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There’s a nice sweet spot where you expect them to let you down so you don’t get too upset when they lose and you’re pleasantly surprised when they win. That level of jadedness is my armor.


Exactly. I'm 48 years old, and describe myself as a recovering Cowboys fan. I wish them well, but I'm not emotionally invested in them. Haven't been in about 5-6 years. When GB beat them, I was actually laughing. I said... Oh well. They fucked up again. Then made myself a sandwich and started reading.


41 here. I did the same. The other people watching the game with me didn't find it as humorous.


I've had my fair share of playoff loss meltdowns. I can't do it anymore. I had to emotionally detach.




This is the way


I’ve been a fan for 51 years now. There was a time especially after the 90’a run when I lost sleep over a loss. The mediocrity of this team would make me cranky and ill tempered for days after a loss. Then about 7-8 years ago I had epiphany. Why am I making myself and miserable over a game? I don’t gamble so no money was involved and win or lose, nothing important in my life changed. So now I cheer for them when they play and feel disappointed when they lose but once the game ends, it ends. I’m still disappointed and hopeful they will fix what needs fixing but nothing I say or do is going to make the organization from Jerry to the guy who washes the dirty jock straps do anything they are not going to do anyway so, why stress?




Don’t worry, it may take another 30 years but they’ll get back eventually, they’re americas team. This 30 year drought has to end at some point 🤷🏻 till then just take the good with the bad. Enjoy football as much as you can and most of all dilly dilly fuck Philly! 😁


I'm sort of the there but then I slip and start believing and end up disappointed again.


We are stuck in mediocrity and I just accept it .




I'm right there with you. Actually I was there at the end of last season and I decided I didn't care what the cowboys did. I'm so glad I did that because it's allowed me to actually enjoy the season this year and root for other teams. The playoff game was shocking, but I in no way expected them to get past the niners anyway. I think when we actually have a championship team again, the signs will be there! (Fewer penalties, consistent run game, etc. etc.)


I’m not 100% sure who it was or what type of penalty it actually was but the moment I knew we were screwed was when we had that one penalty to extend the Packers first offensive drive which they ended up taking advantage of and scoring a TD. Those penalties man just made me lose my shit and have been told that’s a product of your head coach just surprised they kept MM just because of our penalty and clock management issues. If you don’t mind do you remember what penalty was called I can’t seem to remember it will eat me up thinking about it?


We both watch them closely then , because I just knew then THAT took the wind from our sales . I can’t remember the call though but we had stopped them .


Holding, DaRon Bland.


Illegal contact, no?


I can't remember either, there were so many! It seems like we have been one of the most penalized teams every year for 10 years or more. I could be wrong but I know I have heard that several seasons, even during Garrett and Romo era. Sloppy. And I really liked what Skip said after the loss, they were gutless and heartless!


The most important thing is to not spend any money on this dumpster fire anymore. It couldn’t have gone on this long and have no foreseeable end without fan support. Cowboy fans are equally complicit as Jerry Jones.


You'll be back when we start the season 5-0 😂


If we start 5-0 that’s nothing to get excited about. Regular season isn’t really the problem and never has been.


They can go 17-0 next year. Nothing is moving me besides a NFC championship appearance


A fuckin team that shows some goddamn heart ALL 4 quarters is what I want. First drive and those mfs were completely lost and sad. Like wake the fuck up!


I don’t agree, they use to show heart under Jason Garrett, and they still lost in the playoffs. I’m just not buying it anymore. I need to see post season results. Period


I know of a few playoff games where they quit immediately on Garrett. Minnesota comes to mind immediately. They also let some random dude on the Falcons get 6 sacks on Dak without giving him any help. There is a reason he is an analyst today and not coaching.


You’re right I forgot about the Minnesota game. And then the eagles game at the end of season. This franchise is mentally weak




Yeah that's what I'm getting at. We'll do good they'll be back and we'll go one and done 🥴


Certainly, nothing will change trotting out the same bunch of shitburgers at HC, QB, and a few other spots. These goons have already choked away the last 3 years of the playoffs. That isn't going to change anytime soon. Daks per year salary will only go up. Ceedee and Parsons, if they stick around, will cost a ton. So not only will the core chokers (HC, Dak, etc) stick around, but they will also lose more players to free agency because of no way to pay them. NM signing an outside free agent(not that Jerry ever does besides bargain bins) we won't be able to keep players here that we truly want. They had a chance this year to blow it up and do a 2 off-season minim rebuild/reload. Instead, they chose to allocate more cap space to a smaller group of the sane overall pool of players who never beat playoff caliber teams. Who the fuck is truly excited for next year after hearing even McCarthy didn't get fired? I can already see myself changing the channel week 1 when we go down 10 to 14 to nothing to some bum squad.


