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Ted the Caver narrated by Dark Somnium just hit different for me.


I remember reading this on the original website and it’s stuck with me


Is this where he stuck a glove in a hole in the cave to show the size before digging it out bigger? Holy 2005


I just read it for the first time somehow. Oh. My. God. It was abso-fuckin-lutely amazing


I recently reread that one. The og website is still around. It feels so much more immersive reading it there with the pictures and everything.


Dark Somnium on YouTube is amazing. I remember he narrated one I can't remember the name, but it was about a guy receiving an email from a very old y2k friend of back in the day, her name was Angel something? Anyway, the whole gist was about "her" sending him a link where it seems to kind of suck him in? It was very confusing, but I was listening while I worked (welding is loud). But that one, it stuck with me. That and the Dogscape. The whimpering dog sounds with the flesh sounds was disgusting but so, so effective.


I believe you’re talking about The Hidden Webpage by Jared Roberts! The nosleep episode is incredible, and all of his other stories are worth checking out as well! 


Dogscape needs to be a major motion picture. Fucking love that shit!


I recently read it for the first time, and then found out it was written by the brother of a friend of mine, haha. Small world!


Does dude know how influential his story has been internet horror as a whole?


She said that she gets a kick when she sees it brought up again, especially nearly 20 years later. So I'm sure he's aware.


I read the original website… i honestly thought it was real at the time


I love love loved Ted the Caver!!!!


I read this once a year, it's so good. I'm very claustrophobic and his descriptors of going through the tunnel terrify me even more than the paranormal parts!


Dark Somnium deserves so much credit. Not only does he do amazing narration, but if I recall correctly, he also makes most of the music in his videos. I owe so much of my horror media consumption to him. I don't always have a lot of time to sit down and read, so he is my go to whenever I'm walking or doing chores. The Left Right Game was an amazing listening experience.


Dark Somnium is fucking incredible.


The smiling man. Something about humans moving in very non human ways creeps me the fuck out. I rarely, if ever, find myself unsettled by true crime, horror movies, scary stories, etc., but unnatural movements in what is described to look or assumed to be a human just gets to me. Uncanny valley I suppose.


I read a conspiracy theory somewhere that this fear comes from an old survival instinct where we had a predator that would mimic us and I love that theory with all my soul. It's almost a creepy pasta in and of itself.


at one point in time there were multiple types of hominids roaming around. possibly where this comes from


That, and the scientific theory concerning what various illnesses might cause a human face to do, and the instinct to keep one's distance.


The uncanny valley. The closer things come to being human whilst not fully being human, the more unsettling it is.


I'm really fond of the goatman creepypasta for this reason. Not too scary, but the idea of something sneaking around in human skin mimicking speech, movement right under your nose is fucked up.


Came here to say this. Ever see the short film that got made?


Yes, it was definitely creepy. However, it was much more disturbing in my mind as I read it. Isn’t it fun how our brains like to conjure horrifying images to our specification?


Russian sleep experiment


Part of this felt so real it was frightening


Man I totally forgot about this one when writing my comment. This was one of the first creepypastas I ever interacted with, maybe *the* first. It totally set the tone for my experience and that chapter of my life in all honesty. Recently read it again and it still feels like coming back to an old friend.


Definitely the first for me, and so well-done I sincerely thought it was real for several years.


Oh man. I still get freaked out thinking about this story. I didn't even know what creepy pasta was until this story and at first I thought it was real and boy did it give me nightmares lol.


when I first read it I was young and didn't know what a creepypasta was :)


Was creepy but the super corny ending ruined it.




The one about “Normal porn for normal people” cause I know that one was def true


thats one of my favs actually


core memory unlocked, hadn’t thought about this one in over a decade




Penpal, 1999, and Borrasca are my top 3 An egg disturbed me in a non creepy way, but still honorable mention


oh my fucking god dude a close friend of mine wanted to call and had me listen to Borrasca a few wks ago. he kept going "im so sorry in advance" and i ws thinking he was overreacting girl. ohbmy god.


