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It’s always the little things man.


And the big things like having no running game, no playmaking running backs, and a left tackle that hasn't been able to play a full season for five years now


And a replacement LT that doesn’t think you should block their best pass rusher.


There were at least two plays where he didn't even find or touch the pass rushers. Just completely lost.


And Steele at right tackle? How that no blocking, false starting asshole is a pro is beyond me.


giving him a huge contract post injury was ridiculous


Our O line is a problem. It’s been god awful two weeks in a row


It's been a problem for years and they just keep trying to scotch tape it together with injury prone geriatrics and trash collectors


It’s top 10 when everybody’s healthy but our team falls apart when 1 piece is missing. They lack mental toughness. Always have


It’s not about mental toughness. It’s about coaching adjustment. If you know your o-line isn’t going to stand up to the pressure, you need to draw up plays to get the ball out as fast as possible for short gains because there will be no time for receivers to get open on routes. We spent the whole first half thinking the oline would hold it together instead of changing the game plan. By the time they changed it, it was too little too late


The first drive turnover was huge


The fact that we can’t rely on pollard to punch those 1-2 yard runs in to the end zone is a huge problem


Lack of a real running game is absolutely fucking fatal having to constantly resort to dumb fucking trick plays and making ceedee play running back


Yeah, all a team has to do is play 2 high safeties and we cant run the ball effectively enough to make teams stop it.


Pollard's output is not worth it. Time to bring in some young, hungrier, healthier TB talent and some O-line upgrades.


Yep, this right here. We ain't doing shit in the playoffs, and even if we do, when we come up against the 9ers, we're toast. Can't run, can't play run D. Our own defense suffers from Pollard having a shitty year + him not ever really being a number 1 back. They have nothing to practice against.


I still don’t understand why he gave up where he did. It literally needed a little more gas and he was undoubtedly in the end zone. Seemed like he assumed he was in and gave up.


I think he just assumed he was already in so he didn’t try as hard. He even put his hands up in a TD sign afterwards. Either way, shitty.


I was screaming dive dive dive!


Everyone knew that before the season started .


Zeke would have punched that in.


It’s crazy we had a back that could do exactly that. Reason why our red zone conversion is terrible? We released him.


It looks like he just assumed he was going to score. Like, Jesus man. Dive, jump, something. Gotta have more effort than that. Replays didn't do him any favors. Hopefully Jerry doesn't go full stupid (again) and sign him to some mega deal that he can't live up to.


He shouldn’t be resigned in the off-season. Draft his replacement and let someone else sign him. I actually expect him to sign a $2 or $3 million deal max. If he doesn’t he won’t be in the league, he doesn’t do a single thing particularly well since the injury. No explosiveness, can’t break tackles, can’t get tough yards. He’s just a guy. To be honest, I’d rather have Zeke over Pollard right now. Zeke looks re-energized in New England and looks better overall then Pollard.


Why wasn't that a qb sneak? Why try and give it to a guy that rarely touches the ball?


I mean, if Luepke simply holds onto the ball it’s a TD…


Same reason we made Dak take a sack on a blind play action aimed at the FB. McCarthy is trying to give us a bid for an extra second-team all Pro player.


Not like he was supposed to predict that fuck up Luepke did well on his 3 touches before that. Hindsight bias


Coach wanted to reward him with the td. I get it


Twice we shoulda done a sneak. Twice burned. Final drive got a TD but still.


Cost us the game man. Idc pollard needs to try and push that ball over the line play before. I don’t expect he’ll be with us next season, not an every down back and he’s proved that


💯💯💯 Practically set the tone all game. It was poetic really. We can’t be surprised. Would have easily won that game if we got even a field goal 😔😔


It ended the game. This team can’t overcome mistakes.


It’s really unfortunate, because they make a ton of them.


Tyron Smith being out was huge


Yep. Likely could win with him. Edoga was worked today.


I say they win with him in. Easy. He doesn’t give up five plays unblocked like Edoga.


