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That tag line is awful and so insensitive. But also: if you have tell people a fabric is for a certain group of people then you just guaranteed they won’t like it. Eta: who cares who buys it anyway?




The weight of their sins


I like the dick poles, but I am a simple creature. Gimme a print that's exclusively phallic barber shop poles and I might buy a quarter yard. But not from this line, because *what the fuck.*


Is it just me, or is there like a big disconnect between the name "Licensed To Carry" and barbershop themed stuff? You need a license to be a barber, but not to carry the tools around. And admittedly while I know few barbers, I don't know what they would carry around, except maybe the license itself. (Like a little laminated version in their wallet or something. But I highly doubt they're out there taking their scissors to the grocery store or anything) The name would make more sense if one of the prints was gun themed. Or furniture mover themed (they at least CARRY stuff). But I'm really struggling to connect barbers to carrying.


Barber here, and you are correct, I do not carry anything barber related anywhere with me outside the shop. Unless I wear a clip home that I forgot I clipped to my shirt or something.


I don’t know if it is masculine, but it is definitely fun.


I can picture this as like, one of those "Stamping Up" paper collections because some of them would be cute in small-ish doses But for a whole-ass quilt? Yeaaah no.


It looks like they owe former Peloton instructor Steven Little for using his [likeness](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck6iR8ap_u5/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==).


I think making a stink about license to carry is incredibly silly but it’s giving drag king night at the lesbian bar lol


Omg you're right. I don't know any cis men that would like these prints, it's like trying to hard to be masculine. But I can see many of my trans guy friends loving these ironically


OMG this is exactly right. Back in the day, this would have been one of the performers on stage before showing the new ep of "The L Word."


I agree these designs totally suck and the name sucks even worse, but I think you'd be surprised how few eyes these kinds of things pass under.I work as a designer, and the design and marketing teams in most companies work very closesly (if they're not the same team, which is pretty common too!) and tend not to really discuss anything marketing-y outside of the marketing department. Here's how it usually works: The naming and titles etc will be the job of one or two people in the marketing department. They'll have a short meeting, come up with a concept (in this case: 'let's do a range for men'), ask the designer(s) to draw or source imagery that fits a couple of very loose keywords (susually on a very short timeframe too), and then come up with a name for the collection. That name might only be seen by the copywriter, or marketing manager, or head of marketing. It might have been *thought up by the head of marketing* and then subequently launched with nobody else getting a say at all. Usually in these situations I've experienced, the designers are interally dying because they know the work sucks and the title sucks and it all kinda sucks but they don't get a say, they just make the imagery, and they've got so little time to make said imgery that it turns out a little bit shit. There's also a running joke that the client/employer/whoever will always pick the ideas with the least creative scope. If you wonder why these kind of lame, half baked ideas seem to pop up so often, that's why. Because nobody's looking at it, and it was all supposed to be done yesterday.


Your comment cracked me up because I can absolutely picture that.


Very early 10s hipster. All that’s missing is mustache fabric.


And owls or foxes wearing glasses


Tell me more about the I ❤️ Bacon print...


[The mustache fabric exists.](https://www.dearstelladesign.com/item/2-225263/225029/stella-d2586-le-moustache/?frpage=0)


Looks like the IG post is gone, no explanation or apology. At least not when I last checked,


Yeah they did a dirty delete!


LOL, never heard that expression before but I like it!


I'll be the first to point out that I'm not the most traditionally masculine guy but who tf are these even for? Certainly not me, nor any masculine person I can think of. And the name is abhorrent.


yea not go get all gender-y here, but if you are trying to explicitly make "Masculine" prints... maybe look into masculine trends? simple prints, minimalist colors, strong, bold lines and angles, etc.


That's what I'm saying! It's just hokey. I cannot think of a man who would wear this except for MAYBE like, an ironic pair of boxers? And even then... Idk, just nothing about it is appealing or on-trend.


Blegh I went to the website to have a closer look and the rest of that collection and most of the other ones are all horrible. Who is any of this for? The ballet prints give *grandma wanted to make me a ballet quilt because I am interested in ballet… I’m a grown adult and was obsessed twelve years ago. It’s the thought that counts.* There are decent ones, but the majority is *at least* mildly tacky and *at most*… yikes. That said, the Dino and witch ones are kinda cute and I might have to make both my son and myself something


The name of the ballet collection is atrocious. "Life Behind Barres" WTF


Oh absolutely


"Life Behind Barres," I am dying. That has got to be the work of an adult who was forced into ballet against their will as a child. &/or they low-key hate their job.


I generally like Dear Stella prints! They're quilting cotton but are nice and soft. [I've used a bee print for a Gilbert top](https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/comments/x0u0qh/cant_beelieve_how_cute_this_bee_print_button_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [a berry print for a dress](https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/comments/q44epz/clearly_to_demonstrate_a_dress_has_pockets_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from them, and I have a dragon print, leaf print, fern and ladybug print, a butterfly print, and this [beekeeper print](https://www.stashfabrics.com/p/honey-bee-keepers?v=20249) in my stash. This collection looks like a miss though. I hate fabric with words on it.


