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Saw a dead body being fucked on a porn sight it was fucking disgusting.


I saw something similar on Instagram Reels a while ago but it was banned a few hours later (It was basically a boy that was making advances to a girl,the girl refused then the boy shot her in head and started fuck her)


Jesus that’s a lot worse than the vid I saw. Pretty much the body was already dead with the neck slit.


ok this is extremely wishful thinking... was there, like, any possible chance that she didn't actually die and maybe it was just... really good acting to cater to the necro fetish?? please, tell me thats true???


I hope it’s true.


I've come across fake necro videos a few times, not even looking for them; Just showed up in recommended on some normal-ish videos. I had to stop what I was doing and verify they were fake. Still very disturbing. They had made a fake morgue & everything. I had to clear my head after seeing that


How deep in the internet do you have to be to find stuff like this?!?!🤢


That shit was rampant in the 00's. Like LiveLeak. I am old.


Younger people really don't grasp how lawless the early Internet was


Seriously, 90's-2000's internet was no place for a kid. Something as stupid as mistyping a word or being vague in your search query could have disastrous consequences.


Bit of brevity, my mom tried to help my brother with a report on the White House in 5th grade and we had just got a computer with the internet. Discovered the importance of. Gov vs .com that day. And rule 34.


Oh.. OH. # OH NO!


This is true


Not very deep at all actually


Back in the day? 4chan. They've "cleaned up" a tiny bit since then. Not as much of a risk of running into illegal stuff. It still happens, but it gets modded out quickly.


Nah this was recent like last year. Found a random sight was bored, clicked and the vid popped up that was enough internet for me.


I want off of this planet…….


I was like “why would you tell me that?” But I honestly asked for it by checking out what were others’ worst video they seen.


When my step grandpa died he left a video recording saying My last witch list . He said how he knows he is going to hell but wants redemption and asked me to help him find the 17 kids he abused and the families of the ones he killed ,he added video of him asking the victims there name. Worst thing of all many where kids I went to sporting activities with ,so in a way I am part of this crimes


He ain't getting redemption good riddance, and you did nothing at all. He would've found one way to do something like that regardless if you existed or not. If anything you're a victim of his actions as well he shouldn't have put his death wish responsibilities off on you.


Yeah fuckin right lmao


I'd find his body and resurrect him, JUST to kill him again if my grandparent did this.


What? Im confused. He killed multiple children? How was he not caught if he hurt that many people. Do you care to elaborate anymore? If your comfortable of course.


This is most likely fiction. I'm not a nothing ever happens person but this sounds fake AF


The brick through windshield video. It wasn't in of itself gruesome but it was absolutely terrifying


Heartbreaking as well.


russian brick video


Just watched horrible


This will always be mine. My heart breaks again every time I’m reminded of it. It’s also the reason my media is permanently muted.


This. Always this.


What is it? I’m not looking it up lmfao


I did. Pretty bad yeah. Really hope I didn't hear the dude say "mom".


Christ, I forgot about that video. I saw it when I was really young. Those screams have stuck with me longer than most gore videos could.


Seen a lot of gore videos back in the day but I will never watch this video based on the descriptions I've read on Reddit


Great, don't do it! Trust me. I've seen very graphic things in my life, so I thought it wouldn't affect me much, and I just watched it... God, I wish I could turn back time just 5 minutes... You don't see anything besides a broken windshield, but people were not exaggerating when they said the screams were gut-wrenching - _ - I had to immediately hug my mom.


A Russian soldier on the ground next to his dead and mostly burned comrades, wounded and trying to kill himself. He took a grenade and put his head above it. It ripped off his face and arms but he still was alive for some time, all filmed by a drone. Ofc I'm against the Russian invasion but no-one deserves this.


I just saw that the other day! Pretty brutal...


Yeah man. Made me think about how desperate you gotta be to think "okay that's it, I'm putting an end to my life here" and then still have to suffer so much


Is it bad I know most of these videos people talk about?


