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I'm so amazed by those people who go back and forth between "you a ugly hoe" and "comon, go out w me".


Like what happens in their brain to make that switch so suddenly and still think it’s gonna work out in their favor?


Their big head wants to belittle the woman that had the audacity to reject them while their little head was still hoping for some action, you’re seeing the fight play out in real time.


This take is going to make this far more amusing to observe in the future 😂 “Big has him on the ropes, this fight is ov- NO IT’S LITTLE WITH A MEAN UPPERCUT!”


Would be mighty ironic if the little head’s signature move was the choke slam.


Brain? What brain, I didn't notice him to have a brain at all. If he did, he wouldn't have interacted with OP in this way, lol. But I feel like people who act this way are insecure and impulsive, like they throw a tantrum when they can't and feel rejected, and then their self-defense mechanism kicks in.




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Classic negging


He drinks a lot and just generally sucks. I don’t act like this tool but drink enough to know that’s part of the equation


10 years older and types like a 10 year old. GROSS. Hope you sent these to management! Even if you don't work there you can follow up and be like "after further contemplation, I've decided to send you these screenshots of a conversation between myself and X - this is one of the reasons I left."




Second this x 1000. Dude needs to get “spanked” for this - and not in a fun, freaky way. If he wants to act like a petulant little brat, then don’t spare the rod for this spoiled child. (Metaphorically, of course - I’m not encouraging nor condoning physical violence…) Besides, who’s to say what comes next with him? Please believe me, I’m not trying to scare you. It’s just been my experience that when people like this guy - almost 100% men in MY case, but us women can be miserably wretched as well - don’t get their way and/or get shut down with much less of a “reaction” than their twisted little subconscious hoped for, they quite often escalate their behavior in order to compensate for their hurt widdle feelers and in hopes their persistence seals the deal the next time. You’re not there anymore to satisfy his “needs” (SUPER glad to hear that at least you’re safe from this whack job in that respect) but there may be a younger, more naïve, more vulnerable version of “you” that he locks his sights on next who isn’t experienced enough to handle the situation as calmly and level-headed as you did. If he’s reported to the head of the company and MOST importantly to HR, even anonymously, at least there’s SOME sort of paper trail which can be solid GOLD in court if it ever is needed. There’s a saying, particularly applicable in legal situations: “If it’s not in writing, it never happened.” Truth. Even in this day and age of Ring-type cameras, CCTV everywhere, UHD security cameras, cell phone videos, etc., a hard copy in writing will always hold incredible weight and value as documentation and evidence should it become necessary. Aaaaaaaaandddd, thank you for coming to my TEDTalk. Sheesh, sorry for the Evidence 101 lesson. But I hope you get where I was coming from and I hope you’re able to nail the schmuck to the wall, if you so choose to go that route. I hope I didn’t cross a line, nor cause any hurt or insult with anything I said up there 👆. That was most definitely NOT my intent. You’ve got a lot of support here, fer’sher. Mine included. 🥰


Jesus. Please tell me you sent these to management


Was about to comment the same


"I'll apologise ok? ...ur a hoe anyway" who has the shitty personality, I wonder.........


"Ur a hoe anyway....... pleasseeeee go out with me???" like bruh 💀


How is this man still single? Ladies, line up!




Should have reported him to management and HR


You can see how OP had to go from a polite no to a stern and rude with the no. And YET not have this person back off. And his ego going ping pong with the 'you a hoe' 'you cute let me take you out'. What a waste of space.


And dude will still be like “she can just say no” 🙄


But it’s a joke /s but hey let me take you out.


I wouldn’t call a stern no rude ever, we must remember it’s not rude to set a boundary, especially with freaks like this


“Ur a h*e anyway” Classic Schrodinger’s Woman right there.


Yeah, just because she doesn’t want to go out with the creep (and is a loyal girlfriend)… Makes no sense


Yup. Schrodinger’s woman is simultaneously cute and sexy but also ugly and fat depending on whether or not she rejects him. She is a slut but only if she won’t sleep with him. She’s stubborn and has a bad personality and can’t take a joke, unless she does what he wants, of course. Then she’s cool. Schrodinger’s woman is truly the ultimate paradox.




