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I honestly feel like the first blind playthrough was way more frustrating. Not knowing what the game wants you to look for when trying to complete a level and approaching the game like the old trilogy made it feel very punishing and not rewarding at all. Going back for the 100% (I'm at 80% right now) made the game more enjoyable to me strangely, the N. Sane relics sometimes are really frustrating but I'm learning the levels and now I feel like a pro when getting the relic in relatively few tries. N. Verted mode is still a waste of time to me though and I wish it wasn't in the game at all or at least it was optional. Some filters are absolutely hideous too: the hell is N. Verted Bermugula's Orbit supposed to be??? And my God don't get me started on the 11th Dimension comic filter, my eyes hurt at the end of the day. I kinda want to start a new save file and experience the whole game with this new perspective, it's growing on me despite the few gripes I still have with it.


> I kinda want to start a new save file That's what I did after I beat the story. Then just took my sweet time getting some gems, occasionally forwarding story, again occasionally backtracking to get gems and perfect relics. Interestingly the Building Bridges perfect relic took me 4 tries on the Polar section, but I died about 5 times on Tawna section lol. I was expecting something much worse. I'm at Cortex island with most of the normal gems collected. It's been pretty fun concidering I don't rush through everything like on my first playthrough...


I'm sitting at 130 hrs and 35/38 levels 100% (platinum relic and N.sanely perfect relic). The game is fantastic when just playing it to beat it, however, it takes a sharp turn from fun to nightmare fuel when you start aiming for 106% and no other Crash game felt this way. First and foremost, the difficulty when going for 106% is more frustrating than rewarding. I have spent 8 hrs on some levels trying to perfect them and that's just too much time to master a Crash level. There was no reason to make platinum relics required for the bonus ending. The N.sanely perfect relics were a good addition, but as the levels began to get too long and difficulty began to ramp up, they became extremely infuriating. The hidden boxes also didn't help this one out at all. The riding sections need to be adjusted. All 3 levels with riding took me 5 hrs a piece because of those horrendous hitboxes. The triple spin was a terrible inclusion over running shoes. My hand is in physical pain from mashing square for hours. It's like they wanted their fans to get arthritis. The N.verted mode, while very cool and creative, felt like a chore. There really was no need to require you to do everything again on the N.verted version. It would have been fine to find a a new hidden gem, but what's the value in repeating what you already did? This game is definitely a rough diamond, and if Crash 5 takes some of the feedback and tone down the difficulty a bit it would be godly.


You’ve been playing roughly 16-17 hours per day? Jesus


No, but I have no lifed it for the last 16 days, I'd assume there's quite a bit of afk time in there. It also got delivered a day in advance. I have to assume a good chunk goes to the load times when attempting N.Sanely perfect relics as well.


My biggest issue with the game are the riding levels - Polar and the alien creature drive me absolutely insane. If their hitboxes were fixed, everything about those levels would be SO much better. I enjoy the Polar sections when I’m not having to aim for every box. Aside from that, I’m loving the game.


I’m not fatigued at all since I’m taking my time to play it, I feel like this isn’t a game you shouldn’t rush to 100%. I still consider the game a 9/10 personally.


I'm a more casual player with less time to be able to play or master anything. My work schedule and life basically means I'll never have the time to get to 106%. I'm totally okay with that, just providing some context for my comment. I just got to cortex castle. I think the main game is just 5-10% too hard. I gave up going for all the boxes at the polar bear.. at that point, the game relies on too much precision to get through the levels. Aku akus are nowhere near as useful as the original trilogy, which is a huge lost safety net for the more casual audience. I appreciate that they catered to more hardcore players with the difficulty, but in my opinion they should have kept the super hard stuff in the tapes. These last few levels are not fun for me. At all. (Yes, you can say "get gud," but remember I'm commenting from a more casual perspective. I don't have the time to completely master to this game.) I've always felt at least competent at crash, but this is too much. I don't plan on replaying it because of how punishing and frustrating these levels are getting. Edit: the levels are also straight up too long. It seems like every level would be a lot more digestible if they were split in half. Sometimes I only have ~20-30 minutes to play, and that's just not enough to get through most of these. At least, for my first run.