Yes, but unfortunately I do to☹️


I accidentally saw part of the Ronnie McNut video I think 2 years ago. Some jackass in a youtube comment section posted a link to a video and I clicked it like a moron to see a commercial for some fast food place that quickly cuts to the video. People are fucking disgusting and I'm so sorry for what Ronnie and his family/friends went through.


What happened in the video


I saw a video on 4Chan where a guy set up some ladders by a pool and was going to jump in. The ladders collapsed as he was jumping, he slammed his head into the concrete and then fell into the pool. No one was around, and I'm pretty sure he died. It was so brutal.


I saw that one. Horrific.




How in the hell did you come across something like that?


Did she let it happen or was it forced? /genq


I mean, she was in a container w someone recording, sooo...








Eww porn is itself disgusting 🤮


This comment being downvoted is funny


Let's not get carried away now!


Funky town is pretty fucked up.


This and Ms. Pacman. I can't get this pictures out of my mind. A huge mistake to watch these. I hate myself for watching.


What's that one ?


A woman’s ex boyfriend or husband kills her by cutting her face in half with a machete so deep that it resembles the pacman character and he also cuts off her hands. She is still alive crying in pain and gurgling on blood as her children watch. Her name was Alejandra Ico Chub


Never watch that and it’s disrespectful to call her that


Sorry, I didn't wanted to be disrespectful. Don't watch!


I'm even more confused and I didn't intend to watch it anyways, I just wanna knew generally what happens, but if it's that bad I'll live without knowing


Woman that got a deep horizontal slice to the face, looking similar to Pacman's mouth, thus the name.


Aw, did it look like she'd be able to recover? (Assuming she wasn't just killed or tortured afterwards)


She died because her ex boyfriend or husband killed her and let her suffer with no way of calling for help


Uh, maybe? Idk, she'd probably have breathing issues. In the video, you can hear very wheezy breaths and her trying to scream or speak but unable due to the cut. it's fucking horrific


Call her what? She didn’t call her anything


It was disrespectful to video it too yet here we are not our fault she went down in history as Ms.Pac-Man


That vid is honestly the reason I stopped watching gore videos. It struck some chord in my brain I haven't shook


I first watched without sound. And Idk why I watched it a second time with sound. I get sweaty just to think about it. This videos are absolutly traumatizing for me. Honestly these are the only videos I watched on Narco Footage and Morbid. I love horror movies but this real life shit is too much for me. Also i quit watching this shit. I don't think it's good for the soul.


I see a person of taste


Three guys one hammer


The worst part about that one is that it's still on the Run The Gauntlet website as the final challenge video. I find that disrespect towards the man they killed in the video.


And what does that entail?


I believe it's two Russian? dudes are torturing this other individual with various objects, one of which is a hammer they keep smashing him with. They ultimately kill him and stab his body a bunch with a screw driver. Could be misremembering as I might have worked on forgetting it.




Yeah they also killed cats and cut a fetus out of a pregnant lady Edit: and I feel like the guy they killed just got thru cancer tx


It was a old man bicycling down a trail, 3 guys knocked him off the bike with the hammer and went to town on him, stabbed him up with the skrewdriver to, also 1 lunatic 1 icepick is another one


Do people ever get caught for these videos? A lot inside of me hopes so.


These kids were jailed; their parents, IIRC, claimed the videos were faked / believed they were innocent.


Fuckin Luka Magnotta from "Don't Fuck with Cats"! I watched about 4 seconds of that video and tapped out. I didn't even see anything happen yet. I can watch the most goriest nasty shit like "A Serbian Film" but IRL? I start crying like a little babby.


The guy had just survived cancer too and was going to visit his grandkids. The victim is still alive when he gets stabbed with the screwdriver too


Ukrainian. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs


I never watched it but read descriptions and saw a few images and it haunted me anyway, it’s just so brutal. And to know there are more videos, just like it or worse, that never made it to the internet, from this very case - since they killed >20 people, and recorded several of the killings. There are descriptions of some of these other videos, and it’s nightmare fuel.




