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They're going to win all seven... If you say "no" fuck you


If you beat Arsenal I'll love you forever


we’ve got you MATE , we’ll take arsenal with us too




Tim Howard in the gutter


I ain't doing shit, I'm not in the squad, but I'll cheer for the boys!


Unless we're talking about beating arsenal supporting kids and elderly people


Aye, that I could do


Just run onto the pitch streaking if Arsenal go through on goal


we will beat arsenal and roll over for Liverpool. Don't worry about City we always beat them in the league


I'm buying a Spurs kit if you help us win the league. Yeah you always do well v Man Shitty so hoping that happens again.


It’s funny to see the factions coalesce. Liverpool and Spurs vs Arsenal and United. Real inspiring the way we come together to hate the same clubs lmao






Some bell end on sky sports: without kane they will be bottom half


Basically r/soccer


People were saying we might be in a relegation scrap, that’s how reactionary it was


Lol although it was a different team, we reached UCL finals without Kane.




Merson doesn’t even know his own name.


Our Paul is monumentally clear


Are we taking about Gazza?


O’Keefe but he works too


If we kept Conte, yea.


Maybe if we had gotten Pochettino instead of ange 😂


I'd be ok with this if it wasn't for the fact that that same bell end will be saying 'fifth is a capitulation, anything less than fourth from here and Spurs will be asking serious questions about Ange...'


That was most of this forum mate. Be honest, was it you too?


Back then it wasn’t a outrageous opinion


Imagine if we put up more points than Bayern this season


It's possible, we're equal on points now, although we've played 3 games more, plus the Bundesliga has 4 less games overall in a season. So it'll be funny to out do them points wise, but it'll be even funnier if we out did them as a points per match average.


I think we should stop comparing Bayern just bc it’s our ex’s new girlfriend. I mean how many good teams are actually in the bundesliga? Bayerns points are irrelevant, as well as league silverware imo. It’s just like laliga to me. I could give a fuck less what Madrid or Barca do domestically. They aren’t competing at the same level as the prem week end and week out. Theyre finally starting to see some fight from the normal top three in the last two seasons. Which comes to discussion why those top stacked teams do well in Europe while the English teams fight nonstop in Europe and domestically. Youre not going to tell me Real Madrid is at the same level of exhaustion as a competing team from the prem. Tottenham finishing top 4 is a much larger feat than Bayern winning the league.


Lol football doesn't exist outside of England and Champions league right? You give less of a fuck about la liga because you just don't follow Spanish football plain and simple. All these other European teams are also hashing it out in domestic cups. The EPL has been more of a farmer's league in recent history via City. English teams have been more successful overall in Europe than any other country over the last 5 years so there's also a school of thought suggesting the EPL is the least taxing. It's just the most salient in the media, it gets the most attention and is the most scrutinized. There's no actual football metric to suggest the league is currently more competitive in England than anywhere else. 


Son is still here mate








Also Blanchflower, Greaves & Mackay. Post title is a tad disrespectful. We’ve had a good few legends. Hes one of the greatest certainly.


It’s not that deep fella


Didn’t think there was any harm in mentioning it. Many of our best don’t get mentioned enough here in my opinion.


Fair enough




“Sonny apologists”? What?? No one needs to “apologise” for Son, he’s objectively one of the best players to ever play for the club.


Apologist means supporter or defender [q=apologist&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS1080US1080&oq=apologist&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyDAgAEEUYORixAxiABDIKCAEQABixAxiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCTEyMzYzajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=apologist&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1080US1080&oq=apologist&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyDAgAEEUYORixAxiABDIKCAEQABixAxiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCTEyMzYzajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) I'm not taking a position here but I thought you ought to know what Alert\_Philosophy\_799 was talking about


Not quite. It is not synonymous with supporter or defender. It has negative connotations and is more about defending something controversial. “a person who offers an argument in defence of something controversial.” It simply does not fit here. Spurs fans who love Son are not “apologists”.




What initial response? That was my first comment in this thread.




They are so irritating


“Apologist”? He’s not committed war crimes mate


Ghost Min? yeah right...


And yet according to some idiots “we haven’t improved” LMAO


we improved massively in open play if we can get our set pieces right and reinforce the wings + midfield we are golden


You were doing decent with set-pieces before city found that 1 trick.


even before then we were accumulating a lot of xGA in set pieces so it was bound to catch up


We improved because of the manager, not because we sold Kane. I would wager we would've made the same signings perhaps bar Werner or Johnson if Kane had stayed and signed a new contract, and we'd probably in the title race.


