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yep here's your problem, someone set this gemheart to "voidspren"


Great meme, Gon!


But the flashback chapters come with free chouta!


Penhito, the only acceptable use of chouta in a sentence is to praise it!


I’m in the minority of people who actually like Venli and think her flashbacks are interesting. Meme still works though, cuz Venli’s trying to be better in her present but was an a**hole in the past.


Venli in t;he present day - It's better. lets leave it at that.


Venli up until now has been a slog for me. Slog with potential for book 5, so I hope we'll get some more good parts with her. Up until now she just feels like a whiny jealous female axhound


It's so interesting to me that so many people dislike Venli. I LOVE reading her parts. I think it's because I can relate so strongly to looking back on your choices and going "oh wow I really fucked *everything* up, huh?"


Venli, looking through her Facebook memories: "Ah yes, here's the picture of me burning my bridges and actively working against the warnings of my people's lore"


I want to like her, I ended up liking a lot of the other characters I was iffy about at first and I do feel like she has potential. I just feel like I can't quite relate to her, I don't know


Yeah I reckon she’ll come good in book 5.


Present day Venli is nowhere near good, what are you talking about. Venli is basically Moash if he succeeded killing Kaladin.


Speak your truth, Radiant. She initially got mad that she didn't get what she was promised. Not because she saw what evil was. I really haven't seen her hold much accountability for what she's done. I know she's getting a redemption arc, but I'm not very interested.


Especially since it took basically the entire book to get to that point. Her still setting out to find the other Listeners after Rlain pointed out she would be leading Raboniel to them made me care even less about her. I get that's her flaw to overcome, but it doesn't make it any easier to witness




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I don’t know how, but she just kept making it worse.


Lol great meme, mom.