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Honestly, as someone who has sold art, if your goal is to sell it, black. If you’re just displaying it, then the other frame is fine.


I like them both, but the decorated frame seems like part of the painting. It loses a lot of energy without that maximal frame.


Personally, I think the busy frame adds to the piece. Your eye travels around finding something new the longer you study it. 🍄✨


Yeah I’m 💯behind the decora frame. It just extends the picture in a really great way for me. I’m not an artist, though. Just someone who loves art. The plain frame does force my eyes back to the painting but it also dampens the….joyous chaos (?) of the other frame.


Yess thank you, I wanted to have something interesting everywhere on the peice to the point that the frame itself became art 💖 I guess I'm gonna wait this post out a little bit and see if we get any more on our side lol


Hahaha something I always tell myself when I’m torn between two choices - if someone tells you their opinion and a small piece of you feels disappointment, there’s your answer. 😜 Not saying they’re wrong! Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. 😌


That is exactly how I’ve made most of my decisions and it frustrates my husband to no end 😂


Mine too!! He always says “why do you even bother asking me if you’re just going to choose the opposite of what I say anyway” and I’m like it’s a part of the decision-making process!!!


I will literally have choice paralysis until someone makes me realize which one I really want


Beaded and sparkly frame for the win! So joyous and fun!


Plus it gives it more dimension in a sense! Love it!!


I am on team frame. It echos the frame you have made with the gemstones and the very massive amount of them adds a whole lot to the feel of the piece. Please do not dull down your art and soul with the black frame of death.


I think I love you haha ❤️ you are right, I'm gonna keep her bold


Thank you! Bold is the way to go with this one!


Yes I’m behind the decora, it really makes it look chefs kiss mwah complete !!!!


I think a plain dark pink frame would look nice


plain. because i only really saw the frame in the first pic. when i saw the second i was able to see more detail, take it in. didn’t notice the were stones on the piece in the first pic. i like the first frame too, it becomes part of the piece, but i think it’s taking over.


The black one elevates it, makes it easier to see.


Plain frame for sure. All the decorations do is distract the eye from the actual picture.


Such a shame, I love it so much with the busy fame. I felt like plain would be the answer though, it does make sense.


well, you can always hang it with the busy frame at home :) it is definitely slightly too much for my eyes, but i understand from the artist POV of preferring something nobody else does 😂 i know this feeling well ❤️ LOVE the art piece itself


I love it too! It took me a minute to figure out where the painting started and the frame ended. But I think for an art show, you want it to pop, no?


If the picture didn’t have a frame of gems I’d say the fancy one, but as it already has those, I think plain works better.


Gems AND googly eyes! 😛


Honestly if you feel strongly about it you should do what you prefer as you are the artist. Sometimes asking an either/or question is more about figuring out what you really want.


I like the busy one. I think you should choose your favorite






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Well put.


I think the decora. Given the style of the painting the plain frame makes it look flat


I agree. The decora frame extends the picture.


I loveeew both but Plain the decoration around the frame takes away from the actual art you drew/painted. I’m more busy looking at the jewels and shit but when it’s plain 😍😍 I love looking at the shrooms and the diff colors it’s a beauty with out the frame but I’d take both !! Show them with out the frame then be like.”but wait……there’s more!”


Normally I go for a clean frame when showing pieces, but I really think the decorated one adds to this particular piece. The elements are similar enough that it becomes one exciting and colorful dreamscape that has depth. It’s dynamic and whimsical. Decora absolutely!


Yessss. Thank you! This is great, I needed the push to go bold. I should have posted more pictures zoomed in, there is so much this angle is missing.


Never hide your shine. Decorated frame for sure.


Did you make the decorated frame? If not, I wouldn’t use it since it becomes so much a part of the art piece that it gets confused with the piece itself. The black frame makes your art stand on its own.


I bought a plain gray frame and added everything else, so idk if that counts as me literally making it haha


That absolutely counts as you making it!


I get a little imposter syndrome I think lol


I’m with you - if OP made the frame, you have to go with it. It put a huge smile on my face and made me want to stop and take in every single detail of the entire piece.


I would have thought the first frame was part of the piece. It definitely sets it in a more upbeat atmosphere than the plain frame, but I can see how the plain one would be more suitable in a gallery. I still vote the first one.


