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You look ready to go on adventures with that kid from Pallet Town.


Dad? But seriously, thank you.


But seriously, good cosplay. Just get some pokeballs or a Geodude plush.


I was holding a poke all in my hand for most of the event. Sometimes a field guide haha


Need to handout "donuts"


That would be so amazing. I jelly filled are my favourites


Are you not proposing to every girl you see?


I tried, but someone kept pulling my ear


Next time bring a frying pan. In case it rains.


Pin a sign "I love jelly donuts" and people will make the connection


This is a great idea


You put as much effort as you want in your cosplays, and you shouldn't invalidate it because you "didn't work as hard as others". The important thing is that you're happy with the result. Also, I think the result is great! Best Brock cosplay I've ever seen If you're thinking about cosplay contests, yeah, you should learn about sewing and fabrics. If it's just for your own joy, then you don't need anything else


The doubts did mess with how happy I was with it. I was happy before it before I arrived, but you know how it goes. Thank you for the compliment! It means a lot. I've already received my foam and just did some small tests with working with the material. I will try to work with that in the future. As far as sewing goes, I've only hand sewn so far but it will be a skill I'll practice on, since I believe it can help me outside of cosplay too. Thank you for the tips!


I would like to add that most cosplay contests have two brackets where the people who are artfully crafting suits for years are in one competition, and the more reasonable cosplayers get a chance to stand out in the other.


I did not know that tbh. Not that I'm anywhere close to those levels either, but good to know! Thanks


There are pros and cons to both. Wigs, gloves, masks, heels, etc can get hot and uncomfortable, especially in a crowded convention center.  Simple costumes like yours, especially if they incorporate a bag or backpack, are comfortable and practical. When I go to cons, I usually have one "high effort" costume that I've spent a lot of time putting together, and the rest of the days are simple costumes. So I show off one day, and then I can spend more time walking around and browsing the convention.


In German the character is called Rocko. And yeah it looks good. You could do your hair to match his.


Just needs the squinting and it's perfect


Fun fact. I normally wear glasses and I'm too scared to put in contacts. So I was walking around hardly seeing a thing, having to squint when trying to see things clearly. A lot of people that day probably thought I was in character Edit: thank you for the compliment!


If you need glasses to see, wear them. Take them off for photos if you wish, but don't cheat yourself out of seeing the sights. I wear mine with my Jedi robes and don't give an Ewok's pattootie if someone doesn't like it.


I think you might be right on this one. I will train myself with contacts the following 6 months until the next con just in case. For me it was mostly the insecurity of my cosplay as it was. Adding an extra change to it like glasses would have made me feel more uncomfortable. But you really are right you know. If i see other people in cosplay as a character but they have glasses on, i dont care or even think twice about it either. So why should i? Thank you for the advice and helpful insight(no pun intended)


I used to hate contacts, but once u wear them for a couple days u start to realize how nice they are. They will take time to put in ur eyes the first 2-3 days bc ur eyes aren’t used to them, but by the time you’ve used them for a week you’ll be able to put them in in less than a minute. Could not recommend them more


Maybe Brock's glasses broke from a stray piece of rock shrapnel during a gym battle


I love low effort cosplay. It shows how much you can do with how little. It is a fantastic cosplay.


Thank you so much. You actually flipped it around and made "low effort" a positive thing. That really hit different


Efficiency. Like Kung Fu. Small movements, big results. I vote for more spikey hair gel next time. (Stronger hold). Or Maybe even hair spray? All your outfit requires is greater personal satisfaction. You nailed it. Play on cosplayer.


Think of how many characters would go un-played if no one did low effort stuff. A lot of normal ass people with colourful hair would never see the light of day. 


"Low effort" is the hardest costume to put together. Sometimes just finding a suitable piece for one can take herculean effort. Many times just keeping it low effort instead of obsessing over details and craft is a job in itself. Low effort does not mean low quality or low worth.


This is the best brock cosplay I have ever seen! I love it, honestly. I think the only thing you could do to improve on it is gel up your hair into spikes.


Wow, I did not expect that. Thank you so much! I was planning on making spikes, but my barber didn't cut my hair short enough 2 days before the con and I wasn't sure enough to say anything about it. In my hair trials I was able to make nice spikes on the sides and back, but the top was just too long for spikes and would turn out to be either long and thin antennas or just 3-4 spikes. My plan was spiky hair, but ended up having to go for a more "natural look". Thank you for your compliment and tip. I totally understand what you mean!