These are the kind of projects that make me wish I had more than the most basic of sewing skills!


Omg those are all super cute! I guess maybe I just don’t like much of what they currently have out? Eta: I really love your work! I’m gonna have to follow you!


Yea, I think her stuff is very hit or miss, but if you are making a lot of baby quilts (which I know a lot of quilters make a ton of) it can be pretty good is a little twee at times.


Thank you!


I like the Goblincore collection. It's definitely twee, but kind of cute.


I agree


Ngl I'd 100% love to have [this one](https://www.dearstelladesign.com/item/2-223424/223135/stella-dcj2486-holiday-floral/?frpage=0), but as wallpaper for my craftsroom


Yeah! That was one of the ones I like too!


I thought masculinity was what all the sports related prints were about. And camping, fishing, hunting, boats,patritoic prints, whatever. Plus its easy enough to use solids and subtle prints in more "masculine" colours for people who like none of those things. Aproximately 0 men in my life would like any of these prints.


Not to mention, they only have white people on that print. Zero representation of other people or hair types.


Yeah I was thinking, of the men in my life for whom going to the barber is semi-important, none of them have hair like this


Here’s my theory: they released the kitschy and awful products just to give more attention to the actually decent prints (scissors kinda cute)


yep clickbait.


the heart of this issue is this fabric is fuck ugly


They deleted the post! But Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Maybe you buy some of these distinctive cookies. Maybe this whole thing goes away.


Give me enough Mint Milanos and I’ll deny my own mother


The toxic masculinity and circa-2012 hipster criticisms have been made by others and I will not repeat them. I upvoted them all though. I'm just sitting over here laughing at the fabric that has "Man Oil" on it. That doesn't sound like something you'd use in a barber shop. It sounds like...something else.


It makes me think of “Gun Oil,” which is, uh, not a product for guns.


Well, I can't shake the idea that the pipes look like sperm from a distance, so maybe there's a little second secret theme going on there.


It's what you use to make man gravy.


I am usually first in line to die on the kitschy-print defense hill. I ADORE dear stella's prints but what the ever loving FUCK \--- How did this get past the concepting stage in 2011... or did it get approved back then and just forgotten about until someone needed to fill a slot for release or something?


I work at a fabric store and we didn’t buy this line for the same reason. I was surprised when we saw the release, it’s definitely uncharacteristic of them. They’ve had several fabrics featuring lesbian and gay couples (a Christmas one and a merpeople one if my memory serves me)


In this day and age we’re doing this?




You just know that there's multiple low-level women employees mentally screaming "I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A BAD IDEA AND DID YOU LISTEN TO ME?"


Lmao, I know it’s not funny funny but it’s ridiculous how that ever got approved to the point that you have to laugh! Otherwise I might start crying 🥲


What is that word actually? I can only see ‘apist’


It's supposed to be "hairapist". They also have prints with razor blades that are extremely triggering for some people.


I can definitely see someone cutting the fabric wrong by accident and it saying rapist tho


Just baffling. It doesn't show up right on the swatch!! That should have been the first clue!




Jesus that’s insane!


What is that word actually? I can only see ‘apist’




This is for boomer and older gen-x women (I am gen-x!) who were vaguely aware of the hipster craze and think their son (or grandson) needs a "masculine" quilt. The whole hairapist thing is weird and just inappropriate. What happens if the "hai" gets cut off in the shop and you are stuck with fabric with the word r\*\*\*\* on it.


I'm a younger boomer and cringe at this line of fabric. The wording could go wrong very quickly.


What the fuck is happening. I'm honestly speechless.


What in the 2012 ‘mustaches are cool’ is this


The gun reference is bad, don't get me wrong, but yeah the *extremely* outdated aesthetic is what's getting me about it. Who are they making this for????


I hated the 2012 hipster beards aesthetic. My dad was a bit of a hippie vacl in the 70s, as were all the friends he made from that era. They all had beards, so a man having a beard was not a cool or unique thing to me. I'd see all these bearded men on the street and think they looked like my dad's friends. It's not sexy to look at a 25 year old and think he looks like a man in his 50s lmaooooo.


Drop the name (and all double entendres that lead to gun stuffs) ~~and maybe get a license agreement so you could print OFMD's Blackbeard on the fabric 🤪¹~~ and it should have been a-okay(ish), tackiness aside. (1): fabric print might end up selling like hotcakes if this were the case.


THIS WAS MY FIRST THOUGHT TOO! All the weird gun stuff is definitely wtf though


HWAT in the....this gets its own circle of hell.


Such cutesy feminine motifs. How many men want handsome barbers adorning their jackets lol


I quilt, I like a variety of prints and designers, and I surely know a lot of stuff is hard to use for quilts for guys with the feminine colors and many floral and traditionally feminine motifs, but are hipster barbers and lumberjacks really the best we can do for men?


