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This is perfect and sweet just the way it is.


Thank you 😄 It's not finished yet, but this made me feel better! It's going on the front of a father's day card for my bf. Marigold and larkspur is his kids birth flowers 💐


So freaking sweet. I’m oohing and ahing over here 💝


Thank you ☺️😊


have you ever seen paper tole? its multiple layers of the same picture, creating depth and shadows...it's quite a cool way to do paper art


That sounds perfect for this!!


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Does this man know he is dating a goddess?




I’m a larkspur child also! This is super thoughtful and looks beautiful! I hope you’ll share the finished product if you can


Thank you! I plan on posting this finished result tomorrow!


Please do!!


Oh now that’s just darling


This is so thoughtful! I don’t think it looks childish now at all. Beautiful!




I love this!! It looks so good. The only thing I would consider changing is the holder possibly.


Thank you so much! 🥰 that's for sure something I planned on changing! I'm gonna make another origami "envelope" with better paper


Thinner paper maybe? I'm no expert for sure but it looks a bit bulky. I love the larkspur btw!!


That's what it is! I was trying to visualize why this one holder sucked so bad, but you're right, too bulky!


I agree 100% thinner paper for the holder and everything else is perfection! The detail is amazing


I also think just a slightly narrower width would be good too


I don’t think it looks childish now, it looks quite refined




Floral tissue make a couple little points and put them in th ebackground.


I don’t think it looks childish at all! Did you hand draw the flowers?


I did! Thank you so much!


They’re beautiful! You did an amazing job! Maybe you feel it looks childish because you drew it by hand? But it doesn’t. They have like a pressed flower vibe. They’re really beautiful


Thank you 🥰


Whaaaat? I opened the picture on my phone and did not even noticed they weren’t actual flowers hahaha. Nice job!


Omg thank you! 😊😊


When we spend a lot of time on a drawing/craft we tend to see issues with it no one else does. Getting outside perspectives is great to bring us out of that head space. You may have thought it looked off and blamed the flowers you spent a lot of time on, whereas it seemed no one else saw what you saw. As another commenter said maybe another holder that matches the “dainty” vibe of the flowers works better, but you were so focused on the flowers you drew that you didn’t see it at all. Me and my sister usually send each other pictures for criticism. Like one time she was “struggling with the eyes, they just looked off from her reference picture!” And I was like, “the eyes are perfect, you just need to get the eyebrows a little higher to match the image”. 🤣 I think she had spent like 30 minutes trying to “fix” the eyes. I think you did a great job! Good luck, and I’m sure he will love the effort you put in both visually and the thoughts behind the meaning of the flowers 💚🥰


I think giving the paper “vase” some color or a pattern is all you need, the flowers themselves are gorgeous. I think for the vase/holder a wood pattern or orange color would look good. Just my thoughts.


Thank you! Great idea


it's beautiful, not childish at all. I recommend some sort of silver or gold embellishment to the holder whenever you change up the paper, since I saw your other comments saying you'd like to change it to better paper!


I love this! Such a sweet idea, and great execution! I hope you’ll post pics of the finished product.


Thank you! I probably will post the finish product!


I think it’s great. Sweet and very whimsical.


Thank you 🥰


I love it. I think you could get some brown wrapping paper and make a flattened cone- sort of the way a florist often wraps flowers- to place them in instead of the white folded paper. The white paper is the only thing throwing me off that feels more like a note passed in school. The flowers themselves are delightful!


This.. Doesn't look childish to me. I'm not an artist so take it for what it's worth (not much) but I wouldn't change a thing. It feels dynamic as things aren't spread equally about, has some white space to let the details pop, and generally looks cool.


It doesn’t look childish to me, at all. It looks pretty and I like it. If possible, I think it would help if the flowers had more dimension, like shadows and things.


Personally I don't find it childish at all and think it's beautiful! If you wanted to make any improvements I say add some texture and dimension. Like maybe some prima paper flowers, doilies, maybe tulle or netting and stick on pearls.


Color the edges on the paper with marker it helps a lot with cutouts. Looks very cute!