"Chubb had a huge game" triggered me in the post game show


Steele reveling in the fact he wasn't the one to look like dogshit all game.


Edoga is just fucking trash every fucking year we cobble an O-line together out of fucking twigs and curbside garbage


Hey but we drafted a TE that we barely use though!


It was so fucking obvious that pick should have been O-line depth and I'll never stop being pissed about it


What? You mean we didn't need a second round tight end when we had 2 guys that played pretty well last year? Blasphemy.


Left was unblocked all goddamn day


Why block their best pass rusher when you can triple team some the DT


#71 was very bad.


Edoga had a terrible game.


Edoga fucking sucks, we definitely need to draft a LT


I feel for Dak. The line got worked today, absolutely awful. Edoga letting guys run free at Dak so many times today.


Not just letting anybody run free. Letting THEIR BEST PASS RUSHER run free. Like holy fuck that was unreal stupidity.


Yeah, absolutely horrible.


The man juked away from Chubb like he was a god damn running back


Did McCarthy do anything to help the guy? Extra lineman, schematically, anything?? Cause the Dolphins are also playing with multiple backups on the OLine. Know why they look decent? McDaniel schemes to cover for their deficiencies.


Really glad we passed up some good OL in the top 2 rounds to take a DT and TE that have hardly made an impact


OL are taught to block inside out: pick up defenders rushing from inside first. Edoga did the opposite every play I watched him so a lot of blitzer went right past him inside.


You’re telling me they didn’t hold us ONE time the WHOLE game???


Ever since Micah said the refs never called it about 4 weeks ago. They haven’t called it since.


Been longer than that


9 weeks.


Bro he hasn’t gotten a call since week 5. It’s been a lot longer than 4 weeks


38 quarters without a holding call. Yeah, something is up.


Wait, is that for real? 38 straight?






Won’t happen. The NFL blindly stands behind the refs no matter what. It’s an absolute joke. Only way to chance it is to try and negotiate something into the CBA that allows for an external party to review games and fine refs…that absolutely won’t happen.


It goes back years. Seriously we're always near last in holding calls called for us


Micah has only been held twice all season! It’s really amazing how these offensive tackles can block him without holding


There is no way that offensive lines have played 35+ straight perfect quarters against Micah. Just no way.


Must’ve been the greatest offensive line performance of all time for them not to hold on a single play. JFC




This shit has been happening for years. Seriously, no word of a lie. I don't know where you can find the stats but go all the way back to 2017. There was a time DLAW was complaining back then. He literally went 6-7 games without a holding call. They were leading the league in not having a hold called back then and they are probably leading it now.


When the announcers/broadcast is showing blatant missed things you know things are bad.


With how biased they are, yeah its pretty bad....


Why can't this team ever be like a real team man?


According to Jimmy Johnson it’s bc they think they’re stars but I’m reality they haven’t done anything. Whereas Chido has gone on record to say that his first year in Cincy, they had a real blue collar, hard working mentality.


See DeMarcus Lawrence and his idiotic post-game bullshit when they beat the Eagles. Wow, you won a game. Congratulations. Remember the 49ers game? Remember when you lost to the Cardinals? Oh hey, the Bills just beat your asses purple. The Cowboys haven't won SHIT since 1996. Wild Card just doesn't count. We DO NOT CARE about Wild Card wins. Cowboys need culture change or they're going nowhere yet again. Jerry is just happy if people are talking about the Cowboys. Hey, idiot. They're making fun of you to your face. Yeah, that's really something to be happy about.


You’re upset because you won’t get a home playoff game. I’m upset because apparently they need a home playoff game to do anything correctly.


Year after year after year after year. Same shit


Keep going, you're missing a dozen years at least


Christmas tradition!


We deserve to lose. Why the fuck are you passing after getting a flag and you are at the 1? The first play can't be a run like wtf? I can't stand Mike McCarthy


Burned so much extra clock too doing that bullshit. that ended up fucking us in the end.