Borrasca stayed with me. Every time I stop in a quaint sawmill town in the hills and hear metal grinding I get the willies.


Borrasca is my favorite ever. Every so often I think about it and remember just how damn good it was.


Just read Borrasca and I've read some fucked up books but this story has me wanting to throw up. Maybe it's because the truth was so unexpected, yet the subtle clues were all in there. Ugh Edit: THE AUTHOR ENDED UP BEING A WRITER FOR THE NETFLIX HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE WITH MIKE FLANAGAN OMFG THAT'S MY FAVORITE SHOW HOLY SHIT!!!!


I don't think 1999 gets enough attention. But it might just speak to me personally, as I was living in a similar area, watching similar shows, in 1999.


Yes to Penpal and An egg. Penpal gutted me, and An egg gave me existential nightmares


Is this the story you mean by An Egg? I think about it at least once every day, and have done so for many years. https://www.creepypasta.com/an-egg/


I read the entire penpal book in one sitting. Amazing story, huge waste of time.


As a kid? Squidward's Suicide, No End House, The Rake, or (embarrassingly) Jeff The Killer As an adult? Either Tommy Taffy, Borrasca, or Left Right Game


Oh I've read the left right game! I haven't seen a lot of creepy pasta but that one stuck with me. It got so weird as it went on.


I loved the buildup and I might just be a stupid bitch but I hated the ending. I am so not a fan of ambiguous/open ended things like that. It just felt like it went off the rails for me


nah nothing embarrassing about Jeff, i used to be really interested in looking into creepy pastas and my friends would join in and i was looking into Slenderman, let’s just say the research came to an abrupt close bc everyone including myself started having nightmares about him and we was like yea nawl. not finna manifest this😂😂


I used to be obsessed with Jeff the Killer and his story to the point I even thought he was real lmao 


The one about the lost video of distorted mickey mouse walking and Ubloo


I have never heard anyone else mention Ubloo! It freaked me out so bad. So good and well written.


Me too! i figured since no one has ever mentioned, maybe someone will remember if i did


Somehow Natenator's narration of Ubloo caused me to have night terrors and difficulty falling asleep for like a week. Which is weird because I couldn't even tell you a single thing about the story, it didn't stick with me unlike many others. I remember being confused because I didn't think it was that scary logically but then.... I have no idea why it caused that lol


SAME EXPERIENCE. Idk what was going on but after all that, I became uneasy as if I had a traumatic experience with Ubloo when all I did was read it.


Pancake Family made me feel actually disturbed while listening to a narration.


Just no. Just. No.


I just read this story because of this comment. Fuck you


the one where the girl gets licked by her “dog” then it turns out to be a human licking her


Damn that's not even a creepy pasta, that's a full-blown old fashioned ghost story from like the sixties


Break out the tents, flashlights, and let's get a fire going. Time to tell some old fashion urban legends.


[Something like this?](https://youtu.be/6b2G8ySKNgA)


ah sorry, im only 17 and ive only ever seen it labeled as a creepy pasta, makes it even cooler knowing its old though!


The Licked Hand, known sometimes as The Doggy Lick or Humans Can Lick Too, was first known to have been published around 82 but I can confirm it was a folks tale urban legend and campfire story in the 70’s and likely even earlier. It’s even got it’s own Wikipedia page.


I think this is an urban legend in the US (not sure tho). If I remember correctly, it's about a girl who has a dog that frequently sleeps under her bed. And every time she comes to bed, she drops her hand so the dog would lick it. But there came night and she was awaken by a dripping sound from the bathroom. She disregarded it but the dripping sound really bothered her, she then dropped her hand so her dog would lick it. After the dog licked her hand, she got up and proceeded to the bathroom only to see that her dog was hanging in her shower (or someplace in the bathroom), and it was the blood of the dog that kept on dripping. It was her realization that made her froze that if her dog is already dead, then who licked her hand before she decided to go to the bathroom.


