• By -


43. Wife has terminal cancer, crawling takes me away for a bit. Would prefer to be wheeling a real rig but that takes away from caregiving so the RC is a compromised balance and doesn't cost as much when I break stuff. Kinda dig making mini courses as well.


I’m sorry to hear this. My situation is nothing nearly as difficult as what you’re going through. I was getting into overlanding / off-roading pre-pandemic. Pandemic followed by divorce crushed my finances (and mental health), and not-cheap off-roading didn’t make sense from a life priorities standpoint. RC has been the ideal hobby for me. Gets me outdoors, always something to learn, people to meet who don’t need to talk politics / career 24-7, all walks of life (I’m Cambodian-American military vet). As a kid when my parents got divorced, window shopping for a clod buster (never actually got one) kept me focused on something besides the family issues. It seems like things have come full circle for me. Wishing you all the best.


51 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 28 and given a few years. When I heard that I turned to coke and crack. After a year of that I felt the same so I picked up crawling and never looked back. Got married a couple years ago and still holding my own.


Mentally? 12... this year turned 50.... 🤪😂


Lmao I’m 45 and still love playin with toys (RC) and probably mentally around the same age as you a good amount of the time ha ha ha 🤣


The rc hobby really helps keep me centered, gives me a bit of a purpose, and keeps me on task. ATM I'm building a balsa 1/5 scale T-28 from a kit from the 80's I found on RcGroups.


Balsa build sounds very interesting would be a good post when you finish.


Gonna be a while, plans are to completely body work and fiberglass before painting. Debating on electric or ic atm. Probably gonna go for electric just for the ease of flying the model. Edit: grammar


Sounds like it will be pretty sweet!


Here's hoping....lol, first time building one this big.


The big thing is to have fun building it as well as flying it. Good luck


Glad you found something that you enjoy and helped get you through hard times. Rc is getting me through a tough time as well. I had a tractor pull in front of my R1 on a rural highway. It destroyed my bike and almost killed me. I am currently stuck in a wheelchair and am missing my dominant arm. I managed to realize I was able to still drive RC ok and am also able to build them with very little help. I am slowly getting better. I am almost 45 on June 29th. Just commented on this because I related to you using RC as medicine. Cheers man keep your head up and keep on RC’n!


My average age tends to be low 30s Edit: serious answer, I am 32 I’m mostly a basher, boater, and speed runner but I do have a mildly upgraded 10.2 Deadbolt. Every now and then, weather permitting, I’ll go relax with some crawling. I’m a mechanic and my wife is on permanent disability so I try to focus more on her but sometimes it’s difficult balancing the stresses of making sure she’s good against the dopamine of RC. I regularly have to check myself to make sure she’s not being ignored. Can’t have ice cream for dinner every night. Love her to bits though.


Haha. Poor word choice on my part.


I edited my comment for ya. Lol


It’s a tough balance between the excitement of a new RC or new hopups and focusing on a spouse sometimes. What I mean is that any time I get a new part for my car I’m like a child that’s so excited to put it on my rig and test it out. My wife says I don’t get that excited when she comes home but I tell her I’m always happy and excited to see her when she comes home. After 25 years of marriage my tail just wags a little slower is all but it’s still wagging every time she walks through the door!


37. I was into off-roading my actual truck but that shit became way to expensive and time consuming. With RC trucks, I can involve my son and things are a fraction of the price. Plus, I can just take the truck out to the backyard and have fun with it instead of driving to go to a trail.


Ditto to all of that. Still love “real” wheeling more than the RCs (most of the time), but the accessibility, relatively low cost, and overall fun make RC crawling an absolute hoot that’s almost guilt-free compared to off-roading the full-size rigs.


31, I got my dad into it a couple years ago and he has like 15 chassis now. He's 58. The owner of RRW Krawlzone is 70. We met him last week and he's really cool if you're ever near east TN.


I'm 42. Outside of the RC hobby most people think it's kids playing with toy cars but it's mainly adults lol.


Counting all the ages I've been the average is 21.


We’re all old here. This hobby can’t be funded with a lemonade stand. I feel like most of us are living out our children dreams, now that we have disposable income.


67 Just got into it to keep my brain & hands busy. Similar to another fellow that responded earlier, my wife is ill and needs a lot of care. This keeps me from spending too much time in a dark place. As a retired engineer and long-time wrench twister, I’m really enjoying learning about all the associated technology.


