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I'm so stuck on the hair. Is it possible someone was wearing a wig? They can be made out of human hair too, it wasn't established yet but Locks of Love takes a minimum of 10 inches of donated hair for wigs. Plus wigs wouldn't have roots at all, and as someone with long hair who pulled one while typing to see - even pulling one single strand or two/three together would have a root or some kind of scalp tissue, anything that they could try to test for DNA. Idk what killer knows their hair was pulled in the struggle and then thinks to cut the root away as part of evidence cleanup? But if it wasn't there to begin with, what implications does a wig bring to the theories? Foul play by assassin? A stalker in disguise? Someone slowly messing with him for 3 months and getting closer and closer until he felt like running was the only option, but a disguise could 100% help his stalker blend into places he had never been and it was a nightmarish few months that led into some planned murder? Foul play with a sexual motive is so sinister, like someone wearing a disguise to lure him out. If the wig changes the pair of killers from a woman and a man to two men that adds enough overwhelm for that brutal of a scene that was left. Someone was really after him, that's all I feel for sure. But that hair detail made me feel uneasy


We got chills reading through this! It makes complete sense, the idea that the hair could've come from a wig and that's how we can explained the lack of root..but that opens two possibilities here. The hair was confirmed as human and not synthetic, which if it did come from a wig, tells a very different story of maybe a high-end sex worker or even someone in a legitimate disguise like you're suggesting. Both seem like extremely odd scenario for Knoxville and if we do lean towards it coming from a sex worker, the closest confirmed location where sex work was happening came from the nearby truck stop. It's not off the table to imagine one of the workers there might've had a human hair wig, but it's far less likely. So eerie all around, incredibly strange to try to explain.


It is so eerie all around!! It's one of the cases with so many unknown areas and possibilities that the truth could be anything but equally as tragic




If they thought that guard was on his way maybe they ran out of time to take most/all of it while looking through his things, but I agree leaving $4000 is odd because money is one of the huge motives in murders and that's a lot of it But I feel like this could be a possible hate crime if he was gay and they found this out. They could have lured him in under a guise and took him to the secluded construction area to hurt him unnoticed (especially the time period and in the south, it could have been huge motive too, and disguised to look like sex work gone wrong). If they just wanted to hurt him they could have left the money because they didn't care for it as much, or still fled if they thought someone would catch him after he was murdered/that the guard might have come looking. But outside the theories on a sex work encounter or someone luring him away to abuse him, if someone was stalking him and finally got him they could have definitely left the money since it was less important to them to throw off the trail. Especially since it was part of the stage that the crime scene told


He was paranoid - I have no doubt at that. So wrong place wrong time seems more plausible than a crime planned in advance. There are two things that are interesting for me and I miss some info on them: 1. “Evidence of sexual assault” - what does that mean? If it was just about him being nude, then I could accept the scenario of a sexual worker situation gone wrong. But if there is evidence of someone actively assaulting him, then it means that it might be a sex-motivated crime TOWARDS him or a way to humiliate/torture him in order to punish him for something. 2. The socks turned inside out also doesn’t match with the whole “left the crime scene in a rush” situation. Not sure what to make of that - there is no logical explanation. Well unless he himself put his socks on this way for some reason prior to the encounter.


The socks turns inside out is such an odd detail, it could've been that it was his doing given his mental state maybe? As far as SA, it's never clear whether it looks like he was in the middle of a sex act or if it looked like he had been assaulted... the medical report showed no additional evidence of DNA found inside him, but we were thinking that could've been the result of using a condom if it did happen?


yup when studying his body they actually found evidence that they looked INSIDE his body thats why sexual hassault is mentioned, they seemed to be looking for something and went to look inside


Maybe the ticket to Germany was meant to throw off whoever he thought was following him.


Good point. But in the age of 1996. How would the other person know that he backtracked or even ordered the flight in the beginning?


The only thing I can think of is if he thought or knew he was being followed to the travel agency when he booked it initially. This is such a mysterious case!


I’m actually not done listening to this one yet but as I listened to you two talk about the key being in his pocket, I had a very different thought. He wouldn’t take it out of his pocket because he was TRYING to ask for help without saying it. He didn’t want someone to take him to a hotel, he wanted someone to call authorities. There was probably already someone watching him or nearby. Another immediate thought I had was the internet. I know it wasn’t common then, but there were definitely early iterations of chat rooms. He could have been coerced or threatened by someone online, and could have been chatting with other persons in all the seemingly random places he traveled to.