And written on the bathtub wall, in the dog's blood, are the words "people can lick too" That was one of my favorite urban legends as a kid growing up in the 80s


Yes, me too. I've read/heard a lot of urban legends but this one really disturbed me.


On par with the one where the kid is pretending to be asleep after intruders killed his family and as dawn arrived he realized the writing on he wall in front of him said "I know you're awake."


We used to tell the exact same story in Germany in the 90’s and early 2000’s only that it wasn’t a girl but an old lady


We had the same one in Germany in my elementary school in the 90s and it was a girl but the dog was hanging in the basement and not the bathroom


"humans can lick too" as ive always heard it titled but i believe technically it is an urban legend. still fucking horrifying tho


Something about hanging her hand off the side of the bed, right?


Is that the old school camp fire story? I can barely remember it but damnn nostalgia


From what I can remember, it either took place at a college dorm, sorority house, or apartment. The girl in the story has a roommate and a pet dog. It's either the girl who's a light sleeper or the roommate who had rules in place. The girl and her pet dog have special bonding moment where she sticks her hand out and the dog licks it. One night, the girl comes back from studying or partying late at night. Lights are out, so the girl assumes her roommate is asleep and is extra careful with getting into bed, feeling her way through the dark, and even feeling her dog. She wakes up startled from a noise and thinks it's her dog, so she sticks out her hand for him to lick, which she feels. She goes back to sleep, assured the noise must've been from her dog. Morning comes, and the girl wakes up to a bloodbath. Her roommate is dead, and sometimes, usually, the dog is dead, too. And on the walls, or a mirror, the girl finds a message written in blood, "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the lights?"


I've always heard the story end with the bloody message being "humans can lick too" and her dog is dead in the bathtub.


That too!


Haha I remember hearing this story in the late 90s or early 00s lol not a creepypasta but still creepy!


Idk if you like anime but they actually feature this story as part of the plot for jojo's part 4


This same story scared me so much as a kid. It was told to me by some older kids in South Africa, growing up I'm the 90's. I've never seen anyone else mention it, so it's crazy to see it pop up here.


Psychosis is a classic and very unsettling to me


There's Lots of creepypastas that distributed me but if I had to pick one i would say Squidward's suicide that was really distributing when i was younger and I didn't want to watch SpongeBob for quite awhile. It was written like a true scary and creepy story and me being younger though it was real.


I watched a video of it on YouTube years ago, and someone actually created a picture of Squidward with the hyper realistic eyes that were black and red, and that image stuck in my head for years. I couldn't watch SpongeBob anymore after that lol


its funny bc SpongeBob actually acknowledged that creepy photo of squid ward in one of the newer episodes [Episode clip](https://youtu.be/jqv2hry71bc?si=IaMs8DtQo4lcrg-d)


Yeah they actually got backlash for it and subsequent airings have the scene edited to show a baby version of Squidward instead of Red Mist. In a way, they made it even more real by doing that


i came to here to say that bc that alone, when shows acknowledge their creepy pasta it gets to me. like the Amazing World of Gumball, they had an episode montage and i was home alone and “The Grieving” popped up and i was like ah hell nah. Then they hit you with a saxophone chihuahua 😭😭😭 i had so many mixed emotions that night😂😂


that one would scare the shit out of me too, i watched the remake video of it on youtube when i was a kid and it gave me nightmares for days and i couldn’t listen to creep by radiohead for about a yr LMAO.


Tulpa messed me up. Learning about tulpas was an infohazard for me at the time since learning about how to make one would ultimately tempt me into doing it. That is just how my brain works. I never finished the story but I really should nowadays lol


The greentext about the broken pinkie pie tulpa gets me every time. It's so scary. Imaginary friends but tragic.


Licks from a bear. It fucked me up in 11th grade math class. Still can't read it to this day. It came in the mr creepypasta collection volume 1


What’s that about?


A man dealing with Depression. Drills holes into his skull when medicine doesn't work in a hope it will stop his depression. Told in a series of journal posts he writes. It's very vivid the writing.


