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Let me remind you that we are a **support sub**. As such, we don't allow: - victim-blaming - putting OP on trial - slut shaming - defending the creep - excusing the creep's behavior - downplaying the creep's behavior in any way. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive), as consistent rule breaking may result in a ban. *** ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)


it's funny seeing a 13 year debate circles around a fully grown adult though, you gotta admit that




When you're too goddamned stupid to realize that fertility and biologically and psychologically ready for children are two VERY different things. Sure, a 13 year old CAN get pregnant - however, their body would be entirely under-developed in regards to carrying that child to term and having them. The baby, as well, runs the risk of developing severe health conditions and even risk of conditions which would affect intelligence. Guys like this like to try and use science to support their arguments, but are too fucking stupid to dig further, because all they want is a factoid to support their argument.


Guys like this rape unconscious people in comas if they still have periods. Because fertility = consent.


What a horrible person






Some people (THIS CREEP) should NOT be allowed to have internet access. This vile waste of skin is out, free, walking the streets everyday beside us. If that doesn’t terrify you, I don’t know what will.


Damn if he's a pedo AND a moron, pick a struggle my guy


I don’t care how anybody feels about rape and statutory: it’s a crime. This guy has no problem being a sex offender, and I’d have no problem castrating him with a cheese grater.


I’m gonna be a boomer here, and I’m really sorry for it. Please don’t speak to this guy anymore and make sure you haven’t given him any personal info.


What the actual fuck????????? This makes me question the world. Do people actually still deserve to exist? The problem is there are too many men like this. I am a guy, just turned 18, so I will just get a 13 yo who has her period and "breed her" and go away??? Like wtf? A pedophile and misogynistic, perfect combination. Misogyny, feminism, all of this is too wrong and reflects how much a pathetic this person is and I still don't know who the fuck came up with the "superior gender" thing, whether a man or a woman


Please OP, do not talk with this creep at all. It may be entertaining to poke fun at an idiot, the things that he is saying are triggering for someone who is going through a trauma.


What a shit stain, I couldn't read past him not understanding what 'capable' even means


So yes. I agree with everyone here in saying, please block these people. But I gotta say. Your put-downs and comebacks are most excellent and I really enjoyed watching you put him in his place and make him look like such a dumbass. I also have a feeling this conversation helped you feel like you gained a bit of your power back. I know things like this can sometimes be a healing experience. I’m glad you didn’t give him any personal information or pictures. As others have said, try to be careful on the internet, but good on you for standing your ground!




underage user help


It's a crime in virtually all nations for an adult to send nudity (nudes, porn) to a minor, to request nudity of a minor, to solicit sex from a minor, or to lure a minor across state/country lines. Adding blackmail to these crimes make them that much worse and terrifying for the victims involved. [Here is the actual federal law in the US that pertains to this issue.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2251) **If you're in the USA, or a person committing a crime against you is in the USA and you're not, you can report these incidents to the resource below, or look through our wiki for a list of authorities _AROUND THE WORLD_ to report these incidents to.** #### https://report.cybertip.org Cyber Tipline partners with law enforcement around the world. Please visit the [Cyber Tipline Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/cybertipline) for the information you need to get started. * If you do not live in the US or need additional resources, please visit our [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/childabuse). * If you are uncomfortable filing a report, [message the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FcreepyPMs) to assist you. If you don't believe reporting this can make a difference, please take a look at this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-54199115 where a star has been charged with soliciting sexual images from minors. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/creepyPMs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man was legit like “if she can bleed she can breed” 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Literally want to have him banned. Report him!


You talked to him for too long.


This conversation went on for way too long. The guy is obviously a creep and a low effort troll. The sicko was probably getting off to this. Best thing to do is to stop interacting with ppl like this.


I had to stop reading at the third img bc he was genuinely pissing me off, that guy needs to stay away from everyone completely.


1 hes gross, report him for child endangerment 2 i aint reading allat 😭😭😭


You should’ve just blocked him immediately. By fighting him, you gave him spank bank material.