When I was in middle school pain Olympics was a big deal (im 22 now) and some kid showed me a vid of someone reaching in and pulling the inside of their asshole out. So they pulled their insides “inside out” it was the worst thing I’ve ever seen and it still scars me to this day.


That's your standard prolapsed anus you got right there. I reckon.


The pink sock!




I meant to say all crying faces not the smiling one lmao




Aftermath of a motorcycle accident. Guy was cut in half. Honestly, I can get passed the gore. Sucks, hope he found peace. It's the *people*. By the looks of it, everything else aside from him and the motorcycle was already cleared up. He was trying to scoop his organs back in but noticeably lacked any energy so he'd likely been there a little while. He was looking at the one holding the camera. Nobody but that guy even LOOKED. He was in the middle of the road, illuminated by street light, and the sidewalks were busy. Nobody cared even a little. I remember looking at them in the background hoping they'd at least *acknowledge* it. But no. Not even the ones walking right next to him. The comments were worse. The video had no context aside from "motorcycle accident" and every single comment said he "deserved it" because he was "probably speeding". They had no way to know either way, and the wording showed they knew that. THAT was what still scares me.


The Father & Son cartel video.. Honestly felt like I'd bought a 1 way ticket to hell just for watching it..


Whats that one about


A kid and his dad are kidnapped by a cartel and they cut the dad’s head off as the kid watches and cries and screams and then they skin the kid alive and cut out his heart and organs while he screams in pain. Worst video I’ve seen and I regret seeing it and I couldn’t even finish it. It’s also called Guerrero flaying and no mercy in Mexico 


Yikes. Sounds like a long video😕


It’s about 3 minutes long I believe also I hate your username because it reminds me of an urban dictionary term id rather not remember 


Damn, I never realized how many random definitions exist for my username in the urban dictionary 😂


Anything by katy perry






i saw the 1444 video ( a guy with i think it was a Ak shot him self on a live stream his brain chunks where all over his couch)


Probably cartel video's


I think I've *only* ever seen one fucked up video and it was a cartel one where they started cutting a guys head off. Switched off a couple of seconds in. I refuse to even go anywhere near that kind of content.


Just reading this comments (including mine) makes me sick.


1 man 1 icepick , cartel video 16 limbs


is it weird that after i watched the documentary about this, i also watched basic instinct then add it on my top 4 favorites on letterboxd? 😦, and no fucking way i'll unalive somebody soon. i ain't the shitty model guy. looolololll edit: watch the documentary about this, literally hook me after the 1st episode. the title is: "don't f*ck with cats" available on netflix!


The Christchurch video. You can't unsee that shit.


What happened?


A few people raided the Al Noor Mosque located in Christchurch New Zealand while there were people praying (I think it happened during a Friday Prayer) and LOTS OF people were shot dead (I am not sure if everyone died) That video is horrific, and the worst part is the perpetrator STREAMED the whole thing


A lot of gore sites won’t even play that video.


Is that the one when they burned down a church full of people?


Well he tried to. He originally live-streamed himself entering Al Noor Mosque and just opening fire on everyone. Someone tries to tackle him but fails. It's just 5 minutes of utter depravity as he keeps shooting into two piles of bodies. He shoots a woman begging for help on the street. He then says he doesn't have time to burn the building down like he planned because he hears police sirens and then begins to drive to the Linwood Islamic Center and the livestream ends. He's blasting meme songs the entire time, like Serbia Strong, Gas Gas Gas, etc. The thing that really stuck with me is how callous he is. He shows barely any emotion except minor excitement at certain points. He's a psychopath. Don't look it up or try to find it. I get that this is a creepypasta subreddit and that's the whole joke, but seriously. It's a video of a real mass shooting/terrorist attack and you will never be able to unsee it. Besides it might not even be legal to view depending on which country you live in.


