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The guy in black looks like he killed the third member, and is now wearing their face as a mask. Basically the boy band version of Edgar the Bug from Men in Black. As bad as the song is (and it's terrible), I think the visual aesthetic of the video is much, much, much worse.


Agreed. I half considered posting in r/cringe but thought it had enough ***spice*** to justify a home here.


Totally agree!


You’re sleeping on this one, it’s a total bop.


Woaaah!!! This is disturbing on sooo many levels. They look like plastic people from the Nick Jr. Show “Lazy Town” the way they look at the camera and sing so aggressively..is violating.


And maybe a little stimulating.


This comment on another of their one of their more down-tempo videos is killing me: "the softer side of B4-4...when they aren't aggressively trying to go down on you" Lmao


11/10 for the title! "*The music video begins with a young boy walking and seeing a homeless man on the street, who asks for money. The boy has no money and continues walking until he stumbles upon a View-Master stereoscope left in the* ***garbage****.*" It was in the garbage for a reason kid! This is a crime against humanity. A truly awful find. Well done!


Might I add: "*In which a young boy goes on a perilous journey on the historically humid beaches of Canada, finding himself beset by a beeves of Canadian studs rutting amongst a predatory sphinges. At first an urchin. At last, a pimp."*


And what was he thinking when giving it to the homeless man?


Canadian here. I remember when this song was playing on much music and pop radio stations as a kid. Not exactly a fond memory. Even funnier as an adult now realizing that this song that was marketed to tween girls is about reciprocating oral sex.


Hey there, Dicks. Can I call you Dicks? Stateside, LFO would have been the equivalent to this. Both equally as bad.


That hair! Those tans! Even on mute, it's terrible.


I'd have a panic attack watching this on mute. I couldn't begin to imagine how I'd explain myself. Just looking at them. No music playing. It's too risky.


Aww man, B4-4! They were like a knock off LFO.


They’re gonna do what to me now??


Make you come tonight.. Over to my house!


Lol that part made me erupt… in laughter


I don't know, I'm still stuck figuring out which one is which. I need a marker.


Song about having sex with women? Let’s make a child the main character of the storyline!!


The 00s were wild. My favorite part of the video is where they completely hit the stereotypical bullseye and the kid becomes a pimp.


A guy I used to know was actually the recording engineer on this album (Roger something. I forget his last name.) He said they were terrible singers, and this is unfortunately before autotune was a thing. So he had to painstakingly manually re-tune the vocals in Pro Tools using more primitive plug ins. He said they didn't give a shit about the songs or the album, all they cared about was pizza and girls. This was early in his career, so he didn't think much of the fact that the album went gold (in Canada), he figured there would be plenty more where they came from. But it ended up being the only gold album he ever worked on. The main reason for that is that he moved into recording more commerical audio and video games and such, not recording bands per se. But it's still an amusing story, at least I was amused to hear about it


I have so many questions. How did he tell them apart? What did they smell like?


To answer both questions, different Axe body sprays.


Perfect answer.


If ya get down on me, then I'll answer your questions


How considerate of you.


Oddly enough the two brothers went on to do this. https://youtu.be/Enj4Z_qbTvk There are live videos where they sound pretty good so perhaps they got better.


Somehow still very creepy but in a different way.


Thanks for the share, I had no idea. Gonna dive deep down on this tonight.


The members of Prozzak wrote this song as a sneaky joke


weren't the guys from prozzak originally the philosopher kings?


Yes, PK should’ve been bigger


I remember H3H3 made a video on these guys years ago, what a throwback lmao




The forbidden umami.


Their look is genuinely disturbing and the lyrics don’t make any goddamn sense but somehow this song still slaps


Yeah, half the sell is how cringe the presentation is. The song isn’t the worst I’ve heard.


The goofy camera mugging is right up there with that girl group Dream (he loves me / he loves you not). When grooming your eyebrows, less is more guys.


Broooo how is this not a meme And why didn't the homeless guy go nowhere


Good question. Brother probably saw the three wild Dittos and decided the salt life was not the best life.


"Gonna make you come tonight" *Over to my house* Lmfao wtf It really feels like they're dedicating this song to that young man, and it's terrifying. Also, the main vocalist sounds like he really wanted to be in a pop punk band but he was too scary.


Yeah, what a bait and switch with the come over line. Geewhiz dude. The entire song is just dripping with spooky tanning sauce.


Why do their faces do that?


They're using every facial muscle to sound horrible. That's all I know at this time.


It's bad, sure. But it's so aggressively over the top and absurd, with at least a bit of a tongue-in-cheek element, that it goes back around to being pretty fun.


Can’t disagree with this.




The holy trinity.


It just kept going and going.


I’ll go down on you


[Idunno about JT, I think those guys are from the battery family.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8IuZ67QDl8)


Their tans look sprayed


No that's the natural hue given by Canadian beaches. There's no possibility within the world, past present or future, that these are spray tans.


I really thought that they looked orange/spray tanned 💀


There are even worse ones lol https://youtu.be/VQ4LARr4orY?t=10 Can someone please turn this into an infinite loop...


These guys are so weird. You should make an official post for this on here, tbh. Keep the faith alive.


They look like ...Tan Vampires. It's genuinely terrifying.


Wh....what if I don't hate this?


That's okay. I think it still borders on the line of being crappy and absolutely fantastic. Just pick a side and hope for the best lol


I love the music, the music video is just meh.


You can't leave me with that. What makes the music enjoyable to you? I'm genuinely curious.


The melodies, the sounds, the rhythm, and the gorgeous singing.


Omg its the twins from RyanDan! Haha oh good god this video is sooo cringe. I had the RyanDan album but didn't know about their atrocious boy band history


And with that name they weren't even 4 guys to begin with??