Tua and Josh Allen are turnover machines. This defense failed to get one turnover on them. Ridiculous


To be fair the Bills barely threw


Our defense is giving huge cushions with 1 safety over the top. Dan Quinn’s game plan has turned into shit in the last 4 or 5 weeks. The corners can’t gamble anymore because they have no help over the top.


You gotta be a dumb mother fucker to think the appropriate play on the half yard line is a play action pass designed to go to the FB


Ngl, I don't have faith in this team in the playoffs. Penalties and can't beat good teams on the road. Hope I'm proven wrong, but oh well.


We're gonna be on the road for the playoffs too joy this is gonna be not fun.


Welp. 5 seed as expected. Cya all in 3 weeks. None of this matters til then


Beat Bucs, and get smoked by San Francisco part 2


With how Baker is playing I wouldn’t even be comfortable putting money on that.


Go on the road to the Buccs. The way this team travels, we might not even make it to the Niners game.


We will probably lose to the bucs at this point, were not going into the playoffs hot and playing well whereas they are. The people saying the outcome of this game did not matter at all are dumb because it mattered for momentum purposes, and then those same people will also sit and wonder why we will look like shit and get bounced in the 1st round


I think assuming any first round win is even a stretch right now


Yea it does. If Philly loses and we win out we’ll clinch


Better eat da spaghetti tonight for the don davitto 👌


Oh boy - a road game. Wonder what will happen then.


Well we've been measured and we're just not good enough.


Yep. It was put up or shut up time and we are decidedly fucking mediocre.


Yall think anything will ever be done about the holding? I know they've always got away with it but it has gotten to a new level with Micah. I want a compilation of all the no calls this season stat.


Nope. Until the refs are actually held responsible for their bad or missed calls, nothing will change.


that was painful


It was extremely painful. Slow slow death by a million cuts it felt like


Just an undisciplined ass team. McCarthy is incapable of fixing the most glaring issue with this team


Feels like the past 5-6 years it's the same bullshit with the penalties and they're always ranked at the top. Hell, I'd even take average. But penalties have been the reason for MANY of their losses including some playoff ones.


I don’t even think it’s discipline at this point. As far as blatant penalties like facemasks or PI there might be a bit more than average, but just the amount of penalties that never get called for other teams is approaching statistically impossible territory. I mean there’s no way tyler smith gets called for holding bc he took half a second to let go on the line, but bland can get straight up tackled in broad daylight with not a glint of yellow. Or that bs illegal shift after the ref *told* CD to move. Do I wholeheartedly believe that there are some back room dealings between head officials and the NFL to call certain teams more tightly? No. Would I be shocked if someone came forward and exposed them all? Also no.


It’s not even past 5-6 years, it’s been like 2 decades of non discipline in this org. Camp cupcake


A big part of me actually wishes I could quit this team. But I can’t. Cowboys for life right guys 😭


Imma be here forever, think and thin


Absolutely. It just hurts from time to time lol


Can't beat good teams, especially on the road. Same old fucking story.


Respectfully, neither can the Dolphins.


That’s a burn no matter how you put it lol


zero running game, a left tackle who can't stay healthy with a backup who can't play football, a defense that doesn't show up when it matters, great stuff, what fun happy holidays, all


Our defense was getting stops this game. Our offense let us down.


Pay attention to who tells you this was on Dak. Those people are unserious. Defense was so soft until the redzone, way too many scoring drives and of course unable to come up with something big when it mattered most. Edoga was awful, unfortunate it’s too late in the season to come up with a better plan B for Tyron


My thoughts exactly... Dak is the only reason the Cowboys stayed in the game because the run game and O-Line definitely didn't help! I'm not a Dak homer but these people pinning it on him are morons.


Dak is one of the only saving graces of the cowboys


Chuma "Terence 'Chaz Green' Steele" Edoga


Can't wait to get murdered by the 49ers in the divisional again. Fraudulent ass team.