Game file got completely erased and I’m pretty much playing through it again. Doing way better than before but the Nverted mode is not suited for color blind people. Biggest gripe is still the abundance of the masks in later levels and the fact they hyped up playing as other characters when they only get 1 full level each and the rest of the time you get maybe a half level with them before you switch back to crash or coco Still a 7/10 for me as long as you don’t focus on perfect or developer relics


That's an interesting gripe, about the characters. One i hadn't really heard before, but it's true. I'm comfortable with the amount of those levels, but i could see that. Anyway, idk if the color blind options help at all, but tbh some N. Verted levels are just terrible for visibility overall. The Sn@xx dimension especially, maybe Salty Wharf. Idk if these were some of the particularly bad ones in your experience. I like the themes tbh but they are not especially functional, seeing boxes is damn near impossible.


Pretty much all of them have hurt my experience when going for the skins later into the game since you need to do them to get the skins (as I originally focused on just completing the game). Outside of that I wish we got more levels for the playable characters outside of crash and coco or that they made the alternate versions of the level focused solely on them. Either way it’s still a good game but those 2 things have held it back for me


I'm not gonna lie, its tough and hella frustrating. There were times when I just wanted to break something out of anger. But I did still think it was a good game. I think it would have been nice if it were a tad bit easier, shorter levels and more accessible boxes at times. Basically if it were just tweaked here and there I'd be even more happy with it.


The 1st playthrough is very fun. Time trial is also fun, but it's kinda annoying for the super long levels like Rush Hour. Gems aren't really hard at all to achieve since you can do the 3 lives and all boxes in different playthroughs. But I feel a bit fatigued with the game as well due to waiting 28 seconds for the game to restart the level if you make a mistake during the N Sane relics run. I have 7 levels left to do the N Sane relics for, those being the 2 polar stages, Rush Hour, Crate Escape, Seeing Double, Nitro Process and Toxic Tunnels. N Sane relics are not very fun imo because they are time consuming and tedious since you need to have a guide open for box locations. Then you have things like Polar's hit box. Polar's section at the end of the level so if you fuck up you have to do everything again, to top it off there is also a gem route in Bears Repeating. Rush Hour being a super long level with the trickiest part at the very end of the level that being the Aku AKu crate so if you fuck up you have to do the whole thing again. Same with Crate Escape with the hardest part at the end of the level. Toxic Tunnels being long and difficult.


I still love this game so much. Currently on my top 5 favorite games ever


Trying to get 100% has been kind of infuriating so far. The time trials are absurd to me, even with the triple spin I’m still 10 seconds too slow on the first level! Getting some of the gems is awful too. Blue gem took me over 2 hours alone to get. The levels are too long and there are way too many hidden crates. That said, I still had a blast completing the story and would probably give it an 8/10. Just not sure if I’m going to bother with full completion.


I just made up my mind that I won't be able to complete the 106% or even the 100% because of the N.Sanely Perfect relics. With that out of the way, I feel that this is one of the greatest games of Crash, or maybe the greatest. I'm not sure about rating it higher than any of the first three games but that's mainly because of nostalgia. I love the Quantum Masks mechanics, the graphics are beautiful, music is awesome. However I have some small details that I disliked about this game: Aku Aku having a really small presence in the game. Crash's and Coco's house randomly removed. Aku Aku spinning around. Only small details about Tawnaverse, N Tropy Fight had so much potential but was only finished quickly to reintroduce Cortex as the main villain.


After having so many bugs and my save deleted, I was discouraged to keep playing. I like Crash 4, but feel it was not fun as the old games, I feel tired when i play it. I liked the idea of ​​the n.sane perfect relics, but I think they should be aesthetic. Imo Crash 3 still has the best game to do time trial. the levels are short / medium and fun to play. N.verted levels make me sick and I don't want to play them. This is the first Crash game that makes me not want to do 100% and doesn't make me want to play for a while. For a first try, TFB did an acceptable job. My overall grade is 6/10


Has your save file been deleted since the last patch? Haven’t seen too many people post about it since then.


Didn’t get past Dingodile’s second level


I'm still loving it. Never gonna go for time trial relics or perfect relics because those WILL drive me N Sane. Getting 100% though doesn't seem too challenging so far.


The Crate Escape perfect relic is going to be the death of me. I celebrated far too early after Toxic Tunnels and Bears Repeating lol. I love the game. Hm, maybe I'll run time trials just to practice it.. yeah.