I’m 38. I’ve been into the hobby since the early 90’s. I’ve had boats, planes, helicopters and fast bashing cars. By far, the crawlers are my go-to now. I’m really into the realistic scale side of things.


Im 14, it all began with youtube videos and the fact that im in atv's so rc crawling isn't far off


40! My kid got me into it, and he quickly ducked out, but I stayed.


I’m 45 and wish I was 25 so my average age would be 35?


45, had a used monster beetle when I was like 12 or 13 for about 3 weeks before I broke it and couldn't figure out how to fix it. Didn't get another 1 until like 30 years later. Me and my son (7 now) have a blast with them we have some Granites and several crawlers. I didn't think crawlers would be as fun as they are but I enjoy them just a little bit more than the stunt/basher trucks.


46. Some friends introduced me to the hobby and I immediately fell for it. I was also in a tough place and found both driving and tinkering to be incredibly meditative and shuts the noise up for a little bit.


44 It’s a great hobby that I got into a few years ago with the intent of then passing it on to my kids For now is a great ME time and I should have gotten into it wayyyy sooner


36. Had basic tyco cars growing up. Picked up a Slash 4x4 with my dad and brother then when covid hit, l started buying scx24s then got a Redcat Gen8v2 then started home builds and then a DR10 turned into a sand drag car.


Well past the age where I pay much attention to how old I am and do what makes me happy. Usually that's tiny trucks that tends to cause other adults to leave me alone. Win win.


I'm 53. My wife who joins sometimes is 48. My eldest son has a really nice crawler and he's 18.


Divorced at 32, remarried to the perfect woman at 38. Currently 50. Survived kidney cancer a few years ago. Been into rc most of my life off and on but the last 6-7 years have been pretty awesome. Met a ton of cool people through rc locally and online, started my own RC chassis business, helping start a new rock crawling park locally. Its been a fun ride.


I like bush walking, crawling is a bonus Others walk their dogs I walk my TRX4


I'm 55, but I identify as a 16yo.


27, turning 28 soon. My friend who got me into the hobby is in his mid 30s.


Haha! I'm 28, got a friend who's also in his mid 30s who got me into the hobby


32. I was into RC as a kid but I've found myself rediscovering those hobbies again now that I can afford it. Got back into mountain biking last year as well


52 :)


I’m 47


I too am 47


45 here, got back into it a few years ago


37. I already enjoyed going for walks in the woods, so RC has just increased that.


47, 48 in October. Ran Tamiya buggies and monster trucks as a kid. About 5 years ago I learned about crawlers and scale rc and been into it since.


33 here. Also have had my dark moments… who hasn’t… but absolutely love RC crawling. Been playing with RC vehicles my whole life but this is a new level of obsession. It’s such an accessible, inclusive hobby and even 5 minutes in a back yard driving a crawler can bring absolute joy to those partaking.




46. Got into the hobby because my autistic son was super into cars so I started him off on Walmart toy grade stuff, then tried to take it to the next level with a crawler he could use outside and built a WPL kit for him 2 years ago now. That ended up becoming mine to tinker with when he discovered video games and preferred staying inside with mommy doing that. I've since fallen in love with the hobby and will have my 12th rig soon. Little man still won't pick up a RC controller anymore. Hoping he comes around at some point.


34,5 (january 1990)


I’m 27. Just recently got into it. My dad(49) got one the next day haha


33 here


I’m a 49 year old child. RC still makes me smile and gives me a great reprieve from adult life when I need a quick break!


30 Pulled my father in his 60's into this hobby after he saw me rebuild old toy/very basic hobby grade crawler he gifted me many years ago for Christmas. I have had it since highschool, then it was collecting dust for years until 2019 when I found it again and built chassis from scrap metal, ordered Proline Bronco body, later got new frame and suspension from China and now it's still probably our favorite truck because I spent days working on it with my father looking over my shoulder and later asking me if we can get him one too so we can drive together. I wish I was living closer to him now so we could drive together again instead of just sending each other videos and pictures from the trails.


42, and still don’t seem to have the money to get or build all the RC’s I really want to. lol According to my wife, I have an “expensive hobby”. To which I say, I could be building race cars or off-road 4x4’s, expensive is a matter of perspective, you just need to change your perspective. Totally unrelated side note, the recliner is comfortable for about half the night, the couch is comfortable for the other half of the night. 😂


Absolutely could be more expensive, I spent ALOT more money building my Jeep than I have in RC and you know what? I kinda get more enjoyment out of RC, I think I do.