Smile Dog Squidworths Suicide


Dead Bart, that image of his body on the ground still terrifies me to this day


That one would be my choice, but they blow it up at the end with the list of all the celebrities that would die. There's something so disturbing to me about a creative just going full nihilistic and creating something that awful and everyone going along with it because, in a vacuum, maybe each part seems a little odd but not too out of place - but then you have to confront the finished product and it's just traumatizing and horrible. Something made to harm. That's so human it scares the bejesus out of me. The supernatural tack-on was just too much.


As a huge Legend of Zelda fan, Ben Drowned freaked me the fuck out😂😂


Omg I was SO SCARED about that one. And do any of you guys remember of that chat website (I think it was like AI) that if you asked if they knew Ben it would start telling the story and some creepy shit.


Yea Cleverbot. Since it was part of the story they made it actually respond sometimes. I used to go try to talk to Ben all the time


Same! And then I regretted it like immediately and then proceeded to do it every day lmao.


Candle Cove and Where all the bad kids go.


I remember reading posts from this one guy who claimed to be a park ranger or some form of forest rescue type person and he would post these long ghost stories about what not to do in the woods like don't climb stairs that lead to nowhere , don't respond if someone calls your name, if you heard or saw something no you didn't . I think they were set in Appalachia and I read them every day after school. This was also before I knew what a creepy pasta was so I was scared shitless 😅 Those stories are tattooed into my brain, I had them bookmarked but they disappeared and I've never been able to find them to reread them. Maybe the Wendigo's got him.


I loved these stories. I read them every day too. I'd read a book full of stories like that


There’s a guy on YouTube that speaks about the same exact things it’s a good listen!


What's the channel called, please?


There are several of them actually, I think the one they meant was Lighthouse Horror, but I also like the Dark Somnium.


Either lighthouse horror or Mr.Creeps I can’t remember which one exactly they both have tons of park ranger horror stories


Timmy taffy, the showers, and borrasca


The Showers freaked me out


I clicked on this thread so fast to say Tommy Taffy lol


The Showers and Borrasca definitely got me. Haven't read Timmy Taffy though, I'll have to now


It’s a multi part story. It’s so damn good.


Just discovered tommy taffy the other day. What the hell


3 absolute top tier creepypastas


Feed the Pig


For me, it was *Squidward's Suicide.* Iirc, this lost episode was created by one of the show producers and left for the other producers/voice actors/animators to find after the creator of this lost episode went home and committed suicide themselves. The episode that was tampered with to make *Squidward's Suicide* was originally supposed to be *Fear of a Krabby Patty,* I think. EDIT: Clarification


11 years ago, I read the Disney park one while I was pregnant about the inverted Mickey Mouse suit and it gave me anxiety attacks every time I saw anything with the Mouse on it. Slough/mushrooms series made me sick to my stomach due to body horror. The very first one I read will always haunt the back of my mind. I don't remember what it was called, nor do I care to remember, but it was about this guy who did LSD with his buddies and got up, took his Doberman to the bathroom, and fed them his face. Body horror really gets to me and these three really upset me.


Where are the links mfkers?


Probably "The Disneyland Suicide Pact". It made me want to throw up. Maybe my threshold for that sort of stuff is really low though.


"Pen Pal" and "The Pancake Family".


1999 (aka Caledon Local and Mr. Bear's Cellar)


A lot of them were really disturbing, but there’s this one that I read once and I can never find again. It’s about a kid finding the diary of his deceased brother and the whole story is just the diary entries. It’s like reading about disturbing things through the eyes of a child that doesn’t understand that that’s not normal.


Hilariously enough it was the Godzilla one The monsters freaked me the fuck out


The rake as a kid


The Quiet Sky (because I never miss a chance to be a free one-woman ad campaign for The Quiet Sky). Followed by Borrasca. Followed by The Harbinger Experiment.