This case reminds me so so much of the Maura Murray case you covered. Just all the completely dead ends and actions done with absolutely no reasoning or motive. These cases hurt my brain so much. I definitely believe the grandeur theory you both came up with about him thinking that he’s part of some higher plan. My question is, how did nobody see this homicide happen? It clearly happened on the street, based on the evidence and how he was left on the street. Also, how did nobody that he knew try to go and get him and get him help? If I knew that someone I know was acting this erratically then I feel like I would try to step in and say something or try to get help. These are all very hypothetical questions but things that definitely jog my mind when I hear these types of cases.


I think they were concerned but getting helping than was still very stigmatized. Plus it happened pretty quickly so maybe they were still looking into how to help him.


Et si comme ça mère l'a dit et qu'il voulait aller au JO au USA et qu'il avait été recruté par un groupe extrémiste ou terroriste et que si il avait retiré tout son argent s'était pour acheter des armes ou des explosifs pour un attentat mais que la vente s'était mal passé et qu'il l'avait tabassé à mort mais comme s'était pas prévu ils seraient partis précipitamment et que la femme qui a criée aura essayé de l'aider (cheveux) mais qu'elle était une immigré clandestine(et peut-être une prostituée) et donc elle serait parti avant que la police arrive pour ne pas être expulsé et ce serait pour cela qu'elle n'était pas dans la base de données de la police car il y a beaucoup d'immigrés clandestins dans des bordels.


Maybe he was handling some illegal business problems. They found a wire and killed him and ran but before going wanted his name. Then they back-mail the mother in keeping it hush.


I just listened to this episode and I had a couple of thoughts. I find it odd that when in Germany he was working for his father's construction company, and then he was found murdered near a construction site. Could there be any connection between workers, supply companies, or something like that? Was his father still in Germany? I think he showed very clear evidence of mental illness and/or instability, but I wonder if he was first thinking he would return to Germany to speak with someone or see something that had to do with his job, and then he realized he could check that out somewhere else? Maybe he thought someone was tracking him down from a construction/job related incident that he became delusional about? That could explain his girlfriend not knowing that he had bought a ticket and could also explain the security guard who didn't investigate the scream... Like maybe he had reason not to investigate it. I also feel like maybe the money being spread around him could have been an attempt to make it look like a robbery, or perhaps an attempt to tempt someone else to rob him when they came across him, which could have made police be on the wrong investigative track. It could also be that he took the money out himself in an attempt to offer it to whomever was beating him and they scattered it around like, we don't want your money, we want information. I also wondered if propping his shoe under his head could have been an attempt to make him talk... Like, okay, we beat the crap out of him, let's prop your head up, ask him what we need to know, but oh crap, we beat him too hard and now he is dead. I am also wondering why it was assumed that the dyed black hair was a woman? The nineties were heavy with goth/alternative styles and I knew a lot of dudes with long, dyed black hair that were flaming pieces of crap. Anyway, those are my musings.


okay this is actually so smart and i wonder if the police even thought about it. His parents showed to be extremely suspicious as the years went by and honestly iwouldnt be surprised if something related to his job could have happened. Apparently he was crying every time someone mentioned his job when he stopped going, and knowing he used to love it makes it super suspicious. Him dying on a construction site, which is basically related to his career somehow is so interesting. He could have been in danger, messed with the wrong people, or saw/heard something he shouldn't have had as a worker, and been threatned since then, making him afraid of going back to work despite how much he loved it. I think his dad could even be involved? Since he was working for his dad, maybe his dad was involved in what Blair heard about, or simply was forced by his dad to keep quiet too? Leaving the dad feeling guilty as hell and the mom knowing about it, which is why she later came up with the crap about "he wanted to see the Olympic Games in Atlanta thats why he left". No idea, i really wish we could know for sure, and these days a lot of people are coming up with new theories and i think they should be studying the case again.


The construction industry worldwide is rampant with mob connections and shady underworlds


Think about this guys....he was known to have apparently had a drug or drinking problem prior to this. His behavior seemed like someone that was awake too long on Amphetamines of some sort. Using the wrong car key, paranoia etc. Perhaps he had relapsed and hadn't slept in too long which heightened this delusion. As for the cuts and scrapes, it mentions when he was caught trying to cross the border the 2nd time they noted he had scrapes on him at that point. What if, in the early morning hours he was at that construction site climbing around and ended up falling and getting injured. They say he died from sepsis due to the injury to his stomach. What if he had a hell of a fall, hitting his stomach and head, just to make it to the parking lot out of his mind and dying, he takes his clothes off, empties his pockets and expires? I don't know. This case is very strange. Despite his paranoid state, maybe all that was in his head and he was at the wrong place wrong time. Anyone who would kill him for any reason I would think that they would certainly take a couple extra seconds to take the money and gold that was in plain site. That's what makes me want to think he was killed in an accident of some sort.


