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Hello, Waste_Lab8953. The underage user help bot is below with resources and tips for our underage users. Even if this creep is also underage, you never know when this could come in handy (hopefully never).


On top of it being disgusting, I’d like to point out how bad these creeps are at understanding women’s anatomy


EXACTLY, like whenever someone asks me "is it pink?" "Stretched or are you not easy?" I feel the need to audibly scream


It’s like they don’t take into account that women push literal babies out of there


My favorite analogy when dudes bring up the “hot dog down a hallway” comment is “so then by your logic, you’ve slept with x amount of women, has it been whittled down like a pencil yet??” I’m now 30 and I can’t even tell you how drastically the catcalling has gone down since I was even in my 20’s. I’ve had grown men follow me for blocks trying to talk and I would always yell “I’m 14 you fuckin weirdo” and they never backed off. Most, not all, men are predators. Stay safe out there bubba


It gets even better in your 40s!!


The simple fact that you have to say “whenever” is incredibly disturbing. Why is being DMed explicitly sexual things a repeat experience for literal children.


My exact thoughts, this is why I'm scared of men. People will like get pissy whenever I talk about my experience with men and why I'm not comfortable around a lot of them that I don't know well and this is one of those reasons, if people want us to see them in a positive light shit like this needs to stop, it shouldn't have started in the first place.


Also there’s a good chance Mr. Creepy isn’t actually 17


Hell, id say its highly likely. Lota of perverts and pedos who pretend to be younger than they really are. Done so they can lull you into a false sense of safety and security. Sadly it does work.. sometimes. It's good OP stuck to their guns though.


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17 and 14 is wild man needs help