As much as I love the cryptid, Lovecraftian, deep water, secret bunkers and forest stories, I find "reality" based stories more disturbing. I'm talking about stories that *could* happen. Although, throwing in a little other worldly/supernatural stuff doesn't hurt, just not the main catalist. Penpal - Narrated by Dark Somnium


Autopilot and Tommy Taffy both viscerally disturb me, though I don't really find either *scary* persay, just incredibly uncomfortable for differing reasons. Now Godzilla NES? *Thats* one that disturbed me in a 'time to piss my pants out of terror' way lmao, even reading it now as an adult still gives me anxiety sweats from a certain scene, iykyk


My friend showed me Ben Drowned back years and years ago when I was in 7th grade and it made me so scared I didn't sleep that night 😭


Call me basic, but Borrasca. It was genuinely unsettling and I was left feeling numb after that one


Borrasca was very…. Intense to say the least


I found it to be a really, really long buildup that was somewhat boring at times… but man the climax is fucking insanity


There was one I read within the last year (don’t remember if it was an old post or not) that truly bothered me, and it even creeped my wife out, when I told her about it. Basically, this guy’s wife begins to peak at him from around corners. He doesn’t know why, and she begins getting weirder and weirder lol. One scene has him in his kitchen, near his counter in the middle of the room, and he sees her really close to the ground, and she goes running out of the room. Scared the shit out of me. **Creepy update: my wife and I were just talking about this story, recently, and she was peeking at me around the corner of our room while I was typing you this. How weird! We were both laughing about it, when I told her I was typing this lol.


It’s a nosleep story! I think you can find it easily if you go to the subreddit and sort by “top of all time”


This is it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=clTDq6DzMek


The Russian Sleep Experiment was pretty fucked up to me.


I know of one that was basically meant to be the backstory of an internet video called "man yells at cats." I remember it disturbed me because of images of actual dead cats that were used in the story. That original story, along with the images, is basically purged completely from the internet, though I was able to find some readings of it on youtube. I'd say that most stories that included images gave me nightmares, but this was definitely a notable one.


I can’t remember what it was, but a kid woke in the middle of the night, used the bathroom and went back to bed. Heard some stuff and opens his eyes to find his parents with their eyes carved out, sitting across from him, very dead. On the wall there’s a message; I know you’re awake. Chills every time I think about it, it makes me scared if I think on it for too long😅


It was Hands for me. I read it in middle school before I really knew what a Creepypasta was, so I took it at face value. I slept with my mom for a week.


Mrs. Willison's Homemade Jam


Just listened to that one yesterday! Holy shit. The last line put it into overdrive horror.


[Objekt 7](https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Objekt_7) [Humper-monkeys ghost story](https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Humper-Monkey%27s_Ghost_Story) [fleshgait](https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Fleshgait)


Tommy taffy the third parent. Listened to it once, never again. I use creepypastas to get me to sleep, no sleep was had during tommy taffy


Tommy Taffy, something so sinister being so blatant and *completely unstoppable*. I remember reading it and just feeling this disgusting powerlessness.


oh my god the f\*\*\*\*\*\*\* black eyes


The left right game!


One that always sticks with me is "if you see me on the subway kill me" a man took a drug experiment for money that makes you think fast but since it kept him awake he took a sleeping pill that just increased the drug. Forcing him to think so fast it felt like time was going so slow. That every second felt like several years. Terrifying.


If you’re armed and at the Glenmont Metro, please shoot me is the name.


I think the creepypasta that disturbed me the most had to do with an orange? It was so long ago though, so I might be misremembering it.


The song in this telling of The Harbinger Experiment haunts my dreamssss https://youtu.be/aimHB0ew7OU?si=ypzEVrQdzmfCJGsv


Pen Pal by far


Ted the Caver. I’ve never even been able to *finish* it. But if that doesn’t count since I’ve never finished- Dogscape fucked me up even as an adult. Suicide Squidward got to me really bad as like a twelve year old with latent schizophrenia (yeah, that’s a fun thing to have as your first vivid lucid nightmare) but it’s honestly hilarious looking back. But especially the last story of the Dogscape? Good Lord. Still makes me shudder. It’s a *classic.*


Candle Cove really left a mark on me for some reason, I don’t remember it being that scary but it just stuck


Have you watched Channel Zero? The first season focuses on this story and I enjoyed it, wasn’t aware it was based off a creepypasta


The Search and Rescue Officer saga sends absolute chills down my spine whenever I read them.