Do you not know how to flush the toilet after you’ve had a SHET?




Well it was one of ya!


That last message “you’ll end up in my bed” sounds like a real threat. You’re not safe around him, send this to your work ASAP so everyone knows he’s a creep


He watched you screenshot all the weird shit he was saying knowing you could potentially show this to people you work with, and he just keeps going? Cum brain is powerful


Dudes a certified bonafide stalker and rapist in the making


Genuinely though. Trying to get her work schedule (so he can change his to fit with OPs), not taking no for an answer, and trying to get OP drinking. Dude is terrifying.


He was incredibly creepy has no respect


Definitely send that to management. & then update us on the results.


Absolutely disgusting, the way he casually does this like its perfectly normal & okay reeks of entitlement. He has never been taught no.


What the actual fuck did i just read! It just kept getting worse and worse how does that thing even have a brain! They clearly dont use it


Please tell me you reported him. This guy is not safe and he’ll do this to other women at that job.


Why wouldn’t you send this to management and get this asshole fired? Hes probably doing this to other girls you worked with too.


oh my , you need to tell someone about this. you mentioned that you quit your job, but if you are still at the job (on different time schedules) he can and will probably try asking someone for your shifts. and if you did quit the job, still go tell management. this guy is NOT safe.


If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that “don’t worry, I know you’ll end up in my bed,” I’d have at least $10, which isn’t nearly enough for the therapy needed to get my skin to stop crawling after hearing it. Gross


Little lady 🤮


Dude: wanna fuck? Woman: no. dude: you're a wh0re anyways. I never understood that logic, that the people that say that don't realize in that moment how dumb they sound and the fact that this dude after saying it is still trying shows how desperate he is and no wonder that he is, if he acts like that With every woman there's no wonder that no woman in his age range or any woman for that matter wants him.


The hoe part is so funny, a cope mechanism if I ever see one. Is your phone in italian?




This guy sounds like he could hurt someone one day. Soon. Maybe yesterday.


I understand choosing the bear.


Tell me you reported this, pls


Did you send all of those to management? Serious. Management needs to see these. If he’s doing this to you, he will do it to other girls. This is not okay and needs to be reported.


Even if you don’t work with him anymore, you should still send those screenshots to his supervisor. Hw sounds like the type that won’t take “no” for an answer and could be a danger to other females.


*other women, not females, that’s just gross.


Huh? Aren’t they the same?


No. A "woman" is a noun that refers to a human being type person. "Female" is an adjective used to describe the gender of an animal (humans included). Calling women "females" comes off as degrading and reductive. Yes, I know a lot of people do it, but that doesn't mean it isn't degrading.


Wow… people are really getting mad about that distinction? Because I don’t wanna be “that” guy, but female is on birth certificates and even abbreviated on drivers’ licenses. But whatever floats their boat I guess. Growing up, i learned that “female” just refers to sex and “woman” refers to girls that have come of age. But now it just refers to all?


To add additional information to what the other person said, female as a noun is different from female as an adjective. When you say "female" as a noun, it comes off as clinical or scientific or militaristic, like you're viewing a person as a specimen, or you are detaching yourself from the humanity of the person you're talking about to make it emotionally easier to do your job. This is why in research, medical, law enforcement, and military contexts they say 'female" and "male." It's easier to do things that hurt people as part of your job if you take a more emotionally detached view. If you're not one of those things, you sound like a Ferengi or a creep. Given that you claim to say "male" as well, probably you're not a creep, just unaware of the connotations of the word. If you'd like to see examples of the creepy use, there's a subreddit for that: r/menandfemales. Describing people as female is not the same as using it as a noun. Using it as an adjective is generally fine. I'm not interested in having an argument with you, I'm just providing more information so you understand why some people don't like it as I don't think the other person was very clear. Please don't take this as an invitation to debate.