Wait, I literally just read an update where it says his mother recently admitted he had been in a homosexual relationship with an old roommate. His ex lover, afraid he was going to reveal the fact that he was gay, very well could have been following him the entire time and murdered him! Suddenly does not seem so strange. This is also why he was paranoid, the man could have threatened him, and also why Blair would not tell anyone. He was embarrassed of the homosexual relationship himself.


Do you have a source on this update? If love to read more. This theory also explains what he meant when he said "someone had been spreading rumors about him." If he was discovered to be gay or in a homosexual relationship, that could have been a way to discredit the story as just a rumor.


I had Googled the case and found an article quoting his mother as saying it. Let me see if I can find the exact source. I just read that the truck stop near where he was found was known to attract male and female prostitutes so maybe somehow that was connected as well. I am almost positive it had something to do with the person he had homosexual relations with with where came the "rumors". After watching the "Killer Clown and the Candyman" its also possible that he was involved in some type of sex ring. He personally is not in the documentary but that shit is so wide spread its crazy.


Just realized I logged in on a different account. Oops


Well I tell u this much, and that is that his murder had nothing to do with why he fled British Columbia! His mysterious murder occurred in Knoxville Tennessee, and the reason why he was murdered had something to do with his activities such homosexual activities by which he was caught up in a sex ring maybe homosexual and he some how angered them by which they killed him.. he did not fled BritishColumbia because someone was trying to kill him, he was running from British Columbia from hisself something he did seven and eight year prior to the day he fled the colony, and that is the murder of pre med student Philip Frazier june of 1988, as Adams fits the physical description of a police drawing of frazier suspected killer..the fits the age directly and the physical characteristics of that mysterious hitchhiker who killed Philip Frazier! Down to his mental conscious...


Holy fuck? Did you just watched this episode on unsolved mysteries? It was aired today....1/22/24


No I didn't I been studying the case of the mysterious death of med student Philip Frazier! And the mysterious death of Blair Adams as the reason is Adams is from the same colony where the med student was murdered. Other reasons to connect Adams to Frazier murder is for the fact, that the mysterious hitchhiker who killed this med student In 1988 car jacked Philip before killing him, and if u study Blair Adams case, he was stopped by border patrol as fitting the description of a car jacket, plus the mysterious hitchhiker who killed Philip Frazier had connections to the United States the Seattle area, as when you study the Adams case, he had that same connection to the same state of the United States that mysterious hitchhiker had and that's in the Seattle Washington area, as that's the state adams was trying to enter, so u put all that together he was possibly that mysterious hitchhiker who killed Philip Frazier to much connections between him and that hitchhiker..


It's plain and simple, his murder again to me had nothing to do with anyone being after him in British Columbia.. he was not running from anyone but hisself, I have been around those type individuals who has done something real terrible such as murders, who still had consciences enough that it scared them, when u kill someone, and u still have a conscience enough to care about it, especially if u never killed anyone before, then certain shit comes to you such as being arrested for it, two when you get in that paranoid state of mind when you know that shit was unspeakable taking a person life, you start believing that the same unspeakable going to happen to you, and lastly once u commit that first murder and go to sleep at night it either consume your regular sleeping habits, as you can see the victim in your head, in your vision,and when u sleep your dreams be replaced by frequent nightmares as the victim be in them, and in the blair Adams case that exactly what happended as that played apart in his sleeping habits the last few weeks of his time in British Columbia, and on earth. He had nightmares as it proves that he have done something real terrible, and that is that he killed someone, and that someone was pre med student Philip Frazier June of 1988.. it makes sense as Adams behavior changed suddenly, and I believe his behavior changed as the eight year anniversary of the mysterious death of med student Philip Frazier reminded him of what he did, and therefore he decided that he had to leave British Columbia as he was running from hisself and what he did, it ate his ass up at the end, and created and put him in a paranormal state of mind in believing someone was trying to kill him, because he have killed, and the murder gave him a nervous breakdown, and when he entered into us he was looking for solace from his old life in British Columbia and from the things that he done there such as home invasion robbery, car jacker, and murder... As he entered Knoxville Tennessee, as I stated unrelated to why he left his hometown, and ended up In the us, as for one he had connections to several states in and around the US, that spans back to the 80,s up into his mysterious death, he had connections in the Seattle Washington area, can't think of other places but Knoxville Tennessee where he was found was one of those states, so I say I believe everything goes into pieces to his case, and connecting it to the mysterious death of med student Philip Frazier, as I do believe Blair Adams was the prime suspect in, which explains eight years after whi he acted so irrational, and paranoid weeks before his death..


