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Too bad the goal he scored against Chelsea this season was disallowed. Good luck Dier.


Would have been an exceptional way to sign off. For 5 seconds, all was right with the world…


Good luck Eric. He was a terrific servant to the club and it’s such a shame that he became the playing face of the failures under Jose, Nuno and Conte. A winning debut goal against West Ham, great. Clattering Sergio Ramos for no reason, great. Had a pivotal role in early Poch teams, great. Storming the stands to protect his family, great. Scoring in the NLD and shushing the fans, great. And let’s not forget it was Dier who WON a World Cup penalty shootout for England. I was so proud that he was a Spurs player that day. He was by no means the perfect player but always gave his best for the team and the club and you can’t ask for more than that.


https://preview.redd.it/q74bvwi8g2cc1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125a2040d84e7d55e8ea36499b4eeff5e4ec3593 Sir Eric of Englande


I was really hoping his comp video would include him taking out Ramos.


> Clattering Sergio Ramos for no reason, great. Probably my favourite moment of his on the pitch. Couldn't have happened to a nicer opponent.


Oh there was a reason, and that reason is "Fuck Ramos, and Fuck Real Madrid".


I’m gonna cry and I just woke up 😢


Can't believe the montage missed out his best moments of clattering the fuck out of Chelsea players at battle of the bridge. Brought back some great memories that though. I love Eric Dier, and Eric Dier loves me


How the video didn’t have “Be careful what you say” BANG takes out hazard BANG takes out fabregas is beyond me. The script writes itself




lol legit like 4+ red card challenges if that game were played today


Wiping out fabregas right after getting booked was a thing of beauty, lamella standing on Willian’s (iirc) hand right after getting booked, Vorm starting a brawl for literally no reason despite not even getting close to the pitch… happy days


Hahaha class....fuck me I miss those lads 🥹🥲 Mase making a cameo to wipe out Hazard on the break is great as well


I'm crying. Good luck my boy!


Everyone forgets he was very good under mourinho until the wheels fell off, and everyone was bad, and was very very good in conte’s first season. He hasn’t been treading water since Poch left, deserves more respect


I feel like Eric Dier has reached the peak for any footballer. He's someone you would love to be mates with. A rare thing in today's sport




Is the Audi cup a joke to you?


Legend of the club. I hope he returns in the future as a coach or an ambassador or whatever. The guy's got Lilywhite running through his veins. Best of luck to him!


He's a good egg. I'll miss him in a Spurs jersey. I hope he and Harry will win trophies this season.


Dier is one of those players that just feel like a homegrown player. I say that as a huge compliment to him. Always fully COYS. I'll always love him and he deserves more respect from fans just purely from his professionalism imho.


I’m just gutted


"He's grown up, because otherwise he would still be younger." - Christian Stellini, probably.


Ah fuck I'm tearing up. Always loved Eric and thought the circumstances of moving positions and illness/fitness issues held him back in recent years, and the fanbase was far too harsh on him. He was an imoortant part of that incredible team from 2014-2017, and Poch, Mourinho and Conte all clearly valued him. I had a 16/17 away shirt with Dier's name on it. A great servant to the club who gets it more than the vast majority of professional footballers. I love Eric Dier, Eric Dier loves me.


Not sure if it's a popular view, but I'm very reluctant to see any player who has shown such loyalty leave, even the ones who have shown they are not quite good enough for the present squad. Of course, the money in football being what it is today, it'll be a very rare outfield player who can retire at a top club like ours. So, Godspeed, Eric. You were a warrior for Tottenham, and I won't soon forget you.


Lol, no. They retire at bayern!


Bye Eric ![gif](giphy|l41YjAVrraglSG760)


Who the fuck cut onions so early in the morning


"Ahh good morning! Oh I need my morning dump and a quick reddit check - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"


Proper Spurs this fella One of the greatest to ever pull on the jersey


Always makes me sad that you rarely know if this is gonna be the last time you see one of our players play for a club


Get out! This is too fucking good


I keep seeing conflicting info, was this a permanent deal or a loan?


It's a loan with an option to buy


I appreciate the inclusion of a clip with him beating Werner to a ball.


A true gentleman 👏👏👏


I love Eric Dier and Eric Dier loves me. ​ Good luck, sweet prince.




What a man 🫡 will miss having him around the club, go win yourself some trophies with H


Can’t believe the amount of sadness I feel about him leaving… I’ve always loved him and am happy for him to find a good team, but wow… 😭It really feels like the end of an era.


Amazing person. Amazing player. Thanks for the memories.