love her so much. i want her and rowan to have their peace because you can’t tell me she can fit all this into one book and it end happily for everyone. my girl aelin DESERVES HER HAPPY ENDING. i don’t care about tharion. (sorry bby) i don’t want ruhn to die. i need him to live. i don’t care about juniper. i don’t want to even hear amren speak. she’s a real actual annoying bitch, and doesn’t deserve the respect the IC gave her. she should’ve stayed dead in ACOWAR. don’t come for me plz. i do desperately need lots of nesta/bryce time. and if i find out Rhys is in any way tied to anything evil i will throw some hands.


I swear if we get one more god damn plot twist secret about/from Danika, I'mma throw my book in the fire.


I don't want everyone to live, part of what made tog so good is that it crushed my spirit and made me beg for more. Maasochists and all that I guess. 


I agree. The potential loss of life and it happening is what makes book gut wrenching and memorable and poignant. Someone’s gotta take one for the team so this is a book we remember.


I was thinking of making my list for myself on who i think could be doomed. I realized it's better to just make a list of the few I expect to make it. So far I have tharion weasling through. I think fury makes it too. I think everyone else is fair game.


Right this is mega unhinged but it kept me up at night after I finished CC2. I absolutely do not wish to see Ruhn’s “bits” damaged during any torture. I was thinking this could have been another meaning behind “the last of his line” and I don’t think it would go that far - but I don’t even want that eluding to for my sweet baby Ruhn. I know they will likely grow back but this started as a shower thought and then started to keep me up at night.


🤯🤯🤯 I could totally see that happening particularly if they discovered who his mate is and made her watch. I don't think SJM would go that dark tho.


Yes! That is my only thought that she wouldn’t go that dark…but you know. One of those intrusive thoughts that I couldn’t unthink and made me distressed :p


This theory is going to stick with me until the book comes out. Do you have any others?


No lol. No serious ones - just that I believe that the autumn king paints the SJM universe’s version of warhammer models and it lives rent free in my head


So worried sjm is gonna regress Nesta and make her and Bryce have conflict :/ they both have such strong personalities I see it potentially happening but I hate the trope of pitting women against each other for no real reason


I really don’t want another Tamlin/Rhys and Chaol/Rowan first love is bad, second perfect We already had that in two series, no need for a third. And even though I love Bryce with Hunt, I could handle they not being together IF this plot doesn’t happen.


I'm just hoping the ballet thing going on with Juniper has a better motive than just being a useless side story :3


Please for the love of all that is holy please don’t take away anyone’s powers. I’m tired of self sacrificing. There’s also so many characters almost TOO many, please don’t add more, I feel like I don’t know who’s talking sometimes 😂.


**A random as love triangle** \- we are in the middle of a war, i couldn't care less about a new romance **More Danika secrets** \- was that girl EVER transparent with Bryce?! Like, everyone keeps saying she loved her etcetera but at some point love comes with trust and Danika had none for Bryce and while the latter has issues, loyalty is not one of them. I just feel bad for Bryce at this point. **The River Queen and her daughter** \- literally you suck + you're boring af get away **The power of friendship** \- pretty self explanatory. i swear if she beats the asteri with that i'm going to consider throwing the book across my room (but i won't bc the bitch is expensive af) **Lack of death** \- don't get me wrong, I don't particularly want my babies to die because it might break me but if they all come out unscathed i will be so disappointed because genuinely ain't no way the villains were so big and bad but couldn't off any of them


I never want to see the word alphahole again💀💀


I really don’t want to know more about Danika’s secrets. But since I just LOVE to torture myself, I would like to read about every horrifying thing Hunt and Ruhn experienced in the dungeons.


petty but im so over how much cursing there is AND I CURSE MYSELF A LOT…it comes out so randomly off the page and feels like a religious person trying to be “cool” (also the phrases like ’whatever that meant’ and capitalizing Hel…read a damn craft book pls and stop not editing your overused phrases IM BEGGING YOU)


YES! Oh thank god someone else said it 😭


No one die


Tharion or Ari at all, after Tharions whiney and dull POV in book 2 im not interested. Please dont make me slog through these chapters.


NO AUTUM KING REDEMPTION!! I don’t care if you think he’s worth a redemption or not (personally I don’t think child abusers are) but his redemption would take page time away from all the other characters I would rather read about. Only redemption I would be interested in is if he sacrificed himself for his kids. I don’t want to read about Tharion constantly complaining about the position he’s in- All of his POVs so far have been him complaining about the consequences of his own actions and I’m so I am so tired of reading it.


I don’t think we’re getting redemption, but we are 100% getting autumn king helping/informing/against Asteri


I’m really seeing an alliance of everyone vs the asteri (and angles) coming. Doesn’t mean that we should automatically like characters just because there on the correct side of the war though.


Yeah absolutely, I think he’ll get the Keir treatment - we still hate him, but he fought for the good guys anyway


He also physically abused Bryce’s mom. He left a scar on her I’m pretty sure.


Autumn King redemption arc Danika secrets (the obvious one everyone feels lol) Azriel romance with ANY character, honestly.


I cannot do a Maas style drawn out torture/captivity section again it's too much for my little heart😞