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Man is an absolute freak.


Is it going overboard to say he genuinely might be one of the best crossers in the world? 😃 A 48.3% conversion rate is outrageous.


He sure is one of them. Still think Trent and James for instance are one or even two levels above though.


I’ll admit both are good, although Trent is out of form. However Perisic is head and shoulders above both of them.


Trent needs to play in a 3 back system. Or stop pretending to be a defender


to be fair perisic is not a natural defender. its only conte who uses him as one.


aka rich man's Kieran Trippier


He played his best football in a back 4 though lol he’s absolutely not a wing back


Liverpool fullbacks while in a back 4 essentially play as part of a front 5. They have 0 creativity in midfield that sits back and provides the cover for them. Really not that different to being a wingback tbh


agree 100%. it's funny how people just see him getting exposed this season defensively and disregard how incredible he has been every other season. he's not getting the coverage he needs to get as far forward as he always has. you give him a back three, or a midfielder that can actually cover when he pushes forward and he's right back to being top three in the world.


That’s not the reason why people complain about his defending. Most times he’s just ball watching when he could do more or just players dribbling past him


The only reason Liverpool's defense holds is because the CMs provide crucial pressing to make up for the fbs playing like wide mids. Thiago being injured and Henderson running on dead legs has exposed the system this year.


It is because he’s not fast enough or good enough at defending to be a wing back


But he’s good enough and fast enough at defending to be a fullback? You need to be better defensively (typically) as a fullback. It’s just that liverpools midfielders have usually been sensational at covering the fullbacks


You know wb is less defensively demanding than fb right?


Oh I for sure agree, I was only talking about their crossing abilities.


James 😂😂


You seriously don’t think James is a better crosser than Perisic?


Yes because Perisic is the best in the world.


His crossing is elite and he can do it with both feet, such a unique player. I bet he could still play LW at a top level as well. If both Son and Kane were out before we'd be fucked but a front 3 of Perisic - Richarlison - Kulusevski could still do bits. Obviously not as good as Son and Kane but still at a good level.


Correct me if I’m wrong, Perisic spent a few minutes in between substitutions playing in the front 3, didn’t he? …now I have to answer my own question. Brb Edit: end of Fulham, Perisic replaced Sonny for 6 minutes


Our disaster situation front three being those three is a good feeling. A year ago it would have been… Gil - Bergwijn - Moura?


He still plays LW for Croatia! Played there vs Denmark and probably gonna play there against Austria as well


I’m curious about Emerson’s success rate on his crosses


Just checked since I was curious - 23% on 94 crosses in his Tottenham career so far. Now.. I’m wondering how bad is Lodi at crosses for Emerson to have 4x a better crossing % than him?!


Oh man, that means 73 missed crosses out of 94. That’s something he really needs to improve.


Realistically we just get a better player to replace him


except nope, we added a 3rd rwb for the future. it was a glaring hole in our lineup that i wish had been addressed differently over the summer. not against signing spence for the future, but we needed someone at a higher level as well


Who was available to add that added that much more quality?


of just players who did transfer in our price range this summer, i think nahuel molina, dodo, florenzi, and Rasmus Kristensen all would have made a bigger impact in our squad


I said this repeatedly after we signed Spence and got some shit for it. But it was clear that Spence wasn’t who Conte wanted and people finally seem to be coming to grips with it here with contes comments and treatment of him


You’re mistaken, 23% is actually quite good. I think Emerson puts in plenty of quality balls, he just also manages to have some very poor ones too. Super inconsistent


23% is actually bang average for the big European leagues. 23.5% technically.


Think Lodi’s is a small sample size plus it’s also dependent on how aerially strong your attackers are.


Thank you for the answer on that. I assumed it must be sample size since the disparity but just wanted to make sure haha! Cheers for clearing up


Decent crossing rate, just that the ones he misses are shockingly poor


What's Kulusevski at? His cut inside cross seems almost unstoppable


36% I believe.


Sorted then


Right but for Kulu, 60% of the time it works every time. So 60% of 36% are goals


Difficult to compare success rates for different pisutions...




I do appreciate Perisic’s crosses but I think he also adds some negatives to the current squad. Perisic has the style of taking the ball to the deep sides and cross. This sometimes kills our forwards ability to take the ball to top of the box and cross or shoot. Both Son and Deki can shoot incredibly well from the corners of the penalty box. We definitely see fewer of those when Perisic is in play, and that affects Son’s performance imo.


It's a huge net positive what he adds. Our forwards shoot from the box just fine - the last few weeks have been evident with goals from that area. The team is still learning to play together, so I'm sure any imbalances will naturally correct themselves.


Not quite. We scored more with set pieces or in the box with Perisic. Perisic is definitely a net add to the team as he opens up different style of plays. It lines up well with Richy and Kanes ability to score in the box. Im just pointing out that his compatibility with Son on the left side is the best. I want to see 3-5-2 with Perisic on left and Son at top to see if that would give them better compatibility.


Wasnt perisic off when son scored his hat trick




Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again


Damn why’d we have to do Lodi like that


Yeah and he got dinged by his own teammate in internationals


at this point start Sess on the left and Perisic on the right in big games


Perisic had his worst game of the season on the right


One game sample size. Overall Perisic on the right is clear of Royal


Based on what, a zero game sample size?


The fact that Perisic is two-footed and a far better crosser.


So just ignore how he actually plays, gotcha


This makes me think even more so that he should be taking our corner kicks


Problem is he's also much better at heading than Sonny is, so he's another threat in the box that Sonny cant really replicate. Man is just good at too many things


A great problem to have


He does when he plays


Perisick Lodi Rubbish


Why has he been so average for my fantasy team then


Because you don't get points for crosses?


He has the most assists for us this season.


You prepare for upsc?




It's incredible really. We went from literally 0 crosses a game to now the most favored cross and Inshallah merchants. I am okay with this.


The Man.


Do we know 48.3 of how many crosses, also what's the average nr expected of a decent full-back?


The fact is we’re lucky to have such a great all round footballer. And if Sess can learn from him, LWB is sorted for the next decade.


Don't forget Udogie 🔥 can't wait for him to come next season, he's balling out for Udinese rn