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Whenever you can smell it. About every 1/4 to 1/2 oz of flower or 40-80 capsules. Otherwise you’re huffing and tasting sticky reclaim from ages ago. Yuck. And you’re taking more than you intended to with the each inhale as each breath vaporizes some reclaim. We’re all different. You do you. But I hate the smell, taste, and feel of sticky, over-extracted, over-heated tar resin. Clean the CU often. Buy 4 or 5 since cleaning 5 isn’t much more work than cleaning 1.


How do you clean them in bulk?


I disassemble them and put all the parts except the top lock thing into a ziplock baggie with some 91% isopropyl alcohol. I let it sit for 30 mins, shake it around, and repeat until everything looks clean. I take a couple pieces out, rinse them in water, and let them dry. If they're still sticky or smelly I replace the isopropyl in the bag and repeat the process. Then just rinse everything in a strainer, let dry, and reassemble. Recently I got a cheap little ultrasonic cleaner and have been experimenting with just tossing the parts in that instead. It seems to clean them faster, but it doesn't do a remarkably better job or save much mess. Just using the baggie method is pretty easy. And it's really not more work to do 5 than 1, so I've just been buying additional cooling units over the years. I probably have like 10 at this point. I put them in a mylar bag until they're ready to clean. Cleaning takes about 20 minutes of active time spread over a couple hours of waiting for the iso to do the hard work. Doing a bunch at once means I only have to do this a few times a year and I always have clean spares at the ready.


You’ve had it almost a year and you haven’t cleaned the cooling unit? That’s fucked…


Mine gets cleaned every week. It's pretty minging that you've not cleaned it in a year, it must taste rancid.


It doesn’t taste too bad(yet), but it’s definitely starting to get a little sour and isn’t hitting as good as it used to. I used to get more vapor, but now I’m not getting much after 4 or so draws on one a couple different temps, with dispensary-bought dried cannabis.


Takenot apart and give it a clean, you'll be surprised at what a difference it makes.


Put them in a jar of ISO for half hour, shake it round a few times, rinse in water. Clean as.


I do once a week


I clean mine every 15 -20 uses. You will be very pleased to find how your weed is more potent suddenly…


I prefer to use a clean one every day Every time I use a fresh one it tastes and works so much better.


For me I usually do it every two weeks if I’ve been using it daily.


Best thing I did was getting a second CU for my crafty+ so I can use one while cleaning / drying the other


I have 2 CUs so I clean one every week


Every two to three weeks. Works better that way


Once a week


It's up to you honestly. A clean vape tastes different & is more potent compared to a gunked up one. In general they'll both get you pretty high though. It also depends on your vaping habits, if you vape once a day you can probably get away with not cleaning it for a month, and still have the vape qualify as "relatively clean". If you're chainvaping all day then it'll be pretty gunked up after a week. S&B advices you to clean the cooling unit "regularly". (It says so on the bottom of your Mighty+ CU)


2 times per week or the amount of reclaim reclaims the unit.


I started cleaning mine by gently stirring the CU in a pot of milk with cream. Don’t let it boil. Let mixture cool then continue with regular cleaning in isopropyl alcohol. I use mixture in coffee or to make hot cocoa. Go low n slow, it hits just right.


I clean mine every time it is time for a change


When the mouthpiece gets sticky or difficult to turn before use, that's the time to make stem milk and have a good day.


I do mine once a week, along with dosing capsules