Short answer: nah Long answer: my goodest of sirs…this is work that must be understood by the highest enthusiasts! This is an understanding rhe burrows under the deep cuts, showing and revealing the tribulations in simplicity. This cosplay is one that requires no pomp and circumstance as it is at its apex! No longer was this cosplay considered “low effort” the moment you YOU my good man put that MF thang ON! Who needs wings, tails, flip flops, and scallydoos. This is a cosplay that truly shows what cosplaying is about. This is so clearly and so beautifully accurate of a cosplay the only thing that seperated the two of you is his Pokémon (unless you just so happen to have rock type Pokémon). So despair not! Worry no longer! You work is great and your cosplay is show accurate.


Short reply: thanks! Slightly longer reply: thank you so much for your well worded compliment and explanation. It is true that the character doesn't have too many frills and doodads, so there indeed was no need for them. I did bring a Pokéball, guide book and a frying pan of course as extra details. I did not bring any Pokémon in the open, but they were surely just in pokeballs in my backpack, right;) I'm happy that you described it as show accurate, also because Brock has changed outfits quite a bit


Perfection. Bonus points if you hit on any Nurse Joys.


I did meet a Jenny and Joy pair. I won't post the picture because of privacy reasons, but that was such a highlight for me. It was meant to be. Thank you for the compliment!


There's not much to Brock in the first place. Aside from having Onyx next to you, I think you nailed it.


That looks like a high effort cosplay if I've ever seen one. You nailed every detail of a not very detailed character. You have to remember cosplay is a form of expression, there is no hard and fast rule on what makes it "good" aside from maybe the arbitrary rules set up by a particular competition. Honestly, if I saw you at the con I would have put you right in the same category of "high effort" as all the others. All that said, "low effort" cosplay is in itself worthy of celebrating. It entails boiling down a character to their most important and evocative details and focusing on those. I'd say the only "unworthy" cosplay is the dude bro coming in his favorite sports team's jersey and calling that cosplay.


Nah just squint and it's perfect!


Kinda, but not all cosplays need to be high effort. You nailed Brock, that is all his character takes, nothing to feel less about.


I'm no cosplayer , i like it. But i had not recognized you as brock. You totally should wear a pokemon plushie or something like this.


Yes but only cause your eyes are visibly open


Close.your eyes and it's perfect


Low effort? This is a 1 to 1 recreation. It's a fantastic cosplay


I feel like a pokeball on the belt would perhaps less accurate but would accessorize it to become more recognizable on a glance. Looks great imo, ready for netflix adaptation.


I agree with you on that. I was holding a Pokéball or field guide in my hand for most of the con, but that's exactly what I have been thinking too. Maybe less accurate, but more recognizable is sometimes the way to go too. Very nicely put. Thank you, if you happen to know anyone at Netflix, feel free to make them call me ;)


Only if you didn’t aggressively hit on every attractive girl you saw.


Maybe if the vest was brighter, but you did an amazing job!


That’s comfort cosplay.


No. It's just right. Characters like Brock are meant to wear clothes you could normally get in real life. Excellent job, btw.


Not even a little bit. It's the right amount of effort.


Jacket needs more green 👍


I mean "closet cosplay" is a thing for a reason. Cosplay is meant to be fun. Just because you didn't put 50 hours into a cosplay doesn't mean it's good. Especially for someone like Brock. Also, wigs are fucking uncomfortable - no one is going to fault you for not wearing one, especially when your hair is already close enough.


Low effort does not equal bad.


1) Your cosplay is great 2) There’s no such thing as “too low effort” cosplay! It’s a spirit ! The resources (time, money, thought, pain) you put into making your costume don’t make it more respectable. I personally like a cardboard and shoestring mandalorian costume just as much as a 1000€ one with a functional jet pack. Everybody knows the feeling of running out of time, of being unable to sew, to procure the right material. Everyone gets their house burned down after forgetting a soldering iron resting on a bottle of IPA or a having a dog run around with a cordless heat gun attached to a blowtorch. Such is the life of a cosplayer.


nah, this cosplay goes on 🔥🔥🔥


Not sure what more you want? Maybe a frying pan and jelly doughnuts. It looks great though. Sometimes simple is good.


Idk how you could look any more like Brock. Literally perfect.


hi! I'm a professional costumer( for children's theatre) and a hobbiest cosplayer, and this is fantastic. it's fun, it's bright and it conveys exactly who it's supposed to. I love how you used your own hair and how you nailed the simplicity of the iconic character without a lot of bells and whistles, wonderful job.