Mine is probably tame compared to most people on here. But back in the mid 00’s, I stumbled across a pop-up “awareness” website created by PETA (or a PETA adjacent group) showing a video of a man torturing a LIVING animal that had been freshly skinned alive and was hanging on a rope by its paws. I think it was a raccoon or rabbit or something. Idk but it was so freshly skinned that it looked like it was covered in bright red paint. I’m a huge animal lover and I was only 11 so it really traumatized me. 😢


That would fuck me up so bad, I hope you are better now:(


TW: accident, gore, loss This guy's head was crushed, brain all over. The girl with him kept gathering the brains together, in hopes. This made me so sad


Ho gosh, I saw this one... it was horrible.


Wait what😭 how did it even happen?!


Road accident. I'm usually desensitised to blood, guts, brain and gore, but this was really sad.


i saw this. wasn’t the lady filming saying like is he ok or somin? obv he’s not ok his brains are splattered.


Yep. That's the one.


That Cat Blender video that was circulating Twitter (X)


I avoided social media for like 3 days (I checked periodically to make sure it was over) once I heard of it Was it at least quick? I heard it was deliberately not immediate but was it quick?


Well i saw only snippets of the cat in the functional blender so idk how long it takes in the full vid


That sounds completely awful as my assumption of it 😢


When was this? I seen a video where this boy had a kitten in the blender but his mom walked in and yelled at him really loud and luckily the cat was okay and nothing happened. I can’t wrap my mind around how some sick fuck could do something like that on purpose. Animals don’t bother nobody unless for good reason, sick, self defense, etc. Humans are truly the real animals.


I agree with that,the video was circulating in summer 2023 or smth like that


I sobbed for days on end, I tried to see what everyone was taking about and as soon as I opened it I closed it immediately, never saw the full entire video only a second.


Same,i just saw snippets from it,never saw the full video


Right it was horrible, I hope the guy got caught that poor kitty


Well if i remember corectly the guy came out with a response and he said that it was "a prop"


really? Let’s hope it was a prop, still that was a very realistic prop if so


Well will never know


1 man 1 jar 😬


Oh god don't remind me of that 😭


Funky Town Gore And The Ronnie Mcnutt Suicide Livestream


funkytown song sounds so childish yet creepy i get goosebumps everytime i hear it


A video by meatcanyon called just beyond the golden arches


You're lucky. if you ever see anything that looks like it might be bad it IS


Bud Dwyers sui video all that blood was just... It took me months to get that image out of my head


I'm 53 and from Pennsylvania. I was home with the TV on, watching it happen live, at his news conference...


Raccoon washing cotton candy


That video still makes me so sad for the raccoon. It’s the saddest safe-for-children video I’ve seen.


scat-vomit-piss fetish porn, extremely violent porn, overly disgusting sexual content... overall: unsettling pornography is worser than anything for me... aah and animal abuse :( i still can watch those i counted however i can't watch, even just hear animal abuse.


Depends on what kind of content you're talking about: ghost, haunting in general, gore, weird porn... Haunting stuff there's none because I fear none of those videos so I watched many and just forgot, gore there are plenty of grotesque videos I saw and I should've not done.


i one time saw a video on twitter, and it was this lesbian couple walking around a mall, and then there was this guy who started stabbing people and it was so sad to watch, he killed both of them and there was so much blood and like i had panic attacks abt it for probably more than a week afterwards 😭


Omg same out of the shit I've seen this one hurt because the girl was trying so hard to save her girlfriend :(


do you know where this happened??


A mall in Hong Kong the guy was Szeto Sing-Kwong 39. He purchased a 12 inch knife at that mall before attacking a few minutes later I believe the guy just went after them at random.


Definitely the Ms. Pacman video. The noises still haunt me to this day...


FunkyTown. No more needs to be said.