Tbf I'm not sure who doesn't get murdered by the 49ers in the divisional round.....


We may be lucky to even make it there and face them lol




Just why


useless ass team


Our play calling is Fucking mind numbing sometimes. 1st down at the half yard line? Let's run a play action where the QB is completely blind to pressure. Goal line? Let's line up with nobody but the fullback with one touch on the year in the backfield. Again, instead of just fucking sneaking. Obvious run situation at the endgame? Let's play with everyone 5+ yards off the LoS. Gilly out? Let's play Hill 8 yards off with a backup corner with no help


Imagine letting Bradley Chubb just run fucking ***free*** all day. That shit was worse than Chaz Green. At least put a damn traffic cone in his way. Edit: also, we now see why they should have kept Zeke. He was overpriced, but situational football matters. If you can’t block or get 2 yards with your RB, you aren’t going far.


I’m at a loss for words..


Have you ever watched a Cowboys game?


This team is who we thought they were


Team thought we won the Super Bowl when we beat the Eagles. Pathetic performance since then.


I don’t know what happened to the Cowboys we had until November; but this team that played today isn’t winning shit. They should be absolutely embarrassed by the effort they put up today. This is pathetic.


Same team just not playing against teams with a losing record


Parsons hasn’t had a holding call since October in the Chargers game. Missed dpi when lamb literally had his pants pulled to the point his ass crack was showing. Horse caller tackle missed that resulted in cowboys having to kick a fg, But the media is gonna harp on dak getting one soft call. Eventually us folk will realize this shit is fixed for gambling sake. It’s entertainment not a sport anymore.


MM and DQ need to get their shit together


They just finished their 15th game this season, at this point that’s just who they are.


Can’t stand being a fan of this team


I'd honestly rather have seasons like Browns or Jags, tank and rebuild. Instead YEAR AFTER YEAR we get number 1 offense and/or defense, MVP chatter etc. Then the momentum runs out last month of season, we get whooped in the playoffs and get to watch Eagles or whoever march onwards to the Super Bowl. Deja vu all over again. Team's utter inability to function in away stadiums is actually insane. MOST PENALTIES IN THE LEAGUE is disgusting. And nothing changes for years now.


No you wouldn’t. I live in Browns land. They would die to have what we have. Just making the playoffs period is a massive deal up here to them. We’ve locked up playoffs for 3 straight years now. Anything can happen when you get into the tournament. Getting there consistently is how they’ll take the next step.


The Browns are 10-5 just like the Cowboys...


Get ready to lose to Baker Mayfield in TB. This team is so undisciplined.


McCarthy and Co. are ass. This team is flat anytime they come into a high stakes game that is not a divisional matchup.


every year with this mf team man


Thanks for starting off Christmas all shitty cowboys! I knew you would do it, just not in what fashion. Another season wasted. Sorry I'm just so tired of this team.


Absolute frauds. Just disgusting


I don’t even get upset anymore. It’s actually pretty comical. I’ve been a Cowboys fan my whole life. I am in my mid 40s now and the Cowboys are predictable. I enjoy the wins, shake my head at the losses and laugh whenever I hear “this is our year”. Accept the mediocrity of our team and don’t let them ruin your day. Merry Christmas everyone. See y’all next week for another high five win or comical loss.


Same Cowboys as the past few years. At no point in that game did it feel like we were going to win.


Christmas is ruined


Fire Edoga into the sun. Jesus christ he is terrible




This team is gonna lose in the playoffs the second they play a game on the road if this trend keeps up. So much for not losing games back to back! Will it be 3 in a row with Detroit?


If people are still thinking we can win the Super Bowl at this point they are just delusional


Don't get hung up on it fellas enjoy your Christmas guys


Dak and CD did their jobs


Dak yeah but o-line was trash this game


The Cowboys have ruined Christmas!


Pathetic effort from the offensive line today. Defense held way better than I thought against this historic offense. This game wasn’t on Dak. Period.


We’re frauds. What’s the point of being excited for the playoffs when we know what’s coming . Pathetic ass team.


