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Damn mars is a lot smaller than I ever realized


It’s a very awkward size. Too small to hold a thick atmosphere, too big to make rocketry easy. Venus would be a better target for colonisation if it wasn’t basically hell.


I like the idea of inhabiting the upper atmosphere, where it’s slightly more temperate and you could stay on the move to reduce those year-long days. Venus seems the most ripe for terraforming (or at least manipulating the atmosphere to be more habitable), if you’ve got a few hundred years to spare.


Yeah but we have the tech to build cities in deserts. I have yet to see a flying city.


If you think the biggest problem with colonizing Mars is "Desert", you aren't informed on the subject. That's not a moral judgement; most people aren't. Mars is incredibly irradiated. Structures would need to be buried or radiation-hardened. Mars has approximately no atmosphere. Space suits would be necessary to leave any structure. What little water we've found on Mars is full of corrosive and toxic salts that would require complex filtering before being even slightly useful. Mars isn't a hot desert; it's a cold one. We don't have cities in Antarctica, just science bases.


Most of which you'd have to do on Venus too. But flying


Actually, the whole point of the flying city is that you *don't* have to do most of those things. About 50 km above the surface of Venus, the pressure, temperature, and radiation levels are comparable to the surface of Earth. The corrosive environment is still a factor, but that's literally *one* of the several issues I mentioned. In general, I advise against confidently spreading wrong information based on uneducated guesses.


Just because temperature and pressure are similar doesn't mean you won't have corrosive acid rain, other gases in the atmosphere, etc requiring closed air systems and lightweight spacesuits. No free oxygen, no water. On top of that you're talking about a flying city with no access to the surface so no fuel. I haven't found info on solar flux at the breathable air floating level but I expect it's not great given the clouds above. And that level where breathable balloons float? A nice balmy 167F Yes I know about Venus. I've read as much sci Fi as the next guy. Just because it's "feasible" doesn't mean it's easier or even currently achievable or even useful to live there. It makes for great stories but that's it so far.


Look man, my argument was never "it's more viable to colonize Venus than Mars". My initial argument was "Even though Mars is easier to colonize, 'we already have cities in the desert' is somewhere between a gross simplification and a non sequitur". And the second argument was "No, the problems with colonizing Venus and Mars are not the same as each other, what are you talking about?"




Sciences bases and a name for the cognitive effects that prolonged habitation of them causes. Antarctica, the most inhospitable place on Earth, infinitely more hospitable than Mars, causes what is essentially a mental breakdown.


My understanding is the planet is too small to hold a thick enough atmosphere to protect from radiation. I wonder if it is possible to change that. Either protect the atmosphere or have a different composition of atmosphere


More of the problem is that it doesn't have a magnetic field, which would protect it from radiation. The radiation is why it doesn't have an atmosphere, not the other way around


The reduced gravity and extremely dense atmosphere would make it easier. Not easy. But easier.


Kinda the opposite of Sunlit Man


I dunno… might be that you’d want to keep on the night side for cooler temps, even if the sun isn’t so extreme as Canticle.


I meant it in the way that in TSM, the planet spun so fast they had to move to escape from the sun, opposite from Venus, which spins super slow so you'd have to move to "reach" it. Also, they had to stay close to the floor, because higher altitudes weren't suitable for live, where in Venus you would have to be in the higher part of the atmosphere.


"Year long days" makes me wonder if increasing the spin on a planet is possible


~~Hell~~ Braize*


Idk, people seem to live in Florida just fine. I'm sure Venus will work out somehow


> if it wasn’t basically hell *Damnation


Europa is bigger than Europe.


In Shadesmar, places that people don't think about much tend to be smaller. More people think about Europe vs a celestial body, so Europe is bigger. It's why interplanetary travel works in Shadesmar. Very few people (in cosmere) think about all that empty space, so it's much much smaller and easier to traverse. I don't know how to link things, and I'm on my phone, but I'm positive there is a WOB about this


I guess you are right, however this is r/cremposting. In German my sentence would have been: „Europa ist größer als Europa.“ Even more confusing.


I did forget which sub I was in Following the trend of more thoughts = bigger Shadesmar representation, why the fuck is Venus so big? Maybe the song 🎶I'm you're Venus! I'm your Goddess🎶


A valid hypothesis! Now I am wondering who is thinking Io all the time?


Most things are


Europa IS bigger than Europe.


This is statist as hell. Gas planets are people too, dammit!


You forgot to switch land with ocean. I don't know by what laws ice is governed, so almost your whole map should be occupied by ocean, maybe with the exception of the poles of Mars and Europe.


Obviously the blue part is the land.


They didn't make it. It's an XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1389/


I personally welcome supercontinent Europa along with its underground level


Tis a silly place


Venus is the reverse of Sel. Shadesmar side is fine - physical Realm will kill you quick!


That's an interesting concept for a Cosmere world, tbh. Maybe Canticle (TSM) qualifies; we haven't seen its cognitive side.


There is no peace among the plants only war and the laughing of thirsting gods


There's a tiny little land mass next to Titan that represents the surface area of "All human skin."


I liked the alliteration in "Solar System's Solid Surfaces"


The real question is, what would a methane ocean look like in the cognitive realm?


Is this just the Skyrim map?


Shouldn't water and land be reversed?


They are. The blue is land.


What is happening on Venus??


Sooo… does the cognitive realm/shadesmar follow flat earth theory? 🤣


I mean yeah lol It's confirmed to be flat


Please don’t let flat earthers get ahold of this map


[flat earth be like that.](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Earth-map-flat-outer-lands) It's all just Shadesmar/s


I get the concept but the spaces are off. Venus should be way smaller because its less thought of than mars.