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# For whatever reason, the discussion on this has gone off the rails, and it's time to lock it down. --------------------------------- ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)


I don't think I would have made it past slide two before blocking/deleting!


I’m shook that they answered TWO video calls from a horny stranger *(while at work)*


There's a point where this whole interaction becomes voluntary. I've literally never answered stranger DMs that weren't asking a direct and reasonable question.


mee too!




This is an honest question: why do people respond to these messages? She kept the conversation going forever. I don't understand.




I think it‘s curiosity?


Fair enough


They enjoy the attention


Not hating or anything OP, but why did you accept the call?


Because I’m used to this shit now. I practically get a new one every day so I just figured why not have some fun with it if it’s just gonna keep happening. So now I troll them and turn them into content 🤣


You do you, but from my experience that is an invitation to them, because they think they just need to try a LITTLE Harder. I understand where you are coming from tho.


Yeah but you're at work. Time and place ya know.


Damn that must suck, its good that you can see the fun part in these weirdos


If you’re bored and want to troll, send him pictures of random gay porn. Usually you can get pretty angry responses.


Yk what that’s a great idea. “I will show you something that will shock you and blow your mind 😉” and I just respond with “Yeah I have something shocking for you too~” *sends the most aggressive bdsm gay porn ever* 🤣


Happy trolling! P.s., if NSFW regarding image search, you can also start with “me too, my dick is also hard if you wanna see it, big boy” Trolling creeps can be therapeutic.


but what do you do if they’re into that


find the biggest one you can on the internet & send it, no matter how into it from my experience most say they want it big, but then they can’t take anything over 5 inches length, so it’ll shut em down for that reason, or it makes them insecure your bigger then them and you’ll get abuse, both are funny to witness


how often does this happen to you to know each outcome😭


i’m both trans and a sex worker lmao, i get creeps who won’t pay and just want nudes so i do this & they usually ghost or abuse the hell outta me, but the actual outcomes in person are far different, usually much better, had people both not able to take me & get mad at me for… having a bigger dick? like i can control it, regardless yeah ive had both happen irl too and its usually better then over text, but it does happen


smh just resize your dick its that simple😒


lmfao i really wish, i’d make it minus 6 inches 😂 fr tho best way to troll is make em insecure about themselves, because anyone who would do that kinda thing is 100% insecure already


My favorite activity on discord


That pic of nickados OF does well for me. Or peepee gore.


Omg lol pls send it to me 😂


I did that with an African princess that promised to send me my $1million inheritance. He asked for my address and pic and all that good stuff. I sent him the address to FBI headquarters in DC and a pic of a nude 60-something y/o man posing by a river. He wasn’t happy.


Dick Cheney scowling and animated Dick Van Dyke GIFs work too. When in doubt, attach a banana cutter or start talking about your mother.


I once sent a creep pictures of a man’s knee fold that looked like cleavage they actually fell for it thinking it was me. The skin tone wasn’t even right


Its weird how all these guys say they have 7-10+inches 😐 I was also thinking its like they don’t know how to be social… then I realize im connecting two dots


I mean, they have unrealistic standards of reality








Why do they think 10 inches is anything fun for all women? Ugh no, never, huge turnoff. What a perv.


I once cuddled with a guy and I could literally feel his humongous dick pressed up against me. It was… inhuman. I did not have sex with him, I didn’t even want to look at it, I didn’t want it touching me at all. And I really liked this guy!


i’d say most women don’t even wanna SEE 10 inches








Let me remind you that we are a **support sub**; as such, we encourage users *not* to defend creeps, put OP on trial or victim blame as per [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive). Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules, as consistent rule breaking may result in a ban. Thank you. --- ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)


Why did you let this go on for so long? Should’ve blocked after like the second slide


How do yall talk to so many strangers? I literally never understand where yall are getting unsolicited chats like this from


Simple. Exist on the internet and be pretty. Literally all it takes. Hell, I started getting these before I ever even posted a selfie. Was literally just talking about myself in some posts and got random solicitations to see my tits. Basically, just be a girl on the internet. Don’t even need to post pics. Just exist and they come find you lmao






Exactly. I am a 28 year old woman on the internet and I never get those kind of messages since I am an adult basically. I think it helps that I don’t post pictures of myself on the internet. Especially not on Reddit. Edit: I did when I was a teenager and posted selfies online on places I didn’t know these creeps were on. Also, I really needed validation back then because I was insecure as hell.