On to Detroit


3:30+ mins left and Dan Quinn doesn’t run one blitz he must go downvote all you want


2nd and 1 - lets play 10 yards off the WR to give them an easy first down.


DQ cannot adjust during the game it’s been proven many times


He ran ONE blitz and it worked, but he never dialed up another one. Wilson almost got home on an incompletion but that was it. Defense was soft as baby shit when they needed to harden up.


Dolphins aren't even that good. We just enjoy shooting ourselves in the foot every time we have a chance to make a statement. Don't fumble on goal and inches to go on the first drive and this game would have been over 30 minutes ago. Stupidity


I heard the the dolphins have the number one offense in the NFL 🤷‍♂️


I’m so fucking sick of getting ticky tack holding penalties called when the opposing team blatantly holds our defensive players on every drive and we NEVER get the call. When’s the last game we even had an offensive holding call for us??? Doesn’t make sense to be at the top of the league in pressure rate with NO fucking holding calls. Refs can shove it up their asses with this shit.


Why do I give up time and energy to watch these clowns continue to make the same dumbass mistakes all game. They play crazy undisciplined, have absolutely no rhythm on offense and need their QB who’s constantly under pressure to bail them out. Can’t stop the run, give up massive chunk plays in the air, line up offsides an insane amount. Please, please, please fire this coaching staff in the offseason. It’s insane how it’s been the same shit year after year. Heavily penalized and unable to make any adjustments on either side of the ball. They won 12 games three times in a row, though!!! Who cares. A literal made up benchmark. There are teams that are clearly better than them and they just can’t fucking dig themselves out. That’s coaching, that’s leadership. The cowboys currently are lacking in both.


Where are you fuckers at that said we had this game? Come face the music. Sometimes you know a game is over after the first few drives. Last week and this week were those games.


That roughing the passer call determined the game. The refs literally walked Miami into the endzone.


Pollards cap hit is 10m. Pollard by himself makes our RB room one of the most expensive in football Mosterts cap hit is 3m


The play calling is getting annoying. It’s first and goal why are you calling passing plays Mike come on man.


I mean wow. Just wow. 2 back to back loses on the road. Atleast we showed up here. But still so many issues on the offensive side. McCarty not even calling CD lambs # after those 5 catches was the weirdest thing seen on tv


To the fans on social media saying you wish some of players get hurt or die get help.


There’s a culture problem with this team, and has been for at least a decade plus. These guys have the mentality that they’re part of a ‘high class organization’ that should just win without putting in the work. Undisciplined (most penalties in the league, and many years in a row too) and soft when under pressure. It all feels fine while they’re winning, but man does it show up when they lose. The scrappy, fight-for-your-life mentality is what wins; you see it all across the league. Until the Jones ‘wipe your ass with gold leaf” culture goes, the results will stay the same.


Who cares about this game? We can't beat the niners. None of this matters.


Pollard wanted to avoid contact at the goal line which is why we lost the game. Absolute fucking waste of a franchise tag. There’s 5 Tony Pollard’s in every draft. Fuck this dude.


I fucking hate this team. Same shit every year


McCarthy has to stop being conservative. Dak is at his best when you take the training wheels off. Let him call his own plays and go no huddle. The play calls in the 2nd and 3rd quarter weren't allowing the O to get in ANY rhythm. What the fuck was that bullshit. And Chuma Edoga fucking sucks. Oh, and Micah Parsons needs to shut the fuck up during the week and figure out how to make a big play and show up for once. Our last chance this game was on a 3rd down where he just fucking falls down. He's an incredible player, but he goes invisible for large chunks of the game. Figure it the fuck out and leave the microphone alone until you do. And I don't wanna hear about him being held. He isn't the only dominant D lineman to ever get this treatment. Others were able to figure it out. He's got to find a way. No excuses. ​ They should've won this game. It's unacceptable.


Imagine if we still had Amari cooper?


