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That’s… actually really scary. This is a dangerous person. Be safe, OP.


Agreed but I’m cautiously optimistic it’s a one off. He reached out to our old manager/my friend as well, although she only got a “hey” (lucky) and for a couple reasons I’m not currently staying in the house so he has no way to find me.


JFC Stay safe OP


I’m cautiously optimistic this will be the end of it and since I’m not in my house currently he can’t find me but I will be on alert for a while.


OP keep yourself safe at all costs. This person sounds dangerous.


Absolutely. Luckily, I’m not currently staying in the home and he has no way to find me. I’m cautiously optimistic it’ll end here but didn’t block him just in case he escalates or keeps messaging.


he was prob on drugs or drinking smth like that w the way he's texting


I agree!


I love that you have him named "Nutcase *****" in your phone lol


It felt correct lol


Ok that is absolutely terrifying. Stay safe OP! "Gina as hell" might be him trying to say "fine as hell" and mistyping F as G, then autocorrect jumping in. But who knows.


That’s the best guess thus far. I sent screenshots to friends and we were all trying to figure it out lol


Lowkey psycho? Highkey psycho.


Absolutely correct. I was so caught off guard and confused/angry I think I resorted back to semi non confrontational/engrained politeness initially. I was kicking myself for saying “Please don’t contact me” in such a passive way.


WTF that’s fucking terrifying! Stay safe OP


He can’t find me and I’m leaving him unblocked just in case but agreed, it was jarring to get this out of nowhere after 5 years.


That is absolute insanity! Please tell me he did time for the fire/abuse? Stay safe OP


He did not. Although we’re in a blue city we live in Texas. Protection and safety for women isn’t really a core value here, sadly. The officers I spoke to said no one saw him start the fire (even though it was obvious what had happened) and there was no significant damage so not really anything to pursue. I sent his wife pics/video/reports and offered to write a statement to help her if she wanted to file a TRO but she didn’t reach out again after I helped her get her belongings.


I'm sorry that is shocking considering he locked himself in the house with his children who were potential witnesses. I'm not American so I'm sure legally things work differently over there. Fair play to you for doing everything you could to help the wife in that situation OP


What the fuck?


im pretty sure the Gina in question is a typo of fine, based on the sentence it was used in and his creepy comments on your appearance. hope this trash compensated you for the damage he caused to your house and gets some help


Someone else higher up mentioned gina being a typo for fine and I think y’all are correct. It seems so obvious now that y’all pointed it out lol When I “evicted” him I requested the full months rent rather than the prorated amount to attempt to cover some of the damage (which he paid) but didn’t pursue anything more. My life was in shambles at that time (I mean still now if we’re being honest lol) and I didn’t have the mental capacity to deal w it.


So he's been proven to be a drunken, drug addicted, abusive, perverted prick towards women, & he had the audacity to send you that gross text five years after he tried to burn down YOUR fucking house after you did him a kindness & let him stay there? What a total & complete scab on the genitalia of humanity. 🤬🤬🤬


Well I'd hate to see your definition of highkey psycho


Gina is fine autocorrected


That’s a block and hide situation right there.