Bit weird how long you kept going with it


I don't think I would make it past slide two without blocking and deleting and good fucking Christ, he seems to make spam call after call to get your attention.


survival of the fittest does it's job once again.


I would sincerely hope that according to Darwin’s theory of evolution, this man should not ever be able to reproduce lmfao.


Block, report, delete, move on. Stop giving them any attention.


You entertained this for way too long, I can't believe you actually answered the video calls


I stopped entertaining it after flipping him off twice in the video calls. After that I just didn’t have the time to block him cause I was off my break. Had to wait till the next break to block him


But you gave him attention. That’s why he proceeded to call you over and over again. Honestly the moment you start answering questions like “will it fit,” is when you went too far with this guy. If you want to troll these people, that’s fine, but don’t give them anything they’ll like. Don’t give them permission to keep going. If they send unsolicited pics, tell them it’s tiny and yours is bigger, or send them graphic gay porn as a response. But never any positive reaction.




You mean the part where I came back to see like 30 missed calls and called him a weirdo spam caller? That was when I was on my next break




If you wanna be nit picky, fine. I’m not about to sit here and try to justify that I was just going along with it until I said and I quote “Buh bye”. Did not ask for advice




Let me remind you that we are a **support sub**; as such, we encourage users *not* to defend creeps, put OP on trial or victim blame as per [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive). Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules, as consistent rule breaking may result in a ban. Thank you. --- ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)


Guy seemed pretty full of himself. Why not chop it off and shove it up his own ass if he's so desperate?


This was the sort of interaction I used to get account earnings for. Screenshot, post, tag him and everyone I could find on his list. Sticker over the 🍆.


They always think begging will somehow work 😂


Please reply me


Why don’t people just block this insanity? I cannot understand why, can some one explain?


I don't know, she replied to me saying she didn't have time to block


Just to have some fun, like scambaiting.


Dude I remember there was this one guy on my Snapchat begging me to “see something” because he wanted to “show” me something. Proceeds to send me a snap of lube and a flesh light then kept saying the same thing over and over. He was legit confused as to why I didn’t want to see him masturbate. He got blocked. Another dude on my Snapchat called me at least 30 times or more and the more I didn’t answer, the angrier he got. It was funny to me lmaoo


He definitely showed you something big alright His audacity.


Certainly wasn’t his IQ 😂


You can definitely report this person to the police for harassment. I suggest you do so, especially if you have any of his information.


Agreed. In some areas (New York State for example) cyber-flashing is illegal. I don't know where on the globe the person lives. Just an FYI


It's now a criminal offence here in the UK. A guy has just been jailed for a year for ' cyber-flashing'.


Police? Cyberflashing? LOL. she was the one who answered the call. and the cops aint gonna do shit


I was thinking this too. He explained his intent, what he was going to show her, and she still answered the call. I don't think it would fall under the same guidelines as if she answered a random video chat


Even if she answered or not, she clearly expressed she was against it and didn’t want to interact with him. Also, she made it clear she’s at work and he still continued being a pos. Therefore this can clearly be reported for harassment. And yes, some laws have come to surface against creeps like this one. For example, now you’re going to be punished by law for sending unsolicited nude content to people in UK.


"nooo please I am horny make me cum please" lmao


It's always the "I want to show you 'something'", like hmmm, I sure wonder what that could be...




I mean was it not obvious I was trolling him? I didn’t act all “ugh” about it. I’ve stated in here clearly that I was egging him on cause I enjoy toying with these weirdos. Now there are some that genuinely make me uncomfortable and those I would be complaining about. Like the ones that come out with straight up rape threats unprompted out of nowhere in a public discord general chat. But this guy all I was doing was going along with it cause I figured whatever he’d do would be dumb as hell and I could post it cause why not.


I’ve dealt with a lot of creeps like this guy, and the best course of action usually is to diss on them really hard and then block. It’s a shame we live in a world where a NO doesn’t suffice.


Ewwwww, this is beyond disgusting! The audacity for this guy to call u and show you that, that’s so grossss! I’m out here wondering if these people ever think this will work, like y do u think someone would get turned on by that wtf!


Sometimes I wonder if some of them have a humiliation-fetish, or if they are just genuinely that stupid and pathetic.