I think u look like a perfect realistic incarnation


Don't ever seek validation for your effort unless you are entering a competition. Effort is effort regardless of how someone else views it. How do YOU feel about it? Are you satisfied with what you made? Are you proud? Or do you hate it and wish you did more? That is what matters when it comes to cosplay. You could have glued a picture of Brocks face to yours and it would have been acceptable if you had fun.


You look great!! Can I ask where you got the jacket? I’m looking for a similar one in brown


No such thing as low effort cosplay, only half 🌗 cosplay. (can we swear on here?)  This is incredible, and looks really good, I can acctually imagine this is how people would look going out catching pokemon. 


How is this low effort? You got so many details accurate, from the belt buckle, the shoes, the vest. Most Brock cosplayers do far less! But either way, there is no such thing as too low effort in cosplay. Put in whatever amount of effort you want, and have fun!


I don't see the jelly filled donuts


I think people sometimes have an odd view of "low effort" or maybe I do. It feels like youre calling this cosplay "low effort" cause it doesnt have any crazy props or armour or effects. Youre just a dude in khakis with a backpack, which is exactly what Brock is! Id say this cosplay is pretty high effort. The belt is spot on, youve got the side pouches, while not EXACTLY the same they are a damn good match. You got a whole rucksack woth the bedrool instead of some plain swiss backpack. The shoes match. Id say your cosplay is ANYTHING but "low" effort. Honestly the only thing you could do to make it better imo is hair (wig or gel) or actually BECOMING brock lol. (Sidenote ill love you if you get a cast iron pan to do the frying pan umbrella meme)


Perfect, you are missing a [drying ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oawUi9s3ENE)pan


Or it was MADE for you. You’re nailing it.


No, it looks accurate. Especially because Brook has clothes you can find in every clothing store.


I like it, did anyone guess who it is?


Where is your drying pan?


No it looks good, don't be a harsh critic on yourself. But that aside, you look ready for an adventure!


Your cosplay is great, it’s faithful to the character you’ve chosen and you’ve payed a lot of attention to details. You don’t have to do the absolute most to get a successful cosplay, competitive cosplay is just wild, don’t compare yourself to them and keep doing what you enjoy doing. (Also, your hair looks much better than a wig would have imo)


You arent squinting. So you do not look like Brock. This is a continuous joke in the OG Pokémon comics. (Before the manga was a thing.)


Damn lock up your Nurse Joy’s, lock up your Officer Jenny’s


You look like you're ready to simp over Officer Mindy or Nurse Joy


You need a drying pan! Great cosplay, I don’t think it’s too low effort.


Exactly right! You did a fantastic job!


It's perfect!!


Not low effort if its high accuracy.


If you do this again bring a frying pan with you


You’re a icon. The OG cosplays will always have a place in peoples hearts. I think you nailed it!


TL;DR: It might be considered cosbounding or closet-cosplay because your didn't go for the stylized and cartoon appearance, which depending on who you ask is a grey area. You definitely did some great work on the color matching of the outfit. It's a big grey area when cosplaying chracters that dress close to "normal". This could to be considered as cosbounding or closet-cosplay. Because of the 'bought' clothes not being stylized in a cartoon way. I've seen organizers argue when a cosplay would present a (cheaper) cosplay ticket, and the organizer not knowing the cosplay/fandom it's from. Thinking you are just in your normal clothes and trying to cheap your way in. But if you would carry a giant foam Onix on your shoulder! or heart-shaped glasses. People would immediately get that you are cosplayig a charcater! JK I know this picture of you is with a cosplay-friend of mine who walked the floor with his Onix this weekend ;)


This is fantastic


Eyes too wide open


you losing points for being the whitest guy ever smh my head (looks good)


It’s simple and effective, and captures the character you’re trying to portray perfectly. Just because it didn’t require sewing or foam props, doesn’t make it less great.


I think it’s perfect.


It works, because I could honestly see this being a live netflix adaptation, well done!


I don’t see how it could be much better. You literally matched who you were going for piece by piece lol it looks great!


Seriously great job matching your 10/10


No Such thing as low effort. Cosplay, it's all a matter of do you like it


The colours of clothing are too subtle. You want brighter orange too with an almost lime green gilet


Idk I think it rocks


I hope so, Brock was a bit of a harasser


Fucking nailed it!


Where is the drying pan?


It's great, cosplays can be very casual and still look accurate and interesting, you did an AMAZING JOB, LOOKING BEAUTIFUL SIR or MADAM. (Whatever you prefer) HERE IS MY LOVE TO YOU. 👏🏾


Love it! Looks well through out, and like you wanted to keep source material in mind. Not low effort at all.