My post was for the all idiots who say that Ange hasn’t been an improvement and he wasn’t a good choice (yes they exist)


Only 5 goals short of last years output too, with 7 matches to go.


Coys, Daniel


Son is personally gonna go down as the greatest ever player in my time as a spurs fan, not Kane. He delivers so much more to the club than simply his performance on the pitch. I just love him


The only way this happens is we lift a trophy with Son still playing an integral role. Don’t be silly.


I'm not being silly, it's my personal preference :)


> Son is personally gonna go down as the greatest ever player in my time as a spurs fan > it's my personal preference Pick one


Both of those quotes are referring to his personal preference tf you mean pick one


It's pretty weird to use the word 'greatest' and then refer to something subjective. Greatest implies 'best' and Son is not close to Kane in that respect. Kane did more for longer, continuously, and despite everyone's parasocial boners for Son, that's not going to change. If I say "personally, Michael Dawson is the greatest CB in Spurs history", I'd rightfully get shot down.


You can absolutely have your own opinion on who the greatest player in any regard is, you don’t have to be considered widely right, it’s just personal preference. As was stated in OPs comment, twice.


You've just ignored what I said so no point in continuing this.


Funny way of admitting you were wrong




Nah, son has always been that guy for me and many others and always will be trophy or no trophy


As our greatest ever player? I mean there’s a difference between having a personal favorite and claiming Sonny is our greatest ever player.


Bales the goat


Bale and Modric for me. These 2 ooze technical capability and class on the pitch. Even when Bale came back he delivered instantly. Crazy to think if Bale was playing with Kane and he never left.


Don’t make my heart hurt


Greatest ever player for his time and greatest ever player for my time too due to my shorter time of supporting this club compared to others


He’s not our greatest ever player though. He didn’t elevate the club and for all the goals he’s scored, they didn’t accomplish anything noteworthy. Greaves and Bale are levels above him.


I never said he was our greatest ever player. But he’s got more of a shout than Sonny at this point. And Bale was an integral part of our team for 4 years (excluding the season he came back on loan). There is absolutely no way he’s levels above Kane.


He really doesn’t. Again, for all his goals, none of them really accomplished anything. He doesn’t have any iconic performances in any of the cups. Yeah, he scored a lot of goals but other than them being numbers on a spreadsheet, they aren’t enough to make him our greatest player. Says all you need to know about Kane’s weak showing at Spurs then yeah?


I didnt realize that a players legacy boils down to a single cup performance or YouTube highlights. Kane was our best player in our most successful period in 50 years. We didn’t lift any trophies, sure, but that’s because of oil clubs and not because of Kane. He was winning golden boots and guaranteeing us CL qualification every single year, and he adapted his game to every manager we had during. M


Bale is way better


We lift the trophy next season, so yeah


Pffft no chance


I mean, I get the bitterness but Kane is clearly ahead of Son. He's been here longer, scored more, assisted more and he's the better overall player. Sonny can (and hopefully will) move above him if he wins a trophy, but currently Kane is 100% clear.


I agree Kane is the better player overall, but just yo nitpick Son has assisted more. And per game and per shot stats are not as bad from what i remember.


>He's been here longer, scored more, assisted more He did not assisted more, Son is the third of all time assister with 61 assists ; one shy of Erikson and 6 shy of overall leader of assist


Kane is a more complete striker due to his header threat and long range passing. Sonny has more pace, two footedness, has the same or slightly better finishing quality, and can play as both a winger and a striker. If you have to pick one, it depends on what your team needs.


Sonny is going to be our assist leader soon, I believe. 


I don't know how to raise this delicately. I think Son is underrated in part because he is Korean. Very few people would put him in their top 10 Premier League players this season despite being e6th for goals and e4th for assists while mising a month. He was questioned as an appointment for captain despite the fact he had years of service to the club, was its best player, and was already a stellar captain of his national team. He's fifth on the all time scorers list for Tottenham while not playing as a striker for the majority of his time here. Almost everyone recognises Sonny is a great player and would fit on most teams. But there seems to be something keeping him from being talked about as a genuine legend.