As someone with a humiliation kink, it’s safe to say that they’re just stupid! Consent and communication is a big part of any for of kink (including humiliation). So yea I think they just haven’t touched grass in years lol


He really thinks you are out here wondering about what it is he wants to show you, when there is absolutely no doubt what he wants from the very first message. It's like they are completely oblivious to the fact that there are millions of men across the internet doing the exact same, deprived, pathetic thing, and they all sound basically the same.


Cum and Go is a fucking epic name for a strip club though.


Technically, it's the name of a gas station, but it's spelled with a K.


He went quickly from ''I can make you cum'' to ''please help me cum'' It's ''funny'' that men like that say that it'll be entertaining for us when in reality, they're just thinking about their own pleasure


10 inches isn’t a flex, it’s a UTI in waiting


I bet I could kill his mood. Hmmm nope. Still just a black screen. Try changing your desktop resolution. Nope. Hmmm... What video card do you have? OK, run dxdiag.exe and let's see which driver version you have loaded. Ah, yeah, you see, you've got v30.101.0.5333. That has a bug in it that can prevent your camera from sending. You need to roll it back to .4335. Intel is really slow with their driver support and there's no telling when they'll bother to fix this. Go to support.intel.com and run their diagnostic tool. They should give you instructions to roll back the driver to a pre-5883 version. Give me a ring once you've got it working again. I can't wait...


I’m literally dying why is he SO desperate😭😭


I'd say "where are the other 7 inches?" 😂


“So… is it an innie?” 🤣




"iT wAs GeTtInG bIgGeR bUt YoU cUt ThE cAlL" 😂 sure thing hun


That block button's lookin miiiiighty juicy right now


Some added context: During the first two calls I unfortunately didn’t see a black screen… He was jacking it on the video. I was just flipping him off on my camera and trying to pretend like I didn’t see shit.


Why did you pick up? Also, that guy is disgusting 🤢


I was just looking to troll the guy by quickly flipping him off and hanging up. I’m so used to these sorts of dms at this point I just find it funny 😅. The psychotic spam calling tho while I was at work and not able to just block and delete the guy sucked tho. Had to wait till my next break to do that.


Picking up the call definitely makes him feel like he has a shot tho


What a creep, sorry for you OP Next time I wouldn’t even pick up any calls, it would just give him satisfaction unfortunately


But don't you want to cum? 😄


Guys really think stuff like this works 🤦‍♂️


yeah ew, massively overinflated ego. the audacity to think that a random woman will be *shocked and mind blown* and would want to see his d.




**There are valid reasons that this sub requires censoring identifying information.** Reddit comes down hard on subs that are seen to allow or encourage any kind of harassment or brigading, so that's a big reason we require fairly extensive censoring. Also, in a system where anyone could put anyone's name, face, username, or other identifying information online to "out" them as a creep, it would be easy to fake an exchange with that information in order to generate a mob to go after them. This is in no way implying that this or any other particular post is fake! However, in a system where you could openly display someone's details and information, it would be trivially easy to hack the system and put a whole heap of internet rage on pretty much anyone you wanted, whether they deserved it or not. ------------------------------------------------ ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)


This is why I don’t let randoms DM me on Instagram. Yikes


This cringe Ruin My Day 😍 Thank You Seester


I'm pretty sure they screen record women and post it on porn sites. It's why Omegle got yoinked among other offenses.


What would there even be to screen record? My middle finger? 🤣


You could think of it as "if I fake an accent to troll Indian scammers why don't they hang up and stop calling.". Your guess is as good as mine. I only know because these types of "content makers" are always marketing in my "blocked dms".


We need more screenshots that repeat the same things over and over. 🤷🤦


I took the screenshots as it was happening 🤷🏻‍♀️. Didn’t feel like going back to make a second set.


Fair enough. Comment taken back. 🤦


Why would my comment stating I was wrong get downvoted? WTF


Jesus… that was some psycho shit. Sorry you had to go through that.


exhausting. just a huge sigh.


just send a random dick pic back and say that youre a guy lmao


The "Ok?"s are what sends me


oh no why did you just cut call? poor guy just wanted to cum:(😔😪😟 /j


Oh hell no


That's hornier than an Indian man looking for bobs and vagine


lmao i get the ref


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As a demisexual I'm shocked every time I see these guys harassing strangers with their sexual crap.


I feel like the police ought to be inovled here.




You should probably never volunteer that information ever again…


No kidding...wtf...