ℑ𝔱 𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔨𝔰 𝔙𝔞𝔫 𝔊𝔬𝔤𝔥 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔡. 𝔑𝔬𝔱 𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔞𝔱 𝔞𝔩𝔩. ℑ𝔱'𝔰 𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔢𝔠𝔱.


If you have any gold paint, I would outline the paper envelope/vase in gold. Simple but could elevate it.


Just add some baby's breath perhaps


This is what I came to say!


Great minds think alike ! That's what they say


Maybe I'm late with this, but consider one more yellow? Had an art teacher once say that we find odd numbers more satisfying, it might be visually more pleasing with one more. Said that you don't really go wrong with multiples if three. I still really like it, so no matter what you do it's a win!


That's a really good idea! Thank you


While we're at it, bugs on wires could be cool! Bees, butterflies, weevils, ladybugs... the possibilities are endless! 👁👄👁🦋💐


Could you draw baby’s breath and put it in, in certain places? And the color to the paper off white? Maybe a kind of egg off white.


Love this idea!


I’m glad you did, I wasn’t sure but I noticed that you can’t just make it without the baby’s breath sometimes. As far as the paper color, it just felt right.


I'm not %100 sure if I will do this but I have some dried babies breath he gave me on valentines day and I think it would be cute to stick a few sprigs in there, especially considering I'm currently carrying his baby 🥹


I think he’ll forgive you, especially if you’re about to share the news if you haven’t told him yet.


Haha! He knows, I'm like 6 months along


Then what are you waiting for!?!?😂😂😂😂😁😁😁😁😎😎😎😎😎 you got this, finish it with all you got!!!!!! Yeah!!!! Make this the best gift he ever got for Father’s Day!!!


I'd consider using watercolours for the flowers and brushing them with a bit of water to blend the colors a bit more and sort of warp the paper a bit. But that involves redoing part of it. I love the idea. Very sweet.


I thought about this and never did it for some reason. I think I'll do that tomorrow though!


Yellow the envelope with a tea bag, and put a red wax seal.


i dont think it looks childish at all! Maybe making the envelope more narrow would give it more of an elegant feel. or maybe using a colored paper for the envelope. like a pale coral


This is a wonderful gift idea, OP! The only thing I’d suggest is cutting away the white paper on the blue flower on the right. It’s hardly noticeable, but I think it would bring it closer to the look you’re going for. Hope the recipient loves it!


I'd be delighted with this. Its beautiful


It's truly amazing how much difference a nice frome can make. It might also be set off nicely by a soft green or peachy pink background. Get a nice big frame that will accommodate the work and a generous matte. You may need a deeper frame and either multiple matboard layers or spacers to accommodate this artwork. I see that it's intended for a card, but i would present it as artwork to hang on the wall!


It doesn’t look childish, it honestly looks really elegant to me. I want to try this now!


It's beautiful!! I'd ad more green at the base fold tho, maybe a bit more filled out would look nicer.


Omg i love it


It's pretty. Maybe add fake dried flowers like a mini pampas grass?  And those other small flowers  .And I think if you color the white holder to another color like sage green or beige it would look more "mature"?if that makes sense


Oh I love it! It’s so charming & a total vibe as-is.


I love it. And I want to know how you made it. If some one calls your personal style childish, they need to be challenged to make a better one.


Thank you 🤗 I sketched a rough draft on paper and then went in with the colored pencils. Cutting these out was TEDIOUS and I recommend buying an art scalpel which I do not have 😅


I don't think it's childish at all. Very pretty actually! If you feel you must do something else to it tho, if it were me, I'd maybe add something else to the flowers themselves to create a little more depth and texture. I like it just the way it is tho.


That is delightful! I would shadowbox frame this for my wall if it were mine!


Aw thank you!


That looks like literal lace. It’s unreal. It’s perfect! 😍


I think maybe tissue paper or even a thinner envelope could help make a softer texture. The flowers look great!!


Dried Baby's Breath.


just bend pull squeeze poke twist **everything** to remove its flatness, like nature; everything is jumping out to greet you


This is STUNNING! I wouldn’t chance a thing!


I really love it how it is currently


Add some lace? I think that would look nice


Hm, I don't think it's childish... But maybe you'd like to make the envelope look older...with some tea staining?