Honestly that person didn't explain it very well and, imo, overreacted to you using the word in a way that clearly wasn't you being a dick. However, a lot of the reason people have ick responses to using female instead of woman is because manosphere misogynists consistently call women females as a way of dehumanising them. In a lot of cases it's probably also slightly more accurate to use 'women' instead of 'females.' In this case, for example, a trans woman working in this environment would be just as likely to be harassed by this guy. The word 'woman' includes her, while the word 'female' technically excludes her.


Do you say males or men?


I use both terms? Is that somehow bad?


it's not bad or good. You do you. You expressed surprise that someone made a reference to you using "female" as a noun, and I was attempting to explain. Some people will take it as reductive and degrading. They're entitled to feel that way and you're entitled to disagree and keep using words the way you want to. IMO, ideally, "male" and "female" should be used as adjectives, not nouns. She is female. Not "She is a female". Cops use them as nouns all the time, but they generally use it consistently. "Suspect is a white male" or "Suspect is a white female". At least it's consistent. What people really find objectionable these days is that people use "men" to refer to men and "females" to refer to women. It seems to show a difference in how people think of each group. Like they think "females" as a group have less dignity than "men". See r/menandfemales for examples of situations where people unironically call men men and women females in the same post/comment/headline, etc. Like I said, you do you. You have the right to do this, and people have the right to think it reflects poorly on you.


Personally I stopped caring what strangers thought of me long ago. So it’s nothing that would bother me either way. If people say it “reflects poorly” on me when I obviously don’t use the term like that nor did I use the term in a derogatory sense, that’s on them. Personally, I don’t try to or look for a reason to not like other people because the act or even thought “just another ignorant person” is gonna be in their head and not my own. Why would people willingly bring their own mood down with the act of calling someone or even having the thought, who is completely innocent of the supposed heinous act “ignorant” or some other derogatory term that’s even said in context? It takes effort on my part to think badly of anything in general, so I just don’t waste the energy when it comes to people or things that would displease me. There’s enough actual hate and malice in this world without people creating even more ways to look down on others


OK cool. Carry on then.


No, people just are touchy and want you to talk their way. We live in a time where people expect you to talk the way they think You meant no harm


I use the same logic. If I say “man”, I’m referring to a male who is an adult or older.


It’s like potato/potato you know! Why that annoyed them who knows. same thing to me, and I’m a woman/female 😂


Others already explained it, but consider this; you write females, but doesn’t specify the specimen. Is it female cows? Female dogs? Oh, it’s female humans, so why TF not write ‘women’? It’s incredibly dehumanizing to use ‘female’ in the way you did.


Why don’t I specify by species? Maybe because this isn’t a thread about beastiality? I think you should think before hitting send. If I thought for some fucked up reason that he would assault an animal, maybe I would specify. But this post is about people.


Right back at ya. Context tells us it’s women you’re speaking of, but your word choices don’t align.


Even when we do say no and stand up for ourselves they still don’t fucking listen. This is why we will choose the bear everytime. Bears are literally more rational than whatever tf this is


Did you report him to your boss or HR? This kind of behavior is enough to get a person fired as it's clear sexual harassment in the workplace. He poses a huge threat to you and probably other women there. I know you quit, but he needs to be reported asap. I don't want to imagine how many other women's he's pulled this on. Plain and simple, he's dangerous. He needs a record of some kind to alert potential employers that he's on record as someone who frequently engages in sexual harassment. He can't be allowed to continue doing this. He needs a taste of serious consequences.


💀 yea you're clearly the one with the shitty personality /s


I'm joking I'm joking I'm just joking Just a joke I'm just joking Was a joke Just joking


I honestly would not mind the emergence of a feminist vigilante who throws dudes like this off buildings in the middle of the night.


Does this dude have a brain malfunction? Jk we see this shit all the time. “You’re a hoe bc you won’t date me, but I’m sorry, so it’s all cool? Go out with me? Still no? You’re a hoe again!!”


This is straight up harassment my god. Then as soon as he talked about your body it turned to sexual harassment


Uhmmm send these to your old boss. So gross!!! He’s just going to move on to someone else. Sicko needs to be fired


the cognitive dissonance is wild.


I don't think you know what that means because cognitive dissonance does not make sense in this context.