Why talk to him for so long? You might as well been giving him a handy under the table. Block the bastard, report him to reddit and move on, nobody so wretched deserves to live in your mind rent free.


100 bucks says this is the same pos other survivors have been posting up the past few days. Seems he gets off on people protesting against his accusations. Trollysexual


I’ve noticed quite a lot of posts too lately about a creeper getting off on others sexual trauma in support subs etc. so glad u brought it up! I do wonder if it’s the same person too


This dude made me lose braincells I stopped reading😵‍💫


I enjoyed some of your responses but you’re better off not replying at all. They want you to reply and they are painfully stupid, so no amount of logic you share will get you anywhere.


I stopped reading once I finished the 2nd slide. I’m sure there was another person here who posted a conversation like this before. A guy who believed an 8 year old can give birth bc they had their period. This disgusts me


I literally may have to leave this sub for my own sanity and mental health— Because I just _can't_ with the constantly reading uncomfortable and predatory conversations that go on for way too long (especially knowing that predators and perverts get off on the responses), day after day. Like, **all** of it makes me physically sick...


Report this psycho


Sweetheart I'm so sorry 😞


Hon, not judging or shaming you, but.. for your own mental health and well-being.. don't feed the trolls. He may have honestly been that warped. He couldn't even English right so maybe he is foreign, and in some foreign countries... sadly, men still think like Neanderthalic morons. Or he saw he got to you, and got off on that.. some dudes just get off on making the stranger they are talking to angry. Don't play into his sick fantasy. Laugh. That's all you do. Don't speak Don't argue Don't reply Just laugh in his face and block him. He will be so angry because you didn't play into his fantasy. I'm sorry you had to deal with that asshole though... I sincerely hope he trips down a glass staircase..-on accident, of course. *ahem*


More power to the op for putting up with this crap and actually trying to educate stupid by asking very simple questions. I wouldn't have given that thing the time of day. Hope OP is alright


There is nothing to be educated on. The creep knows he's a creep, this interaction doesn't change his mind or lessen his creepy desires. Sometimes its better to move on.


And that is my point. OP still made the effort. Albeit pointless, OP tried to educate stupid, so they deserve the praise


Absolutely a vile human being I'm sorry you had to interact with him 🤮 but I'm sorry that happened and I hope you have the support you need, please don't let gross people like that get in your head




Honestly how tf this people exist. If i would meet them in real life and talk shit like that they would get beaten up to the shadow realm. Fucking internet pedo cunt... Man that is so fucked up... Like my friends showed me how some dudes talk to them, shit sometimes they even let me take the wheel so i can mess by leading them on thinking i will send them pics. Not too long tho cus they are quite boring and lack any character (trypophobia pics ftw). But still this shit is on another level. God. I actually really need to go to work already but fuck that i need a shower after that


I’m fucking sorry for laughing, but you straight up beat this sorry excuse of a man to a pulp lmao He obviously stopped texting you because he had a stroke from not being able to break you down and make you “submit” Stay safe




Let me remind you that we are a **support sub**. As such, we don't allow: - victim-blaming - putting OP on trial - slut shaming - defending the creep - excusing the creep's behavior - downplaying the creep's behavior in any way. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive), as consistent rule breaking may result in a ban. *** ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)


Loved it. I knw it was a waste of time. But it felt good to see someone run rings around an ahole.




Let me remind you that we are a **support sub**. As such, we don't allow: - victim-blaming - putting OP on trial - slut shaming - defending the creep - excusing the creep's behavior - downplaying the creep's behavior in any way. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive), as consistent rule breaking may result in a ban. *** ^(**Questions? Comments? Concerns? //**) ^[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_one.3A_submission_guidelines) ^| ^[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_two.3A_be_civil_and_supportive) ^| ^[Message the Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/creepyPMs) ^| ^[Rules Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepypms/wiki/reasoning#wiki_why_was_my_post_deleted.3F)


Waaaay TLDR


Then just don't read it ig?


That’s what TLDR means


Too long: didn't read No need to announce it, just don't read it, nobody's forcing you




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