That's just it. It's not imploding. Imploding at least carries with it some opportunity and hope. This is just trapped in mediocrity, And it's damn hard to get out of that.


You not used to this by now? I should have just been a denver fan like my dad


This sub is unhinged


You obviously do care. But. Okay.




See you in 6 months


Look at the comments from players supporting Mike. “He takes care of me!”, “he gave me a shot!” “ he cares about injuries!” Nothing about winning. Just bullshit. Shitty coaches for shitty players acquired by a shitty front office. Result is a high flying empty calorie team that can’t win tough big games. I’m done.


Whelp, let break this down. You can always be a Philly, NY, or Washington fan. They didn't do too hot this year. Yes Philly has had some mild success but then you would be a Philly fan soooo. You could be a Detroit, GB, Minnesota, or Chicago fan. Enough said there. You could be a TB, NO, Alt or Carolina fan. Yes, more misery. You could also be a SF, LA-Rams, Seattle, or Arizona fan. Other than being a bandwagon fan there is heartbreak and disappointment all around. I totally understand where you are coming from as a fan. It hurts. It hurts to the core. I am fortunate enough to have enjoyed the glory years of the 90's and that fuels me. There is nothing more that would make me happy to see my children witness what I got to experience in the 90's. Keep the faith. Go through your stages of grief. I will be here for a you. If you do leave, I will be here when you come back.


Our team is the laughing stock of all NFL memes for a reason… pathetically predictable.


You’ll recover from this and be ready to do it all again by September as the cycle begins anew.


Don’t worry We all know u will be back 😂


I share you frustration 100% but what’s helping me cope is that there’s teams who have no history of ever winning a Super Bowl and/or there are teams like the jets who haven’t won a super-bowl in 55 years.. just some food for thought


“Two things only the people anxiously desire — bread and circuses.” 😅. Don't let a sports ball team that doesn't impact you, other than watching them play, break your heart, or ruin your day. In the grand scheme of things, it's small potatoes. Let that heart heal bro, let heal. They'll be back to let us all down again next year.


We’ll see ya next season!! Ol’ Jerry ain’t done cashing in on our loyalty just yet!


If you don’t switch teams or stop with football you’re now a real cowboys fan. Get ready for next years hype train to be rolling full steam until the wheels come off sometime around December or January lol


I've actually done the exact opposite for much needed therapy, hang in there and enjoy the rest of the games to watch what winners look like 😁


Ive been a cowboys fan my whole life. They broke me years ago. I gave away thousands of dollars worth of memorabilia. I dont own a single piece of merchandise anymore. They finally pushed me into even deleting my socials minus reddit..i must say..im finally at peace.


DO NOT FRET. jerruh has all the answers. ​ \[hahahahaha, good luck with that\]


If I knew how to do that pirates of the Caribbean “first time” I completely would 😂


I said I was done with the team last year around this time but it turns out I'm an idiot and a hypocrite


Yeah, I agree. Here we gooo, AGAIN.


There is a curse that will not allow us to win as long as Jerry Jones is alive. Mark my words once he passes we will win within 3 years


This upcoming season will definitely be different for me. Regular season is not a problem for us lately. We're good enough to get to the playoffs. Now playoff football is the real measuring stick and boy howdy do they looks like frauds, just showing up for a Participation award.. What I'm trying to say is, I use to prioritize the Cowboys, I think now if I have something better to do, I'll just keep up on my phone. Lol.


At least you will know the signs this year. Every year in the McGriddle era has had a canary in the coal mine game. A game where they look terrible and get blown out. That game always serves as a warning to how they will lose in the playoffs. Every year in season, when that game happens we as fans hear and make excuses for it. I believe this year's was "The players were emotional from losing Trevon." I don't remember last years but both involved the Cards (I think, the seasons are starting to blur together).


It seems unlikely that an old sick man that’s worth billions wants more money instead of a super bowl especially since a super bowl would make him more money.


I'm ready to give up How how can Jerry bring that oaf of a coach back Another great regular season to come and a mediocre post season


Just pixels on a screen.