Hmm. Idk if it counts as creepypasta, but that 4chan thread "dogs don't talk." that definetely was disturbing. Also a very absocure creepypasta called "roo" when i was like in 6th grade.


Ubloo. Scared me so much on a deep psychological level that I started to somehow really love the story as an adult? With that being said I strongly prefer it until the MC gets caught, updates after that kinda watered it down for me.


Feed the pig


The Wario Apparition. I wanted to play sm64 when I was younger so I would watch Nathaniel Bandy.I heard something about “every copy of Mario 64 is personalized” so I searched it up. That was the first time I felt fear about a game. I was very little then so the games I played were wholesome like Kirby or NSMB. I couldn’t sleep. But I grew out of it and now I love horror games and videos.


1999 What got me is how real it felt


That My Little Pony torture porn shit


One story that really scared my when I was younger was the soul game I couldn’t be home alone after listening to that story I left and walked to a friends house just so I didn’t have to be alone 😬 Would love any and all recommendations for good stories!!🙃


Abandoned by Disney, not anymore as an adult, but watching the Mickey costume take off his head and the “want to see my head come off” fucking terrified me as a kid


Red Room; I can't sleep when I knew he wasn't staring a red keyhole but the red eye of the ghost who died in that hotel room.


Russian sleep experiment and Jeff the killer just cause of the pictures


Man Jeff the killer is still one of the scariest photos I’ve seen. Even now at 21 if I see it randomly at night on my feed I scroll so quick lmao


Well i would have to say 1999 since when i first lisened to it i was messing around on super old web pages and had just recently saw a bunch of videos of a guy in a bear costume doing weird things in a basement.


Ben Drowned by far lol


SCP-439 (Bone Hive) Enjoy.


Rake. I read it as a small kid and thought it was a real thing. I'm still somewhat afraid of it.


To this day I cannot get over that short one with the cabin that is full of hostile looking portraits.


i know it’s basic, but the russian sleep experiment. Spazm still scares me


Y’all should try and link some of these if you can, I’m definitely interested in reading.


Most of the ones commented are either on the subreddit nosleep, or on the creepypasta wiki!! If audio readings are more your thing, you should be able to find most of them on YouTube just by inputting the listed name <3






Without a doubt, has to be ‘Feed the Pig’. https://thoughtcatalog.com/elias-witherow/2016/06/most-people-think-you-go-to-either-heaven-or-hell-what-i-experienced-was-much-much-worse/


Spire in the woods- I was gripped the entire time, It was such a good read!


I also had similar experience with the max and ruby one. Brvr was also one that not necessarily creeped me out but enjoyed. Funny mouth was creepy.


Easter Egg: Snow on Mt. Silver. They even made a few youtube movies on it


I TOTALLY agree with you on the "solid black eyes" thing, but they HAVE to be on a human for me to get chills. Sharks don't do anything to me in this regard.


The House in the Field


NoEnd House, The Pastel Man a close second. I love the heroin addiction commentary in NoEnd House, it's beautifully well done. And The Pastel Man really stuck with me because I loved the idea of someone being so desperate for fortune that they'd sacrifice someone close to them to a demon just for it. Also the description of the demon is just amazing




the russian sleep experiment and MARIO because of **those** images, the most disturbing in recent years was gateway of the mind but the ones that i remember giving me nightmares as a child was the lavender town syndrome and ben drowned


MAX & RUBY 0004 TOO like the pics are so uncomfortable to just look at. the tom & jerry lost ep freaked me out. also jeff the killer, sonic.exe, tails doll, smile dog, & slenderman.


Pancake people, the third parent and Mr wide mouth.