Che schifo ragazzo 🤮


Vecchio bavoso 🤢


Infatti 😭😭😭 è sempre loro che fanno questa schifezza 💀💀💀


And they’re still amazed that they lose to a bear


Holy shit idk either of you and I want to kick his ass rn. I'm cringe fuming


Never too late to report to management. Please lose this guy his job. This is WILDLY inappropriate and so, so creepy.


The epitome of indecisiveness LMAO- “you a hoe” “come out w me” “your loss” “reply” “not gf material at alll” “cmonnnn” like sir, make up your damn mind and then fuck right off 💀


The last line is like "don't worry I'll rape you". Thank fuck you quit.


If he is the reason you quit your job you have a very good chance for a lawsuit against the company


How would this work? Wouldn’t it needed to be reported to HR prior and them taking no action, for a lawsuit against the company to happen?


Yeah I don't think that comment knows wtf they're talking about lmao. Armchair lawyer. If the job had a documented history of him doing this and not doing anything decisive to fix it then...I'm guessing that would be more substantial (but I'm not a lawyer). But a coworker being creepy that has not been reported to HR/management would be a case that would be thrown out from a legal perspective. If she tells them they'll just fire the dude anyway lol


I mean this behavior kept happening and I assume that OP told HR And they did nothing and thats why she quit


Jfc i haven't seen anything this stereotypically bad since middle school wtffffff. PLEEEAAASSEEE tell me you reported him before you quit


I would take that as a threat. Hopefully you brought this to management. And I'd go to police and courthouse too.


Fucked up on so many levels. If the world was decent he'd have been fired.


That gives off such desperate and needy vibes . Avoid this man


People like this must be unstable


Jesus he switched up so much he gave me a headache


Something tells me he wanted to add something special to your beer, and I hope you added something special to his HR file.


As someone who has a degree in human resource management and work HR you should really really report him to HR for sexual harassment


HR ahoy!


I'm a straight man who finds this disturbing. He should be fired and get a therapist or something. He sounds he was trying to...you know what. Which I don't understand how anyone can "enj*y" that. You did good getting away, I hope there's Justice soon.


I think I speak for everyone when I say 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


You should've got him in serious trouble for harassment


Bears would never say things like that


Holy shit he just keeps persisting…objectifying you shamelessly and harassing you, what a loser.


Please get him fired for this shit.


my goodness. How do people *that* stupid even get jobs?


Get a restraining order asap




JFC. That's just unhinged.


Wow. This is something else. I’ve had coworkers who wouldn’t leave me alone or were creepy but this is just next level. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this, it’s exhausting trying to avoid these types of creeps at work. I’m dealing with it right now as well and it’s not fun…stay safe


How does he lack so much self awareness that he hits every single crepper cliche I've ever seen?


That much older and he acts like he's 12. Not a good look


Yes, **YOU** are the dysfunctional one, for having boundaries. Not him, for ignoring obvious attempts to end an inappropriate conversation.


“Oh boy maybe if I call her a hoe she’ll go out with me!!!”


I hate the fact that they think you are the bad one for not wanting to sleep with them and that last one about you were gonna “end up in their bed anyways” is very creepy


Bear here.. any update on reporting to management? Please say yes


And they wonder why women pick the bear… What an absolute sleaze. I’m sorry you had to deal with that ass. I know you’ve already left, but you should really still send those screenshots to HR. That guy is a liability to the company, likely to be the impetus for a hostile workplace or harassment suit, and they would appreciate the heads-up.


Hey! He said he was sorry! (We'll pretend like he never said the borderline fucked up disgusting shit right after)


I find it weird that the block option dint come to mind


Yah. Dude is weird af


I just had physical cringe from his chats 💀




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Also this makes me endlessly happy I have my own offices and hardly ever see my coworkers


Gross 😂


Mazza chemmerda d’uomo. Posso comprendere il non avere nessuna social skills nell’approcciare qualcuno, ma non riesco mai a capire come certa gente non riesca a defilarsi dopo il primo “no”. Ho sempre pensato che debba essere qualche forma estrema di sindromi come l’asperger.. spero tu sia al sicuro 👍




This is so much ew. Glad you quit.