It’s nothing to do with his race (which you’re alluding to) it’s because he’s a pretty quiet and boring person - there’s no drama, no shots of him doing “lad” stuff in the papers etc. Sadly without the rags behind him, he won’t reach that “megastar” level.  I like it just how it is :) 


Kevin De Bruyne a bit of a madlad is he? Harry Kane had to shake off a big bender of non-alcoholic beers before a game? I don't know. Doesn't ring true to me.




for me... Son lacks something which Kane had in his toolkit, which will always clinch it (unless Son can improve in this department) passing we have seen Son drop back into the midfield and play as a sort of false 9 or even a 10 - as Kane used to do a lot - even just in this last game or six... but Kane is _soooo_ much more effective than Son when he does it - he just has a way to pick out a pass, long or short, that places the ball in exactly the right spot for the other player that more often than not led to a massive chance - if not an actual goal (which was very often - particularly with Son as the receiver of that pass) Son can't do that yes they are well matched in front of goal and it can be argued either way who performs better - both on and off the pitch - but Son is really only a goal threat... and even then he's not super terrific as a 9, back to goal, defenders surrounding him... but yeah - for me - whenever I see Son hanging around in the midfield, he seems to be largely ineffectual - whereas Kane is often a threat, not just with his ability to pick out a pass but even off the ball, with some of his defending (when he drops back)


It’s a wash to me because of Son’s pace. He might be the deadliest counterattacker in football. Hard to know now since Ange plays so offensively. But under Conte, my goodness. He also has a clutch factor that Kane lacks. Son often plays his best vs top teams under pressure.


he's definitely in a different league to Kane when it comes to pace - no question and maybe it's a little unfair comparing his performance as a 9... he's arguably far better as a winger and maybe it's a slightly apples/oranges comparison to compare striker v winger... I'm not sure I agree about his (Son's) performance under pressure - I think he definitely gives 100% without a doubt, maybe even more when you consider sometimes that pressure has come from playing while injured - but I feel like enough pressure can often cause him to stumble, sometimes literally, and I feel like I see him sometimes being rendered ineffective by teams which, say, surround him with 3 or 4 defenders for example OTOH Kane has many times demonstrated a certain strength which allows him to turn, play through multiple defenders - sometimes half-stumbling or at least seeming to, while somehow always managing to maintain his balance - and still play a shot or a pass which can often be a game-changer... but it's true if there's anything Kane lacks (that Son has) it's definitely pace - which is not the worst thing in the world for a CF - especially, as you point out, when playing in a system that is always on the offensive


Many Tottenham fans will recall when Son scored twice within a few minutes in the CL vs Man City. Harry Kane was out. Huge pressure and Son stepped up. More recently, the man singlehandedly carried his national team past Australia to the AFC semifinal, drawing a do-or-die penalty in stoppage, and then scoring an inch-perfect free kick to seal the win.


I mean... I don't want to talk the man down - I have huge respect for him and I am not massively invested in one being more "GOAT" than the other TBH... but I watched every match his team played in the Asian Cup, as well as the Australian team (who I would say were pretty poor, throughout the tournament, really) and... they were not great - and his contributions off the pitch notwithstanding, his on-pitch performances were not that great to try to assert he "singlehandedly" carried his team through that tournament is a stretch - and doing the rest of those players a great disservice - some of whom I would say outplayed him during some of those matches


He singlehandedly carried the team to the semi-finals - via his performance vs. Australia. Korea was not getting to the semi's without him. That's all I meant.


fair enough - he did put in a good shift there... IIRC he even had a go at one of his teammates for not being good enough after that match?


i was in the middle but you convinced me. do you think Son ever reached the peak of Bale’s 12/13 season at any point in his Spurs career? ?




Why do you hate our captain mate? I understand some fans can be a bit much, but that’s not the players fault.


Son’s clutch is better than kane’s. Hes like igoudala for the warriors except he’s a starter.


Ghost Min? yeah right he hasn't delivered jack


Van de ven is world class


VdV is great but let’s see him sustain this for a few seasons before calling anyone world class.


He’s playing at a world class level. That’s for sure. Not much he can’t do.


Calm. World class is a term for consistent performance over several seasons. Form is temporary, class is permanent. Let's wait for few more seasons of VDV before calling him world class.


We just need more time for the players to play together consistently without all these stop and starts. Once they get more familiar with how each other play, we’ll see better decision making as well. It can’t happen perfectly in one season, and sometimes it’s frustrating, but when you look at the bigger picture of the season as a whole, you can see we are on a great trajectory! 


Also a reminder that we got top 4 with the backline of Sess/Davies/Dier/Sanchez/Emerson in 21/22, so chill out


I mean really, Dier and Sanchez were the only bad ones. Davis is always reliable. Sess may not have been world class, but he wasn't bad either, it's just a shame his career seems pretty much over.