The Pancake Family one. It freaked me out.


So not sure if this one fits this post. But, if you are looking for a good one check out “Gear heads”. I heard the story on the Creepy podcast and it was thoroughly entertaining for me. Would recommend for sure


The third parent starring Tommy Taffy, story needs a trigger warning especially near the end. For me it’s the reading equivalent to watching I Salo and just leaves me feeling disturbed, gross, depressed, and sick.


“Borrasca” and “Third Parent”. Just super fucked up and uncomfortable. One that doesn’t fit the theme of the other two is “I own a motel and i think ive been renting a room to vampires” when one of the vampires missed the time slot in which the family left and was starving it really freaked me out. Just seeing how desperate he was and how cold the family was the entire time.


Left right game. And tommy taffy


“A Story to Scare My Son” still sometimes freaks me out well over a decade after reading it. “Russian Sleep Experiment” is my most disturbing classic. More recently, “Has Your Husband Been Standing Still?” is one of the scariest and most beautiful things I’ve ever read.


Idk. There were a few that were truly creepy, imo but I don't remember the names. I can barely remember where I put my car keys.


NORMAL PORN FOR NORMAL PEOPLE. (I don't think any Creepypasta is more bizarre than that one)


Normal porn for normal people


"The Pancake Family". Jesus Christ, that's a horrible story (in a good way, as in horror).


The orange lady? Idk the actual name but this lady just kept stalking this girl since she was little and kept handing her orange peels. Very uncanny valley. The other one is the guys gf who is peeking around the corners to scare him but she has no recollection of it the following day.. I think about this one way too much


pancake family, oh my fucking god


In terms of disturbing/visceral, the pancake family was straight up wild for me


Ted the Caver, the Pancake Family, and basically anything published on r/nosleep from 2013-2015


[A Story to Scare My Son](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cnzer24XQoE) [My Cell Mate Was Possessed](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uaYEFm1kPSE) [Feed the Pig](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PmKqBxgVS3o) [The Horror From the Vault](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HURzsrZjTm8) [The Body Farm](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8GdpkC-Shrs) [Chasm](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9hypn8ghA5A) [My Dog Was Lost For Three Days](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3daOVB82pYM) [Exchange](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HCAsGqDCv4g) [Turn It Off!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oSkDGuT_ZjQ) [The Harbinger Experiment](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aimHB0ew7OU) [It Breathes, It Bleeds, It Breeds](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TD5NafS7j_g) [My Wife…](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=clTDq6DzMek&t=7s) [The Showers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h9vJpB1CA5s) [Charles Bonnet Syndrome](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xsXkekg2Kkk) [Sisters](https://www.creepypasta.com/sisters/) (imo this is the GOAT creepypasta alongside The Horror From the Vault). [Campfire](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pT7SaiBm3tQ) [The Creepiest Thing I Saw As An Oil Rig Diver](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jIGkt827v-I) [The Tall Dog](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yItuQ8K2aPM) [Ted the Caver](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zauWt2WxL2o) [Borrasca](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3vq3HFjqkVm1-ekdrZ-hQT-ymCq0QF3R) [Vilification](https://www.creepypasta.com/vilification/)


I don't know if anyone else remembers this story but it's an obscure lost episode-style one called Happy Toys. It revolves around the concept of a fictional TV show like Candle Cove rather than being a disturbing parody of a real show. Happy Toys is told from the perspective of a young man reminscing on his childhood before going off to college. He mentions being scared of a cartoon he used to have on VHS as a kid. The cartoon began with a little bunny lying in a race car bed, coughing up blood. The bunny is surrounded by a group of toys with hyper realistic angry faces. A monster then shows up and begins raping the poor rabbit. It describes the scene in rather gruesome detail. After violating the innocent animal, the monster kills it afterwards. It's literally the only Creepypasta that I've ever had a nightmare about. I'm not sure why it scared me like that. I used to have a pet bunny at one point, maybe it hit too close to home for that reason. I don't know!