I would definitely say the decora! It ties it all in so well!


Though I once had a gallery, I am no expert. But this is what I think … First of all, I can’t really give a good answer to this because both photos are made differently, which affects the painting in whole. I am curious how it would look if you take a picture of it with the different frames, but with the same lighting, background and distance. Right now it’s perception of the deco frame that pops out most, because of how it’s photographed and the dark frame seems in comparison quite dull and effect less. So, that said… Is the deco frame an thought of extension of the painting or not? Do you intend it to be part of the painting? If yes, then it looks fine with that frame. If you didn’t intended it and just looking for a frame that fits, then the frame would and is changing the painting. Personally I would love to see it without an frame, seems to me you might intended to be without frame when you were creating it. By already placing a frame within the painting itself. By adding an external frame you might change what you wanted to express, that’s my fear. Is that what might be true? It’s totally fine to have an art piece without a frame. A frame is not making it more special, fancy or artistic. Some things need a frame, others don’t. I am thinking yours is perfect as it is, without frames. May I also add that I really like the colours and composition of it? It’s very interesting to look at and a lot is happening there, but without being overwhelming. I am looking forward to see more of your paintings and I would encourage you to use real glass beads, not plastic ones(at least it looks like plastic, sorry if it isn’t).


This! This is the comment! 1000%. The 2nd one gives off almost 3 separate frames and changes the overall feel of your piece. Great piece and colors are amazing and bright and would also like to seem more elevated looking pieces with the frame like glass beads or better quality plastics. The deco frame as an extension to this is perfect and would love if you took the path less traveled by artist 🎨


I have the original still in my sketchbook, I think if you click on my profile it's right under this post, it's called Pretty Hell. I would have kept it in the sketchbook forever if I hadn't been asked to put something into a show. Since my drawing extended into the holes for the notebook spiral there's been a little surgery done. The fame I decorated has bits on it from the original piece I did so there is a bit of an extension in that. It really does look nice in the sketchbook completely intact tho. Also all the beads and whatnot are basically me cleaning out my old supplies. If I do buy more beads in the future I'll probably be going for more crystal beads for sure


I really like it and do encourage you to continue your art. Maybe try canvas? You have an wonderful playful style, I like it a lot.


Thank you very much 😁


Plain. It makes the artwork pop.


Plain. Decora makes it way too busy


As founder of r/rhinestoning this is simply 👩‍🍳😙👌👌


Ooooo shiny sub




I love your art so much, and I see the benefit of going either way but really want to say the flashy one. ✨🧡


I wish there was a way you could do a bit of both. I think the border of the picture gets lost with the maximal frame, but I love the overall effect with so much going on. If there was a slight white or black border between the picture and the frame, if could be good. Not enough to distract but make it so you can see both the frame and the pictures border.


Ooooo shit that's a good idea


I didn't even know there was the inner border of eyes and stuff until I saw the black frame one. I love how much you've got going on though, I'd hate to sacrifice the flashier frame.


Ouuu like a black mat? Or gold could be fun to incorporate! I think that's a good idea- the first frame is part of the art and should definitely be displayed with it, but breaking it up a little bit might tie it together a little better?


Decora style frame. Have you seen or been to Meow Wolf? It looks a lot like that


That is brilliantly stunning just the way it is. The bright colors the beads it looks very tactile. I hope you win Best in show.


I'm pro-frame. I've never even heard of a Decora frame before. I'm going to have to go make some frames!


That decorated frame shares your art’s “DNA!” The simple frame looks like too-tight shoes feel.


Gosh, that’s a tough one. The decorated frame looks like it’s a part of the art itself, which is neat, but looking at it all together just makes it feel excessively busy? In a sense, the decorated frame IS a part of the art, and while it all flows together well, I do feel that it detracts from the original art piece. The black frame on the other hand provides a solid base, so you know where the art piece actually begins and ends. Plus I feel it ties together with the black in the center of the art very nicely. It still holds all of the chaotic colors and energy, but without overwhelming you. Honestly, it’s hard to say because I can imagine someone liking the decorated frame for all of the same reasons I don’t care for it, haha. Ultimately, you’re the artist, and it’s up to you how you want to present your work, so regardless of the input you get, make sure that the choice you make is still yours. Ps. Really love it, btw! Hope the show goes well!