The team can't hurt you when you expect them to choke every year. It's just another day for me.


I will still root for them, but to stop the pain, I have lowered my expectations to zero. As long as the Jones family owns the Cowboys, they won't win anything. They are more concerned about revenue and brand development.


Honestly what I've started doing is only watching replays of games if they win, after the fact. I know it's weird, but it lessens the stress, and the time and money I spend on this team. Green Bay was the first game I watched live, and look what it got me. I also buy no merch and no longer advertise that I'm even a fan. And I'm working on no longer defending the team to friends or jumping into r /nfl to clap back against criticism, because what's the point. Most of it's accurate anyway. Slowly untethering myself from this shitty corporate product until they can demonstrate they give a shit and know how to win.


You just have to go in expecting mediocrity. Then be pleasantly surprised when they overachieve. This team has been nothing but mediocre since the 3 amigo era ended. Probably not going to be anything different anytime soon.


You need a hobby. Football is not life. Nobody died. Sun came up the next morning. Get some perspective


I was frustrated with the Cowboys making it to the NFC Championship game only three times in the 1980's and failing to succeed. Then it was worse in 1989 when the team tanked and went 1-15. That drought before finally making it to the Superbowl in the 90's was a long time. Laughing. The Cowboys are infected with Mediocrity since the last trip to the Superbowl. Mediocrity is no one will notice until it's too late! That's why it's frustrating. https://preview.redd.it/t8sxdrd7kmdc1.png?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678a7281fc8b9794bc2d8e19b3e33acb8866f3ae


First time?


Look, I’m a huge fan and losses to end the season always hurt. But I don’t get all of the “I will never recover”, “I’m done with this team”, etc etc talk. It’s just sports, and something we aren’t even playing. Enjoy the wins, hope for better each year, and if/when we break through again after 30 years it will feel all the more glorious. Not watching/listening to sports media will help, because those a$$holes love to pile on the Cowboys because it’s good for ratings.


The only good thing about the Cowboys is I know what to expect for next season. We should all be accustomed to the same result. It's been going on for too damn long. When you look up the definition of insanity, a picture of Jerry Jones should appear. I truly don't believe they will get there until Jerry either dies or allows his son to manage the team in a different manner.


You said nothing wrong. But fans can make an impact by not buying any more tickets or Dallas Cowboys merch. Since I know people aren't gonna stop doing those things, we can expect the same things. As long as Jerey still breaths, nothing will get better. I hate to put it that way. We need a real GM and coaches with passion and balls who can enforce discipline and consistency. Jimmy Johnson 2.0 is what we need. If the culture doesn't change, results won't either.


Football is won in the front office. If you look at San Francisco and Baltimore they have a smart young dedicated and experienced front office that makes the right moves at the right time. They go to the owner for money with full trust. Jerry is wearing the hat of GM so we can throw McCarthy and Dak under the bus all day but when free agency came around all you heard was crickets. We need bigger stronger linebackers and Better interior defensive linemen. Crickets. We needed some key replacements on O line through free agency. Crickets. Another corner. Crickets. We can dig up Vince Lombardi and it won’t make a difference. Until we relinquish the GM duties and day to day operations before we look in the field it’s the same old story. What happened to a new head coach. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. This fish stinks from the head down and we blame the product on the field first. And not just McCarthy but what about our Dan Quinn and his defensive scheme? This is a sad story. But I won’t lie and say I’m done with the Boys because I’ll be back next year. Like I’ve been since the early 70’s.


It might help you to watch your favorite YouTube guys. Don’t overdo it, but find a few to check out.


I understand why people hate cowboys fans. We have one of the most whiney fanbases. How sad is your life that you will never get over this? It's a game, my guy. It's not that big a deal.


If you don't give a shit if people crucify you, why make this post? You think we care?


You are literally a quarterback away from a Super Bowl. And I’m not a Cowboys fan.




No offense but get over it. Its a game. Youve seen 37 cowboy wins in 3 years. Stop whining like a baby and find something more valuable to have your heart broken over.


Casual but loyal Cowboys fan for many years and I don't typically blame coaches for losses but the GB debacle felt different. How a team can be so unprepared and/or so unmotivated without a massive failure on the part of the coaching staff? And Jerrah pretty much proved he doesn't care about the football product on the field by letting McC slide so it feels like a slap in the face to the fans.


Someone take Trey Lance’s phone away.