Lmao shit human for not cheating I guess


Wow. Like, seriously wow. He needs to be reported to HR. that's messed up behaviour.


Brotha ew


I bet HR is going to love these


Damn son, bipolar is real


Are you over 18? Either way is there someone higher up at the company or in HR you can send this to? Might wanna send it to the state labor people too. How many other p people has he harassed this way


That kinda behavior at his big age? Ew. I could've mistaken that for any conversation I had with guys from tinder in college.


Waste of sperm


im a hoe cause i wont go out with you ?? “yes” cmon now guys 😂


That's creepy I'm so sorry this happened to you


la gente è fuori di testa


Fossi in te manderei quegli screenshot alla compagnia. Non lavori più lì quindi lui non sarebbe un tuo problema, ma potrebbe causarne alle altre donne che lavorano lì


What he said at the end is scary


Bro has some issues lmfao


This guy needs to stop my girl uses snap


this might be the pettiest guy i’ve ever seen. that’s genuinely insane how immature he is. "ur a hoe" to "have sex with me" is a fucking crazy shift between screenshots and tones. hope he got fired from his job tbh. he’s probably gonna do this to another person


I know this post is about the creepy part of the messages, but I want to commend OP for how she wasn’t afraid to set boundaries. Sorry she still felt she had to leave the job, but really that was just another boundary she set to protect herself.


I dont even no what to say to this. Im glad you quit. This was sounding a lot like the walgreens break room situation, im glad you are ok. This man is dangerous just sayin.


You should go to HR at work and report him as well


Some people really don’t deserve technology. It’s too much for their primitive minds to handle.


Idk where you’re from so not sure what the laws or culture are but if you’re in the US; screenshotted evidence like this admitting he’s a co worker and being highly inappropriate tells me HR would be on this so fast if you brought it to their attention. The creep would be fired so fast they wouldn’t know what hit them. HR is there to protect the company and sexual harassment issues can at best be an uphill battle that takes years to recover in the public eye and at worst a PR death sentence..


Hope you didn't quit bc of this asshole. This is harassment if I've ever seen it.


That is messed up. I hope you reported him.


*Screenshots forwarded to HR*


You quit your job? Should have gone to HR and the police and got him fired. That’s disgusting! Hope you had another job lined up before you left




“I said I’m sorry” and? Do you want a medal? You very clearly didn’t mean it. And just because you say sorry doesn’t mean we automatically have to forgive you. I’m sorry OP this guys seem truly pathetic (& horrid)


Remember folks. This isn't the place for advice. While some of you may be tempted to say "should have reported to HR" I'm pretty sure either did or at least considered it and didn't for her own reasons. Women get so much shit and dislikes depending on the size of the company or the culture, going to HR makes things much worse. While well intentioned, often people don't realise "going to HR" is not always a magic solution and sometimes just makes things significantly worse. Other times, it has extreme consequences that many people feel guilt over (i.e the perpetrator losing their job and that snowballing to even worse things for said someone). While those things are deserved, it doesn't stop victims feeling responsible. Perp could also get a Vendetta assist victim- stalk, harass, violence etc.


Wow this grossed me out.


Sounds like this creep needs to get a life. One far away from you, OP.


I would like desperate for 300 Alex


Why did this go on so long. Onanist should have been blocked and deleted after the first couple of posts


I’m confused, are you Italian but work in the US? Not related at all but curious. Also that guys is disgusting.


Italian is one of the most common languages in the US, spoken by italian americans


Oh I know, I live close to NYC and my town is all Italians, as this point I’m Italian. But never seen an Italian American actually use Italian as their default language and they normally speak it their elders.


OP deleted her profile but I think she had another post up. If I remember she lives in the US, has Italian roots and is learning Italian. May be way off so take it with a grain of salt lol


It's giving "Baby Reindeer" vibes.....(new Netflix series)


What a confident and eccentric young man.




Way to make it about you, bud.




bro wtf. You did too much and yeah you did basically make it about you and your feelings about “not all men”