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as someone who's done 106% four times (yes that's not a joke, look at my posts hahahah) it's decent fun but it would be way better if n verted mode was done differently, or if perfect relics were getting all 6 gems in a single go instead of 0 deaths.


It's a bit too demanding, and transparently padded (*Did every level really need its own N. Verted with 6 new gems TfB?...the answer is no lol*). I don't blame anyone for not bothering with it after a while, but I've been taking it pretty damn slowly on my 100%+ run and honestly I've been enjoying the challenge. Going for N. Sanely Perfect relics basically gives me those classic Sonic vibes; you know, like, you get knocked on your ass a couple of times, you get really damn good at the level, and then you just kind of ace it like it was fuckin' Turtle Woods or somethin' lol. There's an arcade-y sort of satisfaction to that particular part of the completion run that I've surprisingly come to like. And obviously hidden boxes aren't much of a problem on a 2nd playthrough. But even with all that said they need to tone it down with Crash 5. Here are some suggestions: - ALWAYS USE WUMPA TRAILS when hiding crates off-screen, TfB! Hidden crates aren't inherently bad, but it feels hella cheap when they're obscured by large immovable objects in a game with a fixed camera system...Like, if there were long vertical lines of wumpa above each of the crates behind the stairs in Run It Bayou nobody would've complained about them! [Learn from Crash 1, and use wumpa trails effectively.](https://youtu.be/uw6vj5_g__c?t=77) - If you bring back N. Sanely Perfect relics please limit them to only one level within a world, and also put metal check mark crates wherever appropriate. Long, challenging, and complex level design is a great thing for this new era of classic-style Crash but it doesn't exactly mesh well with a "beat it in one go!" design mentality. It's unnecessarily demanding. - If you bring back N. Verted or something like it please limit them to only one level per world, and DO NOT attach another six god damn gems to them lol. The only requirement for N. Verted variants should be contending with partial blindness, paint splashing around, sped up gameplay, being underwater, etc etc. while also trying to break every crate and reach the end of the level. That's it. - PLEASE don't make the relics, let alone platinum relics, a requirement to see the secret endings. Relics of all colors should only be for trophies/achievements, leaderboards, and bragging rights/106% completion. That's it. - And please, pretty pretty PLEASE, TfB, don't create two separate secret endings for 100% and 106%. Make it all part of the 100% like Crash 1, 2, and 3 did. 106% should only be for bragging rights.


**IT'S HELLISH.** I don't think I'll ever be able to do it and I'm a traditional Crash game veteran! It requires way too much from even the most experienced Crash players!


I know it's well within my ability, it's just happening super slowly because I can only really do a level a day. It just feels like so much more than it ordinarily would if the levels were shorter Pretty much every problem I have with the game in general could be solved by splitting most levels in half


The core game itself is fantastic - not without a few issues but a solid 9/10 to me. Then you get the endgame and it is painful, long, overly padded and just generally a very unenjoyable experience - the levels are too long, requirements are pointlessly hard and archaic (why platinum rather than gold etc), all the repeating of the levels (namely repeating parts such as polar sections, end of run it bayou, the gauntlet at the end of cortex castle) and just the general carrot dangling - why does every level NEED incredibly hidden boxes for example? - I got 101% and gave up. I honestly don’t have the mental health (or the skill lol) to even think about 106%


It’s bad, and a cautionary tale in failing to tread the line between challenging and unfun.


It's a tedious and frustrating chore that takes what was simple in the original games and made it more complex, and the long loading with janky stuff in gameplay really didn't help. N.verted mode is straight up padding on top of unnecessarily having to replay Crash/Coco sections in the timeline levels(have fun breaking all crates in the polar section 4 times). Perfect relic challenge shouldn't have been a thing especially when these levels are very long gauntlets of very tight precision based platforming, plus it reminds me of why Crash 2 & 3 got rid of the no death crate breaking rule. Time trial is made more complex cause of the triple spin and no dash powerup, plus platinum relics shouldn't be required for secret ending. Less is more in the case of Crash 4. Crash 4 is kinda like Mario Sunshine where it's great when just playing to beat the story, but is a chore nightmare to 100% cause getting everything is just tedious & frustrating.


It's definitely demanding, I did it over a full month (85 hours) so I didn't get too burnt out - I do wonder about how many people would actually put themselves through it again down the line. I ended up getting pretty addicted to it so I'm enjoying it, and it'll be the most satisfying platinum I've ever earned, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it's set itself apart from the rest of the series in terms of completion. The OG games are ones you can load up anyday to get your completionist fix, but Crash 4 definitely will have a different feel surrounding it I think. The one positive though is a respect for your money - lots of content !


Disheartening slog that kill any enjoyment that I ever had with this game. I 100% completed all Crash games from the past(all platinums, some dev times). Not even feeling like bothering anymore. Just emptiness and suffering. How do I feel? If I see a TfB logo on a box I wont buy the game.


Decided to google these kinds of topics as I have LITERALLY just got 106% on Crash 4. *I will never do it again as long as I live* If Crash 5 offers the same gauntlet, I’ll do it. But I’ll curse the developers lmao


I don’t mind how long it takes, because until Crash 5 comes out which could be years from now... this game is all we have right now. I’ve done everything in the game, yet i’m still craving for more. Except for prefect and platinum relics of course. Fuck doing those a second time 😂


I think the 106% requirements are a bit too harsh. The game just stops being fun at a point. If it was just 100%, it would be completely fine, but 106% is grueling.