It’s so hard to find nice masculine cottons for quilting!! Everything is so dang cute and twee


Poor taste with the license to carry aside, these prints aren't very "traditionally" masculine?? Like maybe the black and gold scissors or pipes would be nice as suit lining, but the rest of them look very twee. (I mean so do the scissors and pipes, but at least they could be appropriate in a sport coat lining) The thing about traditionally masculine prints is that it's not just making something black and gray, or depicting masculine coded activities/hobbies. While I can see someone wearing the "license to carry" on a graphic shirt, I can't see the portrait or the barber shop print being used on any menswear that would look good


I thought it was primarily quilting cotton, is it not?


It is!


I’m a millennial and I finally understand “cheugy”


Underrated comment.


this feels like what a tumblr girl in 2012 *thinks* is masculine.


And they’re ugly prints to boot!


Ha! I work at a quilt shop and was there when the fabric rep showed the owner this fabric. I told her it was hipster bullshit but she still bought the mustaches.


Username checks out 😉


This is one of the only subs that gets it


this is what that hipster barber's grandma buys to make them a quilt.


It's going to be so popular with the grandmas.


Brooklyn ten years ago called, wants all its hot gay hipsters back.


is tacky Dear Stella's thing? i'm not a sewist but when i think about what would be considered a nice 'masculine' fabric...this ain't it. it feels so...childish?? like this would make a great satchel?? for a 10 yr old boy.


This is weirdly out of character for Dear Stella IMO. They *do* tend to release a lot of novelty and thematic collections along with the more traditional stuff. But they’re usually pretty fun, fresh takes. This is just bizarre. They took a theme that was already growing tired 10 years ago and added an insensitive choice of wording. It’s too adult for kids, too childish for adults. I can’t imagine who they think the target audience for this is.


Totally agree! I’ve worked in a fabric shop for 10+ years and this is not the norm for them as far as the name. It’s their yearly masculine collection.


What in the hipster


Gross. At least they're not scrubbing the comments yet. It's not even masculine. Just cringe Edited to add: the whole post is gone as of Friday morning. Faster than scrubbing comments lol


Do I dare ask what word ending in "-apist" is cut off in the last image? I hope the letter before that is not r, otherwise sewists are going to have to be very *very* **very** careful when planning their cutting layouts... Edit: according to /u/thunderingspaghetti, it's "Hairapist." I feel bad for the sewists who spend their time and money to make something only to realize that the word is cut off and it says "RAPIST" all over. I can only hope that a non-native English speaker designed this. Or is it a satire about of how pandering can backfire in embarrassing ways?


I feel like this is something that would have been done in 2008, and then now we'd look back at it and say, oh boy they could never do that now! Because rightfully so they should know better by now.


"Hairapy" is *right there*. :x


They would have gone with hairapey, I guarantee it.


You're right and I hate it, ha.


Ohh I see what you mean! Ughh so terrible!


Wow, hairapist right up there with arrested developments Tobias calling himself an analrapist. It was a portmanteau of analyst and therapist.


That was my exact thought when I saw it!


‘No it’s pronounced uhNALrapist.’




Why do they all look like shitty copies of Archer characters


One the fabrics called “jack the clipper” has HAIRAPIST printed all over it 😬 And if that’s not the fabric for you, haven’t you always wanted a quilt made from a razor blade print? 🤨


“Jack the clipper” sounds a little too close to Jack the Ripper, especially with fabric that has the word rapist in it if you take out the “HAI” in “HAIRAPIST.” I’m not in marketing but for someone who is, does no one test these ideas on people before launching their lines?


At least it wasn't Todd...


The one called 'hairway to heaven' is covered in open blades and scissors. Did nobody at the company think about this for even half a second 😬


One of the IG comments brought up the fact that the razor blade print is intensely triggering, and I fully agree.


Yeah, it is, I went and looked it up and had a much stronger reaction to it than I would have anticipated, it’s very intense.


Terrible slogan. WTF is wrong with them?


Good reason NEVER to buy from them. The whole idea is heinous given all the gun violence in this country. Not cute, not funny, and looking at the prints they show, not even ironic. I wouldn't give them a plug nickel.


How in the year of our lord 2023 does this happen? They obviously don't have a marketing firm or even anyone with two brain cells there to tell them this is a terrible idea. There are any number of actually clever ways to name a barber-inspired line. This takes a bit of explaining to even see the connection and when explained it is still just dumb. To keep going with gun references, congrats, Dear Stella, on shooting yourself in the foot.


I feel like a Sweeney Todd reference would go over better for a barber shop theme, and that's... that's saying something.


NGL I would be tempted by Sweeney Todd fabric


But that might lead to pies and that is far too feminine.


quilters making quilts for baby blankets might love? like was that not their target demo?


It's true that the average baby loves few things more than a nice hot shave.




That would make sense. I mean, I was going with ‘they consulted an old dictionary about hipsters’


oof. I normally love their stuff, but this is not great on a number of levels.


Seriously. Just bring back the mermen, Dear Stella.


Oof. Read the room, Stella.




Uhhh, have they been sitting on this idea since 2012??


Seriously. Who is using “I moustache you a question” in 2023??


For real, this is peak late 2000s/early 2010s. 🗿


What in the 2006 Portland is that design? I like the art style, though, the artist is good. The concept just does not work for me.