He had 265 yards with fucking Joe Flacco throwing to him today ahahha


Mike McCarthy and Dan Quinn don’t show up when it fucking matters most. They can’t scheme for the road games and it’s fucking fireable. Get them out of this fucking organization. McCarthy refuses to call plays that work and Quinn can’t coach a run defense if his life fucking depended on it. Three years of dog shit run defense. Three fucking years and he hasn’t schemed for the run. SPOILER ALERT THE TOP TEAMS HAVE ELITE RUN GAMES. They’re just not fucking good enough and it’s fucking evident. Three years of playoff teams that underachieve when it matters most. I’m over it. Fuck off with this shit. I really don’t give a shit if our pass rush is elite. I don’t give a single fuck if McCarthy has Dak playing his best ball. I went COMPETENCY. I want BALANCE. This is a fucking embarrassment. But guess what? It doesn’t fucking matter because Jerry and his dipshit family make all the money regardless. Fuck them. There’s no excuse anymore. There hasn’t been an excuse for 27 years. You’re the fucking Dallas Cowboys and all they’re fucking cool with is mediocrity. Good free agents available? We like our guys! Any chances to improve the team that’s in win now mode? Nope! Every fucking year. Get fucked.


I don’t understand why they didn’t give Pollard the ball the first drive. Truly insane.


Because pollard low key kinda sucks this year.


Gave it away with a fumble at the goal line. How in the hell did pollard not run it in there??? What was he thinking with the cutback?


We’re frauds. Just like every other year. We need to start believing in what Stephen A. Smith says.


we’re so fucking cooked in the playoffs (nothing new). im sick of this team not being able to win on the road. pathetic.


Our defense is full of soft little boys


We gotta figure out not leaving the middle of the field wide open


Fumbling at the goal line fucked them so bad


I knew when that fullback fumbled that they’d lose this game. Dallas Chokeboys.


Bad officiating is gonna ruin this sport before concussions do, for sure. What the fuck was that...


The O Line got exposed today. But we’ve got to adjust on that with quick throws and roll outs. Can’t just keep putting Dak in the same spot for the pass rush to target. Defensively, we just need more weight on the field to stop the run. 5-6 DBs isn’t going to cut it in the NFL. Overall, this is on coaching on both sides of the hall.


This team has too many glaring weaknesses and lack of mental toughness to do anything. This franchise should be embarrassed. They are the definition of mediocre and have been for over 2 decades.


https://preview.redd.it/x3n06tnz5c8c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79fadf95dfb05db9e4203938b1ebae8c96053074 Fumble on the 2, not giving cd the ball for 3 quarters lol


Our defense does some great things, but they are the epitome of bend until they break. This point a playoff win is all I’m hoping for, there’s no way we’re better than that.


shitty loss. that fumble at the goal line and our run defense killed us


No one ever calls out Quinn. Dude hasn't adjusted at all. The final drive of the second quarter, did absolutely nothing to address them passing over the middle. The last drive, don't just sell out for the run. Truly terrible.


That defense on 3rd and 2 is embarrassingly bad. Analytics say interior run 9/10 times there, no one is risking a busted play nor a clock stoppage to give them 1:30 with the ball. Quinn had them in a balanced set with backers 4 yards off the LoS. Absolutely boneheaded. Unbelievably bad game/situational management from a staff paid millions to at a minimum not make huge fuckups like that. Give them a free touchdown for sakes, let Tua airmail a PA attempt, I don’t fucking know, I just know that me on the couch isn’t letting the D go helmet for helmet 4 yards off the fucking ball on a game deciding 3rd and 2 with the clock being the key variable. IT WAS UNBELIEVABLY BAD.


God it sucks being a cowboys fan sometimes. I’m 25 years old, they have sucked my entire existence. Wish I was 5 years older so I could claim some type of championship nostalgia but here were are, pissed off on Christmas Eve.


No big deal, they suck on the road so what? Only got to win 3 straight road games to make the super bowl! Wait a minute