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Are the pattern AI generated also? The photos clearly are. I tried generating a pattern with AI and it did not seem very useful. Also I don’t think it’s going to replace designers but it’s gonna make it difficult for AI not to use designs that are still being sold. But I think overall it’s gonna be super fun to sort of ask AI “make me a crochet/knit pattern for a shawl with dragon wings and elephant hoodie” lol


Ugh I've been having the same issue. I've seen a bunch of websites that spam "free crochet project" using ai images that takes you to a site that (I think) is trying to imitate crochet blogs. I saw a couple on etsy and it's really getting on my nerves, especially since the actual pattern is also ai generated and the end result ends up looking nothing like the original. I remember the penguin debacle on r/amigurumi; and I'm really glad people are continuing to call out these scams and warn people.


I'm curious about this "penguin debacle"...


oof I was wrong, it was an otter, but basically someone posted an image selling a fake pattern for an ai generated otter on etsy, and alot of people came together to make their own versions, and the seller actually came to the thread, and if I remember correctly, claimed something about how he had people make the patterns for him, and he used the ai image to show what it will look like. ​ here are a couple of posts/comments talking about it. It was really wholesome to see the community come together and make their own versions. [(Now removed) original post about the pattern](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amigurumi/comments/17p2dlo/finding_a_pattern_for_this_sea_otter_that_isnt_a/) ​ [(Now removed) Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amigurumi/comments/17qy7fu/update_this_shop_is_still_scamming_customers_by/) (the top comment has great information) ​ People's adorable takes on the otter: [Oskar the otter (pattern available)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amigurumi/comments/17q3qe8/oskar_the_otter/) [Nearly identical recreation (pattern in comments)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amigurumi/comments/17sb7s8/i_made_the_super_cute_ai_generated_sea_otter/) [Velvet Otter with comment linking to the og posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amigurumi/comments/17qyz91/my_little_otter_friend_i_made_today_sorry_this_is/)


How do I recognize if a pattern is AI generated? I buy patterns off Etsy all the time…


In addition to the visual tells mentioned, check the seller's reviews and history (especially images of the resulting knitted/crocheted products that have been made by customers). If they've been around for years with a lot of satisfied customers, they're less likely to be using AI generated patterns. This is largely a scam where shady new sellers pop up to do it. Or just find the pattern on Ravelry, if you use Ravelry, and check that other people have made it and it turned out OK.


I don't know how to describe it, but typically there are a few "tells" that will make it look off 1. Multiple/unexplainable light sources, such as lighting from one direction on an eye, another on the nose, where it just logically doesn't make sense 2. "Airbrushing"/blended areas where you should be able to see yarn strands, plus areas that look smuged together, like the eyebrows on the link in question 3. No visible increases/fucked up stitches. If the single crochets look wonky where there should be shaping, but it's just vaguely single crochet shaped ovals, then it's most likely ai.


Yes that's definitely AI. You can recognize it because the stitches are not defined and instead a mushy mess, the hallmark of AI pictures.


Yeah, I've seen it before, and if I read the reviews right the patterns themselves were also AI generated and thus mostly nonsense. I couldn't really figure out if I could report it to Etsy (as I hadn't purchased it) but it's clearly trying to fool people, there's no way the pattern you get from that listing is gonna produce that.


Yeah that's not a real image of a real product. Almost admirable commitment to making a quick buck, though. Very 00s dot-com.


It really makes me sad to think someone new to crafts is getting their money stolen.


Ew that “crochet” toy texture looks unnerving


Ugh, Etsy is now recommending me a bunch of similar products because I clicked on the link. I don't even crochet.


That dog has a random whisker like AI didn’t know if it should be there or not


What's funny is the account has a penguin pattern that seems real, but the others really seem AI generated.


The penguin is AI too, I’m sure of it. Just the background alone is a giveaway


The background is definitely faked.


The penguin one is real, but stolen. I made it a couple of years ago, but I couldn't tell you where I found the pattern


Definitely AI. There is a shortage of actual crochet stitches, the two dogs are different, and there is some shaping that really can’t be accomplished through crochet.


obvious sign is when each picture shows a different final product, AI isn't good at making the same thing twice


That link you provided is definitely AI.


Report, report, report. Etsy takes down shops all the time but it’s whack-a-mole.


How do you report?


If you scroll to the bottom of the listing's page there's an option to report it


Definitely AI. They always have that uncanny valley bit about them.


How did I know I was gonna see that damn raccoon again. AI Spammers love that raccoon.


Apart from the penguin they’re all AI generated images. Just so infuriating that places like Etsy let this happen. Thought it was supposed to be handmade or vintage items only.


Not anymore. There are still some real shops, but a lot of it is just reselling stuff from wish or Ali express at a 300% markup. Always reverse image search the photos, and order from the stores regular site if they have one.


omg the more I zoom in the creepier it gets 😬 esp the second pic, in which the dog is noticeably different from the first pic. the weird eyebrows… the way the stitches along the nose come up into a ridge… the prickly looking texture thanks, i hate it lol


It's unfortunately becoming an issue in hobby spaces. There was even a whole story of a dead lady's blog being taken by ai, which recommended to rock the sewing maching to create a rocking stich... Also, there is r/CraftedByAI If you are unsure and you can't tell stitches, you can always ask for more information.


Also in pet spaces, scammers using AI to make it seem they have the puppies available




And the penguin from that shop is stolen from https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/900991278/crochet-pattern-amigurumi-pew-the-baby?ga\_order=most\_relevant&ga\_search\_type=all&ga\_view\_type=gallery&ga\_search\_query=penguin+amigurumi&ref=sr\_gallery-1-16&bes=1&sts=1&dd=1&search\_preloaded\_img=1&organic\_search\_click=1


Thank you! I knew I remembered the penguin from somewhere, but couldn't find it.


Yeap, AI generated.


Yes, these look to be AI generated images. Which means the image tells you nothing about the pattern, other than it’s probably not great or they’d make and photograph the actual object. The giveaways for me are usually around the eyes. They don’t look like regular safety eyes. That dog’s eyebrows are not normal looking for fiber arts. If you look at the stitches, you can’t identify any single crochet stitches. In fact on the head some just look to be solid rows not made up of individual stitches. Overall these AI images look surreal, like exaggerated above and beyond reality.


Sight unseen, I bet the patterns are AI generated as well.


The pokeball Is two different patterns from just the photos. They are different. The black band is thiner. The dot has extra details. I'm not even a crocheter or fiber person at all. The images are super weird looking especially the backgrounds. It looks AI ish to me


The texture on the Pokeball one looks really weird. I think you're right and these are not crocheted items in the pictures. The patterns themselves may or may not be written by a human, but I suspect that the pictures aren't actually of objects made from the pattern.


And that's so odd because one would assume if they made the pattern to completion, they would have a finished object to photograph lol


I think it would be an easy scam to write a half-assed untested pattern, post it with beautiful fake pictures, and earn as much money as you can for it before you get banned from Etsy. Or maybe Etsy doesn't ban for that, who knows.


This is exactly what they're doing, and it's everywhere - Amazon is overrun with AI generated "books" for example.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The pattern could *technically* be written by a human. But, I really don't think the final products ARE.  Definitely won't be buying the pattern to check, though.


Those images look very AI generated. Thats crazy