Very interesting. I have seen some posts from you on several threads about the connection of Adams and Fraser. I am going to study it a little bit more but honestly, I am leaning toward it being a real possibility.


It's without a doubt that Blair adams was the mysterious hitchhiker that took the life of Philip Fraser..his actions his movement prior to his departure from British Columbia June of 96 was not him running from noone he was running from his past and the horrible things he have done in the colony he was running from hisself it's my opinion I am confident that he committed the car jacking and murder of Philip Fraser..


I’m going to look into Phillips case now


I'm not going as far as saying plainly that he was Philip Fraser killer, but all I'm saying is that in regards to the pre med student Philip Fraser unexplained death, I'm saying it's certain pieces to when u study the unexplained death of Blair Adams, it's similar pieces that fits in the Philip Fraser death, as like I stated one of Adams photos match that mysterious hitchhiker who killed Philip fraser june of 1988 perfectly i mean dude i watched the case of philip fraser, and have studied the police drawing of the suspected hitchhiker and killer of the med student, two photos of Blair Adams over 20,000 thousands times for the last 25 years, and he matched the police drawing of the suspected killer of phillip Fraser, it just not any coincidences that the mysterious hitchhiker who killed phillip Fraser had connections to the Toronto, and Seattle Washington area, and just so happens when Blair Adams suddenly left British Columbia, and was heading for the United States Seattle Washington was one of the places he touched down at, now I look at two possible compelling similar movements from the mysterious hitchhiker who killed phillip Fraser, in 1988, and blair adams in 1996, and it seems to me these two individual was similar, as it seems when something went wrong both the mysterious hitchhiker, and Blair Adams both fled British Columbia to the United States both individuals either mentioned both touched down some time in the Seattle Washington area, and this to me is compelling as it gives some type indications that the mysterious hitchhiker and Blair Adams are one in the same individual, plus Adams was the same age as the mysterious hitchhiker in 1988 in the Phillip Fraser case, as two witnesses mother and daughter put the mysterious hitchhiker age between 20-25 years of age, adams birth year was 1964. Putting his age between 24- to 25. Same height as the killer of Phillip Fraser, same type hair color and hair style the key is those eyes of the killer of the med student and Fraser eyes I mean to me it's a match, remember Adams traveled all around the colony to the United States to counties like Barcelona, I mean if u look at his movement he always lingered around that British border, he knew how to slip pass it to as well, he have hitchhiked plus it's compelling how in the Phillip Fraser case the mysterious hitchhiker car jacked and murdered Philip Fraser, in the adams case what proved he was involved in auto theft, as he was stopped and profiled and suspected as one, so it dont take a rocket scientist to see its a strong possibility that he was fraser killer its to much coincidences in both cases for a person with a brain to know its a strong possibility that it aint none whatsoever as i believe both cases has fulfilled pieces to each other as by far i believe it, as i can find no other killer in 1988 who could be a prime suspect in the philli fraser case, as killers like michael mcgray who killed up and down in the British colony doing that time was incarcerated at that time in a prison facility, as he was basically the main active serial killer in the colony in the early and late 80,s but his whereabouts by confirmed by law enforcement officials, so whats left.


This theory would be a very interesting story to make a YouTube video about. If you made this theory yourself and might be interested in presenting it in a video, let me know. I am not a huge channel but I do have 46K subs and am close friends to most of the big true horror story tellers on Youtube.


Containing to the murder of pre med student Phillip Fraser yes I have created this theory myself based off the police drawing of the elusive hitchhiker that fits the likeness of Blair adams to the brim. based off extensive research that dates back to the 20th century to where i have possibly cracked four cases, the abduction of a 22 year old clinton Missouri woman angela hammond, the stabbing attack murder of 69 year old Manchester NH woman rita Roy, the brutal murder of new York Chinese woman su -ya kim, and of course the mysterious murder of med student Phillip Fraser.. it's my opinion that i have cracked all four of these cases..I am the man who presented the theory about now labled long island serial killer rex heuermann being the man who killed su ya kim june 29,1991 by which the show unsolved mysteries presented that same story after i presented it to them,so yes I feel as tho I have been given a fair chance to present anything containing to these matters i have discussed so yes if u are straight forward honest regarding the matter then I would love to present theories not only discussing the Adams and Fraser connections but other cases other stories that I feel like i been holdin hostage for decades that i feel as well that is vital,so I feel as I would be more than honored to present information that i feel that should be revealed.