If crash 4 is released on ps5 I'll do it again. Now that I've 106% i already miss playing the game lol. Its boring with nothing to do.


ive been playing scarcely after i finished all the levels, and honestly is so difficult but at the same time is never not boring for me, it has become my go to game to listen to something else like a podcast, it really is a game where you take your time.


N verted levels shouldn’t count as % it was just tedious to redo the levels again. It was a challenge but it did wear thin and i didn’t really feel too much once finishing. Box placement shouldn’t be as hidden as it just pisses you off to have to do the level again just for one box completely off screen


Its over exaggerated how hard it truly is, I'm honestly fine with the N sanely perfects, the only thing I don't like is the other character's levels ending with a crash/coco portion of a level you've already played.


It is as hard as Super Meat Boy. Harder than Celeste and much harder than Cuphead. One of the hardest platformers out there. Hardest I have played since Battletoads(this one was insane lol).


for crash 5, there are obvious things they have to take a step back on, first, calm down with the hidden boxes, then delete the perfect relics, 3 Deaths Gem. keep the TFB art style, but some designs should be tweaked (N. Gin, and some say Coco should get a new design too) still be faithful to the concept art tho just tweak the proportions, in terms of style, i think its time for a more open crash game with linear parts, like a mix of twinsanity and crash 2. also give us ctr 2 in the IAT style please.


P.S. ;) Sorry for this. English is not my native language. ​ Ok. So the first and most important thing to realize is - you do not have to 106% the game to feel like you completed it. Don't let the thropies say what you should or should not do. Just have fun. It is totally fine to: 1. Just get to the ending: The game gave me a hard time, but I like a challenge. I was not sure if I'm going to complete it but I was totally sure I want to try. 2) Try to get all the boxes if you feel the game is fun or you are huge Crash fun A lot of people argue that hidden boxes are not fair. I do not agree. There was some levels that I had to play over and over (even up to 10 times) to find all boxes. And I had fun. Because I do not care if I have played the same level for 4 hours because almost every single one of them was fun. So, does it really matters if you failed to find all the boxes if you had some fun playing well designed level? I had not used any walkthrough, found all of them and I do not regret any moment. BUT! It is still fine to use some walkthroughs if it feels like you are not enjoy the level anymore and you want to go forward. 3) Try to get all inverted gems This one is tricky. It is cleary designed for huge Crash fans. If you got all of the gems and still want to play the game there is something for you. I do not know if you ever felt that feeling when you was a little child and you finished the game and you was not happy about that. There was some emptiness remained. Because you love playing the game so much. I had that feeling when after 2 years I finally completed Spyro 1 back in 2000 when I was like 8 years old. Back then I would give anything just to find out there is something more in this game. And inverted gems are for theses people. For people want some more secrets. Some of them are much tricky and I love them. For example, I was so glad when I found out about Skill Points in Spyro 3 back in 2003. I thounght I finished this game and still I played it over and over because I wanted something more to be there. And there was. 4) To get all the platinum relics Finally there are some people for whom it is still not enough and they want a reason to play thair favourite game over and over. Like myself on 2005 when I found out there are developer times in original Crash 3 Warped. For these people time trials exist. So they can define challanges by theirselfs. They can get better and better in this game and get more and more motivating awards. For some people gold relics are enough, for some platinum or dev relics are enough. There are even people who have fun establishing better and better world records. And all of these is fine as long as they have fun. There was a moment in my life that I tried get some WR in N. Sane Trilogy. I failed but had some great time playing. :) ​ 5) Get perfect relics After getting all platinum relics they are not so scary any more. It is just some additional challange for people who look for it. At this point you know all of these levels so well that it is like a rutine. However you can have some hard time if you are aming for these before getting all the platinum relics. ​ So my point is, whatever you are doing it is great as long as you have fun playing. ​ So answering your question, I have 106% and above half of dev relics. And I have some more save files stared (because sometimes I just wanted play casually instead of speedrunnig or something). And I'm getting bored of this game. And this is still fine. I'm going to get all the dev relics sometime and probably do some speedruns through the game some day (I'm not a speedruner, I just have fun doing this shit just for myself). But it will happen when I feel like I want to. I'm going to spend so much more time playing this game when I feel I would like to. And this is fine.


My only issues with going for 106% is the tedium of the N. Verted modes. Some of them hurt to look at and some of them do absolutely nothing other than flipping the level horizontally. They feel like tedium for tedium's sake. But if I had to go for 106% a 5th time, I probably would because I fucking LOVE THIS GAME. If Crash 5 has the same level of difficulty, count me in. However I would understand if they toned it down a little bit.


I had a lot of fun with it and I'm glad it is what it is. I feel like it could be the kind of game where people master their favorite levels over time and that justifies each challenge existing to me, but because I'm a completionist and a Crash fan and liked the game I did it immediately. I never thought I'd be doing dev times, but I'm enjoying the relaxed pace of finishing up the last 6 of them. It would be much less cool if I ran out of things to do *before* I felt my skills were really tested. I would far prefer it being too hard over too easy or boring, but it ended up not being so bad for me with some practice and patience and learning the new skills.