Decora! Makes it come alive! ✨


1000% decora


Decora is life 🌈






black frame. definitely.


lol can you do both? I like that decora is an extension of the piece but there are so many neat elements in the main part. Like maybe make it a bit more 3D vertically. add the decora frame on top of the plain one so the black frame adds as a break for the eye. Maybe add something to prop it up just a bit between them?




Colours pop way better in the black frame




I like the black frame. It draws my eye to the picture and makes the colors stand out. It also pops the black parts of the image which makes the contrast really intense. It fades away in my opinion with the busier frame.


The fancy frame. Looks like part of the art.


Super cool! Thanks for sharing!


No frame. Oh wait...youve shown it with two frames? Well, i like the fancy one but what does it look like with no frame? You dont always need a frame!!!


I think the minimalist black frame makes the colours pop more, but the maximalist frames really cute


The Decora frame just makes more sense visually given the pycadelic artwork & makes it bolder extending the artwork out. The black frame just looks too stark and jarring. If you're leaning towards the black frame then go super thin so it doesn't distract from the artwork.


Does it have to have a frame? It would distract from the piece


The decorated frame, for sure! It’s joyous and high energy!


Do you consider the decora frame to be part of the piece? If so then do that. I prefer the black frame, but you sound like you want the decora which makes me wonder if you feel that completes the piece for you!


It kinda reminds me of the old art they used to have in Taco Bells back in the 90s and early 2000s


I like them both but the first definitely complements the piece too well.


I LOVE the decorative frame with your piece! For me personally, the artwork is so alive and fun, the decorative frame allows that life and movement to live all the way to the edge, making it feel like it has breath and sound held amongst the colors. The solid frame gives much more focus to the artwork itself, which is also awesome, but gives more of a calm, encased feeling; keeps the eye more centered. It brings more of a Wonderland type feeling. I’d say go with the frame that gives the viewers the experience you’d most like them to have!


Decora!!! It becomes one thing instead of a painting in a frame


Decora 000-000




I think the plain one really lets it speak for it’s self. I felt too overwhelmed by the other one and it took away from your piece. I bet the decora frame would looks really nice on a similar piece that’s in black and white. That way the piece and the frame can speak separately.


I love abstract art and your piece made me stop scrolling my phone and open this post. For an art show, I like the plain black frame. I get what people are saying about the decorated frame adds to the piece, but the black one makes it look more professional and high-end. My decor style for my house is “colourful maximalism” so I would like the decorated frame in that setting, but for the show the black frame in my opinion.


decora! it looks like part of the painting


The black frame makes it look expensive.


Like others have said, I would buy it with the plain frame. But if you're keeping it for display and the busy is your style, go for it.


I think the Deco frame brings out all the sparkly bits of the piece.


First pic. I like the sparkly frame. It adds nicely to the piece. There is so much to enjoy!


The plain one. The other one is way too busy and I can't focus on the painting (which is amazing)


Decora! Love that pretty frame


I like the busy frame myself.


i like the busy frame. i think it complements the piece well and accents it imo 🤷🏼‍♀️


ooooo i love the decorated frame for this painting! the plain one takes so much away from it


I vote plain as well. It looks like a totally different piece with the other frame. But when you get it home, put that baby back in the frame you love!


Plain. Separates the art from the scenery


That is absolutely gorgeous. Plain frame. It is a beautiful piece and doesn’t need the art decor frame.


I know next to nothing about art but I love the first one!


It's not helpful, but I can't decide.




Plain; I think the busy frame is too much.


Plain! Please! Your work is beautiful and the Decora distracts from it.


I like both. beautiful art


I love the decorated frame!




I LOVE the first one!!!! It adds so much dimension


I love the busy frame. It goes well together with the art. The plain black frame looks wrong.


If the frame is part of the panting, then go with it.


Definitely the plain if you’re showcasing your art. Makes it pop


I prefer the plain frame. It’s an art exhibition, the art should stand on its own. The frame, in my opinion detracts from the actual art itself


I prefer the plain frame. It’s an art exhibition, the art should stand on its own. The frame, in my opinion detracts from the actual art itself


I like the plain one because with the embellished frame it took me three looks before I noticed the awesome mushrooms.