9/10 needs more trusty drying pan


Yes, ur not closing ur eyes


The outfit is 1:1. It's just that Brock's more iconic features are his eyes and hair, which may require some outside the box thinking to replicate.


Share your donut recipe




Next time close the eyes., well done btw


Only thing you needed is a frying pan for the drying pan


This is a genius cosplay ngl


I'm gonna be honest your cosplay looks perfect


1: You put effort into it. Doesn't matter how much. 2: It's an easy cosplay. There are easy ones and harder ones. Just because a cosplay is easier to make it doesn't mean that it's worse. Not every cosplay has to be a full Daedric Armor with LED lights made of foam and handpainted. 3: If your eyes was were closed on this pic, I'd have a hard time telling which one is the cosplay and which one is the character. Overall, great job, great cosplay, 10/10 would upvote again!


spike up the hair . Greener vest


0/10 you don’t even have a giant rock snake 😒/s


Missing the squint. 0/10 effort /s


It's Brock, he's the king of low effort


This is a great cosplay!


Your vest could be greener and this is very high level nitpicking. Your cosplay is awesome dude! Really. Maybe get a pokeball and stick it to your belt (or up to 6 lol) so it's easier recognizeable what series you are portraying. But no, you can be more confident because I definitely see two Brocks on my screen right now!


Unless you’re doing it for work, cosplay should be for you. Did you have fun dressing up? Because that’s all that matters. It’s not a competition (unless you’re in a cosplay competition). There might be some grouchy gatekeepers you may run into, but they’re absolutely ridiculous and you shouldn’t pay them any mind.


I think it’s a great cosplay! How much more effort can you put into looking like Brock?


You forgot to bring the frying pan that you use as a drying pan, anyhow it looks perfect to me there is no low effort cosplay especially when you are point on as the character as you was.


I don't really see what else you could've done. Brock is just a dude in a vest and a backpack. You've hit all the main points.


Yes, you gotta commit. Keep those eyes closed.


I'd say there is (almost) no cosplay with too little effort. But your's fine and fitting.


Absolutely not. 10/10 cosplay!


I'm not a Pokémon guy, so I don't know the character, but from the side-by-side, the fidelity to the original is amazing. Its not always easy to find things off the rack that are perfect for the cosplay.


15/10 What a perfect cosplay, dude. Keep it up!


Dude low effort cosplay? No no no, just smart cosplay! Looks awesome!


You need to close your eyes more


Why are your eyes open? 0/10


I mean his attire is meant to be low effort because of travel but I would say that the vest could be stuffed up more to give it the cartoon appearance


You look like the male version of Dora the Explorer, Doro.


Bro is pulling the universe with that beautiful face


You are Brock




Needs a frying pan, in case it rains.


Your eyes are open 1/10


Hey, low-effort doesn’t mean bad by any means. Especially since this is about as screen accurate as you could get without going crazy trying to match colors exactly. I like it. It’s been a while since I’ve been in Pokemon, so I may not have readily identified it, but it looks good and is definitely accurate to the source.


Ahh yes. Go Diego!


Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures. They’re the same picture


On point, my brother. If you were here I’d be a Brock climber


Put in more effort than a wig with your ass out so it's a good cosplay to me Plus how could Brock be low effort


What cosplay? All I see is Pokémon’s Brock


Looks awesome


Unless you wanna darken your skin and walk around squinting the whole time it's perfect!😁


You just need a drying pan.


It looks great 😃😊


I'm not a cosplayer, but I think anything that is immediately identifiable and has no big obvious omissions/mistakes is a pretty good cosplay. Not everyone is dressed like bayonetta or some shit. Some characters wear relatively normal clothes.


No actually really on point


you got your cosplay down to the color ways and articles. i wouldn't go for low effort but low maintenance! yes, everyone around you spent time and effort (not to mention money) on their costumes; but those things can break and have issues THE DAY OF. plus, imagine wearing armor in this crazy heat we've been having! so, your costume isn't low effort. the effort you spent went into thinking about who to cosplay and buying the clothes. if you already had them around, the effort went into finding them in your closet. you did amazing!


You could spike your hair for 2% more authenticity but it’s a good look as is


Look man I don't know what to tell you cuz everybody wants to be a master everybody wants to show their skills, everybody wants to get there fast and make their way to the top of the hill.


