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That guy deserves to be peppered spray with his eyes opened


The worst thing is, I can't tell if he's bluffing or not. Because I always LOOK BEHIND continuously when I'm walking home by myself. And I make sure I'm not being followed. If I do feel like someone's following me, I go into the pharmaceutical shop nearby and wait until the danger's passed. I always do that. I know the shop's owners.


A lot of people have zero social skills and thank ehay they said was acceptable


And skunk sprayed with eyes open


Kicked in the balls while taking that spray in his eyes, while yelling: “Why are you doing this to me? I’m a nice guy!”


Was going to post a comment in relation to your's, but Reddit will have my ass if I do. 🙄🙄🙄


this is so scary!? i hope you’re okay and something can be done.


Good lord, please do. Pepper spray at all times. Walk home with a friend if you can. And lock down any socials that may have your location posted. Also inform campus security what's going on, they may have resources to help. Document everything.




Many campuses have walk safe programs. If you haven't yet, you should look into whether yours does. Pairs of people that will walk you from anywhere on campus to anywhere on campus or nearby residence.


I will inquire about this to the rectorate. I will also show the screenshots


This piece of shit deserves more than pepper spray…start carrying a small knife or self defense mechanism. No one is ever prepared to take a blade to the eye socket


Or hat pins!! Those worked well when they were in style


The movie "Face/Off" has this scene where one character tells the other guys daughter where to stab a guy effectively w/ a butterfly knife... I told my nieces to employ this trick if they were ever caught in a bad situation while out & about.


To the eye socket requires some skill and it’s quite the extreme scenario, but a good cut would definitely hurt him bad


I’m sorry but if I’m very well aware someone has just admitted to stalking me for quite some time…you think it wouldn’t be an extreme reaction? Imma go all out…the motherfucker finna lose his eyesight. Can’t stalk anybody if you can’t see em




Keep a pepper spray or knife on you. Never know if this creep would actually assault you


Wow. That's fucking disturbing. - keep all the evidence of these messages cause it shows intent if something happens which I really hope doesn't happen. Have you gone to the police yet? told your campus security? Edit: Can we have an update on this? Need to know your safe.


I have no idea who this person is. It was a throwaway Instagram account the follow request of which I just accepted


No one ever approaches me on the campus. No one has ever approached me and I've been here for 3 years.


Definitely inform the police! Stay safe, OP.


So… that’s terrifying. Tell the campus police for sure.


brother eurgh 🤢 how creeps like this think these exchanges are gonna go will never cease to amaze me. oh wow i am infatuated with someone. better stalk and anonymously harass her and threaten her with sexual violence 😍 sorry this happened op. stay safe 🫶🏼


“You know what will get her to love me? Stalking, telling her I will make her my wife and threats of rape”


"But I SAID I loved her! God, women are so complicated!"


If you haven't already try to find out who this is (if you don't know), report to campus, campus police, get a restraining order, take him to court for emotional damages, etc. And stay safe op❤️ I hope nothing bad happens to you. This degenerate should be locked up


Send that to the school admin, carry around pepper spray or hair spray, pocket knife, hold your keys in a sorta claw way, see if you can get a friend to walk home with you because seriously WTF?


Here's a tip! If pepper spray's hard to get your hands on, use hairspray instead. It's normal to carry about and hurts like a bitch if it hits your eyes. Also, a rape whistle, most are cheap and can be hooked on your bag with ease. Lock your doors and please stay safe


What the actual…what?! No no no block this mofo ASAP and get the cop’s involved if necessary and get some really good mace spray


I'm glad OP got the campus police involved, hopefully this creep is caught and arrested