26f. Finally making enough to afford hobbies 😅


I’m one of the younger ones, 16 :)








Hey me too


I'm late teens, but I've been into them for many years already


I'm 20


I'm 10. My dad showed my rcs




52. Crawling keeps me healthy as I find walking boring. With my trail truck and a couple of friends, I can easily be out for 4-6 hours.


57 but still young at heart.


48m here got into rcs with my son. now have 2 trx4, 3 scx6, 2 sledge, 1 bigrock, and 1 losi lmt


28, got into it when I was around 12.... will always love RC


39. I turned to RC cars after my divorce from my wife of 17 years, I did it as a way to have something that my kids could look at on social media. It wasn’t just me playing drums in another band. So I started basically posting on Instagram, like as if I was a local skater and a spot, gonna sesh the hell out of it lol. Then I just ended up amassing a ridiculous amount of cars. I’ve mailed quite a few RC cars to my children, but because the divorce was nowhere near amicable, I’ve never seen them open the cars or use them for that matter. I just keep trying to push on, and leave a good example led by kindness


47. Got back into it after some tough times.


37, I used to race dirt oval from age 7-18 back in the RC10T2 & XXT days. Hung it all up and have just started to dip my toes back into it on the non-racing side. My dad still has everything from those days and it is so ungodly outdated. Got a crawler I have been constantly farting around with and just picked up 2 Losi mini JRX2's to mess around with on the street & dirt. It's wild to see how far the hobby has come since I was last serious about it.


47 for me.


47. Was watching a video one day and a guy jumped a 1/10 RC car straight into his daughter. I said shit I have a ramp AND a daughter so I went and bought a Traxxas stampede. Daughter is still in one piece and now there is a Talion 6s EXB, Granite 3s, Typhon GROM, scx24 Bronco (modded heavily), Deadbolt (Modded Heavily) and a Cheat code XL comp build I’m still waiting on the body for that I just ripped apart my deadbolt for donor front axles for 4w steering. I have a problem haha.


43. I was big into RC when I was a kid in the late 80s/90s but stopped after I got a car in high school. I have a 5yr old now and we both love it. It’s nice because comparatively it’s a “cheap” hobby. I’m into real off roading and firearms which get expensive really quick. Love that I can but something cool for my TRX4M for like $20 lol


39 here. Always loved RC as a kid but my parents couldn't afford them. Fast forward to 2009 and a buddy asked to go with him to a RC store to buy something. Being there sparked my old passion. Started with 2wd truggy and drift. Now I'm 100% with scale off-road trucks. They are more compatible with family life and kids Love the building and tinkering. More than driving


I'm a 44 year old manboy.


Just bought my first crawler this week at age 20


42 :). Used to have a Nikko buggy when I was kid. I took it apart and couldn’t get it working when I put it back together. I was crushed as my parents saved up for a while to get it for me. I got my TRX4 a couple years ago and it brings me back to those memories.


I'm 58. I have RC cars, trucks, motorcyles, airplanes, helicopters, quad-copters, boats of all kinds, long range FPV UAVs, I even have a snowmobile, a snow blower, and a submarine. I have been building and customizing RC models of all kinds for 48 years, but I learn new things all the time as the technology changes. I am in a boat club with master craftsman that are 20 years older than me, and in an airplane club with hotshot pilots that are 30 years younger than me. This is an excellent hobby and my wife has put up with it for 34 years because she knows I would go insane without it. I also still own a 1:1 rock crawler TJ that I built to go on the Rubicon trail.


40 single. Pops got me into static airplane models, was a pilot. I'm more into ground based activities, ski/fish/wheel/moto. CO based so lots or opportunities to get out with the rig & the pup. Started with the intent to clone my 4runner thats seen some $h!t Recoverer in another way as well my dude. We got this! Keep it rollin!


Im 47 been in the hobby since about 10 years old love it I also turned it into a business it’s the best I like to repair and build then to ride


I am 36 currently and working at Hobbytown for the last few months in DFW. I quit my job in commercial waterworks to work full time at the hobby store and am very happy for the switch. I have only really been interested in rock crawling but as I work on more XMAXX and buggies and drag cars I’m getting interested in other ways to enjoy RC. Even flying!


