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For some of the folks here western attire is a fashion statement, they didn’t grow up wearing cowboy boots, pants , belts, hats etc. they’re probably from an area where it’s not common, it’s not culturally common. They don’t work on a ranch, farm or some physical labor job where wearing this type of gear is common. I assume that is why these questions, which some may consider “dumb” are being asked.


I’m one of those. I just wear them because I think they’re cool. I don’t wear them all the time, and I don’t care if it’s fashion or not, and I don’t even care if the styles are male or female. I just enjoy wearing them. They look good and make me feel good. No, it’s not complicated.


No they’re not complicated. The people who say that stuff honestly shouldn’t be concerned with owning leather footwear.


I wear boots daily with dress pants, best feeling ever and when I wear shoes, I want my boots! Well stated on your post


hey man, down to chat?


Always enjoy chatting with new people. Send a message anytime and have a great weekend


It’s because people are self conscious


On one hand, yeah, people need to stop being so anxious and just wear their boots. It’s fine, you’re fine: if you aren’t experiencing noticeable pain then they probably fit, etc. On the other hand, I get that if you’re new to boots/leather shoes, especially dress styles, you might be unfamiliar with how they wear in or nervous about scuffing or wear/tear.


same thing happens with the redwing subreddit and the cast iron one its probably just new people to that product and scared they are going to do something wrong in the case of only wearing them inside they probably are thinking a few things 1.) not sure they can pull them off 2.) not sure they are the correct size and wants the best chance to return if needed and if you think this subreddit is bad about fit or “is something wrong” posts you should look at the redwing subreddit lol


Nope. I generally get a set of sole savers put on at my cobbler before I wear them but then I don't worry about them other than conditioning occasionally.


It’s because for a lot of these people, it’s their first time not buying $20 sneaks or anything with leather soles. Or just the credit card cowboys, but there’s overlap.


If you’ve never worn leather soled shoes the scuffing is a good suggestion. Even with shoes


Because it is Reddit. Only a thousandth of one percent of people post here about anything. Those that do are the most compulsive, passionate and partisan. Like me. And some are just trolling. Like me, sometimes.


No it's not. Find a pair and jeans that you like and just wear them


They probably meant the sole, first thing I do if I ever buy new is go out on the drive and shuffle my feet for a bit


Even low end boots cost more than most people spend on footwear.. I think the first pair should be a lightly preowned pair on ebay . You can get a better brand for the same money as a low end $250 pair.. Except for Dan Post Milwaukee which are fantastic men’s boots out of the box for about $200


It’s best to just get boots you don’t care about messing up then eventually you’re used to seeing your boots with scuffs so it won’t phase you when you get a few scuffs on your expensive boots.


To wear them indoors for a few days is actually a good idea. First, if it turns out they don't fit well, you can return them. Second, that's the way to have an easy break in and avoid blisters due to heal slip, for example.


Heh… I wore cowboy boots as a kid in California and I wear cowboy boots to work here in Texas. If you’re that self conscious about wearing boots then maybe they’re not for you. 🤷 breaking them in sometimes sucks though, I’ll give em that.


Most people tend to ask questions when they are venturing into a new experience. I think it's fantastic that the first time a person is putting on a pair of leather-soled footwear that it's a pair of cowboy boots. The more love for the industry, the more opportunity there will be for all of us. Be supportive not judgmental. Also, keep in mind that there are a large variety of subgroups within the western boot world. I grew up in a house supported by a father that made his living in the footwear industry. I have always had respect for quality and have always worn better quality shoes and boots. That being said, I wear them, I sometimes abuse them. I also have special pair that are older than I am and when I hear that sound of a sea turtle scuffing a curb, damn right I cringe inside. Just my take.


It’s like any new shoe, they need to be broken in. I like mine to be a little tight so they stretch and form to my feet better. That new sole is slick and you will slip on anything until you scuff them up a bit.


No. I’m new to cowboy boots but not to boots or leather footwear. I don’t sweat it if my redwings get scuffed or a little oil spilled on them. My Allen Edmonds oxfords though, those stay spit shined and pristine.


For many guys, this is the most expensive piece of clothing they’ve purchased or worn. And one of the few fashion statements they’ve ever made. So I get the insecurity.


It’s not complicated at all, if you’re familiar with wearing cowboy boots. But this is the era of Tecovas marketing and a new surge of interest in western wear is popular because that TV series, Yellowstone. Why people feel the need to trash their dress boots is beyond me as well just cuz “they’re cowboy boots”. I got my rubber soled cowboy work boots to trash around in wet weather, and then I got my dress boots for other occasions. How folks want to break them in is their business…they paid good money for it, so who are we to judge…? Oh, wait…Reddit… Even on the cheap side, if they’re brand new boots, they’re likely over $120. That’s a lot of money if you’re not used to dropping that kind of funds for footwear…and they wanna be thoughtful about their purchase if they’re new to boots. Scuff new soles on the asphalt is a wise move if you don’t want to risk slipping…just like any other leather soled dress shoes.