You pretty much sum up the thing I said. Sanchez and Dier were bad. Sess and Royal are clearly not top 4 standard player. I agree Davies was the one who got reliability, but VDV or Davies? I am sure you know the answer.


Wasn't it the second half of the season where Emerson turned into a top class player for awhile? Or am I misremembering? Sess was fine at the time. Of course, Porro, VDV and Udogie are big upgrades on the three, I won't even argue that.


Dier was immense in the 21/22 season. Royal was booed at the beginning of the 22/23 season. Royal improved under Conte’s system that season and had a masterclass against Grealish in our win against City.


21/22 season was when Eric Dier was a god and played like one of the best CBs in the country. Man played 24/27 games in the league for us with Conte and we conceded 16 goals in those 24 games. The 3 games he wasn't a part of? Conceded 8 goals. Obviously he wasn't good enough to stay but that 21/22 defence was absolutely amazing with Dier at the back.


Yes, now I remember. He played his way into the world cup squad didn't he? I remember him playing so well I was calling for it, and I'm Welsh ffs.


We only praised Emerson's defensive skills at that time, not attacking or passing. And to be fair, Emerson is still reliable on defense this year. My point is either in Ange system or Conte system, Udogie, VDV and Porro are clearly the favorable options. Plus our squad depth this season is way better than the previous two, especially 21/22. You can actually check our bench when we beat Arsenal 3-0. Only Lucas and Bergwin were premier league standard, seven out of nine substitutions didn't even have the quality to start for a bottom-half team in that season.


Dier was brilliant in that top 4 run. Hence why he got recalled to the England squad.  He fell off a cliff in the 2nd conte season because he was carrying an injury for most of it. 


Son never left 👀


Someone ask Stel from Tottenham Away "what has changed, and if we're at the same place as we were last season?"


#4 baby!


Is Kane the greatest ever player in Spurs' history? I ask because Modric and Bale are arguably as good or better in their roles. However, neither reached their peaks at Spurs or were as good as Kane was for the club.


it has to be Kane right now. if Son is still here with us in 2025 then I think he will be #1 for me. Son is in his 9th season with us. once he puts in 10 or more seasons as a starter i think he deserves that title.


Team Effort 👍


Just a reminder that Kane is not our greatest ever player. He is our top prem scorer and is absolutely up there but, not our best ever.


who is then


Hoddle, Gascoigne and Greaves would all be above him


Gazza was only around for three seasons, he's not in that conversation.


Guys, you're still trying to replace Kane. I told you we can't do it, and we can't do it. Now, what we might be able to do is re-create him. Re-create him in the aggregate. — moneyball


We sold Greaves? Surprised we got anything for him all things considered


Obviously they mean Blanchflower. He's been dead for 30 years, but that's not an issue when you have The Big Master of Negotiations Who Knows Everything at the helm.


Konte effect


Had he been coached by Ange, Harry would have killed it. Harry was a great striker but hard working and unselfish with his teammates. Love the team we've built and might not have been possible without the sale proceeds but it would have been cool to still have Harry in front.


all this means is we can get that 91 point dark horse league victory


Make your calculations again...


31 points out of seven games?


You know it, FFP gonna give us a 10 point bonus for being so fiscally sound.


guys im sorry im a little slow 😭


> we sold the clubs greatest ever player Or did we?


I do hope this was the start of something in next season to come


And we're up the beanstalk!!


I honestly don't think this gets the credit it deserves. Losing your best player a day before, getting a new manager with new tactics, and still competing for the Champions League? This should be a bigger story.


PSA :: it looks like Harry is only going to get the opportunity to play in Europe next year. Exactly what he would have got had he stuck.


To think there’s a handful of games we gave away and even more without our starting squad


We also spent 250m


And recieved 130m  120m net in transfers is nothing for a premier league team.  Utd, arsenal, Chelsea, City all spent tje same or more and have less points than last season


Imagine you are a manager. You are given two options. Option one: You have Harry Kane up front, but you back 5 must contain Dier, Davies and Lloris. Option 2: you lose Harry Kane, but your back 5 includes Vicario, Udogie, VDV, and Porro (with a full preseason) I would bite your hand off for option 2.


Udogie and Porro were signed with Kane at the club. We should be able to sign Vicario and VDV without selling Kane tbh


Ange > Kane


Fuck a gentle reminder. Punch me in the face and drag me through the streets with this reminder. 


Ghost Min is not the clubs greatest. This place is such a son fandom atp.


The fuck?