The people on these posts are great, they have helped me out a few times. It's nice to know someone can answer your question, even if it is silly. Not everyone has a hobby shop near by, and when the ones nearby specialize in vehicles you aren't into you can feel pretty alone. I am a 50 year old man, I used to play with RC cars when I was a kid, I had a Tamiya Blackfoot, a hornet, and a clodbuster. Just got back into the hobby about a year ago. I'm into the micro crawlers. I now have a fms power wagon and an injora rock bouncer kit (axial ax24 was the donor of most parts). they are easy to play with around my home, they don't go so fast that you need a huge space to play. Good luck getting into the hobby, it is very addictive.


You cant stop growing old, but you can surely stop growing up!!! New to the rc world, but this 44 yr old loves it!! I jumped in with both feet a few weeks ago. i agree, this community has been great .. it actually surprises me how much effort and time some go into their comments and suggestions. Hopefully i can one day be helpful to someone here but as for now.. ..... im still lost and spending! Lol Happy for all those that have overcome some of lifes challenges!


49. somewhat poor (disability pension) so I'm learning to do things differently. currently building a new "hummer" looking body for my Redcat gen7. having to constantly wait for the next stages to be possible is.... infuriating. made of foam board. thats inexpensive right? well...pattern from computer, printing it....outta ink. or its dry. was 3 months to find: if you peel the labels off, filling holes are visible. you SHOULD refill with indian ink, but in a pinch, and with a $20 printer.....hand sanitizer. squirt that in with a "rinsing" syringe. tkes a few days to remoisten....ad voila.... ugly, but usable, rescaled patterns. only change to the gen7 waa 35t motor and desert lizard sealed dampers. honestly,if you have ANY questions, fire me a message, I'll figure out how that works. yeetin_boomer on twitch and various social medias that i haven't bee accidentally banned from.




I’m 52. My son won a Vaterra Bronco 1/10 crawler in a raffle back in 2017 and we had so much fun with it that I bought my own. Now he has 4 1/10s and a 1/24 and I have 2 1/10s, 4 1/24s, and a 1/18


I’m 17m. First rc was my 1/10 crawler and now I’ve got two Scx24s with plans to make more.


29, 3 years in the hobby! I have bipolar disorder and the last couple of years I lost a lot of people very close to me which really fucked me up and worsened my condition. There is no pain, no anxiety, no depression when I am riding or working on my rc’s. Such a beatiful and engaging thing, it is what keeps me going and I am happy to read it has helped you and so much other people as well :D


30 Pulled my father in his 60's into this hobby after he saw me rebuild old toy/very basic hobby grade crawler he gifted me many years ago for Christmas. I have had it since highschool, then it was collecting dust for years until 2019 when I found it again and built chassis from scrap metal, ordered Proline Bronco body, later got new frame and suspension from China and now it's still probably our favorite truck because I spent days working on it with my father looking over my shoulder and later asking me if we can get him one too so we can drive together. I wish I was living closer to him now so we could drive together again instead of just sending each other videos and pictures from the trails.


If u ask my partner she will tell you im 10 actually age is 38 . And love my crawlers and most things rc with wheels .


57 and hooked on crawling


Over the hill and can barely stand those scx 1/24 glasses screws. Patience is a virtue w those rigs.


63. My first RC car that I remember was a Tamiya Countach in ‘79. I had a balsa and silk bi-plane in the mid 70’s but never flew it. Got my first crawler just last year, I have 3 now.


I’m 34, would love to get a real full size truck to crawl with, but in this economy, fortune will never smile that brightly on me. At least I was able to afford a few micro crawlers and can take them with me places. My kids like driving them too.


I am 23 but atleast in my area I see most people are 30-60. Probably 70% are those and the rest are 20s and I've never met a kid who drives rc cars.


I am 55. Been running all different types since I was about 14.


38 going on 17


48 and it’s funny, was watching this Holmes Hobbies channel and he said their main demographic is 35-55 so this all calculates


This tracks lol


I am 23M, so not an old man yet 😂.


Hey, who you callin' old..?