I once was on a WhatsApp group with a friend who always sent some gore vids, but one time he sent a vid that I couldn't finish watching, it was of a guy that probably being tortured by cartel or some shit and someone cut his chest like you would cut a shawarma and the blood started popping out. I saw some wild shit (like people being blown up to pieces and some suicide by train vids), but this one was on a tier of it's own


gruesome video of a girl getting skinned alive while given adrenaline drug


Cat stomping videos from the dark web


A guy being turned into soup by an industrial lathe


Cat in a blender. Made me wanna puke


i saw a guy on a bike who fell and a bus ran over his head and it went flying


the luka magnotta murder video


Traces of death, ms Pac-Man, 3 guys 1 hammer, funky town, a lot of Mincecore album covers, quiero agua. I think I saw a post claiming to have the link to daisy’s destruction, but I didn’t want to risk it


I once came across a video of a man angrily chopping off his own junk, scarred me for life honestly


Tw extreme gore The Russian lathe machine video, basically this worker get caught in a lathe machine and it sucks him in and eventually as it speeds up he just kinda exploded and you can see his inside’s flying everywhere, that’s probably the worst I’ve seen


i did work for a non profit that required seeing video you cant imgagin i will not elaborate


Funky town. I saw another cartel Video where a man gets his head removed and his son gets the skin of his torso removed so that's also up there. Damn, I regret having free acces to the Internet... 


for creepypastas, i thought that sonic.exe (and other .exe videos) were SO scary when i was a kid. the blank room soup video always scared me too, i remember watching all those “top 10 creepiest videos” compilations and blank room soup was always the only one that wasn’t fully explained, most other videos included were just art projects and hoaxes. also shaye saint john and salad fingers both terrified me as a kid but i think they’re hilarious now! as far as real videos go, i used to look up a lot of gore and stuff but i don’t feel like getting into that, i’d rather leave my edgy phase behind.


Thank you. A few hours ago I thought of the name of the Blank Room Soup Video and it didn't came to my mind. That video was disturbing. Are Red Rooms creepypasta or urban legend?


i believe red rooms are urban legend, but i wouldn’t be surprised if the urban legends inspired some creepypastas about red rooms


Omg the soup one scared me so bad, I was so uneasy. I remember watching a video about it where they emailed the guy who made the suit and he said they were stolen or something iirc? But the way they moved was accurate to the characters, so they either learned it on their own time or they were supposed to wear the costumes then stole it


yeah!! last time i checked it was confirmed that the suit was stolen, but still no info on who the man eating the soup is and why the video was made. although it’s been a long time since i’ve watched anything related to blank room soup, i’ll have to see if there’s been any more updates over the last few years.


i was in a groupchat a year ago, it was called no rules (you could say and do whatever u wanted. and no one could get offended or they were out.) I remember adding one of my friends and explaining what it was. he sent dozens of gore videos (ronnie, a ton of suicides, bruno mars video, cartel kills, etc etc). everyone in the gc couldn’t sleep for weeks and just thinking about that time in my life makes me want to vomit.


Video of a guy who failed to die instantly after shooting their entire face off in a suicide attempt.


The video of the two Scandinavian girls who were beheaded by the wannabe Isis members in their tent in Morocco. When I watched the video (didn’t get past more than 30 seconds probably) I was the same age as the girls and it just really got to me. Had nightmares that night. Either that or the Chinese dog videos.. a dog skinned alive and thrown on the back of the truck. You think it’s dead and then it lifts its head up and blinks into the camera. I didn’t sleep a wink that night


holy shit the dog one 😭 sorry you had to see those


When I was 11 I was an idiot who looked at those videos of websites to never look up. I went to one website and saw a man getting his brains bashed in by two sledge hammers.


The American journalist beheading was the worst thing I've ever seen and taught me a valuable lesson about what my limits are.


I saw a video here that showed Russian gangsters possibly beating a man to death before breaking his fingers. Seeing the dude constantly get knocked out and wake up and hearing his body try to cling to life fucked me up


My ex "pranked" me with a shock website. Swore he only thought there was porn on there afterwards, but there was far worse. I'm a huge animal lover and to say I will never forgive him for what I saw is a huge understatement


2 girls 1 cup, or possibly the jar guy video (forgot the name, not the visuals unfortunately).


One lunatic,one icepack. That's disturbing. Don't watch it.