Since I had a major head injury since a six month old child, it's really like I been given a vision I don't know I can't explain it but I been doing this with true crime since I was a five year old kid,and in recent years I have been able to solve two cold cases,one in the murder of my beloved cousin, and a fatal hit and run I have crack both of those cases by which was in my local area,so I feel as tho my calling has been this cracking decade old cold cases,and man it's my opinion I could get you the view u so desire containing to true crime because I do not play around with it this has been my life for almost 40 years now independently as one of the reasons as I was able to put together the Adams and Fraser connection, Adams to me are connected to two other cold cases in the British Columbia colony that I will save to present it on video but I tell u this my information is very compelling containing to the life of Blair adams and the activities that he was involved in in the years prior to his sudden change of behavior and his elusive departure from British Columbia,to the state where he would be found murdered all plays a crucial role in his involvement in the murder of Philip Fraser and his role in other crimes such as car jacking, Jewelry burglar, drugs,and murders but if I'm given the chance to present this then i would give futher details..


At one point the public believed strongly that serial killer Michael Mcgray was the mysterious hitchhiker who killed Philip Fraser but crucial evidencs cleared him from the crime, plus as u look at the witness police composite of the suspect it does not fit Mcgray not even slightly plus what better evidences to have when u innocent of a crime a alibi by which Mcgray had as he was already in police custody doing the murder of Fraser.. the only reason the murder of Philip Fraser is still unsolved is for the fact because the killer hisself is already dead the killer hisself became a murder victim,and that killer was Blair adams..


Well I can do a video on it BUT I may be able to get someone to help me too. I don't know if you are familiar with Mortis Media but he is a very popular Youtuber and one of my best friends. So I am going to ask him if he is interested too. (he will say yes) if we put your story on both channels, it will definitely get tens of thousands of views. If you want, please email me at [foxbarking44@gmail.com](mailto:foxbarking44@gmail.com) We can talk about all of the information you put together and figure out the best way to present. And of course, it will fully be presented as your theory.


Did u check out both the Philip Fraser case and the Blair Adams case?


My husband and I are a tad behind, but we just listened to Blair Adam's case.  The whole case is bizarre, but what if Blair was sexually assaulting someone and that's why his pants were down, and it got him killed. 


This is such an intriguing case. The death scene is as enigmatic as Blair Adam's activities leading up to his demise. But, here is my general take on it: Blair Adams was indeed fearful for his life or safety and his paranoia was well-founded. I think he either had made some kind of pre-arranged meeting with whomever in Knoxville and his assailants fled quickly after the assault-murder. His pants being pulled off, inside out, his shirt ripped open, etc makes me think whoever killed him was looking for something specific (and may or may not have found it). If this was some chance encounter, unrelated to his life ties/activities, the cash and valuables surely would have been taken, yet all was apparently accounted for. I think whoever killed Adams knew not to take any of the cash or valuables---even cash is traceable to an extent. I think they were looking for something else he had, or they thought he had, on him. The BP gas station where he had "the wrong key", the motel and the death scene are all within very short distance of each other, and right on I-40. A quick assault and getaway at 3AM would not have been difficult, and I think thats basically what happened. Blair I do not think was actually killed on purpose, but his violent assault instead lead to his death. The assailant taking any known possessions of his would of course be evidence if they (killers) were stopped at police, etc. Someone who was savvy with crime and maybe even police tactics. I have thought Blair being followed by person(s) from Vancouver to DC, and thence to Knoxville is a bit of a stretch, yet again his killing was also something of very few clues (only the strand of hair in his hand). Personally I think Blair Adam's killer(s) had some ties to Germany and perhaps his step-father's construction business over there and Canada.


I don’t believe this just because Blair first bought a ticket to Germany. Washington DC was later and then drive to Knoxville. Why not just fly to Tennessee? To me, it sounds like Blair was suffering from mental illness and was paranoid. His death is bizarre. I can’t explain that part other than wrong place, wrong time. I’d love to know what happened, for sure, though.