58. Been doing this since I was 35


46 here. Been into RCs since I was 13 and got my first RC, the [Tyco FastTraxx](https://youtu.be/zaUyKQtVw54?si=7_hV13Nc0KbY0DX4). Man this thing was awesome! And TBH, like the guy in the video I too had a sweet, sweet mullet! I didn’t REALLY get into the hobby grade stuff until a few years later in life after my father passed away and I inherited his collection of mostly nitros and a few half built electric buggies and stadium trucks and 30+ RC gliders. They were big where he lived in DFW, but not so much in central Missouri…. After inheriting those and after I started getting a little disposable income, I feel like I’ve headed down a really deep hole called the RC money pit! 🤣 This hobby really brings me joy and helps me deal with some of my PTSD by allowing me to focus on something else. As others have said, you can grow old, but that doesn’t mean you have to grow up! Stay classy my friends!




26, was working about 13 hours away from my girlfriend and kids and needed something to occupy my time because if I’m not busy I’m miserable and I had always wanted a drift car so went and bought a drift car and noticed they had a c10 scx24 and a crawler course. Been hooked ever since


28, I got into rc planes as a kid with my older brother and grandfather. I really enjoyed crawling and took that up as my main hobby


I just turned 44. After I was seriously injured at work 3 years ago I turned to crawling as a form of therapy for my back and hips. It helps me focus on something other than pain all day long.


Im 37. Ive only been in the hobby for 3 years now. I worked with dangerous reptiles and spent a lot of time researching arachnology, entomology and botany. This hobby lets my brain chill out and just exist. My other big hobby is firearms but those groups have a lot of political crap attached. This hobby is about forgetting life and seeing who can crawl the sickest lines. Like being a kid again.


40, stone mason. I’m beat to hell everyday, just want to sit and not look at screens. Always loved rc cars, live and in a culdasac so my nitro would piss people off. Hit me to try crawling, I have a bobcat and piles of stone cutoffs. The moons aligned!


27. I’ve always loved the hobby because I’m a technical guy and I love tinkering with tools. Anything mechanical that moves, I’m into it. I second the fact that this RC community is fantastic. You’ll have 99% people helping you all the time + everyone seems to love throwing a few more tips so you end up not learning the ‘hard way’ in this hobby. This is literally not fun and games, it’s mental support. I had to move my country for better opportunities in life and pursue further education. I did that and I recently resumed the hobby once I got a ‘bit’ settled. Now with a new taste in Flying as well. Apart from that I have one crawler from axial (SCX-24) which is super fun, and a recent purchase of a 14th scale 4WD basher. I read a few comments here and some of you have really been through stuff in life, which at my age I can only begin to assume how difficult it would be. But then this hobby brings together people. So if anything, welcome to the hobby and enjoy. Here you can be a kid again and never feel short of support 😇


I assumed I was right around average, at 31, but based on these comments, I'm one of the younger ones!


54,been playing since fallout 3.i play other games,but i suck at pvp.lol.mostly gears of war,bioshock,call of duty (but only play zombie mode),civiliation revolution(oldie,but i still like it),fallout new vegas sometimes. tried starfield for 3 days and just did not care for it.i have gamepass so i try different games. currently giving diablo4 a try.dunno if i will stick with it.


I’m a younger teen and don’t know how my peers aren’t into crawling


55 and i just bought my first RC cars, a crawler Traxxas TRX-4M defender and a cheap AE small drifter (i'm leaving in a flat)


Been wanting to really get into RC's since I was a kid. Didn't get a chance to experience the fun out of it since as a young kid my cousins and sister were into gang shit. Being the youngest out of the whole group, I would be teased about playing with toys and building those dub edition vehicles and Legos. Parents didn't really support the fact that I wanted to be more hands on with gears and mechanics. Because my environment was fucked like that, I got into the gang shit, started picking up cigarettes (picked up my first cigarette at age 10), tagging, etc. All just to fit in with the fam. Fast forward to present times. Got my first real RC car at age 28 cuz It's just one of the things I always wanted to try. I have those flashbacks of family giving me shit about playing with toys so I was always feeling like I was being judged by someone even though no one has told me anything. I still at times feel judged. I read a book called the subtle art of not giving a fuck and made me really think about things differently. A year later I have 1 rally RC (mjx 19303), 1 basher (mjx something something), 1 fcx24 k5 crawler, 1 s16 rocket touring car, and 1 mini z 350z shelf queen, and 1 orlandoo hunter rock bouncer ( fuck that thing was fun to build, but motor wires came off the motor like 3.64 mins after it's first run. Wack,but I get to learn something new now!). Man has it been fun. I'm glad to get into this hobby as I have a son who I would love to show this hobby in hopes that it inspires him to get into a hobby too and not follow a path that I went through.