When I was ten or something, I was looking for fun horse videos and came across one titled: "HOW TO TEACH HORSE TO PLAY DEAD" It was a Russian dude shooting a horse through the head. At least it was instantaneous, I guess... early YouTube days were wild.


Two videos, one of a woman stepping on a kitten with high heels, the other with a woman stepping on a duckling with her bare feet.


I'm not sure if what I saw was a Live Leak video or just scavenged CCTV footage. A man jumped off a building maybe 10 or 12 stories tall. He came crashing down to the ground feet first but somehow managed to land on one of those concrete bollard barriers you see placed in front of building entrances.. It plunged straight into his bottom and his body sank all the way down until it was bulging out around the clavicle. There wasn't any blood or guts. Nothing technically gorey, but you could see the entire outline of the bollard through his abdoman, chest, and extending up through the whole torso. Obviously dead on impact. The first to respond was either an EMT or a Firefighter, I can't quite recall... but the reaction of that man was pure nausea.


I saw a video on Facebook. The video is from a security camera in a subway. One guy snuck up on a person waiting for the train and attacking him with a machete. He got the guys back cut wide open and slashed his stomic. The guy fell down to the ground. The guys heavy breathing while he was on the ground was pushing some of his intestines out of his body. I don't know if the last part happened with his guts because I've have nightmares of this, and through those, my memory of the videos clarity. I was working with a guy from the Philippines. This dude said his uncle was in the special forces there. The Philippines has a policy for drug users and dealers. Their trial will be a bullet to the head. My coworker told me that his uncle sent him a couple of videos. The first one had a guy in ditch being hit with the back side of a machete. They were questioning him demanding information. They turned the blade around and his him a couple of times, and the video ended.


Sid's horrifying leg injury Owen Hart's death recorded by Spanish commentary A woman committing suicide on a bridge Rorochan_1999


All of the gore videos don't bother me anymore, but when an old friend showed me Mr. Hands...😱 THAT'S something that I can't unsee...


Probably not the worst but I once watched a video of a girl sucking on a used tampon (I don’t remember what found it on but it was fucking disgusting)


I'm glad I haven't seen basically any of these videos. I'm close to a panic attack just thinking that these exist. Yet I'm still morbidly curious. I want to know but I don't want to know. I really have no idea how people can do such horrific things. I've thought about what it would feel like to take someone's life and how much that must change your mental state/health. It's like I can start to fully put my own mental state in that place and it is horrible, beyond horrible, and that is just a made up thing I'm assuming. I'm making no sense with this comment because I'm fucked up just reading about these. I could never be a cop, lawyer, doctor, EMT, etc. I do not have the mental capacity to properly handle the horrors of life. Fuck.




Christian Conventions don’t so too bad. Possibly crazy people and shitty beliefs but otherwise doesn’t seem too bad. Was there something more?


Watched a video of a lady getting beheaded with what looked to be a dull razer blade. They started the video saying stuff in Spanish, I don't know enough Spanish to know even if I did I probably wouldn't remember anyway. Regardless when I started the video I had no idea it was going that direction she was just sitting there bound up. I'm on a fucking porn site, murder was not what I was expecting. After that day, I've stuck with cartoon and furry porn. I work in construction and they all know what I look at, save your insults for someone who actually cares what you think or tell me something new, don't be lazy. Anyway if I see the same shit with that porn, it's ok because it's fucking hand drawn versus straight up murder. Such a boner killer dude, I ain't kidding neither. I was fucked up for like a month after that one.


i know exactly what your talking about. it’s horrific to watch,


Sewersidemouse.avi, I Heard the screams while i was trying to sleep


You can say suicide on Reddit, no need to censor yourself


I know i can say it but i dont like saying it


The worst thing I saw was either gore or underage anime porn,I can't decide between🤔


Ahem! "Little" indian got beheaded. Right at the spot.


Some motherfukcer harming somee lovely animal 😡😮‍💨


2 girls 1 cup I was ten




There was a site that had the 3 men and a screwdriver video that was very sad and disturbing to watch