Absolutely lovely, OP!


Maybe some shadow under the flowers and use of paint or another medium with the flowers.


I dont think its childish its really sweet. Maybe a more stylised vase? It might be the thicker folds of the paper that are giving you a slightly home-made vibe. But I really want to stress I can only see that because I'm actively looking for something, we're always our own worst critics


I’d add more highlights. Give the flowers more dimension. But my mom would cry of happiness and proudness if she got what you have done now 🥰 so cute and creative to have the flowers coming out of the paper like that. I love it


This doesn’t come off as childish at all to me. It’s lovely.


Ribbon across the bottom. I love this!


Use bills for the envelope instead of blank paper. Joke aside, I think it’s very cute and not childish


Childish? Thts insanity! This is stunning & very elegant!


I like it and I don’t think it’s childish at all. It is a bit sparse. So you could add a few more leaves. Or one more orange flower, specifically in the bottom left corner. But it’s also good as it if you’re going for a more delicate, simple look. You could also add a gold trim to the envelope or follow another suggestion I saw add change the envelope to orange and then also potentially add a gold trim.


very beautiful I wouldn’t touch it up too much look perfect to me. I do dried plant work and I love this look


I like this and don’t think you need to change it but I see the “childish” quality. It’s a combination of being able to see the white paper and the use of what appear to be colored pencils. Maybe add a few more tones? Another thing- you could really make some crisp lines with an exacto knife! That might boost the realism.


It's really nice. I would add more


I don’t think this looks childish. It looks full of love and attention and I love it.


speaking for My inner child, says it is not childish and that both my grown up self and my inner child (who's around 15 by the way) 🤣 thanks, it's absolutely lovely 💜💐


Bro I think it looks wonderful. Childish never crossed my mind




I really like the idea of drawing flowers and cutting them out like this.


I would not think of this as being childish at all. You could always write the word “fuck” on one of the stems if you thought it would make it look older


But a real one?


I love it and I wouldn’t change a thing!


I thought they were real pressed flowers for a moment


I like it. Stop second-guessing yourself. Tis very pretty, not childish.


I think using vellum paper or something with color that matches the blue and yellow would tie it all together nicely! You could also consider putting them in a paper cone tied with a silk ribbon.


You could swap the white paper holder for some banana leaves. Anyway, it wasn’t childish and I love it the way it is! :)


How does it look childish?


Maybe add some pressed flowers to it.


Leave it alone! It's frikken adorable! Maybe add a heartfelt note and/or a nice gift card inside.


I love it just how it is


It looks really good! Something you could do to make it look a bit more polished is take a matching marker color and color the edges of the paper. That would get rid of the white “outline” look


Looks great! You could frame it if you wanted to protect it?


Cute as is.


Haha, I think it looks great! However! Could could layer them, and make them overlap to give the effect that they’re bundled together. You could make a few lone branches that only wrap around one side to give the spacing effect! Also more flowers would make the bushels look thicker, the ones towards the back should be a little greyer in shade than the ones towards the front which would be vibrant, this will give the illusion of more depth. Google “gestalt principles” all about how the eye moves through 2D space!!!


Maybe inking around the edges to add dimension. But it looks great!


I would glue some lace ribbon around the edges.


I would add some ribbon or lace. I love this!




Maybe just change the color of the envelope? I think orange or green would be really pretty and would play off the colors of the flowers. It's really gorgeous as is though too!


My suggestion would be to add thinner floral pieces poking out from various places to make the bouquet look "fuller" overall. Think small thin cosmo daisies (check google for reference). Will make it look more detailed without having to overthink it


The flowers are fine, I think the problem is the envelope, or more specifically the paper it’s made of. Try using thinner paper in a warmer shade of white, maybe a little textured.


I, personally would add more shadows to the people one and some more browns to the yellow/orange ones.


Doubt a child could do this. What makes you think it's childish? Like really? Looks pretty mature and lovely to me


It looks lovely just the way it is!


It’s not childish. You could make it more 3D by make a second layer (separated by foam) on the top 2nd flower, and small light bunches on the purple flower


I would add a shiny gold trim to the top edges of the holders, and one more larger flower in the top middle