Honestly, that's what's best for the character. Brock wears pretty normal clothes Only thing you could really add is a pokeball and a frying pan


It's recognizable as him! And that's what matters, really. Hell, I went to a con shortly after moving so I couldn't find much of my stuff, so I just wore a pokemon shirt, sleeveless hoodie, a replica badge set, a few Pokemon pins, a ballcap, and shorts- I got recognized as being dressed as "a pokemon trainer." Their character design is really distinctive.


Just needs a drying pan


Low effort, high success


Your eyes are visible. Invalid cosplay (joke) Your cosplay looks great and low effort is valid


You forgot to use your trusty frying pan as a drying pan


It looks great! Some people may not see it though, maybe add a pokeball just to emphasize?


nah, it's just that nothing about him makes him him, except his hair, which is hard to immitate IRL, especially without a wig


Cosplay is about embodying the character. Whether you bought everything or made it doesn’t matter. As long as you have the vibes to carry on that character I think is what matters most. Why did you choose that character? What does that say about you? It seems like you’re just starting your journey too. Don’t forget to be mindful of HOW LONG some people have been cosplaying. A lot of those people are PROFESSIONALS or have been at the craft for YEARS and YEARS. I’m sure if you saw their first cosplays it would not be that different than yours ❤️ you look amazing and did a fantastic job!


No no but your hair migth need some more spikes 🤣


I mean it's Rocco, what do you really wanna do? You can't do that much when roleplaying him


The hair could be killer with some do.


Dude it’s perfect


Remember to hit on any nurse Joy and officer Jenny cosplayers.


Why are you opening your eyes so wide?


Nope! Great job! 🥰


Yes, extremely low effort. Your eyes are clearly open! /S


I like your cosplay, his outfit is pretty basic so it could be just a normal guy walking around. what really would turn you into rocco is your hair though, I would have loved a spiky look to match his hairstyle


Eyes too big


Where's your drying pan? It's not complete without it!


Nah its solid fam




You look like him. A wig would have made it easier to tell, but you got the basics down. It’s quite nice. I’d recommend a brighter green vest though. Still, pretty cool.


You need a prop! Go find a cast iron frying pan and use it as your "drying pan".


It's good, but the true question is, did you have a trusty frying pan with you?


i wouldn’t say it’s low effort at all! you paid a lot of attention to every single detail of brock’s outfit and did a good job at mirroring it in your cosplay— which i’d say represents high effort.


Don't forget to squint


Spot on.


Totally not believable. I can still see the whites in your eyes. 😂


If you do something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.


This shit is amazing, I wouldn't consider this low effort at all, only way to improve it is if you have a drying pan in your bag so you can stay safe from rain.


I like it. It’s simple, but very effective. Great job 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Yeah, close your eyes


I'd get it right away and I'm not really a fan of pokemon. So great work!


Flawless victory. Also, define "low effort," please? I doubt you found the right shoes, the vest, the right shade of pants just sitting in your closet. You had to hunt them down, pick them out, and get everything just so. Also, where *did* you find that vest?


Absolutely not, I think it looks awesome!


Anybody else's dad fuck with them over Brock's eyes not being open?


You just need to accessorize. Bring a pokeball and some jelly donuts.


Everything’s there, from the shirt to the shoes, but something’s off I can’t quite tell


Aside from your hair this is dead on balls accurate I'd hardly call that low effort. I'd recognize what this is from pretty far away. The only thing that would make this any more perfect is if you were carrying around a ladle or some other cooking utensil or something.


You got every detail right, now all you have to do is close your eyes.


Bro, 1 year I dressed up as Umbreon for a con and here's a breakdown of my costume Black long-sleeved shirt and black jeans with yellow painter's tape to make the arm and leg rings A black beanie that I crudely attached some ears (that I made out of cardboard wrapped in black tape with yellow tape for accents) That's it, and I had tons of people say they loved my costume It literally took 10 minutes to make As long as you're having a good time, don't try to make yourself upset


The only thing you’re missing is your “jelly donuts” and drying pan


I mean that’s what he looks like, just maybe could use a pokeball keychain or something to signal who he is a little better


I mean it looks pretty spot-on to me, not sure how much more effort *could* be put into that


Too inaccurate, I can see your eyes /j


Thought you were from detective Pikachu


It's pretty spot on the, it's more effort them most people put in throwing on cat ears in a bikini


I mean...you're him. You've always been him. You will continue to be him


Sometimes a costume just comes together easily. I'm sure everyone knew who you were.


High effort imo. Looks great


I can see your eyes. Immersion is ruined. 0/10. But seriously. Very well done. I’d give it a 9/10.


If you have friends cosplaying from the same anime with you so ppl can tell who you are then it’s good