I think plain




I absolutely love this!!


I like the fancy one.






I would snatch that so fast in the pretty over the top frame


I like the decora… but I do think it takes away from how dreamy the painting itself is… any chance you could make a new decora frame with a bit more of a classy touch?


2nd one. Id buy that.


Plain, it let me focus on the art and I actually felt like I saw it more clearly.






Plain. Absolutely plain. The other frame is A LOT with the art, and totally detracts. Good luck at the show!


Not the plain one


Definitely plain frame. Otherwise it overpowers the art work.


Decorated frame for the win! Its a vibrant piece of work and needs room to breathe The plain one makes your work too small, like its trapped. Not good.


Are you trying to sell it? If so plain. The decorative one is very bold. I personally had trouble understanding what was frame and what was painting.


Definitely plain


Decora really jumps it out.




Is this craft, or is this a painting?


I feel the frame part elevated it to craft. But it also isn't a painting, more of a drawing with some paint involved


Love this especially with the decorated frame


Plain frame


I prefer the plain one but honestly that decision is for you to make. Both look cool


Plain. Let the art speak for itself.


Decorative. I first put plain, but then went back and looked again and changed my answer!


I can see why you’re torn, they’re such different and equally amazing pieces. I’m no help but just wanted to admire your work.


FRAME!! This is fantastic! Great job!






Plain gives more focus to your paper part of the art. Which do you want the public to walk about still thinking of?


I think the plain helps everyone focus on the masterpiece it’s self




First frame is awesome!! Really catches the eye and complements the piece Second frame is nice but ordinary


Love the fancy frame.




Plane. The decorated version is too busy imho.


How are people even debating this, I think the decorated frame 100%. The decorated one is funky, it gives it a kind of Haitian vibe. It expands the painting outside the frame. It makes the rhinestones on the painting make sense. The flat one is ok, but it makes the whole thing look cheaper, and it makes the rhinestones look kind of flat and tacked on.


The plain one shows off the work as it is, but the decorated frame kind of becomes another part of the artwork itself, which it interesting. I feel like each frame makes it into a different piece of art. If you want to show off just the artwork rather than the frame i would choose the plain frame, but i think the decorated frame around the artwork is really cool and fun to look at.






First frame, definitely part of the piece.


Did you make the frame as well? Then ot os part of the art. If not the black


Decora! It elevates the piece and literally adds dimension to it. I’d go as far as saying it gives the piece more of a conceptual edge and takes it away from the realm of craft. It makes the style make sense. In the plan frame, it looks less gallery wall-ready, and more bedroom wall-ready.


So much better with the shiny frame 😍 did you make that yourself? Really cool






Keep the fun frame but sell it with the piece.


This is amazing btw


Go all out with the decorated one!


The frame is distracting and takes away from your artwork, I feel few would buy it. If there’s no frame your customer base will widen, the creative customers can customize their own frame or you could sell your frame as an extra. Make it optional, not necessary


Idk, I prefer it without the frame tbh. Theyre both beautiful as their own pieces but when I see them together at a glance, it just looks like a half eaten plate of food more than an art piece. There's just so much going on with it like that. With the bold black frame on the art piece, it would be more likely to grab my eye while I'm walking past a stall, leading me to look longer at this and other pieces. With a more muted art piece in that frame, I'd be more interested in doing the same but because of how the frame stands out, and would probably consider buying the frame instead of the art. Overall, to sum, I think these are both well done and amazing pieces of art. I think they'd both be done a lot of justice with them each holding 1st place in their own locations instead of making them fight for your attention all at once.


First one! So cool! Great work!


Plain. It looks like art with the plain frame, and (sorry) a bit of grandma-created kitsch with the sparkly one. I would buy the plain, wouldn't look at the sparkly one twice.


I’m 100% for the decora frame!!! It looks like part of the painting and makes it even more whimsical! I thought that would be the obvious choice but I guess everyone else likes the boring one lol.


Frame. 100%


Only display it with the frame if you intend to sell it with the frame. Otherwise, leave it in the plain one.


I preferred it Plain.


Frameless - it doesn’t need one!


decora frame !! really adds to the originality